Hot Hot Hot

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »

I went to the RAP-NESARA Forum to find the latest on the non-announcement, when I came across this. Casper meets MacHaffie.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Just relayed to me from a skype contact. The Bad Guys and Families (Wash DC, TX, Maine, NY) have been hauled to Hague World Court for arraignment and multiple charges of treason. And this includes O!

Announcement from Hague Shortly!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:38 PM

Anonymous said...
That's what Casper has been saying.....perhaps he speaks more truth than people realize.

July 27, 2010 12:41 PM
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Gregg »

Please issue a HOT HOT HOT bulletin to all the stupid people who have yet to get the message that the World Court adjudicates disputes between sovereign nations. And that's all they do. They do not put people on trial. They cannot indict anyone. They cannot charge anyone or anything with a crime. It's a big arbitration society that you have to be your own country to join. :brickwall:

And if you WERE on trial in the World Court for treason, who have you committed treason against? The only possible way that could work was if you were to give aid and comfort to aliens during a time of war..... :roll:

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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by ClemIsBack »

Obama's schedule

Today’s Schedule

Starting this week, the President and Vice President's daily public schedules will be published on Check out the schedule here. You can subscribe to the schedule via RSS feed or add it to your calendar using iCal.

All times are Eastern Daylight Time.

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00 AM: The President receives the Economic Daily Briefing

11:00 AM: The President meets with bipartisan members of Congress

11:30 AM: The President is arrested

12:00 PM: The President delivers a statement to the press

1:30 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at Grand Canyon National Park

1:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

2:00 PM: Clean Energy Economy Forum - Energy Security

3:05 PM: The President congratulates the Warner Robins Softball World Series Champions

4:00 PM: The President meets with Secretary of the Treasury Geithner

4:30 PM: The President meets with Secretary of Defense Gates

5:00 PM: The President is cloned several times

7:00 PM: The President attends a DNC Fundraising Dinner
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by LaVidaRoja »

WHICH clone attends the fund-raiser? Or is it several clones attending several fund-raisers? Might be able to raise more money that way....
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by ClemIsBack »

Obama's clones are easy to spot. The clone who is always giving interviews with
a right profile has a left ear missing. The clone giving interviews from behind
a desk has 3 legs. None of them have brains.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

ClemIsBack wrote:Obama's clones are easy to spot. ...
Yep. They don't use teleprompters. :whistle:
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »

Everything coming from the RAP-NESARA forum is confusing. Disinfo agencies cherish confusion.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Circus Ring 1 - Summary of what is Really Going On Now - Hague Court!

We are now have a 3 ring circus going on and many are confused.
Disinfo agencies cherish confusion.
I do not so let's see if I can summarize what is going on with circus ring 1 to the best of my understanding.

Hague Court arraignment of the Bad Guys

I rec'd 3 separate Skype messages about this (This is a Real Time News Blog) and decided to post my short alert on the blog. It was getting close to going viral on the net. I don't make BS up, just relaying the intel. And I then waited to see what comes in!

I rec'd more information which explains what is happening. The entire crew of Bad Guys is being brought up on charges per the illegal war activities against other nations, illegal drug running, violations against humanity, illegal financial transactions and illegal blockage of settlements. Chris Story (A credible source) has exposed most of this and now disappeared. I would like to think he is being hid and protected but I also am concerned about his life - we don't know yet.

Obama is being seen here on TV. No way some say and I asked the same question to my sources. I have also been informed of two scenarios. 1) - Obama was allowed to do his media events as president of the corp. government and then flown back under interpol escort to Hague. 2) - All the bad guys have doubles to fill in. Chris Story reported on clones (which I have a problem with) but then remember the "Avatar" movie. Were did they get that idea from?

Last words I received is several high members of congress, business execs and several high level political families including O have been arraigned in Hague. Whether they have been detained or allowed to fly back is unknown at this time.

