The Restore America Plan

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Cathulhu wrote:When I play a republic in Civilization:Revolution, the computer addresses me as Empress. So how'd he get to be President of a Republic? Shouldn't he be Emperor? Or maybe just Grand Poobah? Or to quote the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, the Hifalutin' Abba Dabba Yucca Ducca Hootchie Dootchie!
The US is sort of a republic isn't it? We have a president. I mean there may be differences between the Roman Idea of a Republic and what we have today, I haven't studied Roman History enough to know what they are, but I would imagine neither have these guys.
Deep Knight
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Looks like these people have dotted all their "t"s and crossed all their "i"s. With attention to detail like this, things are SURE to break sometime soon after last April!

Remember: If it looks like Nesara, acts like Nesara and functions like Nesara but spelled differently ---- IT'S STILL CRAP!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Restore America Plan - Update 4/6/10 Inside Information

Inside Information Update 4/6/10 – Restore America Plan

The following comes from several ‘real’ intelligence resources, my research and insider sources.

There is no shortage of funds for future recovery. Trusts have been established for every administration and these trust funds are available for proper disbursement.
There are vast sums in very high trillions available for Social Security which will not be affected.
The military has already informed obama that he is no longer Commander-in-Chief.
The closed door emergency meeting of the Federal Reserve on Monday 4/5/10 did discuss the financial default and how to respond to the people’s declaration. They are in panic.
There is a “Gag Order” on the governors and other officials who are served. If they say anything, they lose there option to sign on or resign. In short, they will be removed by the military.
We are simply sovereigns. Beware of any article using “sovereign citizens”. This is propaganda by the PTB.
FBI at high levels were informed about the plan before delivery.
Fulford is aware of activities and a participant on worldwide recovery on an international level.
There is an international participation in the program(s) which will become more evident in the next few weeks.
Bonding will not be available for corporate entities. They will have to operate in the de jour government under the constitution.
Corporate government and entities cannot access the C.A.F.R. funds without the bonds.
All Bonds have been “arrested” by the republic and cannot be used by the corporate government and entities. The arrest of the bonds-from the U.S. Corporation down to the smallest country in the world will cause a stoppage in all activities. They cannot conduct business as they are not ‘bondable’.
Corporate Courts cannot conduct any business without bonds.

Remember – If it looks like Nesara, acts like Nesara and functions like Nesara but spelled
differently ---- IT IS THE RESTORE PLAN

Thank you all


Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:27 AM
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Brandybuck »

Cathulhu wrote:When I play a republic in Civilization:Revolution, the computer addresses me as Empress. So how'd he get to be President of a Republic?
The game has it wrong. If you are an Empress then you rule an Empire not a Republic.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Tim Turner of Restore America Plan is now the Interim President of New Republic of United States

Executive Summary – Restore America Plan has set up an interim government. The de jeur grand juries have had to approve by a 2/3 vote the candidates for the interim government. This would include a President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and heads of various departments like Department of Education, Homeland Security, FBI, etc. There are also two senators for each state and 10 house of representative members for each state. There is also to be a new Governor for each State. Restore America Plan has completed phase one and a lawful interim government is in place. It appears highly probable that military support is securely in place. When I saw I heard Tim say this and that it is coming from internet radio shows and phone in talk shows.

Tim Turner – Tim was the inventor of the secured party creditor approach to fight illegitimate creditors in the de facto court system. Tim gave seminars and followed up with phone conferences. The idea was to help the people stay in their homes and avoid foreclosure by fighting back in the de facto courts. The problem is the banks are using the credit of the borrower to gain profits and punish the creditors after using their own credit. This is a long legal story, not appropriate here. Tim is in the office for six months only. We applaud and welcome him to the office. Go Tim Go. Tim is a God fearing man who thumps the Bible and loves God and the constitution. Tim fasts and prays. You will get so much more truth, justice and the American way from Tim Turner than any of these other imposter presidents in recent history. Tim is not a guy to be feared. Do not be afraid of Restore America Plan, they are your friends. They are actually doing the work for you of getting rid of the crooks in office. There will be checks and balances to prevent a runaway criminal government from happening again. Tim never ever asked anyone for a single dime. Tim wants freedom for you and risked his life for you to be free.

