Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Red Cedar PM
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Red Cedar PM »

I subscribe to Danny Devito's thought on lawyers in Other People's Money:

Lawyers are like nuclear weapons. They have theirs, I have mine. When you use them, they f*** everything up.

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Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by The Operative »

[LPC apologizes to "The Observer," because he (LPC) has totally screwed up whatever post previously appeared here. Never mind how it happened, but it's just an example of what happens when people with moderator privileges click on the wrong buttons late at night. If anyone knows how to restore the post that previously appeared here, please do so, with my thanks. (Signed) LPC.]
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by ASITStands »

wserra wrote:
LPC wrote:Where do you get "Denied" from?
The continuation page for docket entry 14 (Mooney's summary judgment motion), under "Action/Status Date", says "DN 03/15/2010". I've never had a Tax Court case, but according to the abbreviations list "DN" means "denied".

The "NW" after "Mooney" means "nitwit".
It didn't occur to me until now (and correct me if I'm wrong), but the reason the motion for summary judgment was denied the very same day it was entered was the fact it came AFTER trial had been completed. Motions for summary judgment are correctly made BEFORE trial.

And, yes, it appears Respondent's motion for directed verdict is STILL open. What's even more telling is NO BRIEFS DUE Mr. Mooney had no further opportunity to brief his argument.

It seems odd that the decision has not been made, but it's certainly disingenuous and delusional of Mr. Mooney to think he's beat the IRS It shows his total lack of understanding.

Maybe he needed a lawyer (to stay on topic) or maybe he will in the near future?
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, certainly delusional, since Looney Mooney is ascribing his heartfelt wishes to a situation that indicates a contrary reality. Mooney has declared victory after he has in fact been swept off the board.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Brandybuck »

One definite way to garner a serious response from the IRS is to take them to Court (any court will do). This is the path that all warriors presently tackling the beast are encouraged to consider. Force them to bare their corrupt game on the table. There are lots of corrupt courts and judges, to be sure...but not all of them. It is a minefield they are fearful of walking.
Yeah, that's a great way to prove you don't have to pay taxes. If just one out of one hundred deniers manages to win through a technicality, then that will prove that you will not go to jail by following this method. Ignore those other ninety nine deniers that did wind up in jail.
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Gregg »

Brandybuck wrote:
One definite way to garner a serious response from the IRS is to take them to Court (any court will do). This is the path that all warriors presently tackling the beast are encouraged to consider. Force them to bare their corrupt game on the table. There are lots of corrupt courts and judges, to be sure...but not all of them. It is a minefield they are fearful of walking.
Yeah, that's a great way to prove you don't have to pay taxes. If just one out of one hundred deniers manages to win through a technicality, then that will prove that you will not go to jail by following this method. Ignore those other ninety nine deniers that did wind up in jail.
Well, since a bunch of the crackheads have gone already, and none of them have won, if your 1% theory holds then the odds are looking better that someone will someday!
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by LPC »

PMM, the Delusional Moron wrote:A verdict against me in this instance would not mean that CTC is wrong, but the the Court acted outside the law (again) in my case.
Even assuming that this statement is correct, and that a verdict against PMM does not mean that CtC is "wrong," it still means that CtC is useless, because it never produces any favorable result in any court.

A clock that's broken is right twice a day, but CtC isn't even that reliable. CtC is "right" only if the IRS is asleep at the switch. If the "CtC educated return" is examined by a thinking human being, and the dispute goes to court, CtC loses every time.

That means that, as a legal theory or tax return position, CtC is as useful as fraud.
PMM, the Delusional Moron wrote:A verdict in my favor returns my property and seriously weakens the credibility of the DOJ and the IRS, as well as continues to implicate the Federal Government in one of the greatest criminal financial/political operations in modern history.
And if I flap my arms and fly, it serious weakens the credibility of the laws of aerodynamics.

Both results are equally likely.
PMM, the Delusional Moron wrote:I can't lose,
You *have* lost. Hendrickson lost. Every other person filing a "CtC educated return" has lost.

Repeating the same behavior over and over again and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity.

