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Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »


As previously reported, when OBAMA "escaped" from the Tribunal last Sunday night it became obvious 'something was just not right'. That 'something', WE can now report, is that the Chief Judge of the Tribunal was in bed with and assisting Obama. No one simply 'walks away' from such as was going on there. It was very suspicious from the first moment as he arrived at the White House by helicopter Monday morning waving gleefully for CNN.

The Chief Justice had informed Obama and others that he could get all charges against them reduced or even waived entirely. He then allowed Obama and the Clintons to return to the U.S., then he personally arrived in the U.S. Tuesday or Wednesday.

His first mistake was allowing them to walk. His second mistake was approaching the Attorneys to drop the Class Action Lawsuit. His third mistake was to interfere with and assist in the blocking of deliveries. His fourth mistake was guiding DOJ (acting for Obama) to file a lien against all programs and funds. His fifth mistake was to continue the attempts to trade the funds even as recently as last night.

He has been caught in all these activities and will now be taken before the Tribunal and Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He is an embarrassment to the other Judges and he is enroute to the Tribunal now and may have arrived already.

The Tribunal has ordered the Clintons to return immediately and to bring the Bride with them and if they do not comply 'other arrangements will be made for their transportation'. The Clintons say they are 'not going anywhere'. The Bride received huge amounts of Embezzled Funds. You may recall our report some time ago in which Chelsea was quoted as saying 'you can't do this, my daddy stole these funds legally'. WE wait now to see what the outcome of this confrontation will be.

Another 'release' for deliveries has occurred. Deliveries first as WE have always said, then the other matters to follow. A very slim chance for today, more likely tomorrow.

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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by The Observer »

He has been caught in all these activities and will now be taken before the Tribunal and Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He is an embarrassment to the other Judges and he is enroute to the Tribunal now and may have arrived already.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the Chief of the Tribunal is going to escape as well, and the reason for his escape is going to be that he was that he was in the bed with the rest of the Tribunal.

I get the feeling that every time one of these so-called Protectors of The Packies gets exposed as being anti-NESARA, they get a golden parachute consisting of packies. The White Knights better stop arresting people or there will be nothing left.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:CASPER UPDATE: JULY 30, 2010

As previously reported, when OBAMA "escaped" from the Tribunal last Sunday night it became obvious 'something was just not right'. That 'something', WE can now report, is that the Chief Judge of the Tribunal was in bed with and assisting Obama. No one simply 'walks away' from such as was going on there. It was very suspicious from the first moment as he arrived at the White House by helicopter Monday morning waving gleefully for CNN.
I wonder if the chief judge was satisfied or if he got the 2 minute treatment from Obama also.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »

FULFORD: Christopher Story murdered, other journalists targeted in new fascist campaign
Benjaimin Fulford

What do North Korean nuclear threats, US military wiki-leaks, harassment of journalists, trouble on the Columbia/Venezuela border, attacks on Chinese oil pipelines, Japanese tankers and other oil facilities all have in common?

The answer is they are all desperate maneuvers by criminal Western oligarchs hoping to start World War 3 and keep themselves in power via martial law. It is also a symptom of the extreme, desperate power struggle now unfolding in Washington D.C. Although some are hoping for imminent announcements the nightmare has ended, this struggle is likely to continue into the autumn and possibly beyond.

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Posted at 13:36 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Christopher Story murdered, other journalists targeted in new fascist campaign

Prominent veteran financial journalist Edward Harle (working under the pen name Christopher Story) wrote before his recent death that George Bush Senior, Barak Obama and other members of the criminal Washington D.C. establishment had ordered him killed.

Story was poisoned during a March, 2010 visit to the US with a virus created by the Fort Meade biological warfare facility, according to close associates of Story who spoke to him the day before his July 14th death. Although there exists an antidote for this virus, Story was unaware he was poisoned with it until recently by which point his liver damage had progressed too far for treatment, according to the sources.

Although Story is now dead, his sources will continue to provide the public with vital information about the secret financial war that is now raging towards its conclusion. The murder of Story will not go un-avenged, according to several sources inside the U.S. and UK military-industrial complex.