The Military – It appears the military is onboard with Tim and Restore America Plan. Yeah. Apparently there was an attempt to kill Tim about two months ago. A mercenary hit team of six was hired apparently by the de facto government to assassinate Tim. Typical of the thugs operating under color of government. The military got wind of the threat, secreted Tim away until the threat and I expect other potential threats could be removed and/or contained. The unverified rumors we picked up were navy seals were watching over Tim during this time. I think Navy seals are an excellent choice. Tim is now out in the open apparently watched over by the military and I expect in the immediate future the secret service if they are not already involved, they soon will be. So now you will have the most powerful, best and greatest military in the history of the world protecting you. They will no longer be protecting the foreign assets of the elite and super rich. Wars will be reserved for any nation stupid enough to attack us. Slim chance of that. Killing our troops and foreign nationals over economic interests none of which filter down to “we the people” will be a dark spot in our history not to be repeated. Bullying other nations around for the economic gain of the rich will also be over. You will soon feel proud when you see “your” men and women in uniform. You will buy them a beer, pick up their meal tab, offer them a lift and in general view them as your own. They will not be a sword of the evil empire that you fear will one day be turned against you and your family as the de facto government would sooner or later do. You will learn to love and respect your military again. I expect the military will be seriously downsized as we end all these stupid imperialistic wars that never benefited we the people.

Provisional Government -The military wanted a provisional government in place. They said they could not take orders from the three Guardian Elders, one of which was Tim. The military wanted a lawful government. This is not clearly defined anywhere. Hmmm this is a problem isn't it. So what was done is the 50 de jeur (lawful) grand juries, one for each state, (27 on each jury) were told to approve the executive office holders and the congress people and senators. This happened, thankfully. I always felt there would be trouble here but in the end all would realize that this is a monumental task. There was in fighting, and other junk to be expected. There is no website or guide book explaining how to arrange a lawful provisional government for a nation of 300 million with a run away government violating all the checks and balances. Moving along, the military considers the Interim government set in place by RAP to be lawful and correct enough for them to proceed and protect the nation (that is “we the people”) from enemies of the constitution within and without. Please note the military is the use of force. The fine line is the military force is so great as to be irresistible. Resistance is futile is the hollywood term. So we will start to see things happening for the better and the good of the entire world. The evil de facto government became a curse and plague on the entire world, not just the constituents of the country.
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Nikki »

Deep Knight wrote:Tim Turner of Restore America Plan is now the Interim President of New Republic of United States
Tim is now out in the open apparently watched over by the military and I expect in the immediate future the secret service if they are not already involved, they soon will be.
Well, at least he got one thing right
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »
This topic is in the General Conspiracies discussion forum. (rss)

RAP - Tim Turner, Guardian Elder Assassination Atempt
Topic started on 17-6-2010 @ 05:55 PM by ReelView

RAP - Tim Turner, Guardian Elder Assassination Atempt

According to Jack Mizell, business partner of Tim Turner six mercenaries have been killed in an attempt on the life of Guardian Elder, Mr. Turner. The security services protecting Mr. Turner where successful and Mr. Turner is alive and well. The three primary Guardian Elders are in seclusion at an unknown destination. The leaders of the Restore America Plan are in hiding but not retreat. Rumors are the end of taxation and false law will be enforced in the very near future.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[You click on the link and get an article on "how to write news articles" - an annoyingly common practice on certain out-there blogs these days, no doubt because they figure no one will check the links but they still give the impression of factuality.]

reply posted on 17-6-2010 @ 05:55 PM by ReelView

Things are moving at a fast pace. The Republic is restored but that does not mean the battle is over. The operations of the Illuminati are based on a continuous effort to network alliances via fraud and other means. The RAP is a direct front to the criminal syndicate now rampant in governments of the 50 states. It is not certain whether this attempt is directly because of the RAP or is due to Mr. Turner winning a 60 billion dollar law suit involving the State of Alabama. But what is clear is that he's being taken very seriously. The official site does not reflect this information.

(visit the link for the full news article)

reply posted on 17-6-2010 @ 06:02 PM by hippomchippo

I have no idea what this thread is about, I don't know who anybody is here.
And why is there no news article?
Interestingly enough though, a quick google search for Tim Turner brings up him scamming people.

reply posted on 17-6-2010 @ 08:23 PM by Oldtimer2

Yes sounds like propaganda for some new cult,when ever doom is in the news ,you can count on some New Age crap

reply posted on 18-6-2010 @ 02:34 AM by ReelView

Response from a couple of traitors I see. The Restore America Plan is real and moving forward. It is highly repressed and undermined by the media and shills like those responding so far. The Guardian elders are a small group with deep understanding of law and the perpetration of the USA municipal corporation establish by congress in 1871. The Restore America Plan is the lawful restoration of the uSA to it's pre-civil war constitutional roots with support and backing by the the military. In 1871, after the civil war, the constitution was formally suspended and the fictional corporate municipal government was established and the "US Citizen" was fabricated to provide the legal rationals for the corporate governments "authority" over otherwise sovereign people. This basically ended the Republic form of government. The RAP has restored the true government and has restored 30 metric tons of gold by true lawful means that was stolen by fraud from the country. Basically the Fort Knox gold is now a asset of the restored and true constitutional government.

