> Quatloosia!
> Quatloosian
Guide to Gambling

to Casino Gambling Explores the concept of Odds and
the House Advantage, introduces the concept of the Risk Cycle and the
most important thing you will ever know about gambling: the concept
of Risk Compounding, discusses short term odds vs. long term odds,
the house maximizes its advantages, the comp system, the Quatloos!
Rule of Gambling, beating the odds (or at least keeping them within
and lists the bests and worst casino games.
Money Management
Why money management is critically important, basic money management systems,
doubling systems, and some examples of how money management systems work.
Blackjack Introduction
to Americas most favorite card betting game, basic rules, Blackjack/21/Natural,
push, splits, doubling down, surrender, insurance, variations in rules,
the Three Cold Hard Truths about Blackjack (page incomplete; our Blackjack
section is Under Construction)
Craps Comprehensive
look at one of the best-odds casino games, so long as you ignore most
of the bets on the table!
Introduction and Odds Understanding
the odds, the sucker bets (crazy crapper bets), field bets,
place and dont place bets, pass and dont pass lines, come and
dont come bets, and the best bet in the whole darn casino: free odds
Craps Strategies The basic strategy,
the parity line bet system (the Dooey-Dont), offsetting bet
Craps Crap Helpful hints specific
to craps, superstitions/craps crap, craps trivia
The Parity Hedge System Introduction
only (system discussion temporarily suspended)
Keno All of the excitement
of high-stakes Keno gambling is captured in our famous High Dollar
Keno Story, also Keno betting strategies, and video Keno.
Casino Gambling Reading Room
List of books on gambling, history of gambling, psychology of gambling,
and on specific games.

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Good Life
A discussion of the better things in life, including music, the
arts, wine, beer, cigars, scotch, gambling the Quatloosian way,
travel, sports, and many other topics.
