The sov'run who wants to use the publicly-funded roads reminds me of this old joke:
A scientist approached God and said, "Listen, we've decided we no longer need you. Nowadays, we can extract stem cells, clone people, transplant hearts, and all kinds of things that were once considered miraculous."
God patiently heard him out, and then said, "All right. To see whether or not you still need me, why don't we have a little man-making contest!"
"Okay, great!" the scientist said.
"Now, we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam," God said.
"That's fine," replied the scientist and he bent down to scoop up a handful of dirt.
"Whoa!" God said, shaking his head in disapproval. "Not so fast, pal. You get your own dirt."
I've got no problem with sov'runs on the road, if it's their own sov'run road on their own private sov'run land. Keep your sov'run trucks, bikes, scooters, and stinky feet off the public roads.
You want to use public roads, buses, libraries, courtrooms? You want to be connected to the water and sewer lines, and get power from the electric grid? You want to get from your sov'run homestead to the Wal-Mart? You pay the taxes.
"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig." - Robert Heinlein