[30 metric tonnes = 964,522.4 troy oz of gold, worth about $1,144,309,371.87 at today's price. Some say Ft. Knox had 649.6 million ounces of gold (in 1941), 673 times the amount "restored."]

reply posted on 18-6-2010 @ 03:13 AM by Cuhail

Ya know, I have to say...with no link to where the quoted text is from, and only having YOUR words to go by, I think calling posters traitors and shills is quite the unfounded insult.
Ignorance to a thing and NO way to research it, by the information you have provided to support your thread, does NOT make posters "Shills" and "Traitors".
Why don't you add more information for those who respond, in true ignorance, to what kind of scam you seem to be promoting. Who is this guy, Tim Turner, and what do you mean by:
The RAP has restored the true government and has restored 30 metric tons of gold by true lawful means that was stolen by fraud from the country. Basically the Fort Knox gold is now a asset of the restored and true constitutional government.
HAS restored? As in "Already done"? Who do I pay my taxes to now? Tim Turner? (Oh....wait...)

Just a wondering...


reply posted on 18-6-2010 @ 03:34 AM by hawkiye
Originally posted by ReelView
Response from a couple of traitors I see. The Restore America Plan is real and moving forward. It is highly repressed and undermined by the media and shills like those responding so far. The Guardian elders are a small group with deep understanding of law and the perpetration of the USA municipal corporation establish by congress in 1871. The Restore America Plan is the lawful restoration of the uSA to it's pre-civil war constitutional roots with support and backing by the the military. In 1871, after the civil war, the constitution was formally suspended and the fictional corporate municipal government was established and the "US Citizen" was fabricated to provide the legal rationals for the corporate governments "authority" over otherwise sovereign people. This basically ended the Republic form of government. The RAP has restored the true government and has restored 30 metric tons of gold by true lawful means that was stolen by fraud from the country. Basically the Fort Knox gold is now a asset of the restored and true constitutional government.
Talk is cheap prove it! I am intimately familiar with RAP and was recruited to be a grand juror for my state, which I declined after reading thier documents, and they do not have that deep of an understanding of law and they have made a lot of claims without a single shred of evidence. Grand Juries have never been a governing body politic in the original republic as RAP claims they have only ever been a part of the judicial system and not like we see today. So they aren't restoring anything they are creating something new and foreign. Also there first big claim was they have military backing so if the Republic is restored why is the Military still working for the corporation when they supposedly pledged to obey the lawful government?

I have been hearing things are moving along for months and still nothing in the way of evidence. They tried to say the States were changing thier names on websites and that was proven false. And by the way I am no shill I am an SPC using Tims methods and he has been making lots of claims about that for years and to date nothing has been proven. I have issued BPN's and rewritten my contract filed a over 30 pages of documents with various local state and federal agencies etc. and none of it has benefited me to date.

Also the claim of winning the big lawsuit is BS there is no evidence he won anything only his word.

I would love nothing more then to be 100% wrong but you and everyone else believing in this better stop buying the BS and start asking for hard evidence instead of just jumping on the bandwagon and fearing to make any waves by asking the hard questions.

reply posted on 18-6-2010 @ 03:38 AM by boondock-saint

first off if you believe he has a security team
large enough to kill 6 armed assassins then I
have some ocean front property in Kansas I want to
sell you REAL cheap

The RAP (Restore America Plan) has been
proven to be a Federal sting operation to
round up dissidents, yet the ongoing
drama of this guy Tim Turner just tries
to get people to the site to sign up their
real names to be put on a government red

reply posted on 18-6-2010 @ 09:18 AM by Expat888

Sounds like the plot to a B grade movie..

reply posted on 18-6-2010 @ 10:12 AM by Icarus Rising

I've seen most of Turner's DVD. The guy rambles a lot, to say the least. He claims to be a real Alabama Good ol' Boy. Basically, his claim is the USA was incorporated in 1791 to service the debt incurred by the Colonies during the Revolutionary War. Since then, the USA, Inc. has only been paying the interest on that debt in a bankruptcy. Every 70 years, the debt is renewed and the bankruptcy refinanced. In 1861, it was done by leveraging all the public lands in the states. The South wouldn't go along with this plan and the Civil War, or the War of Northern Aggression as Turner calls it, ensued. Congress was adjourned sine die, the Constitution was suspended, and we have had an illegal government ever since. The next time the debt came due, 1931, we had the Great Depression and it was private lands and citizens that were leveraged. In return we received Social Security accounts. You'd have to watch the DVD yourself to see how all this works. Basically, we as citizens are the property of the state, and our lifetime labor value has been leveraged. All property taxes go to the Queen via the Bank of England. The debt came due again in 2001, and Turner thinks the Crown is now after a surplus fund (I forgot the name)worth $92 trillion.

