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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > Brad Christensen Exhibit > Martin Okafor

Chief Martin Okafor


>>> "Martin Okafor" <> 09/16/21 06:18PM >>>


On a brief note, I got your personal data from a commercial attache to your embassy in Nigeria. I am the Chairman of Contracts Tender Board Committee of the Federal Ministry of Communications. My sensitive
and privileged position in this Federal Ministry has made it possible for me to acquire the sum of twenty three million and two hundred thousand US dolla(US$23,200,000.00).

This fund I acquired through over-invoicing of contracts awarded to the ministry's registered contractors, I secured this fund and stamped it for security reasons. This money is contained in two metallic boxes. The recent meetings of the two houses of the parliament resulted in enacting of a law that subjects all civil servants in leadership positions to audit in this country. Given the new law I have moved the above money to overseas through a diplomatic courier firm.

This money I deposited with a security company as family valuables of my foreign associate. This huge sum of money has been lying uninvested for a considerable time. I solicit your wholesome assistance to claim this fund from the security company overseas. We may invest the fund in your business or use it to acquire stocks in viable multinational companies in your country provided there is stable business climate there.

In view of the harsh check, which we are undergoing, I cannot run this transaction myself, and that is the reason I need the assistance of a foreigner who could perfect this transaction in his country after claiming the money from the security company overseas, you then will transfer it onwardly to your designated account. In due time, I shall furnish you with the documents that cover the consignments.

Please note, you shall be entitled to 30% of the sum for your role and efforts to see to the successful conclusion of this transaction.

If you are interested in this offer, email me without delay. While replying include your personal phone and fax lines for the business to commence right away.

I anticipate your quick reply.

Best regards.

Martin Okafor


Dear Mr. Okafart:

This sounds like it could be a very promising business partnership. You mention metallic boxes. What kind of metal was used?

Brad Christensen


>>> "royal highness martins okoye" <> 09/17/02 07:40AM >>>

Attn: Brad Christensen

From: Chief Martin Okafor
Phone: 234-1-4819909

Dear Brad,

Thanks for your email. I hereby attached copy of the boxes and the money was
arranged and packed for you to view and to identify the consignment as soon
as I finalize delivery of the consignment with Global security consultants
on your name to America where you will clear it out from the diplomats that
will arrive with the consignment.

I will first of all, send you the certificate of Deposit issued to me by the
security firm after which I will summit your full particulars to them as the
beneficiary/onwership of the consignment as intimated the security personnel
that the onwer of the consignment is my foreign associates.

Please urgently send me your mobile phone as this transaction demand top
confidential and 100% risk-free.

I look forward to hear from you as that we can commence the transaction immediately but first of all lets discuss on phone.

Thanks and God bless you.

Martin Okafor


Dear Royal Highness Okoye:

I still cannot tell from your photo, which I have reattached, what type of metal was used to construct the boxes. This is an important matter because certain environmentally hazardous metals can contaminate the money, rendering it unsafe to touch, and therefore worthless. Please provide some information as to what type of metal was used. Also, you mentioned two boxes, but in your photo I only see one box. What happened to the second box? Has it been removed by the government and incinerated in an environmental cleanup project? Thanks in advance for a speedy response.



>>> "royal highness martins okoye" <> 09/18/02 08:35AM >>>

Dear Brad,

What I said is not metal box but metalic boxes is colour of the dipolmatic box which I have show you. The information you need is to obtain original certificate of ownership on your name, I will send you the security of deposit given to me by the security company. After obtain the certificate of deposit I will urgently make that the consignment move on your to the security company correspondance office in New York where you will go and claim the consignment from the dipolmats. I will also send the airway bill of the consignment. I only take one box picture so an evidence as you know the secrutiy company did not know the content of the boxes


Dear Royal Okoye:

Glad to hear that the second box was not incinerated. I still am concerned about what material was used to construct the boxes. This is because the material may render the contents of the boxes environmentally hazardous in the United States and therefore subject to immediate disposal in Utah or Canada. Please tell me what material and paint were used for each box, including the lining and hinges. Also, was any biological or medical material, including human or animal remains, ever stored in the boxes? Once you provide this crucial information I will immediately claim the consignment. Thanks.

Brad Christensen

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Church of the Mighty Flatulence - (New: 05/11/07)

The Princess and the Porcupine - (Updated: 05/09/07)

See Also

Edwin Worsh - Raging Relics.

Your Humble Goodself - Offer from the Vatican Church.

Princewell Fortune - Surgeon to the Rich and Famous Strikes Again.

Mevinna Albanathy - Almighty Church of the First Cousin of Noah.


Brad Christensen Forum
Comment on the Brad Christensen Exhibit of humorous replies to Nigerian scam letters. Suggest names and scenarios for Brad to lure the scammers to some faraway and exotic location in search of Brad's money.

Spoofing the Nigerian Scammers This is a forum for people who have picked up Brad's lead and have started correspondence with 4-1-9 scammers of their own. Start your own string and update it with suggestions from readers, and collaborate with other readers to respond to the scammers

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