And this little tidbit came in from a reader posted under comments

"Just heard the Bushes, Cheney and their counterparts have fled Texas in route to their Paraguay ranch. Confirmed thru sources at Ft. Hood. Somethings up people. Is Interpol after them? Is the Gulf of Mexico fixing to explode? Hang on to your hats folks!"
July 27, 2010 8:33 PM

Remember Poofness saying 'all will change within 30 days'! Poofness may be right again!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:20 AM

Right again?

Anonymous said...
John, I just read a report also that the yellowstone caldera is rising and that the fish in the lake above is killing fish in it the flow of water has increased from the lake. Parts now are off limits as it is too hot to walk on. Again this was on RMN with the headline that the media is keeping it silent


I hope you are on the spot with your report.

July 28, 2010 7:30 AM
Anonymous said...
johny,johny,johny, i love ya. just wondering as everyone else. around our home office the line has always ben 90days, just dont now when the clock starts. i hope your intel is half right which means something is realy happening. as red skelton used to say- may god bless!

July 28, 2010 7:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Concerning the last T.V. "appearance" of Big O, view older pictures of him - he has BLACK LIPS. The last one to be on T.V. had dark pink lips. I've been observing this for some time. When he appeared on T.V. my wife screamed, "LOOK, LOOK, LOOK" at his lips!!!! She was right.

July 28, 2010 8:05 AM
Anonymous said...
Sunday, July 25, 2010 Poofness 7/25 - Still ---- Bringing in the Sheaves ... eaves.html

July 28, 2010 8:22 AM
Anonymous said...
In the 1976 movie Futureworld visually identical robots take the places of politicians and journalists.

I was reminded of that movie when I read about human clones first time this year.

Alcuin talks about the "The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton" ... inton.html

All in all scary stuff. I'm somewhat convinced. I've seen face expressions that common folks don't show with these alleged clones.

Be well.

July 28, 2010 8:24 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't let the Bushes and Cheney get away. Track them down to the ends of the earth for what they have done!

July 28, 2010 8:27 AM
Anonymous said...
The process in human replication does not take an incubation pe-riod of nine months. It is accelerated by means of chemical additives and ideal circumstances of laboratory makings. The initial process can take between six and seven of your weeks for certainty of perfect fetal development, and another eight to ten weeks is required for the full growth. Since none of this is by natural birth processes, regular gesta-tional time has no meaning. ... When the clone of a specific adult is at stake, the period of aging from emergence of the infant into an adult in prime years, say between 30 and 35 years of age, is only between 350 and 400 days. ... 23fd388d08

Human clones are not ensouled and do not, therefore, have access to the higher dimensions through reflection, intuition and spiritual practice. No soul means no God-connection. And no God-connection means that clones have an inherent vulnerability to religious manipulation and deceit.
The higher dimensional data-links which ensouled humans have, help them to appear quick, flexible and alert in conversation, particularly when stressed. The absence of this potential for minute-to-minute inspiration or revelation in clones gives rise to a simplistic body language and inappropriate physiognomic responses in complexly nuanced situations (picture example here). ... inton.html

July 28, 2010 8:36 AM
Anonymous said...
Just a reminder, Steve Quayle has been talking about Yellowstone for some time. The hiding of the quake data, the off limits area, the moving of the lake.. This has all been occurring for some time, Alcuin is somewhat late to the Yellowstone Doom party on his latest post. i enjoy his Vatican posts, but everything else is either rehashed or GF'y...

July 28, 2010 8:39 AM

Yellowstone Doom party at my house Saturday night (if indeed there still is a Saturday after Planet X strikes). See you there!
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by ashlynne39 »

Everything coming from the RAP-NESARA forum is confusing. Disinfo agencies cherish confusion
This is the truest thing ever written about RAP-NESARA
Circus Ring 1 - Summary of what is Really Going On Now - Hague Court!