The murder of Story is part of a broader, but doomed campaign to silence journalists. Jane Burgermeister, who did much to expose the pharmaceutical industry’s involvement in the creation of the H1N1 virus, contacted this writer today saying she feared for her life. She is the victim of systematic harassment by Austrian security service thugs and their corporate/government bosses.

This writer has also been the target of multiple murder attempts. The same cabal that killed my colleague Paul Klebnikov (the former Forbes Moscow Bureau Chief) and killed Daniel Pearle of the Wall Street Journal, has been systematically murdering journalists around the world as a part of their effort keep in power and fool the public with their fake “war on terror.”

Below is a copy of Christopher Story’s last report. [no, it's not] There has been a systematic effort to remove this report from the internet so please disseminate it far and wide. [I cut it because it was long and boring, not because of orders from my Illuminati overlords encoded on a cereal box, well, at least in this case]

Below that you will find a copy of an e-mail from Jane Burgermeister.

Below that, you will find a list of the members of the Knights of Malta, who are a major part of the criminal cabal that is trying to turn Western Civilization into a fascistic dictatorship. When the White Dragon roars, their reign of terror will finally end.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »

From ... death.html

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Regarding Chris Story's death

Unfortunately, I cannot get into too much detail. I've probably said too much already, but I've been on the watch list since before i was born, so it's really whatever at this point, but I'll try my best to not be too aloof...

Anyone who has been reading Story for a number years knows that many a deal have been struck with those holding the settlements hostage & those to whom the payouts are due. You would also know that the hostage takers have reneged every single time.

Also - an avid reader would know that attempts on Story's life have been made many, MANY times before & after the last attempt, those who made the attempt were told to back off or else face full on warfare in which all of their lies, deceptions, etc, would be exposed to all the world

(edit: "warfare" in this sense would be financial which would entail the total collapse of all fiat monies [in particular - the $] & stock exchanges the world over as the exposure of these criminal doings by high level government agencies who would admit that, yes, indeed these things have transpired. this would cause these criminals to lose all their wealth & credibility.

Perform some due diligence. look at Holland. they are already taking measures to go back to a gold standard. there are many other nations who have been performing this fleeing from a fiat monetary system for a long time. This is all in preparation for this possible "warfare" - as well as a way to avoid getting sucked in to "short end of the stick" in fraudulent finances such as derivatives trading ie, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, etc amongst many other issues, but i digress...).

Now, the week of his death - but before the rumor mill started churning about his demise - I had a very interesting conversation with someone regarding the settlements (for some perspective: this conversation happened Friday, the 22 of July. His death was first heard by us that Saturday night/Sunday morning). according to this source, it was disseminated that the settlements have been finalized & would be released beginning of August. I cannot go into details as to how/why this source is impeccable in this regards, but just know it is regarding something that Story himself has reported on many times in the past - a proverbial picking up of the torch, if you will.

During our discourse, i mentioned how very interesting their statement re: the settlements was seeing as how Story's July 10th report has been taken down. Immediately we were thinking, well, maybe he was taken out. also, it could have been because he was asked to remove it until the event of the deadline passing with no action. One thing that is missing in the reposts in these boards I've been reading are the letters sent by attorney hodges. Most of them were reposts by Story. However, I noticed that hodges had also sent one to someone else. Unfortunately, I was unable to print out the report before it was removed so I cannot say who the last letter was to, but I do remember thinking "DAMN! he is no longer pulling any punches!" It basically equivocated to going to the superintendent of schools after the principal ignores your repeated requests - if the similitude can be seen.

The other thought was that he was not going to repost it until he was back in London as it is known he does not post while on north America for a plethora of reasons.

Obviously, our initial thought was most accurate, unfortunately.

The point of the above, long-winded diatribe? Well, you're going to have to make some connections between the above & the below.

First of all - story was not in the U.K. when he fell "ill."

When I first heard the tale of his death, it went that he was summoned (sorry, even though I'm already saying too much, I will not give this detail away but have left a trail for you to try & connect the dots - hopefully) somewhere where he was then infected with this Government viral agent. It was all hearsay - especially with all this "killed assassination style in the streets of london talk"...until I read the telegraph death notice. A "brief illness"?!? Alarm bells went OFF in my head. Obviously, the poisoning aspect of what I heard is true. Therefore, I have to believe that the summoning & the place to which he was summoned is also true.