A previous poster mentioned becomiong a SPC (Secured Party Creditor). This is how Turner claims to be able to circumvent the system and legally access the Social Security accounts. He claims you can write off debt this way. The previous poster apparently hasn't met with any success using these methods. Turner also talks about the RAP in his DVD. It isn't grand juries he is setting up to challenge the illegal government, its assemblies. One of their functions is to act as a grand jury. Turner claims this is the new, legal government that is based on the Constitution and will eventually restore it and supplant the illegal government in Washington.

I'm not sold on any of this stuff myself. I am all for it in principle, though.

reply posted on 18-6-2010 @ 02:33 PM by hawkiye
reply to post by Icarus Rising

The DVD you watched is old, Turner abandoned the assemblies to join RAP. and all they are doing is these weird grand juries. The assemblies on the county are actually historically correct. That is were ll the power is supposed to be and the states and feds answer to these assemblies this was when the people truly were the boss but it is a long story.

The story about the the bankruptcy and corporations and how we are sureties for the debt is also correct.

reply posted on 18-6-2010 @ 03:16 PM by boondock-saint

if true,
where is the news story on the internet
where it shows that 6 men were killed??
Wouldn't that be news worthy in the MSM?
even on a local level??

and I'm not talking about somebody's blog.
I mean MSM.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by ashlynne39 »

The following comes from several ‘real’ intelligence resources, my research and insider sources.
As opposed to fake intelligence resources?
There are vast sums in very high trillions available for Social Security which will not be affected.
Ha, that's the first time I've heard that about Social Security
The military has already informed obama that he is no longer Commander-in-Chief.

Lets see, they notified Obama sometime in April and after that he fired McCristal and replaced him with Patraeus (yes I'm too lazy to spell check the names). He's directing national guard troops to the border (supposedly). And he's still directing a war in Afghanistan and Iraq. I guess that notification didn't get to him.
The closed door emergency meeting of the Federal Reserve on Monday 4/5/10 did discuss the financial default and how to respond to the people’s declaration. They are in panic.
I bet they're super, duper scared.
There is a “Gag Order” on the governors and other officials who are served. If they say anything, they lose there option to sign on or resign.

Aha, well that explains why we haven't heard anything. It's not that RAP is a failure, its because there's a gag order in place.
In short, they will be removed by the military.
Is that the real military or the RAP military?
We are simply sovereigns.

No, you're simply idiots.
Beware of any article using “sovereign citizens”. This is propaganda by the PTB.
PTB? Powers that Be? Wait, that makes no sense. I thought RAP was the powers that be now.
Corporate Courts cannot conduct any business without bonds.

I've been in court pretty consistently since April and nothing has changed as far as I can tell.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by fortinbras »

Last I heard Tim Turner was claimed (or claiming himself) to be "the Interim President of the New Republic of United States."

In the meantime there is no evidence of RAP making even the slightest ripple on our space-time continuum, although there is plenty of noise and infighting among the RAP believers.
Illuminated Legate of Illustrious Legs
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by ashlynne39 »

fortinbras wrote:Last I heard Tim Turner was claimed (or claiming himself) to be "the Interim President of the New Republic of United States."

In the meantime there is no evidence of RAP making even the slightest ripple on our space-time continuum, although there is plenty of noise and infighting among the RAP believers.

Of course there's not a ripple. Everyone is under a gag order. Keep the faith. :Axe:
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

The Turner-faction of RAP released their announcement about Tim Turner's Presidency on July 21 and it included this:
What to Do – Wait and watch. RAP will have an official press release in three days. Looks like the days of secrecy are lifting fast. If you encounter someone who criticizes RAP because this wasn't done correct blah blah blah. Ask them is they think Obama is better? Then ask them where were they and why don't they have a valid movement in place? Remember government agents will be around now and for some time to come. They will try to make RAP fail. Just shut these people down fast and hard. Accuse them of being a friend of the de facto government. Tell them if they like police states they can move to Cuba.

There are members of other movements that will be jealous of RAP and want to hurt RAP for incorrect reasons. These people are self serving and wanted power and control. They can care less about where you stand to benefit, they are just mad they were not the ones to do it. This will soon blow over once the finality of RAP sets in and they enjoy the freedoms. RAP was just the reboot button to reboot the government back to being what the founding fathers intended. The RAP people are there for six months, big deal. Then come free non electric elections. Tell these people to run for office. You too can run for office. So support the RAP government for the six months and then get active politically.
Other supporters have published things like:
This will be all over the MSM in a few days.
Well, it's been a few days, where is it guys? I mean, if you're ready to take over the government, you certainly can get together a press release within 3 days!
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Maybe they put the release out but the zionist press refuses to release it?

Or maybe they were trying to get the release out and China attacked their computers?

Or maybe the shape shifting lizards stole their paper?

Or maybe the phone bill wasn't paid and they are waiting for the pony express to come and deliever the message for them?