We are now have a 3 ring circus going on and many are confused.
RAP is one big circus and Turner and Kennedy are the chief clowns.
Hague Court arraignment of the Bad Guys

I rec'd 3 separate Skype messages about this (This is a Real Time News Blog) and decided to post my short alert on the blog. It was getting close to going viral on the net. I don't make BS up, just relaying the intel. And I then waited to see what comes in!
Ok, so another true statement . . . it is BS.
I rec'd more information which explains what is happening. The entire crew of Bad Guys is being brought up on charges per the illegal war activities against other nations, illegal drug running, violations against humanity, illegal financial transactions and illegal blockage of settlements. Chris Story (A credible source) has exposed most of this and now disappeared. I would like to think he is being hid and protected but I also am concerned about his life - we don't know yet.
Who is Chris Story? Anyone know?
Obama is being seen here on TV. No way some say and I asked the same question to my sources. I have also been informed of two scenarios. 1) - Obama was allowed to do his media events as president of the corp. government and then flown back under interpol escort to Hague. 2) - All the bad guys have doubles to fill in. Chris Story reported on clones (which I have a problem with) but then remember the "Avatar" movie. Were did they get that idea from?
Well if they did it in Avatar, it must be real. No one's ever used their imagination before to create fictional stories.
Remember Poofness saying 'all will change within 30 days'! Poofness may be right again!
Maybe it's just me but I can't think why someone would take seriously a person named Poofness.
Concerning the last T.V. "appearance" of Big O, view older pictures of him - he has BLACK LIPS. The last one to be on T.V. had dark pink lips. I've been observing this for some time. When he appeared on T.V. my wife screamed, "LOOK, LOOK, LOOK" at his lips!!!! She was right.
This is dumber than the clone theory. Is it possible the tv watchers need to adjust the color on their set. Or maybe they were watching on a black and white set the first time and a color one the next. Or, maybe Obama ran out of his favorite pink lip gloss for one speech and had to go au naturale. Idiots.
In the 1976 movie Futureworld visually identical robots take the places of politicians and journalists.
In The Little Mermaid, a mermaid gives up her voice in order to find love with her prince. So the heck what.
All in all scary stuff. I'm somewhat convinced. I've seen face expressions that common folks don't show with these alleged clones.
What's scary is that I've seen idiotic ideas being spouted from seemingly normal people. Perhaps they're the clones.
Yellowstone Doom party at my house Saturday night (if indeed there still is a Saturday after Planet X strikes). See you there!
This party sounds like it will be about as much fun as Petey's pre-jail bar-b-que
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by texino »

I'm not certain about this, but my impression is that Interpol is an agency that helps the police of it's member states with their inquires by having a huge database, and, while they do have "agents," they don't arrest people but offer help in interagency communication. Also, I think their charter keeps them out of certain crimes such as governmental and religious things.

My point is the chances of Interpol arresting members of a legal government and escorting them to the world court for trial are pure fantasy. And the money? I've noticed the God Himself is on RAP masthead, so I suspect their will be a Holy need for cash before long.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by bmielke »

texino wrote:I'm not certain about this, but my impression is that Interpol is an agency that helps the police of it's member states with their inquires by having a huge database, and, while they do have "agents," they don't arrest people but offer help in interagency communication. Also, I think their charter keeps them out of certain crimes such as governmental and religious things.
My understanding is that Interpol is a clearing house. Every agency sends members to the Interpol Office and then when they get a tip they pass it on to the right agency. I also understand they offer services dealing with international arrest warrants.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper keeps us up to the minute on this breaking story with his day-old reports.


The Packs are still in D.C. this morning. The Carriers are 'hiding behind' an Executive Order issued by Obama 'not to deliver'.

They have been informed by 'The Tribunal' that once Obama was ARRESTED he is no longer President and his E.O.'s are no longer valid. The Carriers have again been ordered to deliver Freedom today whatever it takes.

Sabotage is continuing from China including Li, Lee, Ying and the Head Man of the 'Dragon Clan'.

Again WE say Trigger Packs First are necessary to 'kick off' all else.

More if necessary, hopefully deliveries first.

casper 7-27-10

p.s. The Head Man and others in the Group known as CARLYLE have been 'invited' to join 'the gathering' immediately.


