Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity scam?

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity scam?

Post by LightinDarkness »

As Tim Turner's RuSA has begun to sink underneath the waves (they can't even update their website with their propaganda calls anymore, and the RuSA congress is now about 15 people), I have been looking for a new source of bats**t crazy entertainment. Thanks to Deep Knight's hilarious thread, I found dinar guru TnTTony's website and have been browsing it and listening to his calls. I know all these gurus are pumpers for dinar companies, thats how they get paid, but if there was a lowest scum amongst the scum its got to be Tony. The RV is always THIS AFTERNOON (not even "tomorrow") and the excuses are never ending. Hes a master con artist, giving dates and then deflecting when the dates pass by doing things like pretending to get texts from the US treasury about how someone didn't sign a document or how Barack Obama stopped the RV - and he does this WHILE ON HIS WEEKLY CALLS.

Anyways, I have begun noticing a pattern amongst the dinarians. Beyond their general gullibility and incredible willingness to believe people who are 100% wrong time after time, there is not much that unifies them. They seem to be of all age groups, all races (from the pictures they post), and even - yes - types of professions. You'd think the type of people that fall for this stuff are generally working low paying jobs or unemployed, and thats the majority, but I have also seen a few attorneys (wouldn't want them to be my lawyer) and even someone who I am pretty sure is a doctor (wouldn't want him to do any surgery on me).

But there is one exception to this diversity of stupidity. The vast majority of the most vocal dinarians seem to be evangelical Christians. You can tell by their forum names, their use of scripture quotes, saying things like "Satan is working with the NWO to stop the RV," etc. This religious affinity also seems to be their biggest shield against anyone to criticizes the dinar - it can't be a scam because God wants them to have "their blessing." A lot of them say that they bought into this "investment" (AKA SCAM) through their church. There's even a reddit post from 2011 of some 19 year old doing a "ask me anything" where he talks about how hes getting millions and he just knows its real because some guys came to his church and everyone bought in to get their prosperity funds.

It is in all senses an affinity scam, it seems to me - and I wonder if that affinity nature of it is what has allowed the dinar to live through being pumped up as RVing "tomorrow" for the past 10 years and these people are still hanging on to every word of the their gurus. In my PhD I am studying economic development and there is this concept of social capital - that the social ties that bind people have a economic value and the nature of those bonds can be so strong that no market force can break them. Usually this social capital is a good thing. It creates networks of trust among neighbors, it allows poor communities to band together and lift themselves up out of dire circumstances. But just like financial capital can be good or bad, so too can social capital.

What do you think?
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Re: Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity sc

Post by LightinDarkness »

What fascinates me so much about TnT is that they by far have the most believers and are by far the dinar guru group most likely to not only encourage group think by systematically silence all dissent. Over the weekend there was a holy crusade like purge on his boards where Tony encouraged people to PM their moderators the name of any user who was though to be "questioning" Tony's intel (BS).

What I keep asking myself is how can so many people fall for what is obviously a made up train ride of false hope ("RV TOMORROW!!!" for so long? And not only do they ride the train, they specifically purge the non-believers so swiftly its amazing. You can't make one post criticizing Tony or even suggesting his intel is wrong without hundreds of people reporting the thread on his forums and having it deleted within 30 seconds - I've seen it.

And this isn't just some small group. The size of TNT's legions of followers makes other lunatic fringes like RuSA or OPPT look pathetic - hes got nearly 15,000 people on his boards and 1/3 of them listen to his conference calls live every two days for the latest BS, er, "intel."

I couldn't figure it out until I thought of the affinity aspect of it, which is why I started this thread.
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Re: Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity sc

Post by LightinDarkness »

Just one example of thousands. Someone posted that the RV wouldn't happen until March of 2014 - this is a true believer, just someone who believers it won't be "tomorrow" as Tony promises. One of the first responses?

