Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

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Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Lambkin »

Another idiot kook arrested
A so-called sovereign citizen who is suing the state, demanding $1.6 million in gold or silver coins, has been arrested.

Mark Osborn, 45, was pulled over Thursday afternoon in Indianapolis after a police officer noticed "a black, custom-made plate bearing Indiana Free State Republic," in place of a license plate on his SUV, according to the police report.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by fortinbras »

Osborn's stepson is whining about 6 cops being called in to make the arrest. After the Jerry Kain business, Osborn is lucky he wasn't tasered and the stepson is lucky he wasn't taken in as well.

Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by xanadu »

Obviously Osborn has not grasped the basic principle of how to be a sovereign citizen.
The number one rule is. "Do not draw attention to yourself." When you do dumb things like
having no licence plate, all you are doing is alerting the authorities of your presence. A much
better approach is to use a stolen plate.
To get out of jail, he is going to either post bail or pay a fine or both. Since these are really forms of taxation and if he is a true sovereign citizen, he will pay neither, preferring
to remain in jail because of his beliefs.
My guess is that he will cave in and pay up. Proving that he is a lilly livered weaking and not
really a sovereign citizen after all.
Last edited by xanadu on Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
notorial dissent
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by notorial dissent »

He hasn't evidenced any great amount of sense to date, and he sounds like he swallowed the whole koolaid bucket, so if he runs true to form, he won't suddenly develop any.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Lambkin »

xanadu wrote:Obviously Osborn has not grasped the basic principle of how to be a criminal.
The number one rule is. "Do not draw attention to yourself."
Fixed it for ya.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

xanadu wrote:Obviously Osborn has not grasped the basic principle of how to be a sovereign citizen.
The number one rule is. "Do not draw attention to yourself." When you do dumb things like
having no licence plate, all you are doing is alerting the authorities of your presence.
I don't think that Osborn cares about this rule, even if he knows it. I think that he wants to alert the authorities of his presence, so that he can Fight The Holy Fight Against Governmental Tyranny, or something like that. He knows that his chances of success are almost nil, but he forges on ahead knowing that he will be able to Suffer Martyrdom For The Holy Cause as he sits in a Graybar Hotel somewhere. Then, when he is released, he will proclaim, loud and long, to all who will pay him any attention, that he was railroaded into prison by a corrupt government which does not Follow The Constitution (as he understands or fantasizes it to be).
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by fortinbras »

Those fake license plates do get cops' undivided attention.

Roughly 15 years ago, in Ohio, the cops spotted one car with such a homemade tag, stopped it, and the driver (himself an ex-cop) stepped out firing a gun. So Osborn was just lucky that he was arrested without any violence.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Gregg »

fortinbras wrote:Those fake license plates do get cops' undivided attention.

Roughly 15 years ago, in Ohio, the cops spotted one car with such a homemade tag, stopped it, and the driver (himself an ex-cop) stepped out firing a gun. So Osborn was just lucky that he was arrested without any violence.
IIRC, Timothy McVeigh was originally pulled over for fake license plates after the Oklahoma City bombing.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by fortinbras »

IIRC, it was not for a fake license tag but for a missing one. His rear tag had fallen off or at least fallen out of the visible place and that's why he was stopped. He had, however, attached that tag to his bumper with some twisted wire instead of the usual permanent bolts, itself an indication that he might have been switching license plates.
notorial dissent
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote:Those fake license plates do get cops' undivided attention.
Or at least it should. I would think that should be an automatic red flag and warning to proceed cautiously myself. I know there are some jurisdictions that can't seem to be bothered by the no insurance, no plate/home made plate crowd, and others that go berserk if you misplace your driver's license, even though they can look it up on line and verify it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by rogfulton »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Cause as he sits in a Graybar Hotel somewhere. Then, when he is released, he will proclaim, loud and long, to all who will pay him, that he was railroaded into prison by a corrupt government which does not Follow The Constitution (as he understands or fantasizes it to be).

Fixed it.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I knew a guy named Mark Osborne. Hung out with him in high school.

For a moment, I thought this was about him and his name was misspelled.

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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Number Six »

Maybe he should try the kingdom of heaven license plate with an international driving permit.

Frankly these jokers, and I have known quite a few of them, try every trick in the book. They should be on bicycles or maybe motor scooters/mopeds, horses have big limitations on modern roads.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Kestrel »

Number Six wrote:Maybe he should try the kingdom of heaven license plate with an international driving permit.

Frankly these jokers, and I have known quite a few of them, try every trick in the book. They should be on bicycles or maybe motor scooters/mopeds, horses have big limitations on modern roads.
Even motor scooters and mopeds need to be properly licensed with the state, and the riders need valid operators' licenses. That leaves horses, bicycles and feet.

If you're a true sov'run, you've got no business using public roads anyway.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by notorial dissent »

Horses really require a certain amount of ability, and even bicycles are beyond some of these bozos. And let's not even go in to the whole walking and chewing gum thing.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Lambkin »

In California, electric mopeds which don't exceed 20MPH are "bicycles" and do not require M1/M2 motorcycle type licensing. For practical purposes any electric bike meets this standard as long as you don't go fast enough to attract attention. Those godawful 2-stroke "rolling weedwacker" motorized scooters also do not require any license. There are probably other states with similar rules about low-power mopeds and scooters which cater to the sovern/DUI crowd.
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Kestrel »

The sov'run who wants to use the publicly-funded roads reminds me of this old joke:
A scientist approached God and said, "Listen, we've decided we no longer need you. Nowadays, we can extract stem cells, clone people, transplant hearts, and all kinds of things that were once considered miraculous."
God patiently heard him out, and then said, "All right. To see whether or not you still need me, why don't we have a little man-making contest!"
"Okay, great!" the scientist said.
"Now, we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam," God said.
"That's fine," replied the scientist and he bent down to scoop up a handful of dirt.
"Whoa!" God said, shaking his head in disapproval. "Not so fast, pal. You get your own dirt."
I've got no problem with sov'runs on the road, if it's their own sov'run road on their own private sov'run land. Keep your sov'run trucks, bikes, scooters, and stinky feet off the public roads.

You want to use public roads, buses, libraries, courtrooms? You want to be connected to the water and sewer lines, and get power from the electric grid? You want to get from your sov'run homestead to the Wal-Mart? You pay the taxes.
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Number Six
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Re: Mark Osborn arrested over fake license plate

Post by Number Six »

Certainly we should expect the police to be doing their jobs according to the law. In the case of people who do not believe in the laws that regulate driving privileges, which are not arbitrary, they will be stopped and fined based on the laws that apply to everyone else, and they should be treated no differently than other scofflaws, there may be a need to profile them if there is a pattern of dangerous behavior, but I would think the cops have their hands full these days with illegals, crazies, people with outstanding warrants, stolen vehicles, uninsured vehicles, and finally with space cadets who think they are still living in the 1800s. Regulation of heavy vehicles is essential, if the operator is impaired in some way then they may lose some privileges.

The social contract only goes so far. There are levels of law breaking connected with the sovereigns. You have the garden variety nuts up to the category five wackos who we have seen too often. Politicians and law enforcement know how to handle these people, a few "examples" warn the rest. They need to get back to work.

I caught this news item where a driver was doing everything right, yet an alert state trooper stopped him for having radioactive residue left in his blood: ... 549631.php

I suppose he could have invoked 4th Amendment rights. I wonder how the state supreme court would see a case like that?
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

'Choose loss rather than shameful gains.' (Chilon Fr. 10. Diels)