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Quatloos! > General Fraud > Advance Fee > Brad Christensen Exhibit > Williams Issa

Williams Issa

Spelling Offer

>>> williams issa 05/30/02 12:31PM >>>

Telephone: 234-8023409919

Dear friend,
I am the Director-General of Nigeria-Delta Development Commission(NDDC), constitutionally mandated with the responsibility of managing of Niger-Delta Development Fund for the development of the region. Niger Delta is the south-south geographical area of Federal Republic of Nigeria. The region is endorwed with natural resources which constitude about 95% of our national income. Consequently to the exploration of Oil and Gas, there has been verse ecological and enveronmental pollution in this region. Rather unfortunate, the region lacks most infrastural aminities. These and much more have necessitated the establishment of Niger-Delta Development Commission, immediately after the inception of this present democratic government in Nigeria. Sequel to the passing of bill by the National House of Assembly (the egislative organ of the Government) and duely accented to by the President, legitimising the operations of the Commission by an act of law. The commission has, therefore, been constitutionally empowered to implement a policy which will relatively address the long standing neglect of the region. Encouragingly, the commission havig successfully inherited the fine accuring from the violation of the Associated Gas Ijection Act of 1979, the oil companies operational in the region have also been mandated to pay 2% of their taxable profit to Niger Delta Development Fund, kept in NDDC's account in Central Bank of Nigeria - with my commission having juridiction over the fund. The fund has since inccured well over hundred million dollar. The commission having performed its duties deligently in identifing, negotiating and awarding people-oriented contracts worth millions of dollar, myself and colleagues want to have fifteen million US dollar (USD15,000,000.00) transferred abroad for our personal use. Consequently, we want you to assit have the fund remitted into your account. upon your acceptance to collaburate with us, we will front you to have performed a contract with the commission, therefore, the beneficiary of the fund. Every document in respect of the contract, legitimising you as the true beneficiary of the fund and authorising its immediate remittance into your nominated account shall be obtained.

Importantly, however, due to the nature ofthe fund and the need to have the exteemed personality of myself and colleagues involved in this transaction protected, we have agreed to jointly invest the fund in your economy.

The proceeds of the investment, ou shall be, as will be agreed, pay to our repective off-shore accounts. I must assure you that this transaction is safe in all its totality, however, absolute confidentiality is required even after the fund has been remitted into your nominated account. Note, for your assistance you shall be compensated with 20% of the fund while 5% is for any expense inccured during the transaction. You are hereby required to furnish me with the following information: 1. Bank name and address 2. Particulars of your bank account 3. Your private telephone and fax numbers On the receipt of the above information, the fund shall be remitted into your nominated account within 14 working days. I await


My Dear Mr. Issa:

Your unsolicited e-mail proposes a glorious opportunity. But before I become involved I need to know more about you because I don't send my bank information to every Tom, Dick and Williams who asks for it. How old are you? Do you have any past felony convictions? What about parking tickets? Were you a Boy Scout? What do you think about reality TV? Can you stomach Britney Spears? Your answers to these questions will help me assess your character.

As for me, I have more money than I know how to spend because of an inheritance and a rich wife who has deep pockets and a mouth that unfortunately resembles that of a smiling horse. I am extremely intelligent, and have won numerous worldwide spelling bees. For a token expense of say $100, I will gladly help you eliminate your many spelling deficiencies. I am attaching a picture of myself, taken during my successful campaign for the MENSA presidency several years ago (photo attached). Do not be confused by the name on the photo. That is only my nickname. Please respond promptly to this generous offer.

Brad Christensen

[Mr. Issa never responded to this generous offer]

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Church of the Mighty Flatulence - (New: 05/11/07)

The Princess and the Porcupine - (Updated: 05/09/07)

See Also

Edwin Worsh - Raging Relics.

Your Humble Goodself - Offer from the Vatican Church.

Princewell Fortune - Surgeon to the Rich and Famous Strikes Again.

Mevinna Albanathy - Almighty Church of the First Cousin of Noah.


Brad Christensen Forum
Comment on the Brad Christensen Exhibit of humorous replies to Nigerian scam letters. Suggest names and scenarios for Brad to lure the scammers to some faraway and exotic location in search of Brad's money.

Spoofing the Nigerian Scammers This is a forum for people who have picked up Brad's lead and have started correspondence with 4-1-9 scammers of their own. Start your own string and update it with suggestions from readers, and collaborate with other readers to respond to the scammers

Nigerian 4-1-9 Forum
Talk about the Nigerian 4-1-9 scam in all its many variations, such as bogus checks sent from Nigeria to purchase used cars in the U.S. and many other variations of this scam.

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