When Obama appeared back at the White House on CNN Monday morning WE were advised that he had 'escaped' with the help of a 'double'. Then Intel from D.C. and Europe said he had been 'collected' by the Provost and returned to Europe not via Air Force One. The story continued this morning saying the Provost had delivered another 'double' but once the Tribunal realized what had happened they were 'hot on the trail' of the real Obama and when found he would be delivered directly to the Hague based on Verdicts handed down during the day finding him guilty of Embezzlement, Treason, etc.. Others names were included, many others, some already found guilty, some to receive Verdicts later in the day. This 'ruse', if that be what it is, continued all day with a 'cops and robbers' elaborate storyline we will skip for now as it is not important because it appears it was false.

WE have tried to be especially careful with all this the last few days due the enormous significance of it. WE were 'tip toeing thru the tulips' but not without having sources watching things from here and from there. Today it became apparent that facts 'on the ground' were not properly matching up with the stories being told, something was 'just not right', WE have been sensing a snake in the wood pile since mid day


Last nights update did not say that Obama had been indicted. It said he has been found guilty of TREASON (and dozens of other things). It was done 'in abstensia??"- (in his absence).

Today 'Nidle' refers to 'the illegality of the Current Administration's while Quinsey/Sa Lu Sa suddenly refers to "disturbing possibilities that give us concern". You reckon they are finally waking to the fact that 'their man' is a Con Artist Extraordinaire? 'Call home' E.T.'s, or check the updates from 18 months ago.

Casper 7-28-10 opinion

So the breaking news is that he/his clone/his doubles were or were not arrested and are or are not in custody now!
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by texino »

bmielke wrote
My understanding is that Interpol is a clearing house.
I looked at the Interpol web site and they do pretty much what you said. They gave an example by saying if the FBI tracked some criminal to Italy, they could contact Interpol and Interpol would advise which branch of the Italian law enforcement structure would help them make an arrest. Also their database is huge and includes things like DNA samples as well as fingerprints and other science stuff. I tried to find a way into their database but it seems you must be some sort of cop...)
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by bmielke »

texino wrote: I tried to find a way into their database but it seems you must be some sort of cop...)
Use your Illumanati Membership number as the password and you're in like flynn.

Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by ClemIsBack »

Just in case Casper tries to tell us something different
here is Obama's schedule for 7-29-2010

All times are Eastern Daylight Time.

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00 AM: The President receives the Economic Daily Briefing - we're still bankrupt

11:00 AM: The President meets with socialist members of Congress

11:30 AM: The President is arrested AGAIN

12:00 PM: The President is schackled and flown to Hague for trial

12:15 PM: The President returns to DC

12:30 PM: The President returns to Hague. Returns stolen towels from Hague Hilton.

12:45 PM: The President returns to DC

1:30 PM: The President orders all gay military personnel to the White House for lunch

1:30 PM: The President orders Press Secretary Robert Gibbs to continue lies

1:45 PM: The President hijacks packies from FedEx trucks

2:00 PM: Clean Energy Economy Forum - President invests $1M in oil

2:30 PM: FedEx raids White House to retrieve packies

3:05 PM: The President issues Executive Order to destroy all FedEx trucks

4:00 PM: The President meets privately with Hillary in Lincoln bedroom

4:02 PM: The President finishes up with Hillary

4:30 PM: The President meets with Monica Lewinski

4:32 PM: The President finishes up with Monica

5:00 PM: The President is cloned several more times

7:00 PM: The President orders all gay military personnel to the White House for a stayover
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »


This morning the packs were out again for delivery today. Obama ordered them back to D.C. AND...
This morning Obama filed a Lien against all programs claiming ownership of all funds.

Was that Obama, a clone, or a double? I get so confused trying to keep track.

Don't worry, this too will be dealt with, WE think.

A terrible incoming report this morning says STORY was MURDERED on the 14th 'walking down the street'.
Lets all pray its not true. If anyone can testify please post.

According to his wife he "died after a short illness" but you know, it could have been a clone or a double.

Yesterday I didn't complete my thought when discussing the North Eastern States attempting to eliminate the Electoral College which would allow ten states to 'out vote' the other forty (mob rule).

