"Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NYGman »

Not sure where to put this, but this thread feels appropriate, due to Ceylon being a big promoter of the 3 Letter ploy.

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... VnypYHD_qB

Note, the banks seem to be wise to the game now, and crafted an good reply, that to the normal person would be quite clear:
Hi all,

Received a letter last week, So looked at it and sent letter number 1 along with my copyright declaration. This was sent "signed for" too. Today, received a handwritten envelope with the following letter:- Note: this is verbatim with references removed (including punctuation or lack thereof).

1st credit reference xxxxxxx
Account Number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Balance x,xxx.xx
Original Creditor xyz

We are committed to resolving any query or dispute raised by our customers.

Unfortunately it has become commonplace for some customers to send us letters sourced from the internet which do not raise specific queries or disputes relating to their account. They are instead generic template letters which raise matters which have little (if any) relevance to the customer's account and/or have no merit in law.

Rather than using generic letters sourced from the internet we strongly recommend that our customers seek free advice from a reputable organisation. For example; The Money Advice Service, the Citizens Advice Bureau, Step Change Debt Charity, Christians Against Poverty, Payplan etc.

Alternatively we are happy for you to call us to complete an income/expenditure form. This will help us to determine how much you can afford to pay each month towards this debt.

We have already requested a copy agreement from the original creditor, however, if the matter related to a current account overdraft, please be advised that until February 2011 there was no requirement for an agreement as it was exempted from Part V of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. In this case we will request copy statements. Any relevant documentation will be sent to you as soon as it is received.

In the meantime we are happy to provide general answers to general questions that these generic template letters often raise;

1. If your letter requested the removal of a telephone number from our contact details this has been done. We reserve the right to reinstate this number if we fail to receive any reply to our correspondence.

2. We are not obliged to provide you with a 'sworn affidavit in accordance with the Bills of Exchange Act 1882'. We therefore decline your request to do so. A notice of assignment was previously posted to you. Please let us know if you require a further copy.

3. We do not require your permission to deal with the account nor do we have a direct contract with you. The contract was between the original creditor and yourself.

4. We would not be named in the agreement. The terms and conditions within the relevant agreement would state that the original creditor would be able to assign the account to a third party but they are not obliged to name them in that agreement. therefore we do not agree with any suggestions that we are acting unlawfully.

5. We are not obliged to provide you with the name of our officer who has seen the original Deed of Assignment or carried out due diligence of the Money Laundering Regulations 2007. We therefore decline your request to do this.

6. We are not obliged to provide you with a copy of the Deed of Assignment and would refer you to Section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925 which provides that the debtor is sufficiently notified of the assignment of the debt in writing and not a copy of the Deed itself. We therefore decline your request to do so.

7. We consider the information provided to us by the original creditor to be correct.

8. We are not a third party interloper in this matter.

9. We are fully entitled to process your personal data without your permission. Please refer to Part 1 of Schedule 1 and to Schedule 2, Paragragh 6(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998:-

Schedule 1, Part 1, Paragraph 1, to the Data Protection Act 1998 (the "DPA") sets out the first data protection principle:-

(1) "Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless-
(a) at least one of the conditions in Schedule 2 is met, and
(b) in the case of sensitive personal data, at least one of the conditions in Schedule 3 is also met"

Schedule 2, Paragraph 6 of the Data Protection Act 1998:-

(1) The processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or by the third party or parties to whom the data are disclosed, except where the processing is unwarranted in any particular case by reason of prejudice to the rights and freedoms or legitimate interests of the data subject.

We consider the interest of Debt recovery a legitimate interest and 1st Credit Ltd being the third party to who the data has been disclosed. As a result, your data will remain on our system and will continue to be processed lawfully.

10. a request for a tripartite delegated novated agreement/contract does not apply. Neither does a request for a 'Deed of Novation'. We therefore decline your request to provide these.

11. We have not registered any 'negative' remarks on your credit file. We have recorded correct information relating to your credit history in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 1 and to Schedule 2, Paragraph 6(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998.

12. We are unaware of any relevant case law or citation to support your opinion that you can bill us and therefore any claim will be rejected.

13. We are the legal owner of the debt.

14. We have not and do not accept we have a tacit agreement.

15. There is no legal basis for you to claim your costs or expenses from us. Any invoices you send hereafter will be ignored as we do not and will not agree to pay these. They have no basis in Law.
We consider this debt to be due and payable.

We are aware that internet forums provide a 'letter suite' and many customers will, on receipt of our reply simply send the next letter in the suite. We consider it to be totally unnecessary to answer questions we have already replied to.

We are committed to helping our customers replay their debt(s) by agreeing affordable repayment plans. If you want to repay your debt please contact us

Yours sincerely

xxxxxxxxxxx (signed.. squiggle... illegible)

1st Credit Ltd.