Or maybe they got drunk and forgot?

Or maybe this is just one giant scam and they are running out of steam?

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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Submitted by a reader

Hi John:
Had seen this info about Monday Announcements on this blog: ... overnment/
Regards, Mike

Cajun Granny says:
July 25, 2010 at 12:52 am
Someone called me this morning and left a message that they heard an announcement would be forthcoming on Fox tomorrow afternoon. That’s all they said.

Jacqlyn Smith says:
July 25, 2010 at 1:01 am
Cajun Granny says:
July 25, 2010 at 12:52 am
Someone called me this morning and left a message that they heard an announcement would be forthcoming on Fox tomorrow afternoon. That’s all they said.
I didn’t hear that but someone I am in contact with said their coordinator said the press release was coming out on Monday……the Fox rumor is one that I will believe when I see and hear……I’m not buying that one!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:37 PM

Anonymous said...
That is a serious assessment. Anyone have any ideas how they would sell such a story to the american public without causing a disruption to the de facto order of things? Or maybe that is the point? We need to be thinking outside the box if we haven't already. I would like to think it's true, but due to the current reality of things we really can't be convinced until we actually see something like that happen. me the money!

July 25, 2010 8:47 PM
Anonymous said...
I tend to agree that it will throw a wrench in the De Facto state of mind, but I think that they need to make the anouncement before the election season gets into full swing. Let people know there's an alternative to the corrupt corporation.

July 25, 2010 9:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Friday Glenn Beck made what I thought was a cryptic remark when he said, "In a few days this country will be a country you have never in your life seen before." I thought that was strange, but then I was hoping for an announcement so maybe I'm reading something in that wasn't there. Anyone else hear what I heard? Maybe it's all wishful thinking on my part!

July 25, 2010 9:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Ain't happening. Do you actually think elitist Rupert Murdoch, who owns FOX, would let his shill news anchors announce such a thing. Give me a break!

July 25, 2010 9:57 PM
Anonymous said...
You say that you found a thread on wordpress saying that there will be an announcement on fox news monday at noon, then why was wordpress hit with 73,000 emails and shutdown. They claim the government did this, maybe the obama government did. Will there be an announcement? I HOPE SO. The people need this so much. Washington DC is insane.

July 26, 2010 12:12 AM
Rob S. said...
Oh I don't know?

The dismantling of the IRS might be welcome news.

Having their loved ones out of prison that were convicted of victimless crimes, might be welcomed by some.

Reduction of police powers and the elimination of unlawful courts, might seem like a good idea.

Rounding up the political criminal element might be some good news.

The restoration of the American economy and reemployment might be another positive thing. Debt forgiveness might blow some folks minds.

The securing of our borders, rounding up of illegal aliens, gangsters and other elements undermining our national security sounds good.

Ending war and returning our troops from overseas will be welcome news. Hey we can use them to slam the gates shut at the border.

And you thought the so called FEMA Camps were for you and me. Remember the military has been planning for this scenario for nearly twenty years. You need some place to hold crooked politicians, illegal aliens, gang bangers and communists. FEMA doesn't have a damn thing to do with the camps. The United States Army controls the camps.

Jimmy Carter really got the ball rolling on this whole plan and now we have a president that is less popular than him.

What a movie script!

July 26, 2010 12:31 AM
Rob S. said...
After spending decades restoring the wealth of the nation, would you turn over the keys to an interim government or a lawfully elected government?

July 26, 2010 12:49 AM
glendajackson26 said...
Thanks for sharing, really cool site.Great information thanks for getting this out there for people like me to read.


July 26, 2010 3:11 AM
Anonymous said...
It wouldn't cause a disruption. Most people would just say, "there goes those crazy Patriots again. Gonna get themselves shot."

July 26, 2010 3:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Dear God Help,

RAP has been compromised, the Guardian Elders and the White Knights have been compromised. What is happening now is a strategy by the NWO to slowly reduce the faith of the patriot in the plan. They are going to hold the impending revolution by the ones who have now been awakened till the second half of 2012. It is then that the holocaust for America has been planned and if we reach there none of us Americans will survive.
The crop cycles are being made by the military, Canadian Defense minister (Bilderberg member) and Stephen Hawking are talking about the aliens coming to earth long back. It is very well understood that it is going to be the fear for their lives which is going to bound the humanity. The elite are going to put the blame for the death of america on the aliens and the whole world will fall at their feet, as only they can save them. Finally there will be one world government, and we will have to live as their slaves forever.

Remember don't let this happen or we are all doomed.

Educate people about zero point energy, and banks, enroll more people in the freedom movement. It is upto us and only us now, this is not just about America this is about the whole world. The more the number of people we have the more effectively the revolution can be successfully managed. Hurry up we have very little time.

