Trying to locate alternative websites for the RuSA, I found a reference to this:
"United States Codes for Law-Illiterates"
This has some mountebank, who carefully remains anonymous*, who - for money - purports to translate provisions of the law into clear English for RuSA types. Frankly, you'd think that someone endeavoring to part fools from their money would at least bother to proofread his stuff, but his website is loaded with bad spelling, bad grammar, etc., which ought to warn everyone about his ability to parse out statutory provisions.
I have no clue whether/how much he is raking in with this. It is pretty obvious to me that this guy has spent zero hours in law school, and I am not even sure he finished high school.
The entire website is an ad for his dubious services in explaining the statutes. Apparently he does this piecemeal - statutory section by section - rather than the big picture.
He offers one and only one free example of his craft (under "a code example") which purports to be from the "Government Transportation Code (D.C.)" and dealing with speed signs. ... ample/cvjl
His blandishments (consisting of just some inserted words throughout the text of the code section - including adding the word "Government" in several spots without any signal that it was not in the original text) leave the distinct impression that speed limit signs are only to regulate govt-owned vehicles, and specifically those in the District of Columbia. It takes a little effort to find, but this is not from the US Code, it is from the Texas Statutes Transportation Code, § 201.904, ... ... tm#201.904
... it definitely does not relate to the District of Columbia or confine itself to govt (federal or state) vehicles. This guy's twist on a fairly straightforward law is not only a demonstration that he is whacko but his particular advice, in this one freebee, can lead others into serious trouble.
* The phone number is for an Amanda Brown in Kansas City, of whom nothing, not even a street address, is readily available (the name seems to be very common in Kansas). The mailing address is an apartment in Mission, Kansas, and further details also not readily available.
US Codes for Illiterates -- I can't make this up!
- Princeps Wooloosia
- Posts: 3144
- Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 4:50 pm
- A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
- Posts: 13806
- Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:17 pm
Re: US Codes for Illiterates -- I can't make this up!
I think you pretty well pegged it with your title, except that it extends all the way through. They are not just illiterate at the Federal Code level though, if they are buying that nonsense.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
- Illuminatian Revenue Supremo Emeritus
- Posts: 1591
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- Location: Maryland
Re: US Codes for Illiterates -- I can't make this up!
Other than the blatant errors contained in the Code "translation" (and, agreed it is not any portion of USC) it's interesting that the address provided on the home page of the site appears to be an apartment complex which provides WiFi in the hot tub. Definitely. an ideal - place for a neo-sovereign to reside.
By the way, if you call the phone number on the site, be sure to tell him/her whether you're purchasing the US Code service or placing an offer on their "1972 Plym Scamp 32k, runs great, red, 2 dr cpe, slant 6, $7000 obo 913-608-5106 " and make sure you have an account to deposit the required funds at the Free Lakota Bank
Curioser and curioser and dumber.
By the way, if you call the phone number on the site, be sure to tell him/her whether you're purchasing the US Code service or placing an offer on their "1972 Plym Scamp 32k, runs great, red, 2 dr cpe, slant 6, $7000 obo 913-608-5106 " and make sure you have an account to deposit the required funds at the Free Lakota Bank
Curioser and curioser and dumber.
Taxes are the price we pay for a free society and to cover the responsibilities of the evaders
- Princeps Wooloosia
- Posts: 3144
- Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 4:50 pm
Re: US Codes for Illiterates -- I can't make this up!
For those who aren't familiar with it, the "Free Lakota Bank" is neither free nor, as far as I know, run by First Americans. It is an unregistered, unregulated, unchartered 'bank' apparently operating on a First American reservation. The really cute part is that it doesn't handle US currency - to do business with it you essentially have to change your US money for their Lakota silver coins in the lobby - and reverse that process when leaving. In this way it closely resembles the NORFED/Liberty Dollar scam. It would be ungracious to describe this as money laundering, but I am sure that this attracts some people who would like to keep their wealth invisible to creditors, ex-wives, the IRS, et al., and who regard the viggorish charged for the silver coins and such an acceptable expense for a domestic Swiss account.
So if you send money to the Lakota Bank for the services of US Codes for Law-Illiterates you will not have any of the usual legal remedies if you are ripped off.
PS: I think it is fair bet that the IRS (and maybe other govt agencies) are keeping an eye on mail going to this Free Lakota Bank, possibly also phone calls and emails, and people identified as being in regular contact with this bank might received some unwelcome attention.
So if you send money to the Lakota Bank for the services of US Codes for Law-Illiterates you will not have any of the usual legal remedies if you are ripped off.
PS: I think it is fair bet that the IRS (and maybe other govt agencies) are keeping an eye on mail going to this Free Lakota Bank, possibly also phone calls and emails, and people identified as being in regular contact with this bank might received some unwelcome attention.