This raises a number of questions.

1. I don't remember actually being a customer of this organisation even though they refer to me as such. It would appear that they've requested a copy agreement from the original creditor (not an original). They seem to infer that there is no requirement for an agreement. They then go on to state that they'll send me copy statements. Obviously these aren't originals nor are they the note, deed or indeed signed.

2. not obligated to provide sworn affidavit. They claim a notice of assignment was sent to me which i have never received.

3. They agree they do not have a direct contract with me. Also, that the original contract was between me and the original creditor.

5. obviously not going to provide me with the name of someone who's seen the note.

6. they seem to refer me to the Law of property act.

10. They seem to say i'm no entitled to ask for deed of novation or novated agreement.

13. Interestingly they claim to own the debt. yet I have signed nothing between us as parties.

It would also seem to indicate that they won't respond formally to any further letters as part of this "letter suite".

So do i now send letter two? I would appreciate some guidance/advice in respect of the above.


Obviously not clear enough So Salie comes to save the day:
Lets break it down....."letters sourced from the internet". Okay. So does that mean that all those online lawyers that give you pro forma Wills, Powers of Attorneys or a myriad of other documents are not acceptable? Does this mean that Oyez, a site often used by lawyers to obtain their standard legal forms online are not acceptable? Indeed, does it mean the institution you are writing to does not encourage their "customers" to obtain their forms online? Of course not. Therefore disregard.

"We have already requested a copy agreement from the original creditor, however, if " Okay. Stop right there. Thats all you want. They have requested it. Good. No need to bother expending time writing a load of codswallop was there? IF this IF that. You asked for the agreement, they have requested a copy. All they need to do is produce it :)

The numbered paragraphs are irrelevant. Whether or not they accept tacit agreement, they have responded to you and have said they have requested a copy of the agreement. Unless and until it is produced, proceed as normal.

You need to remember, whatever they say is only an opinion. Opinions are like ar@@holes, we all have one. Now them testing that opinion in a proper Court of Record before a Judge is quite another matter. So they are entitled to their opinion but that is all it is.

Of course they want you to make contact. They want you to drop the three letters and following their course of action. Contact the legal companies that they deem fit to advise but before your do, do your due diligence and check out just how those same legal organisations have helped others ...there are plenty of reports out there.

"They are committed to helping their customers to repay debts".... well of course they are. They would not exist otherwise :)... you have to admire their honesty.

You know the Bailiffs have award dinners? Well I think we should have award dinners and give out awards for the most innovative responses...... this isn't really up there but you have to admire the time it probably took to put this together.
Yes Salie, opinions are as described, and her opinion should be ignored :) another example of plain English thoroughly misinterpriting the response.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

PeanutGallery wrote:I would concur with LeTissiers observations, I've not seen anyone make a complaint regarding having to spend money to access information or point out that this would be anathema to the concept of removing ones debts free. I'd also further state that Ceylon is not the owner or operator of GOODF that is Jon Witterick (I believe) he is just a very vocal member of it's community. I was mistaken about that point in the past and feel I should clarify. Ceylon is a part of GOODF but he is not all of it nor does he represent every view.

So while their is much I think for which we can malign Ceylon and certainly I do not like the man, we do need to be fair in our assessment of him lest we fall into error by doing exactly what we criticise him for, which is to make baseless accusations.

I would also say that I think a lot of people could do with receiving access to credible independent financial advise on debt and dealing with financial investments than is currently provided for. Their is a distrust of the banking industry and this is something that I think should be addressed to remove the attitude of us v them. Get Out Of Debt Free at many points furthers the divide between banks and people and this is quite sad.
I think I would slightly disagree with Peanut's point. As far as I am aware, Ceylon is the joint operator of the site with Jon Witterick. In fact it seems as if having set up GOODF, Witterick takes a back seat in the management of the site and leaves it all to Ceylon.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by longdog »

NYGman wrote:Not sure where to put this, but this thread feels appropriate, due to Ceylon being a big promoter of the 3 Letter ploy.

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... VnypYHD_qB

Note, the banks seem to be wise to the game now, and crafted an good reply, that to the normal person would be quite clear:
Hi all,

Received a letter last week, So looked at it and sent letter number 1 along with my copyright declaration. This was sent "signed for" too. Today, received a handwritten envelope with the following letter:- Note: this is verbatim with references removed (including punctuation or lack thereof).

1st credit reference xxxxxxx
Account Number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Balance x,xxx.xx
Original Creditor xyz

We are committed to resolving any query or dispute raised by our customers.

