Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

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Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Famspear »

This is an older post -- something I found in a thread entitled “The pending demise of lost horizons,” in “another place” on the internet. It's dated March 22, 2010 (before Pete Hendrickson was sentenced), and it is an excerpt:
AKA: An “Open Letter” to Mr. Peter E. Hendrickson

I have bitten my [virtual] tongue for far too long on this matter and must now speak out about it.

This is precisely what is wrong with the Tax Honesty Movement (THM), as a whole, we are all divided up, each of us entirely comfy within our teeny-tiny self-elevated cliques. We are almost as bad as the 9/11 Truth Movement (9/11 Truthers), which suffers the same aliment, although on a much grander scale. The ultimate result of this disingenuous mentality will surely be to render our very own demise.

[ . . . ]

Now with all of that being said, I am personally so entirely fed-up with the snarling mentality of Mr. Hendrickson and his trailing band of jib-ability-wibit repeaters [sic]. It truly is a wonder why anybody still posts at Lost Horizons, seriously Mr. Hendrickson has completely scrubbed his forums at least three, count them 1, 2, 3 times within these last few years. Now I am not personally aware of the prior occurrences, but for this last time I can state that Mr. Hendrickson gave not even one minute of forewarning, he just decided to do it, (to note, I did cordially email Peter Hendrickson several times requesting that he either forward me a compressed copy of the Lost Horizons Forum (LHF) database (the one he claims to have kept) just prior to the most recent deletion of his forum or simply upload such a copy of the LHF database to a private directory I have setup, so that I could port it over to the CtC Warrior Forum as a permanent archive for preservation purposes, never did he even bother responding to me).

Now the above clearly signals, at least to me, that Mr. Hendrickson holds not one single ounce of regard or respect toward any of his forum members, regardless if he has banned them or not, which becomes even more evident by way of his plethora of very hastily performed banishments from his National Forum and State Warrior Forums. To all of you still posting at Lost Horizons, I ask you how much time do you think will pass before Mr. Hendrickson performs another overt “scrub op” or perhaps this time decides to drop the roof on his flying magic tent of Circus Jerkus all together?

I can also assert from my own personal experience that Mr. Hendrickson is a downright liar. As he had publicly made a post concerning me about a week or two prior to him wiping his National Forum clean, where he outright lied about certain emails he had sent me, as well as my replies to the emails and about the fraudulent allegations he had made towards me… And of course I could not defend myself, (because see I myself had already been banned). Personally I wonder how many other individuals once, Lost Horizons Forum members themselves, have been banished by Mr. Hendrickson in the past, but sadly for them they could not actually inform any of the other forum members of this because they had no means for which to do so. As luckily, at least for a few of us since exiled had a few contact emails permitting us to inform other Lost Horizon Forum members of our realized misfortune, (since reformed to a blessing in disguise).

Mr. Hendrickson is further dishonest as he fails to let his readers know up front that he is a convicted felon… And worse yet a yellowbellied turncoat! Now, Peter Hendrickson really needs to include this information within the introduction of his book. Of course he can put some spin on it if he wants to, dress it up, whatever, but he truly needs to come clean on this issue instead of attempting to ensconce it. Presently, he has had plenty of time to accomplish this, having performed dozens of revisions of his book and thereby there are no legitimate excuses for him to not have had done so by now. In fact, he should include it within his next revision. Personally for myself, I must say that I was highly offended when I learned of this immoral event, it was a great act of betrayal on his part. Until such time that he comes clean on this matter it only serves to show him to possess a characteristic of depravity, to whatever degree.

Now, to all of you blind allegiance Hendrickson followers that are in full support of his ban actions on other forum members (you know who you are), I ask, what is the matter with you all? Do you not realize that at any time, the next person banned could be you or one of your buddies? Do you not see how the actions of Mr. Hendrickson serve to make him no better than those working hard and fast within whatever federal bureaucracy or cabal organization to push their status quo agenda straight toward that big burning blue global dictatorship/plutocracy and technocracy in the sky? The fact remains that Mr. Hendrickson is banning Lost Horizon Forum members that have committed themselves to filing a “CtC” or similar returns and then turns around and issues the same lame story to his [few] remaining LHF members, which basically infers that he does not think that person was actually filing a “CtC Return” as they had no “victories” to claim. How much more evident can it be that Peter E. Hendrickson is completely disassociated with his very own CtC practitioners? What more do you need, for him to smack you across the side of your sleepy little head?

Mr. Hendrickson is by no means a qualified expert; he has no right to proclaim himself all knowing in that massive beast which is the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The fact remains that he has been wrong on many levels, he is just either too committed, illusioned [sic], or plain stubborn to realize what is already or what may be apparent to others. Therefore, much of this, at least on the surface, becomes an issue of respect, something apparently Mr. Hendrickson himself greatly lacks.

[ . . . ]
(bolding added)

I can’t say the name of the author of this letter (that just wouldn't be prudent, you know), but his initials are “WW.” It's good to see he's not bitter about being banned by the Bloviating Blowhard-in-Chief!

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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Lorax »

Apparently this guy thinks Hendrickson's decision to turn on his co-conspirator in exchange for a light sentence was more reprehensible than the bombing itself.
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by notorial dissent »

Ya think!!!!
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Famspear »

It's funny that WW was still this upset, in March 2010, about being banned -- roughly a year after Blowhard Hendrickson banned him.

More from WW, this on March 31, 2010 (bolding added):
Alright, the final straw has been broken. I am officially pulling all association with Peter Hendrickson and his Lost Horizons from Defend Independence, CtC Warrior, and MediaWarrior........
Oh, nooooooooo!!!!
......As time permits I will be removing all links and scripts I have pointing to Lost Horizons. Enough is enough. Peter Hendrickson can go “chill” himself and play with his Ban Button elsewhere. I will in no way, shape, or form support anything associated with him.

On a personal note, lately I have been questioning his “Victory Counts” anyway, it seems odd to me that it grows so consistently throughout the entire year, every year, and why that one guy that got back 6-million Dollars did not pony up a nice chunk of change to give to Mr. Hendrickson, to advertize for Lost Horizons, or even to go into business with him (and why has that guy not received another massive victory since)?

Also Hendrickson does not seem to revise tallies and perform updates for those people that originally received “Victories”, only to later have the IRS go after them and more so why those with “Victories” rarely if ever post their own experiences or participate on the Lost Horizons Forum, yet somehow they know to send Hendrickson the documents from their Victory, something they would only know to do if they were active on the Lost Horizons Forum.

Finally, I have personally come to disagree on many issues with Mr. Hendrickson; I feel that many of his arguments are blatantly moot, equating to nothing more than legal loopholes, therefore even if he were correct, so what, because guess what happens, next year Congress will close out the loophole and he is back to square numero uno.

[ . . . ]clearly Mr. Hendrickson is anything but sincere.

EDIT: WW wrote:
.....Peter Hendrickson can go “chill” himself.....
For the benefit of any new readers to the forum, I note that Peter E. "Blowhard" Hendrickson is certainly chilling now, and will be for the next two plus years -- at his current residence -- in federal prison.
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Gregg »

I'm sorry, this is Weston White, right?

This was all posted here when it happened, in fact, a few weeks before he wrote that he was posting here in defense of Hendrickson...
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Famspear »

Gregg wrote:I'm sorry, this is Weston White, right?

This was all posted here when it happened, in fact, a few weeks before he wrote that he was posting here in defense of Hendrickson...
Yes, it's Weston.

Weston basically stopped posting in Quatloos on May 5, 2009. The only post I see by Weston after May 5, 2009 was one post on April 27, 2010. As far as I can see, the above quotes -- from material he posted on his own web site in March 2010 -- have never before been posted in Quatloos.

I think it's funny because in March 2010 he is ranting and raving about Hendrickson over things that Hendrickson did to him a year before that. Kinda makes me wonder if Weston's tax problems (frivolous penalties, etc.) from using Hendrickson's Cracking the Code scam were getting a lot worse in March 2010, and that this would be the reason he's lashing out at Blowhard Hendrickson.

Just a theory.....
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Gregg »

IIRC he was also posting here and other places from an IP that traced back to a government office where he worked, which may have gotten him in some hot water not to mention the irony of a government employee ( I think he works for a city in California) trying to use Hendrickson's nonsense....being that it revolves largely around income not being related to government funds.
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:IIRC he was also posting here and other places from an IP that traced back to a government office where he worked, which may have gotten him in some hot water not to mention the irony of a government employee ( I think he works for a city in California) trying to use Hendrickson's nonsense....being that it revolves largely around income not being related to government funds.
Good golly, do you think Weston had the intestinal fortitude to walk into his supervisor's office and demand that they stop withholding taxes from his gross wages?
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by . »

Sure, why not?

If that's the case, he knows it will take them about 10 years to fire him, if then.
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by LPC »

Famspear wrote:Kinda makes me wonder if Weston's tax problems (frivolous penalties, etc.) from using Hendrickson's Cracking the Code scam were getting a lot worse in March 2010, and that this would be the reason he's lashing out at Blowhard Hendrickson.
That could be part of it.

I think it's also possible that WW is angry because Hendrickson exerts the kind of arbitrary authority, and commands the kind of blind loyalty, that WW wishes he had.

That's right, WW is suffering from Blowhard Envy (BE).
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Tax Man »

LPC wrote:
Famspear wrote:Kinda makes me wonder if Weston's tax problems (frivolous penalties, etc.) from using Hendrickson's Cracking the Code scam were getting a lot worse in March 2010, and that this would be the reason he's lashing out at Blowhard Hendrickson.
That could be part of it.

I think it's also possible that WW is angry because Hendrickson exerts the kind of arbitrary authority, and commands the kind of blind loyalty, that WW wishes he had.

That's right, WW is suffering from Blowhard Envy (BE).
And Hendrickson is still blowing hard.
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:
Famspear wrote:Kinda makes me wonder if Weston's tax problems (frivolous penalties, etc.) from using Hendrickson's Cracking the Code scam were getting a lot worse in March 2010, and that this would be the reason he's lashing out at Blowhard Hendrickson.
That could be part of it.

I think it's also possible that WW is angry because Hendrickson exerts the kind of arbitrary authority, and commands the kind of blind loyalty, that WW wishes he had.

That's right, WW is suffering from Blowhard Envy (BE).
Blowhard Envy. Wow.


(cue the Announcer's Voice....)
Hey there, Patriotic Posters over at losthorizons....

Do you suffer from Blowhard Envy?

Yes, "BE" is a recognized malady. And YOU just may have it. Check with your psychiatrist or psychologist. And do it today.....
I think the prime candidate for the "BE diagnosis" over at lost horizons right now would be "SkankBeat."
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Famspear »

Tax Man wrote:And Hendrickson is still blowing hard.
And probably more and more often these days, I bet.

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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Lambkin »

It's interesting that several of Weston's gripes about PH parrot commonly repeated critiques on Quatloos. (eg, "felon", "turncoat")

I guess we got to him.
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by notorial dissent »

I always thought WW, or Whiney as I liked to think of him, was a Blowhardmeister wannabe, but lacked the charisma, knowledge, or people skills of his mentor, or most rocks for that matter, and when he wasn’t recognized as Prattlin’ Pete’s favorite idiot stepchild he decided to go off in a low dudgeon and pout since he wasn’t getting the acclamation he felt was his just and due under Pete. If Whiney had been a little brighter, alright a whole lot brighter, he might have figured out that ole Petey was never going to share the spotlight with anyone, no matter how much they fawned and drooled over his magnificence.

I also seem to remember that he was having some major tax problems that his fawning adulation of CTC had only made exceedingly worse, so I would bet, as someone pointed out, that there was more than a little friction there from that. The amazing, or not so as it may be, thing was that even with his life imploding around him, he still refused to see that it was Pete who had done him in not de ebil gubmint. Some people never learn it would seem.

Of course, what Whiney, and the rest of lost and bewildered haven’t yet figured out, is that Pete sold them out a long time ago when he started publishing the verified proof of their tax fraud on his site, and none of them seem to be smart enough to have figured out that someone at enforcement was probably taking regular screen shots of their posted “victories” and passing it along to investigations for possible criminal processing, would have taken way too much sense on their part for that.
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by ASITStands »

Famspear wrote:Kinda makes me wonder if Weston's tax problems (frivolous penalties, etc.) from using Hendrickson's Cracking the Code scam were getting a lot worse in March 2010, and that this would be the reason he's lashing out at Blowhard Hendrickson.
As I recall, Weston hinted the frivolous penalties amounted to roughly $105,000.

And, since he's had a year in which to dispute those penalties (without taking an action in tax or appellate court), they may now be in collection and affecting his paycheck.

Wonder if his marriage is still intact? I think the wife was very unhappy last we heard.
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by grixit »

notorial dissent wrote:
Of course, what Whiney, and the rest of lost and bewildered haven’t yet figured out,
"Lost and Bewildered" was one of Led Zeppelin's less memorable works. Still, it did provide the name for one of the cover bands.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Harvester »

Yes, it's unclear why Weston is so upset with Pete. Hendrickson is, after all, correct; the federal income tax is a very limited tax and I've successfully become a non-taxpayer.

If Hendrickson can be faulted at all, it's his confidence that a 'taxpayer' can easily become a non-taxpayer. The implication that one can use the knowledge imparted to move off the tax farm (& publicly post your refund check) without repercussion from the IRS. Or, if issues are encountered one simply appeals to "the rule of law" and makes the IRS uphold the law. In practice this appears quite difficult to achieve. But who are we dealing with here; the banker's extortion racket run in partnership with govt actors. Remember the bankers' boast "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."
~Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Can we really expect those actors NOT to use the law, to break the law, under color of law? This is a very risky business, it's a near perfect scam the banksters have setup, but of course win-able. I'm a testament to that.

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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Imalawman »

Harvester wrote:Yes, it's unclear why Weston is so upset with Pete. Hendrickson is, after all, correct; the federal income tax is a very limited tax and I've successfully become a non-taxpayer.

If Hendrickson can be faulted at all, it's his confidence that a 'taxpayer' can easily become a non-taxpayer. The implication that one can use the knowledge imparted to move off the tax farm (& publicly post your refund check) without repercussion from the IRS. Or, if issues are encountered one simply appeals to "the rule of law" and makes the IRS uphold the law. In practice this appears quite difficult to achieve. But who are we dealing with here; the banker's extortion racket run in partnership with govt actors. Remember the bankers' boast "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."
~Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Can we really expect those actors NOT to use the law, to break the law, under color of law? This is a very risky business, it's a near perfect scam the banksters have setup, but of course win-able. I'm a testament to that.
The world must be a scary place for you, huh?
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Re: Former Hendrickson acolyte lashes out at him

Post by Joey Smith »

"I've successfully become a non-taxpayer."

Enjoy the cash-based jobs! Hey, my pool needs cleaning, windows need washing, and I'm going to need my firewood re-stocked for the coming winter. Maybe you can eventually work your way up like that other guy on LostHeads who lives out of his pickup truck and sells watermelons by the roadside.
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