DC Brought to its Knees!

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DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by Deep Knight »

You remember the big truckers strike, heavily promoted by MacHaffie and Orly Taitz?

Thursday, October 10, 2013
Truckers Urgent Warning!! Prepare, We Are Going To Shut Down The USA (Videos)

An email has come in from a Before It’s News reader, subject titled “Oct. 11-13… The New 4th Of July.. URGENT READ and it provides an warning from Truckers across the country to the citizens of the US.
The email will be posted below, then beneath that is more information that has been coming out about how the Obama adminsitration is trying to shut down this trucker’s strike by shutting down the roads.
The beginning of the warning posted below:


NOTE: I am personally aware of the facts concerning the information below …..
This is for real …..
No harm is meant by these truckers …..
They are attempting to make a point to the criminals in DC
The people of this nation want their country back …..


Trucker Strike – buy what you need NOW!

Even if it turns out that it will NOT be NEEDED

The second email from the same reader quotes a RedState article on the Department of Transportation on orders from the White House is planning to use the National Guard resources to close the federally funded Interstate Route 495, circling the nation’s capital on Friday morning, October 11, in order to thwart the three day Trucker slowdown announced on the Capitol Beltway starting that date, using the federal government shutdown as justification. This information is also being reported by InfoWars, as well as an article here at Before It’s News, and is sweeping across the Internet. Martial Law anyone?

The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!
Visit RideForTheConstitution.org to receive constant updates and tune in to our daily radio show updates. The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a national protest in support of our nation’s truckers on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers! Truckers will lead the path to saving our country if every American rides with them!

OCTOBER 11-13, 2013
Truckers Ride For The Constitution

BIG BANKERS MAY EXPERIENCE A 10-100 (Need to go to Bathroom) if this is successful! IMAGINE 1,000,000 BIG RIGS ROLLIN’ INTO D.C. (that’s one million 18 wheelers) NOW IMAGINE …. 1,000,000 BIG RIGS IN D.C. and 1,000,000 CITIZENS on STRIKE with the BIG RIGS!!!! That is just MIND BLOWING!!! When the TRUCKS go on STRIKE October 11-13, 2013 they have opened the door for all American people to join in on the STRIKE! No need to go to the streets and face the wrath of police OUT OF CONTROL… SUPPORT THE TRUCKERS. NO LOUDER VOICE of OBJECTION CAN WE MAKE!!! How you can help: DON’T GO TO WORK!!!! Take a three day PARK … That’s right, JUST PARK… REFUSE TO BE THE SLAVE ANY LONGER… DO NOT SHOP, DRIVE, WORK or PLAY…. JUST PARK and watch the show!!! When the TRUCKERS REFUSE to haul freight, that means they haul NOTHING….. Including toilet paper…. OBAMA ARE YOU LISTENING… I DO HOPE YOU HAVE A STOCK of it BECAUSE WHEN YOU SEE THE TRUCKS ROLL IN and you REALIZE THAT WE THE PEOPLE are STRIKING WITH THE TRUCKERS…. Well ….. Let’s just say you’ll need that paper!!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:32 PM

Friday, October 11, 2013

Please post this, everyone needs to show their support for the only group trying to
get our constitution back! The following is an eye-witness account of Southern California Truckers departing for Wash DC very early Wed morning:

Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 6:38 AM
Subject: re: IT HAS STARTED! Truckers Ride for the CONSTITUTION!
Eye-witness account in Los Angeles this morning:

@#^$@ ! Its starting! I always monitor the Sigalert.com website for a half hour
before I leave home, to make sure no accidents on freeway. When I left home, no
accidents, freeways were all moving at maximum speeds. I left home at 5:30am, and
the traffic was already snarled ……for the first time at that hour + TONS
of truck drivers!

One of the things I have noticed with these early morning freeway drives, it is 99.9% cars. Just people trying to get to work ahead of the traffic jams. But NOT this morning: Trucks EVERYWHERE!! Two Semis came abreast of each other, going only 45 miles/hour. Huge gap in front of them, and huge traffic jam behind them. In order to avoid the trucks everyone goes into the remaining 4 or 5 lanes, and then those lanes become clogged.