I have info from a very highly credible source that they are going to shoot electromagnetic pulses on North America at the frequency at which the brain shoots electrical messages to spinal cord, these electromagnetic pulses will interfere with the brain electric pulses neutralising them resulting in an instant snap of electrical signal and instant death.

There are going to be no annoucements, the NWO will portray the movement as just another failed attemps by psychos.
Hurry we have very little time. the second half of 2012 is very near. The uprising must begin very soon or we are doomed forever.

July 26, 2010 4:20 AM
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Clever Restore America Plan

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I want some of what this person is smoking.... :twisted:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I want some of what this person is smoking.... :twisted:
You're not as far off as you might think. From near the bottom of the link in my last post above...

Rebel4Liberty says:
July 26, 2010 at 2:52 am

VERY NICE!!!! RAP is definitely real and happening. Here is first hand confirmation and NOT HEAR SAY…take a look at this!

“Also, remember that guy from YouTube that I messages about RAP?? Well i was talking to him tonight and he said his friends from the military had been telling him that the things RAP is doing are real and that what I told him about restore america plan is the exact same thing his friends from the military had been telling him for months!!! That is almost absoulte PROOF that RAP is real!!! If he heard that from the military before me than that is proof and my hopes are way up then before. I soled for tomorrow and I will literally not turn off fox news all morning and day untill this happens.”

WOOHOO!!! I am so ready to see this happen. He wouldn’t lie to me, so I know its genuine

Jacqlyn Smith says:
July 26, 2010 at 10:10 am

Hi Rebel4Liberty…..If true this is great news…..can you tell us how you came upon this information… there a link or some kind or are you saying you got it directly from the horses mouth….thanks!

Rebel4Liberty says:
July 26, 2010 at 10:46 am
Yes JS, its from a forum friend who has decided to help spread the word when I introduced him to it. He reached out to someone on Youtube (they want to interview my friend) and what he is saying, is that person has a friend in the military telling him what RAP is doing is real, So he got nearly direct confirmation of RAP! It would be impossible to hear this if it wasn’t true. I am really excited!

Jacqlyn Smith says:
July 26, 2010 at 10:50 am

Thank you Rebel for the clarification…..I sure do hope it is true…..can you say which forum it came from….I will wait for the press release though….just to be sure….thanks again…..have a good one!

Rebel4Liberty says:
July 26, 2010 at 11:02 am
JS, its called GrassCity. He has no reason to make it up as he was looking for information himself to back it up, but yes I can’t wait to see and hear from my own eyes and ears Forums - Marijuana Growing and Smoking Community
May 18, 2010 ... Marijuana growing @ Grasscity - FREE marijuana pictures, photos, articles, tips, and advice on Cannabis Cultivation - fights ...
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by ashlynne39 »

Cajun Granny says:
July 25, 2010 at 12:52 am
Someone called me this morning and left a message that they heard an announcement would be forthcoming on Fox tomorrow afternoon. That’s all they said.
I love how everything about RAP is "I heard" or "someone told me." It's never "I know" or "I have firsthand knowledge."
Jacqlyn Smith says:
Well hey, if the Charlie's Angels are involved . . .

That is a serious assessment. Anyone have any ideas how they would sell such a story to the american public without causing a disruption to the de facto order of things? Or maybe that is the point? We need to be thinking outside the box if we haven't already. I would like to think it's true, but due to the current reality of things we really can't be convinced until we actually see something like that happen. me the money!
I'm so tired of the words de facto or de jure.
I tend to agree that it will throw a wrench in the De Facto state of mind, but I think that they need to make the anouncement before the election season gets into full swing. Let people know there's an alternative to the corrupt corporation.
And the alternative to the corrupt corporation is Tim Turner, scam artist and sovereign extraordinaire.

Friday Glenn Beck made what I thought was a cryptic remark when he said, "In a few days this country will be a country you have never in your life seen before." I thought that was strange, but then I was hoping for an announcement so maybe I'm reading something in that wasn't there.
I didn't hear Beck's show on Friday but he makes cryptic remarks quite often. That said, just going out on a limb from what I know about Beck, I feel confident in saying he most likely considers RAP a joke, if he thinks of it at all.
Anyone else hear what I heard? Maybe it's all wishful thinking on my part!

I'm guessing all things RAP are wishful thinking only

The dismantling of the IRS might be welcome news.

Having their loved ones out of prison that were convicted of victimless crimes, might be welcomed by some.

Reduction of police powers and the elimination of unlawful courts, might seem like a good idea.

Rounding up the political criminal element might be some good news.

The restoration of the American economy and reemployment might be another positive thing. Debt forgiveness might blow some folks minds.

The securing of our borders, rounding up of illegal aliens, gangsters and other elements undermining our national security sounds good.

Ending war and returning our troops from overseas will be welcome news. Hey we can use them to slam the gates shut at the border.
Tim Turner is going to accomplish all this?
RAP has been compromised, the Guardian Elders and the White Knights have been compromised. What is happening now is a strategy by the NWO to slowly reduce the faith of the patriot in the plan. They are going to hold the impending revolution by the ones who have now been awakened till the second half of 2012. It is then that the holocaust for America has been planned and if we reach there none of us Americans will survive.
And here is how Tim and company will explain it away. RAP has been compromised and therefore couldn't work. It's all the fault of the New world order.
The crop cycles are being made by the military, Canadian Defense minister (Bilderberg member) and Stephen Hawking are talking about the aliens coming to earth long back. It is very well understood that it is going to be the fear for their lives which is going to bound the humanity. The elite are going to put the blame for the death of america on the aliens and the whole world will fall at their feet, as only they can save them. Finally there will be one world government, and we will have to live as their slaves forever.
Yes, we're fighting a global war on terror and our border is a sieve and our military is stretched thin but there's plenty of time for them to be out and about faking crop circles and dreaming up alien schemes.
I have info from a very highly credible source that they are going to shoot electromagnetic pulses on North America at the frequency at which the brain shoots electrical messages to spinal cord, these electromagnetic pulses will interfere with the brain electric pulses neutralising them resulting in an instant snap of electrical signal and instant death
This sounds sort of scary. I hope it's not true. I don't think I want electromagnetic pulses shooting through my brain and spinal cord.

Hurry we have very little time. the second half of 2012 is very near. The uprising must begin very soon or we are doomed forever.
I wonder if the doomsayer who posted this part realizes we're only a little over half way through 2010. We're no where near the second half of 2012 yet. Do you think the second half of 2012 is when they're going to shoot the electromagnetic pulses through our brains?
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by LaVidaRoja »

I suspect that "doomed forever" means that the RAP scam is rapidly running out of steam and a new scam (Bigger than NESRA -- Faster than RAP!!) will have to be invented to keep the marks paying.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by texino »

I sure miss those heady days of the fin de siecle when NESARA was going to be announced at any minute and The Dove of Oneness was on the job. Times when people stood outside The World Court and interpreted a casual wave from someone in a shiny car as a sign that NESARA was a go. Now it seems that the patently impossible RAP is generating some crazy notions out in freakentardistan while the NESARA Law dies in the sunset due to lack of formal announcement for 10 years. One can only wonder how many other helpful bits of legislation have met the same fate?
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

From the GrassCity forum, where Rebel4Liberty found the confirmation she was looking for from budsmokn420! Here are some excerpts...

Yesterday, 03:36 PM

Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!

For all you restore America plan haters, if this isn't real than this afternoon won't happen. But if it is real, expect big headlines. I guess we will all find out in the next few hours.

Edit: A lot of people are saying that the news might be revealed on the glenn beck show if it is not released on the news.

Yesterday, 06:29 PM

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!
Ok I'm just trying to tell you about something important. If you don't care at all about America, then don't watch. But if you care about your life and America then I suggest u watch.

Note to mods: if anyone starts being rude or starts name calling, how can I get them reported? I don't want this to get closed like the other threads. I want this to be a mature conversation and I only want to post my information. Thanks.
Last edited by budsmokn420; Yesterday at 07:20 PM.

Yesterday, 06:56 PM
Seeker&Educator of truth

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!
I am shocked HOW MANY are actually DISSING a military operartion!! TELL THEM BUD!! That's why its so freakin tight lipped.... Tell them what you learned first hand
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." Mahatma Gandhi

ATTN: All information and links on RAP are on the FIRST page of this thread. Please research the material before making your post

Yesterday, 07:15 PM

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!
What rebel is talking about is that I talked to someone who has been in the military back in his hay days. He has a lot of buddies from the military that are telling him about something that is going to happen soon that will take us back to common law. I don't have proof, so it is up to you to take my word on it. I know most of you won't. That's why I didn't originally post it.

Yesterday, 07:41 PM
Seeker&Educator of truth

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!

Originally Posted by travilanche View Post
I don't know guys, it's 1:30 in the afternoon and the prez is still doin prez stuff. Seems Wikileaks is the only story they care about.

LISTEN I am going to say right now, if there is anything official released and its not covered as it breaks. The first to get wind of this will be DRUDGE. And of course gets some things before the MSM can announce the breaking news!

Yesterday, 07:53 PM
Seeker&Educator of truth

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!
I am going to post this, so everyone can get it through their heads. Its not TIM TURNER's operation or plan..IT'S THE MILITARYS that came from the Naval War College! You people are essentially mocking the good men and women in the military working to restore our true lawful govt. What's wrong with you people

Yesterday, 08:19 PM

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!

Originally Posted by fredwasnothere View Post
Let me know when this "Operation" is revealed.