Bob, please do not interfere with the positive energy on this site. If you have doubts, just mail your Dinar to us and move on with your life.
Another one:
Ignore it. We have been warned that when we are the closest to the RV there will be more doomsayers than normal. And there are some who take delight in spreading gloom and negativity; I guess it makes them feel powerful or that they have some inside information that no one else has. I only listen to Tony and Loechin and spguru.
BURN THE UNBELIEVERS! ONLY THE GOSPEL OF TONY IS ALLOWED ON THESE FORUMS! And needless to say the thread was closed later :)

Just being dumb enough to believe in the RV isn't enough for this group, you have to believe in the false hope of the Gospel of Tony, or you will be dealt with.
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Re: Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity sc

Post by Nellie »

I found that the common denominator is greed. The thought of becoming a mega millionaire overnight has blinded the dinaridgits. (I just love that word!)

Baghdad Invest had everyone in a frenzy earlier this month. Maybe it woke one or two people up, but I doubt it:

IRAQ DINAR HAS REVALUED – Worldwide Joy And Happiness Has Begun To Spread

In a statement just received the IQD has successfully re-valued it’s currency 500-fold making dollar-millionaires of persons holding the Iraq Dinar, throughout the world.
What may come as a surprise to many, has for some been the ride of a lifetime. The Central Bank of Iraq CBI has issued a number of warnings in recent times suggesting that such Revaluation commonly known as RV will not take place. Notable recent announcements included a delay to 2015 at the earliest.
Suffice to say, the warnings from the CBI have been concluded as delay tactics, perhaps to limit the number of IQD speculators.
Presumably the prime minister’s recent official trip to the United States has proved extremely fruitful and perhaps even empowered the RV across the final few steps.
No doubt the next few days will prove crucial with multitudes of investors rushing to exchange the IQD for their local currencies.
Prime Minister Nouri Kamil Al-Maliki has recalled all members of parliament to attend a special session on Sunday 10th Novemeber – the beginning of the Iraqi working week.

Update: 07:05 08/11/2013 Baghdad Relax. It HAS happened. Sunday AM Iraq parliament will reveal.
Update: 14:54 08/11/2013 Baghdad – We will make a further announcement at 23:45 (Baghdad time) in light of our earlier posting.

Update: 23:45 08/11/2013 Baghdad – We published confirmation yesterday the RV, revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar had taken place. Naturally there is angst to see/hear more, we are doing our best to get you the details.
We are able to confirm all will be revealed Sunday 10th November as per Parliament recall.
We would like to make it very clear we are very proud to be independent of all dinar sellers/gurus and as such we have no incentive to see an RV take place. For those of you whom have been on our subscriber list for the last 3 to 4 years, you will have noticed our sentiment towards the IQD revaluing has certainly not been favourable. On numerous occasions we have warned our loyal subscribers not to touch the Iraq Dinar.
In conclusion, we were wrong.
We likened the chances of the Iraq Dinar revaluing to the moon being made of cheese. In hindsight we can now safely say it was a terrible comparison to make. We always wanted to put emphasis on it being so incredibly remote in possibility.
You were right, we were wrong.
RV – Job done!

To subscribe to our exclusive mailing list and keep yourself up to date on the progress of Iraq please fill in your details below:

And then they posted this.....

The Iraq Dinar Will Never RV And Never Make You Rich
The Iraq Dinar Will Never RV And Never Make You Rich
So let’s get this straight we imagined a supposed meeting that would be taking place, we imagined a price of $0.60/0.64 and your Guru’s who you trust wholeheartedly came out and backed us up *much to our surprise*

(We MADE THAT UP!!! There was no meeting and yet your so called guru’s fell for it hook, line and sinker) We almost feel as though we gave your Guru’s an easy week. We did the talking and they did the confirming, a week off for them from having to think outside of that 10 YEAR OLD BOX!!!!!

For example – we posted that the Dinar had revalued and worldwide joy had begun to spread and as a result your favourite guru’s whom have been filling your head with utter crap for the last 10 years reacted as follows:

[theviking] GB is confirming it has happened.
[byecar] what did gb say??
[theviking] That the Baghdad invest story is true and it has happened
[theviking] GB has really good sources and has been more correct than anyone else imho.
[rmjgold] gb also said peeps in iraq sent pictures of their money they got [ [theviking] GB is none other the one and only Georgia Boy that got to the punch first now.
[theviking] gb said he has gotten about 17 confirmations it has happened
[sherlockdinar] theviking 17 confirmations is strong!
Thoughts from BeagleMan
[lgtennis] Can i have ur attention everyone
[lgtennis] Just talked with tk and he is having some trouble getting you
[lgtennis] Wanted me to get this message to you all
[lgtennis] He has seen that article and says and agrees its legit
[lgtennis] And confirming lots of intel
[taylor09] lgtennis so what was said yesterday about the rv happened was true?
[lgtennis] yes
[taylor09] ok so how much longer?
[taylor09] tomorrow, Sunday,Monday lol
mdj: Tony seems to be lining up with what the Baghdad Invest site is saying about announcement after sign-off during Parliament meeting with the CBI on Sunday morning. That is why no one should be quick to dismiss other info…
[lgtennis] Confirmed article was legit too
[fuldon35] lgtennis That’s right! Everything that has happened and the momentum of the last 6 months point to now. I am believing it is now. No if’s and’s or butt’s. It is a process that is not concerned with us, but we are concerned with it. It will happen and happen soon.
[diwd] lgtennis do u know how many intel gathers have confirmed that article.
[lgtennis] diwd several yes

We came up with a random range of numbers to make the story a little more believable – we said 1 IQD would be worth anywhere between $0.60 and $0.64. The Guru community reacted as follows:

[chevylady] Hi all I don’t chat much…I’m working on a phone but I just wanted to share some great news with all here
[TexasMom] chevylady woo hoo we love good news!!!
[chevylady] The article in bagdadinvest with a rate of .60 is great, this is step 1 RI
[chevylady] Step 2 is Red redenominated
[chevylady] Step 3 is what we get and that is our RV
[chevylady] So that article of .60 is our RI, Next comes RD, then our RV. Hope this helps everyone
[@theend] chevylady ah, I get what you are saying, ty
[free4flight] There is no way that the currency that is to bail out the debt of the entire world and for which the GCR is hinged upon is sitting at .60 !!!

Bail out the debt of the entire world????? Can we just say something, America rapes Iraq for it’s oil and minerals and then expects Iraq to bail out the worlds entire debt? Come on – be serious…. Iraq is NOT America lapdog. Egotistical nut-jobs!

The sad thing is – upon coming up with any random number we stuck with $0.62 – We have seen floods and floods of people complaining as they were expecting it to be more like $30. Even if you were to have seen $0.62 your ROI on just $1,000 invested would of been around $800,000!!!

Greed – the root of all evil.

In reality this whole exercise has been interesting for us. We have learnt a number of valuable lessons. We have seen comments saying “Thank god for this amazing opportunity” “God is blessing us with this RV” – People WAKE UP!!!! SNAP OUT OF IT!


We wish every single person on this planet well, we wish every single person has what they want. BUT to destroy a country and then EXPECT “God” to furnish you with just rewards is absolutely insane. Where is your head??? Has the Government been messing with your head that much that you have lost your sense of realism.

Times are tough, we get that. We all look for that little opportunity to make a little extra cash. We have seen the most disturbing comments ever. People Eat, Drink, Sleep and flipping breathe RV – Revaluation -Iraq – Dinar!! (This cannot be healthy)

We found our little experiment interesting to realise the one dominating source of our traffic, over 80% has come from America the one country which seems to think this was meant to be. It really saddens us to think that you can come destroy a country and then walk away (10 years and counting) later with the population becoming millionaires from buying worthless currency. Did you really think Iraq is yours? I mean you feel as though America owns Iraq? Seriously – you do not!

We feel as though we have given your “Iraqi Dinar Guru’s” an easy week. It must be VERY difficult to talk the same crap for 10 years – “It’s happening next week” “We’re finally there” “OMG just had this email” “URGENT notice just came in” “Any time within 48 hours”

Please for the sake of your minds, the sake of your children, the sake of humanity – give it a break. Turn the computer off – rest. The Iraq Dinar is not going to turn your $500 investment into $10 million.