They have started already. I think this morning, they are sending a warning message, that THIS protest is going to happen. THAT’S WHAT THE TRUCKERS DID!! All these trucks I saw this morning, were headed to Washington DC!! Yes they would have to leave today, Wed, to get from CA coast to Wash DC on the other coast by Friday. I’m concerned about being able to get home tonight, and coming to work tomorrow. I thought only Friday would be a problem ……little did I know. Maybe I’ll have to check into a hotel tonight?

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:00 AM

Saturday, October 12, 2013
‘Truckers for the Constitution’ Deliver Their List of Demands — Which Includes Language About Obama’s Alleged ‘Forgeries’

“Truckers for the Constitution” organizer Zeeda Andrews on Friday circulated a list of demands that will supposedly be delivered to Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert. Among them are suggestions that “Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama,” is a fake president because “his documents” are “forgeries.”

From the document: From 2003 to 2008, several members of Congress introduced legislation, attempting to change Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution on eight separate occasions to make it possible for Barack Obama to meet the eligibility requirements for the office of president. Of which, a legal investigation has proven that his documents provided are forgeries, which is a felony offense. The document goes on to state that the president, “with the help of corrupt politicians, and individuals in authoritative positions” is trying to destroy constitutional rights.“ Today, we again face another day in which we must declare our freedom, from yet another tyrannical, abusive form of government,” it reads. ”We are here, to send a resounding affirmation. We are here, to breathe life back into our Constitution. We are here, to declare our independence.”“… a legal investigation has proven that his documents provided are forgeries…” Share: The document also includes criticisms of National Defense Authorization Act, the Affordable Care Act, the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration. It also accuses the White House of violating the War Powers Act.

Here’s what it has to say about the Department of Homeland Security: The Department of Homeland Security is a non-military security force, which is violating the Constitution by using tax money to build a standing army, on American soil, training to engage with the American People.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:08 PM

Sunday, October 13, 2013
It Says Truckers Not Only Threatened With Arrest, but.
By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 12-Oct-2013 13:36:45

... but warned to stay out of DC.

And now I wake up.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:44 PM

Orly was not only promoting this heavily, she flew out to DC to be part of it.

Truckers deliver to Congress a demand to remove Obama from office due to bogus IDs, dog eats documents at Department of Justice, eats $650 billion at Treasure and eats the back bone and other important parts of Republicans who believe a bogus NBC poll and ready to surrender, when they have all the cards in their hands. Call Sen Collins and the rest, demand they stand strong and do not offer anything until after October 17th. Don’t be a moron, let the Dems and Obama come to you with offers
Posted on | October 11, 2013

Wow! This must have been HUGE! I bet the powers that be are shaking in their boots!

Washington DC trucker protest fizzles
Rain, not trucker protest slows DC-area traffic Still photo from video taken by participating trucker. (Photo courtesy: Phoebe Ann, #T2SDA)

The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The "Truckers To Shut Down America" rolling protest around the Capital Beltway in Washington D.C. fizzled Friday.

Instead of 10,000 trucks tying up rush-hour traffic as organizers had forecast, only about 30 trucks bearing the official Twitter hashtag of the ride -- #T2SDA -- which stands for "Truckers to Shut Down America" were spotted, according to Corinne N. Geller, spokesperson for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Various local media reported similar numbers.

Beltway traffic was slow on Friday, but transportation officials said it was due to steady rain and the heavy volume of normal traffic.

Virginia State Police said at one point, four big rigs slowed traffic to 15 mph by driving side-by-side on our four lanes of northbound Interstate 495 in Virginia. The drivers were pulled over by State Police and warned not to impeded traffic.

"No summons/ticket was issued," police said in a statement. "The tractor-trailers were then allowed to proceed on their way."

The "Ride for the Constitution" protest was aimed at seeking to impeach President Obama and pressure Congress.

A photo that shows big rig traffic on a two-lane stretch of interstate purported to be from the protest was circulated on Twitter and Facebook Friday, drawing additional comments of support. An investigation showed the image was actually taken in May during a Make-A-Wish truck convoy in Lancaster, Pa. Another photo circulating on Twitter, showing a huge trucker traffic jam under the hashtag #T2SDA, was actually of a traffic jam in Italy. In both photos, the weather was clear instead of raining.

A transportation official said on any weekday, the Capital Beltway carries 250,000 to 300,000 vehicles and about 10 percent of those are big rigs conducting normal business.

The official spokesman for the trucker's ride is Pete Santilli, an Internet broadcaster and conspiracy theorist, according to USA Today. The newspaper reported that he gained some notoriety in May when he said on the Guerilla Media Network that "we need to try, convict and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina" for what he claims was the "fake hunt down" of Osama bin Laden during which all the Navy SEALs involved allegedly were killed.

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Re: DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by notorial dissent »

And another fantasy bites the dust and crawls in to the dustbin of history.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly was lucky she wasn't killed in the bombing designed to stop her from being part of the DC protest.

I was lucky, there was an explosion at LAX (Los angeles airport), partial airport shut down on Sunday evening, as I flew fro the rally in DC, no injuries
Posted on | October 14, 2013 |

On Saturday I flew to DC to the WW2 memorial rally, I arrived there Sunday morning and flew back in the evening. I arrived home in Orange County at 1 am, very little sleep in 2 days. I am working with my patients till 5pm today and in the evening I will work on the response in Taitz v Donahoe case in regards to Obama’s fabricated SSS with fabricated postal stamp.

In DC I was able to talk to Senator Roberts from KS, he has all the docs and he will be talking to Senator Hatch and Senator Grassley.

Later in the day between patients, I will post a report, picture and video from the rally


Press release
October, 14, 2014
Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz

Taitz filed with the DC for the District of Columbia a Motion for Reconsideration attached herein. It shows vividly that employees of the federal government are engaged in fraud, perjury and obstruction of Justice. In 1997 for similar behavior as is exhibited in the case at hand, Royce C. Lamberth, Federal Judge, who is presiding in this case, sanctioned Clinton’s attorney $300,000 and demanded a special prosecutor to be appointed by then Attorney General Janet Reno and demanded a criminal prosecution by then U.S. Attorney for the district of Columbia. Taitz is demanding consistency from Judge Lamberth and demanding the same measures against Dawn Wiggins, deputy chief Freedom of Information officer for the Social security administration who defrauded the court and is complicit in a RICO to cover up Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social security number 042-68-4425 of Harry Bounel and Obama’s use of fabricated IDs.

Due to cyberattacks on OrlyTaitzESQ.com, (believed to be coming from Obama regime) PDF and jpg files posted by Taitz on Saturday and today, on Monday, 10.14, 2013, are not seen by the public. She is working with her hosting company, Network Solutions, on solving this problem.

Google searches are, also, being manipulated and Obama regime is using Google to place most outrageous defamation of Taitz character, outrageous pornographic paintings by a disturbed painter, who claims to be hired by George Soros, in order to demean and dehumanize her, even though Taitz is a licensed doctor and attorney and a mother of 3.

It is sad that Google founder Sergei Brin, a Jewish immigrant from the Soviet Union, allows his company to be used as a tool in such despicable Obama-NAZI attacks on a civil rights attorney and freedom fighter Orly Taitz.

While a bomb was found at LAX yesterday, Taitz, who flew through LAX , was not affected.

Yesterday Taitz took part in the rally at the World War 2 memorial. at the picture below attorney Taitz is talking to a 96 year old female veteran who stormed NAZI barricades and stormed Obama barricades at the World War 2 memorial. the veteran is holding a ripped Obama -sign “Closed, government shutdown, do not enter”. At the memorial taitz discussed Obama’s use of fabricated IDs with Senator Roberts of KS, who promissed to discuss this issue with members of the Senate Judiciary committee Senator Orin Hatch of Utah and Senator chuck Grassley of IA.