Unfortunately it has become commonplace for some customers to send us letters sourced from the internet which do not raise specific queries or disputes relating to their account. They are instead generic template letters which raise matters which have little (if any) relevance to the customer's account and/or have no merit in law.
Yours sincerely


xxxxxxxxxxx (signed.. squiggle... illegible)

1st Credit Ltd.
I have to say that's one of the nicest 'GO FUCK YOURSELF!' letters I've ever seen :haha:
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

by ceylon
How to deal with Bailiffs & Locksmiths Leigh Ravenscroft style
This doesn't actually show anyone dealing with locksmiths , just some bully boys pretending to know the law and intimidating an old boy trying to do his job.
http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... VxPUzTF98E

But this one does.20:18 onwards. I call it - Breaking Bad :haha:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvEXjs_ ... freload=10

They can't smash the door open
Really Mark!. Why didn't you stop them then?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

In Ceylon's defence, technically that was a window, not a door.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by vampireLOREN »

PeanutGallery wrote:In Ceylon's defence, technically that was a window, not a door.
Ahhhh You quote Legolese I believe?? :naughty:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by guilty »

vampireLOREN wrote: Ahhhh You quote Legolese I believe?? :naughty:
The Elf??? :lol:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by vampireLOREN »

guilty wrote:
vampireLOREN wrote: Ahhhh You quote Legolese I believe?? :naughty:
The Elf??? :lol:
Nah its the Sov's version of Legalese :thinking:
( that's my story and like Tom I am sticking to it).
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Philistine »

vampireLOREN wrote:
guilty wrote:
vampireLOREN wrote: Ahhhh You quote Legolese I believe?? :naughty:
The Elf??? :lol:
Nah its the Sov's version of Legalese :thinking:
( that's my story and like Tom I am sticking to it).
I believe that's "legalise" at least from that moron Amanda.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

vampireLOREN wrote:
guilty wrote:
vampireLOREN wrote: Ahhhh You quote Legolese I believe?? :naughty:
The Elf??? :lol:
Nah its the Sov's version of Legalese :thinking:
( that's my story and like Tom I am sticking to it).
I thought it was a reference to a certain plastic brick.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Hercule Parrot »

wanglepin wrote:But this one does.20:18 onwards. I call it - Breaking Bad :haha:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvEXjs_ ... freload=10
That's one of my favourite videos. It's got a little of everything, all packed into a well-edited package. All killer, no filler. It does seem a bit strange that Ceylon made a video which demonstrated how utterly ineffective the pompous GOOFy nonsense is. Basically if you make a big scene at the gate and shout gibberish, you can slow the bailiffs down by up to 7 minutes.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by vampireLOREN »


The Elf??? :lol:[/quote]
Nah its the Sov's version of Legalese :thinking:
( that's my story and like Tom I am sticking to it).[/quote]

I thought it was a reference to a certain plastic brick.[/quote]
sHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that was the idea :whistle:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some recognition for all my hard work

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... V9P70Yvb6Y

I won't rest or be happy until I get my own dedicated youtube video
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NYGman »

Bones wrote:AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some recognition for all my hard work

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... V9P70Yvb6Y

I won't rest or be happy until I get my own dedicated youtube video
Way to go Bones, you have earned it! Now waiting for the YouTube shoutout...
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by vampireLOREN »

Bones wrote:AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some recognition for all my hard work

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... V9P70Yvb6Y

I won't rest or be happy until I get my own dedicated youtube video
Bones, just think Walt Disney started with Mickey Mouse
This could lead to great things.
Well Done. :D
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Bones wrote:AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some recognition for all my hard work

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... V9P70Yvb6Y

I won't rest or be happy until I get my own dedicated youtube video
You've still got to go some to knock me off the number one position!! :lol:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Burnaby49 »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
Bones wrote:AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some recognition for all my hard work

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... V9P70Yvb6Y

I won't rest or be happy until I get my own dedicated youtube video
You've still got to go some to knock me off the number one position!! :lol:
And even I got mentioned in a video and I've done essentially nothing.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
Bones wrote:AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some recognition for all my hard work

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... V9P70Yvb6Y

I won't rest or be happy until I get my own dedicated youtube video
You've still got to go some to knock me off the number one position!! :lol:
ok showoff :Axe:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Bones wrote:AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some recognition for all my hard work

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... V9P70Yvb6Y

I won't rest or be happy until I get my own dedicated youtube video
Oh no......no.....no.....no....no.... :naughty:
Not so fast, young man.
Nowhere in that video is your name mentioned. :naughty: There is only a reference to "someone". "Someone" could be anyone.
You are going to have to work much harder in the future.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
Bones wrote:AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some recognition for all my hard work

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... V9P70Yvb6Y

I won't rest or be happy until I get my own dedicated youtube video
Oh no......no.....no.....no....no.... :naughty:
Not so fast, young man.
Nowhere in that video is your name mentioned. :naughty: There is only a reference to "someone". "Someone" could be anyone.
You are going to have to work much harder in the future.
lol :haha:

Good point.. the shame.. I don't even get my name dropped .. I am just a someone :oops: