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Bank Fraud Shut Down

MARCH 7, 2003
Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office |
FBI Shuts Down Prime Bank Investment Frauds
That Cost Investors $500 Million
Washington, DC - FBI Agents around the country today executed arrest and search
warrants in what the Bureau calls the culmination of a national anti-fraud
initiative. So far this year, the FBI has successfully targeted 100 individuals
involved in high yield investment frauds (HYIF), also known as Prime bank investment
frauds (PBIF), that defrauded Americans out of approximately $500 million.
The initiative has involved Agents from FBI offices in Boston, Columbia, SC,
Dallas, Denver, Houston, Jacksonville, FL, Kansas City, MO, Las Vegas, Los
Angeles, Memphis, New Orleans, New York, Oklahoma City, Phoenix, Portland,
OR, Salt Lake City, and Sacramento.
FBI Director Robert Mueller called the initiative a "half-a-billion dollar
victory for hard-working Americans, legitimate investment bankers, and the
nation's economy." Mueller said that the series of actions "sends
a strong message that even though the FBI is preoccupied with tracking down
terrorists, we are not going to let greedy individuals empty the pockets of
unsuspecting investors. Putting an end to high-dollar frauds and other white
collar crimes continues to be one of our top priorities."
Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson also affirmed the Department of Justice's
commitment to fighting white collar crime. "The Department of Justice
remains committed to protecting the interests of American investors and to
prosecuting the scam artists who prey on them," Thompson said.
PBIF and HYIF continue to be a significant crime problem both in the U.S.
and internationally. As sluggish investment markets in the US and overseas
make the promise of high yields attractive to aggressive investors, con artists
promoting PBIF and HYIF scams have found a ready pool of potential victims.
PBIF schemes involve sale of fraudulent, often non-existent, investments.
PBIF crimes, typically involve false claims of a secret market, being risk
free, having extremely high or guaranteed return rates, and containing formats
purportedly approved and/or sanctioned by the Federal Reserve, the International
Chamber of Commerce, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, or other
known international organizations.
The financial instruments may be sold as bank notes, guarantees, letters of
credit, debentures, bills of exchange, roll programs/trading programs, foreign
currency trading programs, or blocked funds certificates.
Perpetrators of these schemes tell potential investors that they have unique
access to a trading program and that by pooling their money with that of other
investors they can participate. These opportunities are allegedly only available
because the fraudulent solicitor has high-level contacts in the banking world.
Investors must often abide by a non-disclosure agreement to protect the secret
arrangement. In the end, the investor realizes that there are no such arrangements
and what is essentially a Ponzi scheme collapses, costing victims their investment.
Many PBIF crimes have an international aspect. The base of operations of the
con artist may be overseas while the victims are in the US Proceeds are often
moved to foreign bank accounts, such as the Bahamas or Switzerland. Subjects
also fraudulently represent that the investment is insured against loss or
non-performance by a foreign insurance entity.
One such case, known as the "Sweet Tea Masquerade," was part of
today's crack down. FBI Agents in Columbia and Greenville, South Carolina,
conducted an undercover operation, acting as potential investors to target
27 groups of subjects who defrauded other innocent investors of over $31 million.
This investigation was initiated in June 2001 and culminated today with the
filing of Complaints and the issuance of arrest warrants relating to 51 individuals
to be executed in 22 states and the District of Columbia. Thirteen of the subjects
are in 6 foreign countries (Canada, England, Germany, Greece, South Africa,
and Mexico) and provisional arrest warrants for extradition will be sought
where appropriate.
In Los Angeles, Nicholas Roblee, also known as Nicholas Richmond, the operator
of Premier Marketing and Investments, Inc., was arrested on wire fraud and
money laundering charges. Roblee solicited in excess of $4.5 million from investors,
promising returns up to 200% per month through the trading of medium term notes,
real estate-related bridge loans, and investments in gold, gold concentrate
and other precious metals. One victim of Roblee's scheme was a 62-year-old
Baptist minister from Ohio who invested and lost his entire retirement savings
of $1 million with Roblee. Allegedly, Roblee diverted the funds for his own
benefit and to pay back prior investors through Ponzi-type payments.
A similar story played out today in Jacksonville, Florida, where Agents executed
a search warrant on the residence of Gregory Smith. Acting through Tri C Holdings,
Smith solicited investors in a high yield investment program which promised
rates of return ranging from 15% to 20% every 35 to 70 days, with no risk to
the investors' principal. The approximately $1 million investors sent to Tri
C Holdings was never invested and was allegedly diverted by Smith.
Other warrants were executed today in a Denver-based investigation that extended
into 33 states and 14 foreign countries.
Also today, a number of indictments related to PBIFs were unsealed, including
two indictments in Dallas involving a fraud worth $17 million, and another
indictment in Phoenix for a fraud worth $23 million.
Director Mueller said, "I hope today's actions will serve to inform potential
victims about the schemes that are out there. The old adage still holds: if
it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and you should be on the lookout
for the warning signs of a fraud."
Potential investors are encouraged to watch out for PBIF Red Flags -- investment
opportunities that have one or more of the following characteristics:
o "Secret" trading
o Risk free
o Guaranteed and/or high rates of return
o Investments only used as collateral
o Not licensed
o Not offered by legitimate brokerage firms
o Complicated, legal looking documents with:
- Errors
- Nondisclosure, non-circumvention clauses
- Confidentiality agreement
- Non-solicitation agreement
- Letter of intent/proof of funds
- Good, clean, clear funds of non-criminal origin
Potential investors are also encouraged to familiarize themselves with fraud
schemes before investing. Several web sites post notices describing investment
fraud schemes:
United States Treasury Department
Federal Reserve Corp.
International Monetary Fund
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
World Bank
International Chamber of Commerce
United States Security and Exchange Commission
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States
United States Federal Bureau of Investigation
Individuals who suspect possible corporate fraud may report suspicious activity
to the FBI in Washington, DC, via a toll-free Corporate Fraud Hotline. The
number is (888) 622- 0117. The Hotline is manned Monday through Friday at FBI
Headquarters during the normal business hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by FBI analysts.