Scams & Frauds Exposed

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Financial & Tax Fraud
Education Associates, Inc.

A Non-Profit Corporation

Quatloos! > Support for Quatloos!

Show Your Support For Quatloos!

Quatloos! is sponsored by Financial & Tax Fraud Education Associates, Inc., a California not-for-profit company that has received a Determination Letter that it qualifies under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a publicly-supported organization. We are TOTALLY supported by donations such as yours. Donations allow us to pay for web-hosting and web-developer costs to keep Quatloos! up and running and to keep it current with new scams and warnings. Based on the level of your Donation, you will receive a free Gift from Quatloos!

Donation by Check Form

Quatloosian - Donate $25 and join thousands of fellow Quatloosians worldwide. Your donation will entitle you to a couple of Quatloosian coffee mugs featuring the Quatloos pirate flag logo and commemorating one of the scams that we cover. Collect the whole set as they become available.

Pirate's Mate
- Donate $35 and join thousands of fellow Quatloosians worldwide. Your donation will entitle you to a Quatloosian ballcap.

Quatloosian Network Marketer
- Donate $75 and you'll be able to solicit your family and friends for donations too! Your donation will bring a very cool Knit Shirt with the Quatloos! pirate flag logo.


Quatloosian Prime Bank Trader - Donate $100 and you'll be able to rub shoulders with Clyde Hood and other top prime bank traders. Includes a beautifully framed Quatloosian Medium Term Note for 50 Billion Quatloos!

Quatloosian Connoisseur - Donate $150 and you can claim to have the highest of tastes in Quatloosia! Your donation will bring three excellent Quatloosian wines (Cabernet, Chardonnay, Sparkling)

Tax ID: 91-2167781

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Spam-Free Site

We do NOT spam. Various multi-level marketers & other criminals have recently sent out spam impersonating us, & having our return email address, so that people would complain about spam and cause us to be shut down (a/k/a "joe job"). These multi-level marketers and other criminals have engaged in this form of cyber-terrorism because our telling the truth about their fraudulent schemes was hurting their ability to sell to new victims. Fortunately, our ISP now recognizes that these fake spams are bogus and ignores them, and additionally we are duplicating this site on numerous other servers (including "hardened" servers as well as our own proprietary servers) so that we cannot be harmed by these multi-level marketers and other criminals. Death to Spammers!

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© 2002- by Quatloosia Publishing LLC.. All rights reserved. No portion of this website may be reprinted in whole or in part without the express, written permission of Financial & Tax Fraud Associates, Inc. This site is Legal issues should be faxed to (877) 698-0678. Our attorneys are Grobaty & Pitet LLP ( and Riser Adkisson LLP (

Asset Protection Book Accounts Receivable Financing Equity Indexed Annuities Lost Eye Book Lost Eye Book

Equistrip - Business assets financing

Lost Eye

Website designed and maintained by John Barrick

www Quatloos!