George Tran

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George Tran

Post by wserra »

Harvey, of all people, directed my attention to this scammer. In this post, Harvey posted a link which webhick redacted and characterized as "How to Fight Foreclosure and Own Your Home Free and Clear". A google of that title takes one to this site and this tract, both by one George Tran. The rather ungrammatical dedication caught my eye:
I dedicate this book to the late Jerry Kane whom much of the process which I used was inspired from. He and Joe passed away on May 20, 2010 quite suddenly under very mysterious circumstances.
Well, I don't know how "mysterious" those circumstances were. I seem to recall that Joe (and later Jerry) opened up on police with assault weapons and got what they clearly deserved (and a couple of cops got what they equally clearly did not deserve). Anyway, continuing:
I am very grateful for his great contribution to this movement. He is a great man who have helped many people through this housing crisis.
And what great deeds did Kane inspire in Tran?
I have successfully claimed four houses I owned - and released all liens on these properties - lawfully.
And, of course, the obligatory "UCC1 Notice":
The author is indentured to a third party under UCC1 as a debtor for 100 billion dollars. And attempt to commerce with the author shall be in the inferior position.
Well, I hope Tran obtains his freedom in short order. And Quatloosians should get their minds out of the gutter.

So what did Tran, Idolizer of Kane, do? Well, it appears that the property he owns is in Utah. Wachovia holds the mortgages. He figures out the the bank has really been paid for your note several times - after all, they're paid each time they sell your note, and then they were paid again during the bailout. That's wrong. So Tran serves them with something he titles Verification of Debt. After all, "EVERY LAW is a commercial contract". He gives then x days to respond. When they don't, he files for a default in Oregon, serving them again. Right - the land is in Utah. He claims to have gotten defaults from an Oregon judge - I can't say if this is true, since his "default orders" don't even contain a judge's name, just an illegible squiggle on a signature line. If that is a judge's squiggle, the judge wasn't paying much attention.

Tran then trots over to the county clerk's office in Utah where the properties are located, and files Deeds of Full Reconveyance signed by a "Trustee" named "Michael Waters", who appears to be an associate of Tran from a social networking site he set up. Shazam! No more mortgage. All this has happened in the last couple of months.

I think Tran is in for a couple of lessons in law. First, the courts of one state have no power whatsover over real property in another. Second, judges don't like folks that trick them into signing BS, and really don't like folks who file funny paper.

Nice find, Harvey.
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Re: George Tran

Post by grixit »

Hmm, a fraudulent scheme dealing with money in the 100,000s that crosses state lines. Getting hauled in by the bailiffs and dropped into the county lockup will be just the appetizer.
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Re: George Tran

Post by Harvester »

You're welcome Wes. Quite exciting, no? My mortgage is going bye-bye too.

Once public confidence is destroyed, respect for the government indeed collapses, hoarding of wealth takes place, refusal to accept the currency on faith, and eventually the government will be backed into a corner so desperate for cash, it will turn against it's own people, render them criminals to justify the confiscation, but even this will not sustain the system. ~ Martin Armstrong
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Re: George Tran

Post by notorial dissent »

This dumb puppy done managed to make it a Federal matter at this point, lots of fun to come!!!!
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Re: George Tran

Post by wserra »

Harvester wrote:My mortgage is going bye-bye too.
Well, of course it is. If you have one in the first place.

BTW, did you know that my great-aunt Tillie raises prize-winning tomatoes in her garden in the Sea of Tranquillity?
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Re: George Tran

Post by Gregg »

Harvester wrote:You're welcome Wes. Quite exciting, no? My mortgage is going bye-bye too.

Once public confidence is destroyed, respect for the government indeed collapses, hoarding of wealth takes place, refusal to accept the currency on faith, and eventually the government will be backed into a corner so desperate for cash, it will turn against it's own people, render them criminals to justify the confiscation, but even this will not sustain the system. ~ Martin Armstrong
That's it. I'm calling BS on this one. Tell ya what, Harvester, post copies of the documents you file to "make your mortgage go away" and we'll keep track of them in the courts through the foreclosure and criminal case. Go ahead warrior, back up with your ass what your mouth is spouting.

I have seen a few of the sovereign idiot types where documents have been filed in Oregon for stuff in other states, one in New York comes to mind....I suspect some "People's Court" kind of operation is going on out there and the stupid network is drawing some suckers in....
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Re: George Tran

Post by bmielke »

Gregg wrote:
Harvester wrote:You're welcome Wes. Quite exciting, no? My mortgage is going bye-bye too.