Take a step back from the situation and have a long hard and most importantly – deep think. Life is not easy – you didn’t just happen to come across a golden ticket. Iraq is not your route out of hardship, life is simply not that easy.


Yes, we shouldn’t of done what we did. After years of emails coming in, “RV this” “RV that” “Dinar this” “Dinar that” – we wanted to make our stance extremely crystal clear – There is no frigging Iraq Dinar RV that will change the world and unleash your wildest dreams.

We are not for one second suggesting you are deluded and out of your mind, we realise the power these “Dinar Guru’s” have over you and the sublime quality they have to engineer there way through 52 weeks of the year maintaining and keep the dream alive for hundreds of thousands of you so called “Dinarians” – tragic.

Finally, this time next year – you will be sitting in front of the same computer screen with more wrinkles and more grey hair – just no RV. Meanwhile the “Dinar Guru’s” will still be feeding you the manure you seek.

Go live your life – go dedicate your time to your children/grand children and forget about this worthless pipe-dream.

Just in case you have any doubt – Baghdad Invest does NOT endorse the Iraq Dinar as an investment, never have and never will.
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Re: Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity sc

Post by wserra »

Nellie wrote:We are not for one second suggesting you are deluded and out of your mind
I am.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Re: Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity sc

Post by LightinDarkness »

I think greed explains how they initially got into the dinar, thinking they would get rich quick, but I'm not so sure it explains how they have held on for 10 years despite 0 objective evidence that the RV is real and 0% prediction success rates.

I mean 5,000 people (the maximum the line can support) listen into his 3 days a week conference call, despite the fact that "its tomorrow" HAS ALWAYS BEEN WRONG!
notorial dissent
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Re: Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity sc

Post by notorial dissent »

As someone once said, "Never underestimate the power of stupid."

Which, regrettably, keeps proving itself a truism.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity sc

Post by littleroundman »

LightinDarkness wrote:I think greed explains how they initially got into the dinar, thinking they would get rich quick, but I'm not so sure it explains how they have held on for 10 years despite 0 objective evidence that the RV is real and 0% prediction success rates.

I mean 5,000 people (the maximum the line can support) listen into his 3 days a week conference call, despite the fact that "its tomorrow" HAS ALWAYS BEEN WRONG!

Hope springs eternal (in the human breast).
Prov. People will continue to hope even though they have evidence that things cannot possibly turn out the way they want. (From Alexander Pope's poem, "Essay on Man."

Sometimes used to remark that you believe someone's situation is hopeless, as in the first example.)
Jill: The boss may have turned me down the first twelve times I asked for a raise, but this time I really think she'll give it to me. Jane: Hope springs eternal in the human breast.
Alan: You're not still trying to teach the dog to shake hands! Jane: Hope springs eternal.

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Re: Dinar "investments" - the textbook religious affinity sc

Post by texino »

Don't want to get in trouble, but if you go back to the Omega fund that begat or morphed into NESARA which has parked next to the RV, you will find blind faith in the Christian God has transcended reality. "The Lord's warehouses are full!"-Clyde Hood. Mr. Hood went right into church and made that statement as if it were Biblical. Well, I cannot find any scripture relating to God's Warehouse and what He would do if it were to fill up. I guess faith supports greed, because the Dinarians have allowed themselves to buy into the insanity that "their" RV. being a Blessing, is capable of returning a percentage high enough to cause some investors to break into multiple billions. As a point of interest, I see where Warren Buffet has convinced quite a few of the worlds wealthiest to donate huge amounts of their wealth to good works. I doubt that the RV
folks can get a handle on this; being unaware that even one billion bucks would be difficult to spend in a life time. This assuming you don't buy something costing that much to start. I mean anyone can go on line and view breakdowns of spending big money. Now this is not an indictment of Religion. I am only agreeing that the con persons have used religious affinity as a device to support this scam.
Siga el dinero
El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina