I'm having a logic attack...
No one can afford to contribute thousands of dollars, but if thousands of people each give a few dollars – we can do it – with no one really taking a financial hit.
As my years of working for non-profits, this is not the way to go about fundraising....You WANT PEOPLE TO GIVE ALL THEY CAN... urgency and higher purpose folks...
Here is how I would do it...
They call me Danny the Dog Walker, and if there is anybody in these mountains that knows the real story about Ed and Elaine Brown, that'd be me. So I'm putting it down in writing just how it happened in hopes of setting the record straight. Well, my friend Ed was accused of a crime he didn't know there was a law against, so he escaped into the mountains, leaving behind the only life that he ever knew. Now that wilderness out there ain't no place for a greenhorn and his chances of survivin' were mighty slim. Weren't no time at all before the FEDS was beaten him down, ragin' and trying to starve him. Long about then, he came upon a little kitten, all alone and helpless. Now Ed knew that little critter couldn't survive without his help; so he started right down that cliff, risking his own life to save it.
Now the FEDS want him dead for NO LAW... He needs your help. Not just any help, but all you have. You see the FEDS have unlimited resources, black ops helicopters, satan-allites backed by the Zoinists, Masons, and Illuminatis, and all Ed and Elaine have are their personal freedom tools.
Who will stand up? Can you not think independently? Can you stand on your own? If a man accused you of breaking a law that didn't exist, would you not stand up and fight for your rights? If a man wanted to rob you and your family would you not fight back? If the FEDS told you not to save that kitten Ed saved so they could let loose their blackwater goons would you not try to save the kitten? What if that kitten was YOU and YOU had broken NO LAW?
This is why Ed and Elaine need your help. They are kittens caught in the WEB OF LIES. LIES of THE GOVERNMENT. Would you not give your ALL so they can be FREE? Would they NOT do the similar for YOU? Please take out a sub-prime home equity loan to help them out.
-Save the Browns Foundation
Who we are:
Save the Browns is the leading independent organization creating real and lasting change for freedom in the UNITED STATES.
<Insert photo of Brown's parents serving children hot food in Appalachia, 1930's>
Save the Brown is a story of positive change and people — millions of people in thousands of communities around the USA— working together to create opportunities for AMERICAS children to live safe, well-armed, healthy, income-tax free and fulfilling lives. In September 2007 outside a small fully defensible concrete bunker in New Hampshire, a group of concerned citizens gathered to respond to the needs of the proud people hard hit by the Illuminati.
The inspiration and vision for Save the Browns came in part from the international children's rights movement begun in Montana in 1990 by _______, founder of the Second Amendment Defense Fund. From this early effort in the hills and hollows of Boone County, Montana grew a self-help philosophy and practice still at work today in more than 45 states — providing individuals with a hand up, not a handout.
This approach — working with families to define and solve the problems their communities face and utilizing a broad array of strategies to ensure self-sufficiency is the cornerstone of all Save the Browns' programs. Through the weeks, we have evolved into a leading FREEDOM organization. One event and achievement have shaped the development of our organization and helped change the lives of the FREEDOM LOVING AMERICANS we serve.