Another Satisified CTC Customer!

Dr. Caligari
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Another Satisified CTC Customer!

Post by Dr. Caligari »

On the LostHopes forum today, the aptly-named CTC Warrior "Wastingaway" posted a thread called "Lost and Need Help":
Wastingaway wrote:First, let me say that its been awhile since I last came to this board or this website. Needless to say, I am in way over my head. BACKGROUND: Ive read CtC and I filed accordingly in 2009 as well as ammending 06 through 08. Ive been hit with CIVPENS for all the years totaling more than 30 grand. theres more to the story and its easier to talk on the phone than type it all out on here. If there is anyone willing to help me and listen to my story on the phone PLEASE RESPOND.
No responses to date.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Another Satisified CTC Customer!

Post by Famspear »

Dr. Caligari wrote:On the LostHopes forum today, the aptly-named CTC Warrior "Wastingaway" posted a thread called "Lost and Need Help":
Wastingaway wrote:First, let me say that its been awhile since I last came to this board or this website. Needless to say, I am in way over my head. BACKGROUND: Ive read CtC [Cracking the Code] and I filed accordingly in 2009 as well as ammending [sic] 06 through 08. Ive been hit with CIVPENS [apparently, section 6702 penalties for frivolous filings] for all the years totaling more than 30 grand. theres more to the story and its easier to talk on the phone than type it all out on here. If there is anyone willing to help me and listen to my story on the phone PLEASE RESPOND.
No responses to date.
Dear "Wastingaway": Ah, yes. "Needless to say," if you've used Hendrickson's Cracking the Code tax evasion scam on your own federal income tax returns, you are definitely in way over your head. At $5,000 per person per return per year, a penalty total of $30,000 plus some interest would indicate six year's worth of fraudulent tax returns (if you're not filing jointly with a spouse).

But, haven't you learned by now that every Cracking the Code defeat is a "victory"?

As the Internal Revenue Service threatens to seize your assets, can't you see that you are "victorious"?

Be happy. As Blowhard Hendrickson would say, you have been standing up for the rule of "law." Hendrickson's law. Hendrickson's interpretation. The former video arcade manager's interpretation of the Internal Revenue Code.

OK, OK, Preposterous, Pontificatin' Pete's interpretation isn't really the law. But who cares about that, when you're having so much fun, eh "Wastingaway"?

Uh, you are having fun, aren't you?

Isn't "victory" using the Cracking the Code scam such a load of fun?

In the topsy turvy world of you and the rest of Hendrickson's Heroes, up is down and down is up. And 99.999% of all tax law experts are just wrong -- and the former video arcade manager, the Fabulous Felon, the Prevaricating PeterMeister, the man who spent about two years in federal prison for using the same scheme on his own federal income tax returns, is somehow correct -- right?

No, d*psh*t. No one is going to help you, least of all any of the crackheads from the losthorizons web site who might agree to talk with you. They're just as clueless as you are.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Another Satisified CTC Customer!

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, let's see, "Wastingaway" has managed to get himself self kicked in the nasty bits six times now, did so by following Preposterous Pete's sage advice, and then comes back to the scene of the crime to ask for further help in literal self abuse. I think this shows a certain amount of inability to learn from ones errors and a great lack of critical thinking, and shows definite candidacy material for one of Pointless Pete's Hapless Heroes/CTC Worriers.

I will predict that he, rather than come clean and throw himself on the mercy of the IRS, will double, or maybe even triple down on the stupid and try and argue the penalties and his returns, and multiply his penalties to new heights.

The fact that his original tax was probably a pittance is now long past the recovery point of STupidville.
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Re: Another Satisified CTC Customer!

Post by LPC »

Wastingaway wrote:If there is anyone willing to help me and listen to my story on the phone PLEASE RESPOND.
So it's not enough to merely help him, you have to listen to him on the phone as he whines on and on about the injustice of it all?

No wonder there were no responses.

But it also says something about the psychology of these people. Before Wastingaway read CtC, he was probably unaware of all of the fraud and tyranny and didn't know he was a slave. Now that he's "educated," he's been able to achieve the unhappiness that has eluded him for so many years, and he wants to tell everyone about it and wallow in it.

Like Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes, not John Calvin), they pray for "The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference."
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.