Its a 'Leap to Far' from the Founders Constitutional Republic to Obama's Communism. Stepping stones are necessary. Formalizing the change to a 'Democracy' is one such stepping stone, from there to Socialism the next, then the Libs and Obama can make the final small step to the far side of the Political River, Communism. Ron Paul says Obama is a 'Corporatist'.
I say he is a born, bred and educated Communist and is taking our Country there as fast as is humanly possible in keeping with the Policies he is implementing, all of which were put to paper in the late sixties and early seventies by "The Weathermen Underground", a Radical Marxist Group intent on the overthrow of the Constitutional U.S.....Their Publications are not secret and Obama's 'Enforcement' of them very visible.

Having failed to enforce Immigration Laws and Suing the States (Arizona) to stop them from enforcing Immigration Laws he (Obama) is Intentionally erasing our Southern Border. And now, as posted on RMN just yesterday, he has issued an Executive Order subjecting the Great Lakes and all U.S. Coastlines to the U.N. 'Law of the Sea Treaty' (LOST)-isn't that appropriate. The "Law of the Sea" is Admiralty Law which has taken over our Article Three (Constitutional) Court System and represents International Interest and Creditors, not you or your country men. Wasn't it just a week ago when I asked, rhetorically, "to whom are 'they' trying so hard to turn over control of the mouth of the Mississippi River"? Do you think all these things are happening 'by accident'? On all fronts simultaneously, you are witnessing the 'sell-out' of your country by a man and wife who place their left hand over their right chest when the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem is played. A man who did not want to wear a U.S. flag apparel pin until the press forced the issue, a man who has spent millions to keep the people from seeing his birth certificate, a man who is 'changing' the United States as fast as humanly possible as 'Instructed by his Controllers', the NWO Illuminati.

How do you feel about the SEC now being exempted from the Freedom of Information Act? In the Financial Arena the imposed 'change' to Socialism then Communism instead of Capitalism is just as quick and just as profound as all the other 'arenas' and now they have passed a law (Financial Regulatory Overhaul) saying the public no longer has the right to find out what the SEC is ALLOWING the 'Rapist" (Goldman, Banks, the Street, etc.) to get away with.

On the evening news: Acorn breaking into foreclosed homes and 'taking them over' and moving their people into them. No keys since they broke the locks to get in. No conversation, no communication with the owner, simply taking over the homes and CARRYING LARGE ACORN SIGNS while doing so.

The Financial Condition of the United States and California are so 'out of control' neither is bothering to even produce a Budget. Never in history.

Mexican Drug Lords now buying houses/ranches in U.S. Border Areas 'where they can be safe'.

Going to abandon this now, pressing matters.

Pressing matters? Casper need to iron his pants, possibly with them still on.

casper 7-29-10
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Cathulhu »

The way he fantasizes redesigning the country--delusional isn't strong enough.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

They pull the packies in, they send the packies out....
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by ashlynne39 »

ClemIsBack wrote:Just in case Casper tries to tell us something different
here is Obama's schedule for 7-29-2010

4:00 PM: The President meets privately with Hillary in Lincoln bedroom

4:02 PM: The President finishes up with Hillary

4:30 PM: The President meets with Monica Lewinski

4:32 PM: The President finishes up with Monica

Wow, Obama doesn't have much staying power.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:
ClemIsBack wrote:Just in case Casper tries to tell us something different
here is Obama's schedule for 7-29-2010

4:00 PM: The President meets privately with Hillary in Lincoln bedroom
4:02 PM: The President finishes up with Hillary
4:30 PM: The President meets with Monica Lewinski
4:32 PM: The President finishes up with Monica
Wow, Obama doesn't have much staying power.
Casper was using his own limited experience to estimate these times. Of course, his memory may have faded a bit over the years...
"Follow the Money"

Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by ClemIsBack »

Wow, Obama doesn't have much staying power.
And it took a minute and a half of that time for Nancy Pelosi to undress and dress him.