(Incidentally, "insanity" is not a psychological concept, but a legal concept. Lawyers talk about insanity; psychologists and psychiatrists do not. It would be more accurate to say that repeating the same behavior over and over again and expecting a different result is one definition of psychosis or delusion.)
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by notorial dissent »

Correct me if I am wrong, any of you with better and longer memories than I, but I do not remember ANY instance(s) in which a “CTC educated return” has not been totally shredded and tossed back upon appearance in court. They may have temporarily slipped by the general auditing previously, but they seem to be going back and catching them at this point, and as far as I can recollect, the only “successes” the crackheads have ever had were the temporary and illusory erroneous refunds that Pete so generously posted at crack central, making recovery and identification of fraud all that much easier. To my simple mind, that would indicate, that not only is Looney Mooney “wrong”, along with a whole list of other things we needn't go into now, but that CTC for certain doesn’t work!!!!!! I know it is the simplistic view of things, and not as flashy as the corrupt judge grand conspiracy scenario, but sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Joey Smith »

The bottom line is that Patrick Mooney -- one of the "Owls" on the LostHeads website -- not only lost, but lost badly, and is simply too stupid to understand that.

Should we start a betting pool to see if he ends up in prison like Pete?
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notorial dissent
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by notorial dissent »

I personally don't see the point. I think it is a foregone conclusion that will be ultimate result. As you so rightly point out, Looney not only lost, but lost big time, and is far and away too stupid to know it, or to get even the teeny tiniest bit of a clue, plus he has a big and obnoxious mouth and personality. Any chance he might have for consideration he will with both hands toss away and then crow about. My considered opinion is that it will be when, not if, Looney goes to jail. My personal opinion is that he and several other of the regular denizens will have the privilege of joining their guru sometime in the not too distant future.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by wserra »

ASITStands wrote:It didn't occur to me until now (and correct me if I'm wrong), but the reason the motion for summary judgment was denied the very same day it was entered was the fact it came AFTER trial had been completed. Motions for summary judgment are correctly made BEFORE trial.
It doesn't matter one way or the other, but that's not exactly right. According to the docket (I see Tax Court has another site that uses temporary URLs, so there is no point in a link), Mooney filed his SJ motion of 3/2/10, and it was denied on 3/15/10. "C/S" means "Certificate of Service".
And, yes, it appears Respondent's motion for directed verdict is STILL open.... It seems odd that the decision has not been made
Is a six-month delay in a TC verdict par for the course or not? I have no idea. And the govt's motion was an oral one at the close of the trial, essentially arguing that they were entitled to judgment on the law (i.e. there was no issue of fact). That seems right for your typical crackhead position. But a judge in a bench trial would typically reserve decision on such a motion until the verdict, not rule beforehand.
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Harvester »

Just for the record; I have won. I pay zero Income Tax and no longer file. I have no legal problems and have never hired an attorney. HA!


Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Nikki »

Nikki wrote:
3) I walked into Tax Court nearly six months ago and have left them speechless thus far.
Patrick Michael Mooney; USTC Docket 021647-06
- U.S.C.A. 4 Cir. Mandate 04/07/09. Decision Affirmed

Patrick Michael Mooney; USTC Docket 008128-09
- MOTION by petr. for summary judgment 3/15/10
- Denied 3/15/10

PMM seems to be dwelling somewhere near planet Merrill.
Supplement: Amount of tax at issue in 8128-09 -- $525.51 :roll:
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I love the way that Looney Mooney and his followers (all six of them :twisted: ) like to pretend that an adverse ruling in one of the court cases against him is actually a victory, since it is further "proof" that the courts are operating outside the law, yadayadayada, aqnd if they would only read and respect the law, then the LoserHeads would win each and every case.

Hey Patrick -- since the courts are so determined to, as you claim, "operate outside the law" when trying or deciding the court cases against you, why even bother with them? Since "the game is fixed", so to speak, why even play it? Wouldn't it be better to take some of your refund money and start buying ads in the various media, to "educate" us all? At least, get all your CtC buddies and make some picket signs, and go outside CNN headquarters or something.

I figure that the various news media can always use the ad revenue; and CNN (or MSNBC, Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS) could use a good humorous story to throw in at the end of newscasts. Not only that, I figure that the country could use a good laugh at the expense of the sand-crawling Worriers.
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Joey Smith wrote:The bottom line is that Patrick Mooney -- one of the "Owls" on the LostHeads website -- not only lost, but lost badly, and is simply too stupid to understand that.
I'm not surprised that he's an "owl". Everything he says is definitely a hoot. :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Famspear »

More wit and wisdom from Patrick Michael Mooney at losthorizons (excerpts):
....Once they [Internal Revenue Service personnel] act in violation of the laws that constrain them, they have, in fact and in essence, lost all of their statutory authority.

How would you fight a corporation that was trying to rob you by claiming charges on an account you never opened or were even aware of?

I've sent the junk email letter above, the computer notices still keep coming. I didn't expect it to be effective, only to save myself the time and anguish of preparing considerate and proper responses, only to have them ignored completely.

In what is still for me GREAT NEWS, and a further confirmation of power and truth of CTC, it has now been over 6 months since my second tax court trial and the IRS remains in stunned silence on the matter.

I am now preparing intensely to take my case to the public at large. There will be lots of video information I'll be putting together over the course of the next few months that will simplify the issue for newbies and be an inspiring resource for veteran warriors.

I have no doubt in my mind that we are on the side of the RIGHT here. America is fed up to the hilt with the Feds (and the draconian health care laws have not even been put into effect yet). you can be sure this tension and anger will only increase in the future, and the people will be incensed enough to rise up for themselves.

It's an exciting time to be an American. We are going to be the generation that is responsible for what later historians will call the American Restoration.

CTC ["Cracking the Code," the Peter Hendrickson tax scam] is the most precise and cutting weapon in this epic battle thus far. I urge you to continue spreading the word of it by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Now is not the time to be bashful or afraid of what others will think of you. Take a stand and be a leader in your community.

I would still like to call for and plan a national gathering of leaders from all 50 states to better coordinate our efforts. If your state doesn't have a forum, start one!
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 5920#25920

(bolding added)
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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Demosthenes »

Things that make Patrick go, "Hmmm."

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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Quixote »

... it has now been over 6 months since my second tax court trial and the IRS remains in stunned silence on the matter.
If IRS attorneys laugh at Mooney and he doesn't hear them, is his legal theory still unsound?
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat

Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by lorne »

It's becoming more certain that Mooney and the tax honesty adherents will have the last laugh.

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Re: Hendrickson follower Mooney on the need for lawyers

Post by Famspear »

lorne wrote:It's becoming more certain that Mooney and the tax honesty adherents will have the last laugh.
And The Moon is made of green cheese.


EDIT: For those who are not regular readers of this forum, the phrase "tax honesty adherents," like the phrase "tax honesty movement" or "tax honesty advocate," is a phrase used by tax scammers to describe themselves as a group. In the topsy-turvy world of delusion of people like "lorne," and Patrick Mooney, up is "down" and down is "up." Dishonesty is "honesty", and tax evasion is a "patriotic" activity.

In the world of people like "lorne", the price of silver and the nature of the Federal Reserve System are somehow tied into the validity of the federal income tax laws. To these people, the federal tax law is a "scam," and all their efforts to evade taxes are, in their own eyes, the actions of "patriots."

These people hop from one tax scam to the next, just as Hendrickson did, looking for the "magic" that will some day, somehow, "prove" that they are right. They copy and paste nonsense from one loony web site to the next.

Every defeat for them is a "victory." The fact that the courts have ruled against them every time is somehow "proof" to them that the courts are corrupt. The fact that 99.9999% of all tax experts laugh at their nonsense is somehow "proof" to them that the tax experts are just trying to protect the source of their income.

The fact that Peter Hendrickson has lost every single case involving his "Cracking the Code" tax scam and is in federal prison for using the scam on his own tax returns somehow constitutes "proof" to these people that Hendrickson is "right."

Mooney lost his first Tax Court case using the Hendrickson scam. He now, essentially, implies that he has won his current Tax Court case. He is wrong. And when the judgment is rendered on his loss, he might claim that loss as a "victory."

These people are losers, and they will always be losers.
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