Let us not think of good guys v. bad guys in this case. there are black hats & white hats in every intelligence community within every government. There are CIA agents & MI6 agents alike who are either pro or con Story.

Knowing these dialectal serpents & all of their past actions - I would not put it past them to make such a ludicrous demand as to be able to take the life of someone who has the protection of the payees in order to make good on releasing the funds. Now, when we examine all of the above as one giant geo-socio-politico chess game, sometimes, yes, you must sacrifice your rook in order to get your advantage. In this entire drama, Story has been quite a strong rook. However, we all know there comes a time when they must be sacrificed.

Seeing as how there has yet to be exposures at the highest levels of these criminals, & yet they've been able to remove Story from the board without repercussions as of yet, it says to me that, yes, a deal was struck & he was sacrificed for the greater good. If you know the full implications of the settlements & what it will mean to all the people & nations & what they will all be able to do - either collectively, individually, or any combination of the two - then you will be able to see this as well.

I will tell you this much - if come close of business EST monday, 2 august 2010 the settlements are NOT released? - get your hands on as much gold, silver, gems, etc. as you can & get yourself some firearms & PLENTY of ammo. the as of yet inflicted repercussions for taking story out will be laid out IN FULL FORCE if this does not transpire - THAT i can promise you.

-Posted by Heart at 11:59 AM
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Cathulhu »

This writer has also been the target of multiple murder attempts. The same cabal that killed my colleague Paul Klebnikov (the former Forbes Moscow Bureau Chief) and killed Daniel Pearle of the Wall Street Journal, has been systematically murdering journalists around the world as a part of their effort keep in power and fool the public with their fake “war on terror.”
How dare this lowlife delusional creep try to piggyback himself onto the death of Daniel Pearle, who died trying to get a REAL story. That's incredibly self-serving and deserving of a smack upside the head. I was amused by his obviously crazy ramblings, but now I'm genuinely offended.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote: How dare this lowlife delusional creep try to piggyback himself onto the death of Daniel Pearle, who died trying to get a REAL story. That's incredibly self-serving and deserving of a smack upside the head. I was amused by his obviously crazy ramblings, but now I'm genuinely offended.
Dove's claim to fame was piggy-backing her scam onto the tragedy that was 9-11. These people are all despicable, but their crazy ramblings are still amusing. And, laughing at them seems to be more effective than getting angry.
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Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by ashlynne39 »

From ... death.html

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Regarding Chris Story's death

Unfortunately, I cannot get into too much detail. I've probably said too much already, but I've been on the watch list since before i was born, so it's really whatever at this point,
Paranoid much?
but I'll try my best to not be too aloof...
I find myself wondering if the author of this piece knows what the word "aloof" means as it doesn't seem to be the appropriate word in this context

The other thought was that he was not going to repost it until he was back in London as it is known he does not post while on north America for a plethora of reasons.
Let us not think of good guys v. bad guys in this case. there are black hats & white hats in every intelligence community within every government. There are CIA agents & MI6 agents alike who are either pro or con Story.
I'm curious which CIA and MI6 agents are "pro-Story" as I'm not sure I want them running around with weapons. It's been my general belief that the insane shouldn't be armed.
I will tell you this much - if come close of business EST monday, 2 august 2010 the settlements are NOT released? - get your hands on as much gold, silver, gems, etc. as you can & get yourself some firearms & PLENTY of ammo. the as of yet inflicted repercussions for taking story out will be laid out IN FULL FORCE if this does not transpire - THAT i can promise you.
It's past close of business and I just read this. I'm assuming the settlements were not released and it sounds like Armagedden is coming. Is it too late do you think to buy up gold, silver and gemstones? And Hey, was the story laid out in FULL FORCE yet? I don't want to miss that.

Re: Hot Hot Hot

Post by Brandybuck »

Although there exists an antidote for this virus...
There are antidotes for viruses?