Once public confidence is destroyed, respect for the government indeed collapses, hoarding of wealth takes place, refusal to accept the currency on faith, and eventually the government will be backed into a corner so desperate for cash, it will turn against it's own people, render them criminals to justify the confiscation, but even this will not sustain the system. ~ Martin Armstrong
That's it. I'm calling BS on this one. Tell ya what, Harvester, post copies of the documents you file to "make your mortgage go away" and we'll keep track of them in the courts through the foreclosure and criminal case. Go ahead warrior, back up with your ass what your mouth is spouting.

I have seen a few of the sovereign idiot types where documents have been filed in Oregon for stuff in other states, one in New York comes to mind....I suspect some "People's Court" kind of operation is going on out there and the stupid network is drawing some suckers in....
The most common document is called a check, you write one each month and at the end of a certain amount of time usually 120-180-360 months or longer your mortgage has gone "bye-bye".
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Re: George Tran

Post by Gregg »

Harvester, posting as Libre over on LH, tried taking this garbage over there, and shockingly the crackheads in a rare moment of clarity bitch slapped him down,

Although he qualified it, even Patrick Mooney called it BS....

Pretty out there when the crackheads think you're crazy, eh, Harvester?
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Re: George Tran

Post by Famspear »

Poor Harvester.
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Re: George Tran

Post by Harvester »

Oh they're coming around to the truth soon enough. Appreciate your concern Fammie but it's not me you should feel sorry for. Me & mine are doing fine. I've learned so much recently, some of it from the Quatlosers. And it's saving me some real coin. Let's see -- the federal Income Tax scam, the private Federal Reserve cartel, sovereignty, right to travel, common law, oh and the federal corporation that Rod Class is going after.

Curious about one thing though Fammie -- at what point will you admit it? Yep, Harvester was right, banksters been robbing us blind the whole time. Perhaps when US Treasury announces the new gold-backed currency?

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Re: George Tran

Post by The Operative »

I believe that Harvester's nickname, "Truth Worrier", does not adequately describe him. It would be better if he were called, "Truth Ignorer".
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Re: George Tran

Post by Prof »

Two years ago, I purchased a home without using any of the banksters devices -- no mortgage, no deed of trust, no note, no borrowed funds. I did have to inovolve the Federal Reserve, however, because I paid cash.
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Re: George Tran

Post by Gregg »

I just can't stand it anymore...gdude has responded to Harvester's thread and showed he may be as dumb as the village idiot himself....just in case someone might have questions, I'll make a few points of my own...
I can see both sides of the coin here, but let us consider this...

1. Your mortgage is already paid by the money your signature created,which the bank keeps as an asset.... You do not get it back when the mortgage is paid off.... You get the house and a 30 year 'note'. (I remember when I was younger I had to give my bank 1k ,so I could get a loan. I was trying to build credit. When the note was paid in full, I got my 1k back)
This is just absolutely stupid….somewhere, wealth is created, when the loan is created is when it kind of sorta turns into money, but I can make the argument that when the builder took the bricks and lumber and built a house THAT is when the money is created, or when the lumber company cut down the trees…or you can go the other way (which makes more sense) in that, YOU create the money, by going to work everyday, and paying over the term of the note, the principle and interest back.
But to continue, the money is entered into the banks account when the note is created, true, but they don’t get to keep it, they immediately write a check on YOUR BEHALF you nucking phumshulls, the “asset” they “keep” is your promise to pay them back. Sometimes they sell this right to the payments you promised to make, if they do, they get back the money the put up, including some interest for their trouble and often they will keep the rights to collect the payments and they are paid for that…

2. Most banks sell your 'note' on the market to investors, earning more money off your 'note'..... George says that your note is fractionalized, broken into tiny pieces. So, who actually owns the note?

Another thing these sovidiots keep saying is your mortgage is broken up into thousands of pieces etc…. and that’s not true, If your mortgage is securitized, it’s not broken up, it’s combined with hundreds or even thousands of other ones and this collection of assets is then divided as a whole, but each individual mortgage is one integral asset within the instrument, they don’t “break them up” . If this is done it’s common for a shell company to be created holding the assets, this entity “owns the note”. But this is the first, and only time the bank “gets paid” for selling your note, and then they don’t get the payments you promised to make, the place that paid them (in real money) gets the proceeds of those payments now. And that’s not usually some faceless “bankster” scheming to rip you off, the bonds are most often in funds that are held by ordinary people in their retirement accounts directly or indirectly. So when you go deadbeat on them, you’re not hurting the bank, you’re creating more activity for it, and it charges fees for those activities so it could be argued that banks make more when you default, but if there is an eventual loss, the bank doesn’t bear it, those people who have retirement accounts with the bonds in them do. If anyone can explain a way that that’s not just stealing from old people, I’d like to hear it.