Taitz was interviewed at the event by Jovien Wei, producer of “Kelly file” with Meghan Kelly from FOX. Kelly is an attorney, she knows that not covering this matter amounts to Misprision of multiple serious felonies. Members of the public are asked to contact Meghan Kelly and demand that she air the interview given by Attorney Taitz to her producer. as a reminder, Kelly’s mentor, Bill O’Reilly shelved one hour interview that Taitz gave to his producer and O’Reilly attacked Taitz on his program in his editorial for speaking up the truth about Obama’s use of fabricated IDs . Taitz was also interviewed by CNN, Washington times, Talking Points Memo and other news networks and outlets. Taitz gave an in depth interview to CINA, largest news agency of China.

This must have been some huge bomb, designed to keep Orly from going to DC.

'Dry ice' restroom explosion halts flights at LAX; FBI investigating
By Andrew Blankstein, Richard Esposito and Jonathan Dienst, NBC News

An apparent dry ice bomb explosion in a Los Angeles International Airport employee restroom caused flights to be halted from one terminal for several hours Sunday night, officials said.

There were no injuries or damage in the blast, which happened at about 9.30 p.m. local time (6.30 p.m. ET) near Terminal 2, Gate 27.

“In a restricted area of the terminal (not accessible to the general public), responders found evidence of a plastic bottle containing dry ice,” FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said in a written statement. “A chemical reaction caused the explosion.”

Police are investigating an apparent dry ice bomb explosion that happened Sunday night at Los Angeles International Airport. The FBI says a chemical reaction caused the explosion in a restricted bathroom. NBC's Tom Costello reports. The Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad attended the scene.

Multiple law enforcement sources told NBC news the incident appeared to be a prank, but stressed the investigation was in its early stages.

They say a Swissport employee heard a loud explosion, walked to a men’s bathroom and saw an exploded 20oz plastic bottle.

Damn it, I'm sure I specified "TNT" and not "dry ice" but given that we also discussed what to do about Dinar Gurus someone may have thought I was talking about Tony. And this was supposed to stop her from GOING, not from coming back, so Sunday night was just plain wrong (perhaps Orly's husband slipped our operative a few bucks...). Just one of the probelems with being from a large organization like the NWO.
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Re: DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by texino »

Yessir good buddy; If you've got it, a truck brought it!
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Re: DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by AndyK »

With respect to Ms T's picture posted above: Has she been taking makeup lessons from Tammy Faye Baker?
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Re: DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Scenes from the movie "Gone Baby Gone" were filmed about half a mile from my neighborhood; and one of the last of them was the scene showing police and TV news reporters around a park near the "crime scene." I heard Ben Affleck, the director, say that he wanted people holding signs advocating for or protesting against things which had absolutely nothing to do with the kidnapping, because, as he put it, there are always people who will try to take advantage of ANY situation where cameras are present.

Kinda makes you think of Oily at the WW II Memorial, doesn't it?
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Re: DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by fortinbras »

I live in the DC area. These trucks came in during (a) severe rain storms from the recent tropical depression, and (b) after the big govt shutdown started, by which time virtually every resident and most tourists knew there were only a few tourist sites that they could visit, and (c) a three-day weekend (federal Columbus Day) when the govt would be closed anyway - so that most of the locals who had govt jobs had planned a getaway until Tuesday. End result: trucks converged on a near ghost town. Effect: the usual ubiquitous traffic jams became ½% worse.

Keep in mind that these truckers have invested Very Heavily in their big rigs. They're not going to do anything that would risk damage or impound of their trucks. They are also not going to hang around if there's a paying job for their truck.

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Re: DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by Deep Knight »

The media reported "dozens" of protesters and "30" trucks, but this video claims there were "4 million" and they have lots of pictures, strangely almost all of them were taken in sunny weather and not the rain that hit DC all weekend...

This is awesome and not very politically correct and.the truth about what happened in DC with the trucker/vet gathering this past weekend was reported on about the 35 mark...this show ends with that report for a uplifting positive message.

http://www.youtube.com:80/watch?v=X_Fdo ... e=youtu.be

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:34 PM 0 comments
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Re: DC Brought to its Knees!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I think it is Dr Conspiracy who has a Birther glossary which says: (Birther) Million = 12.
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