If you happen to be a person that is being serious, come back later tonight. I'm going to be posting updates and info all day and tonight will be when the final verdict is in. If this is isnt revealed on the Beck show, there is a radio show coming up that Tim is going to be on. He will have ALOT of explaining to do.

Yesterday 8:40 PM

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!
Rebel it's gonna be hard to believe that website with all the RAP updates now. I mean this is evidence that they post stuff up that they don't review and look into first. I'm not saying I'm giving up on RAP, I'm saying I'm not gonna trust that website anymore.

Yesterday, 08:42 PM

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!
I listened to both of those Glen Beck clips, and all I heard was, "blah blah blah. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE, blah blah blah." The man is a moron. He needs to smoke a joint and chill out.

Rebel4Liberty is starting to feel the vibeRebel4Liberty is starting to feel the vibe
Seeker&Educator of truth

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!
I'm sorry but if anyone is watching, wether you like GB and Fox or not. I am listening and he is TALKING in between the lines. You have to learn to recognize the language and verbage spoken...

Yesterday, 10:23 PM
Seeker&Educator of truth

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!

Originally Posted by tokinbud420 View Post
is he talking in code now?

Oh I see, so you like to mock such a thing as speaking in between the lines. It does happen!

Yesterday, 10:59 PM
Seeker&Educator of truth

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!

Originally Posted by travilanche View Post
I am watching right now and all he is talking about is how public option health care doesn't work which it clearly does. He is not mentioning RAP at all.
I also want to point out that if this tim turner fellow was the new president of the U.S.A. he wouldn't be appearing on talkshoe radio or whatever that thing he is always on is called.
The day is almost over and this really doesn't seem to be happening. I wish it would but I just don't see any evidence of it. Everybody is still going about their business as usual with no real interruptions other than the wikileak thing.
I just think it's pretty obvious at this point that this isn't happening. I want so very badly to be wrong but this just isn't happening.

First its not the USA! uSA which was the vacated republic which the GJ's now inhabit
2nd, Yes the day is almost over and yes nothing is announced, but the military is directing this show. For whatever reason there is no green light. Look if I didn't feel the military was behind it all I would have abandoned this a long time ago as CRACK POT rebels. There is much that correlates military involvement. You need to respect how the military operates

Today, 02:39 AM
FenceWalker has budded nicely
Super Moderator

Re: Watch FOX NEWS Monday afternoon!!!!
For Christ's sake...

Ok, infractions/warnings given and 48 posts deleted that were off topic, disrespectful, bickering or unnecessary, etc....

Here's how it works:

If you see a post that you feel is breaking the rules, you report the post using the icon in the upper right of that post, the one with the red dots or whatever the hell they are in them. To the right of the rep scale.
Then you move on and wait for someone on staff to deal with it. You don't break the rules yourself. If you just can't stand to run across a member's posts, they bother you that much, you put them on your ignore list.

Until a member is actually banned, the rules apply to them as well. Calling them names (troll, evil, etc) is against the rules. Report them and move on instead of getting warnings/infractions by breaking the rules yourself. Have I mentioned that?

Buddha Smoker was on his 6th account, 5 of them already banned so who was the troll? For those of you that aren't, trying to get a thread closed down is a definition of trolling. Don't do that.

Now, a word of advice to the OP and Rebel? I get that you are taking things on faith. Head to the spirituality forum and you will find people that take things on faith. There are many members who don't take things on faith, though. Especially when it doesn't involve a deity of some sort.

When you say something is going to happen repeatedly and then nothing happens, you have to expect there to be a blowback.

Being a mature adult, being successful at public speaking and activism, you are going to run into those people and you have to figure out how to communicate with them beyond "well, I believe it", "you have to read between the lines" and berating them on how "uneducated" they are. Cause a lot of them aren't.

I was going to open this back up but this thread was really simple. Watch show X at Y time for a major event and that didn't happen. I understand there might be a radio show where someone will address this. If there is, pm me the link and I will open this back up for further discussion.
Good Growing,
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Nikki »

ashlynne39 wrote:...
Hurry we have very little time. the second half of 2012 is very near. The uprising must begin very soon or we are doomed forever.
I wonder if the doomsayer who posted this part realizes we're only a little over half way through 2010. We're no where near the second half of 2012 yet. Do you think the second half of 2012 is when they're going to shoot the electromagnetic pulses through our brains?
What's the big deal, anyway?

Everyone knows that the Mayan calendar has determined the world will either end or reset to the beginning some time in 2012.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by fortinbras »

DeepKnight picked that up from GrassCity forum. Grass City is a bulletin board for ... (gasp) smokers of the killer weed. Most of the posters on that bulletin board seem to have trouble finishing their paragraphs. Tells us more about DeepKnight than we needed to know.