There have been cases when the odd file or piece of paper has been lost transferring them from one place to another, it happens, and if that happened to yours (say about as likely as winning the Mega Millions, twice) it is POSSIBLE but not probable that you could beat your bank in court and get the mortgage released. In Ohio last year a judge did toss a foreclosure because a bank couldn’t locate a document. Once, in how many foreclosures litigated last year, it happened. Try those odds, tell me how it works out for you. (and as a sidenote, the bank did re file the suit, they did win, the deadbeat who “won” was dragged kicking and screaming from the house, all his worldly possessions set on the curb in a thunderstorm, and he was enough of an asshole that I almost laughed)

3. Then the bank got money to pay off ALL outstanding mortgages with the trillion dollar bailout money!...that's right , money that the government took from your paycheck!
Not true, and the part that is is still being taken out of context. The money that the Federal Government sent to banks was for the most part loans, which will be or more often already are paid back with interest. The Federal Government made a profit on those transactions (with the banks anyway, GM is another story) and sorry to break your heart, lowered your tax bill in theory doing it. The mortgages that were taken off the banks hands by the FOMC (Federal Reserve) are just like I mentioned above, sold. The Federal Reserve Board owns them now and someone still has to pay them back just like if they were in granny’s pension, they just have to pay someone else. And the banks that got the money NO LONGER OWNS THE LOANS, just like above they sold them and don’t get the proceeds of the payments anymore. The man on the street end result of this is some banks will not have to take losses on bad loans they made the Federal Reserve will. I’d have thought you bankster haters would like that outcome. Of course, that money will come out of the profits the Fed makes (which is turned over to the Treasury each year, BTW) and that will in theory make your taxes go up. As the Government had at least a hand in getting banks to make loans to people who couldn’t afford them, it’s partly their fault but that is really another story with plenty of guilty parties.

4. You are now paying back the principal plus interest on top of that.(unless you are in foreclosure)
You borrowed the money, you pay it back. The interest is what you agreed to pay for the use of the money. What’s the problem?

So, your home has been paid for 3x's ( if you pay the mortgage off ).
Just plain utter cow manure.

Once with the money created from your signature,
The bank wrote a check for that money, to YOU

twice when the banks got bailed out,
the note just moved around, no new money exists

thrice when you pay back the mortgage ,plus interest.
No, the money you pay back is the same money they gave you, the interest if their consideration

(Not to mention the money made when they sold your note to investors.)
It’s all the same money that just moved around, you paid the investors instead of them is all, and it’s still the money you took in the beginning.

Sounds like a great scam to me!
Because you’re a moron
How does one become a banker?
You go to school and learn what the hell you’re talking about when you talk about banking.
You don't have to put up any assets,
Yes you do,
get some signatures to create money out of thin air (that you get to keep),
No you don’t, as soon as it’s “created” you write the homeowner a check to pay for the house.
collect the principal plus interest and if the mortgage is foreclosed on then you get the home as an asset too.
If it’s foreclosed you didn’t get the interest and principle, you pass any loss along to the investors, who in the end are of course, often senior citizens….
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Re: George Tran

Post by wserra »

Just another groyse chochem who doesn't know the difference between fractional reserve banking and counterfeiting.
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Re: George Tran

Post by Harvester »

Congrats Prof; although when you see what's coming you may kick yourself for not financing it.

Gregg, keep researching/questioning; it'll become clear eventually.

Good point Wes. Own your own legal counterfeiting shop, become a Banker today!
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Re: George Tran

Post by Prof »

One comment. In the securitization process, the evidence does seem to be that a substantial number of the original notes were actually lost or destroyed. As some of you know, I've written and spoken on this issue over the last year or so at the ABI, TX State Bar, etc.

Also, while the folks like Harvester have no idea what they are talking about, the mortgage securitization process -- from mortgage inception all the way thru the sale of the end product -- was deeply flawed. Michael Lewis' new book, The Big Short, does a good job of showing exactly what went wrong.

As to fractional reserve banking, the folks like Harvester have no conception of how banking works. As I have pointed out in the past, if all banking is done without fractional reserves, then banks can't exist -- if all deposits have to be held in reserve, no one gets a loan except from those who loan on their own account, which is a limited pool. Also, when banks merely act as valults (that is what 100% reserves require), then banks -- like other storage companies -- will charge the deposit owner to store wealth and will not pay interest.
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Re: George Tran

Post by Gregg »

Harvester wrote:Congrats Prof; although when you see what's coming you may kick yourself for not financing it.

Gregg, keep researching/questioning; it'll become clear eventually.

Good point Wes. Own your own legal counterfeiting shop, become a Banker today!

Listen loser, don't you even dare to tell me to keep researching, the doctorate took care of more real research than you've ever thought about doing. You're not even worth responding to except I would not want anything you dribble out to be taken seriously by an innocent.

George Tran is going to cause a lot of people to end up in prison with this nonsense, and when that starts happening I hope you'll be proud of it. Likewise with the pathetic losers on your false god's CTC scam, how many people in the end are going to lose everything and how many will go to prison because not enough people who have more sense than pea gravel stood up and called all the "warriors" the idiots they were. People have sent legal gibberish back to the IRS and because of both their own stupidity and the constant egging on by the crowd at Peter's cult of self destruction and doing so has caused a lot of people who don't even realize it yet that they've passed by hard deadlines that nothing can be done to correct and the end result is some who had a manageable tax problem before they started running up friv pens and such who are now well and truly screwed and will never in this life get out from under the IRS, not because the "system" is corrupt in any way, but because ass hats like Pete and even bigger ones like YOU spread this tripe all over the internet in some quest to feed their outsize egos.
You're an amusing loser when you brag about all the stupid things you've done to ruin your life, but I only hope you someday realize what a true asshole you have been getting the ignorant to believe the garbage you posted enough to actually try it, and how many lives you ruined, marriages you've broken up, how many kids you kept from going to college or getting things like medical care or even food as they should have. you're a stain on society and if you were to get hit by a bus I'd be more worried about the bus than you.
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Re: George Tran

Post by Prof »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Prof wrote:Two years ago, I purchased a home without using any of the banksters devices -- no mortgage, no deed of trust, no note, no borrowed funds. I did have to inovolve the Federal Reserve, however, because I paid cash.
Actually, I bet you wrote a check, or gave the seller a cashier's check. If you paid cash and the transaction was $10,000 or more, somebody should have been filling out a large currency transaction report. Am I right?
Used a wire transfer, as a matter of fact.
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Re: George Tran

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:Oh they're coming around to the truth soon enough. Appreciate your concern Fammie but it's not me you should feel sorry for. Me & mine are doing fine.
No, you're not "doing fine."
I've learned so much recently, some of it from the Quatlosers. And it's saving me some real coin. Let's see -- the federal Income Tax scam, the private Federal Reserve cartel, sovereignty, right to travel, common law, oh and the federal corporation that Rod Class is going after.

Curious about one thing though Fammie -- at what point will you admit it? Yep, Harvester was right, banksters been robbing us blind the whole time.
Let's see now....

1. The federal income tax is not a "scam."

2. The Federal Reserve System is not a "cartel".

3. Under U.S. law, there is no such thing as a "sovereign citizen" as defined by Harvester (also known in various places as "Libre", "Nationwide", "johnthetaxist", "John Travis Harvester", "John Travis: Harvester" etc., etc.) or his wackadooster friends.

4. Under U.S. law, there is no such thing as a "right to travel" without a driver's license, and there is no "right to travel" without being stopped by law enforcement personnel, etc., etc.

5. The term "common law" is a legal term; it doesn't mean what the wackadoosters (like "SkankBeat" over at losthorizons) claim it means, and it doesn't work the way the wackadoosters claim it works.

6. The United States government is not a "corporation".

7. Rod Class is going to lose (if he hasn't already).

8. The compensation Harvester receives from rendering personal services is includible in his gross income under Internal Revenue Code section 61, even if that compensation is received in connection with an "activity" not involving the exercise of a "federal privilege".

EDIT: Oh, and Harvester's Haughty Hero, tax scammer Peter Eric ("Blowhard") Hendrickson, is still a crook, and is still inmate #15406-039, in the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
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Re: George Tran

Post by Gregg »

He's totally gone over the rainbow now I think, over at LH he put up a post endorsing everything from NESARA, RAP and even POOF, to mention just a few...
OK Warriors, some things I've wanted to share. Been following some projects/news online for awhile now and believe a climax is imminent. Essentially there's been a long-running war taking place behind the scenes between the good guys and a small handful of wealthy tyrants who thought they could steal from us forever. The 2 sides have been called various names like: White Hats/Knights, Patriots, Workers of Light, etc. vs. the dark cabal, NWO elites, banksters, etc.

To the extent you've used the knowledge Pete has given us and waged your own battle for the rule-of-law and against Auntie and the tax tyrants, you've been a warrior in this battle; and thank you for that!.

That we've been lied to regarding the Income Tax is a given. For myself, I first became aware of government deception in 2008 with the TARP bailouts. In this investigation I learned that the Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel operating in secret to harvest wealth from us. This led me to Cracking the Code where I learned all about our misapplied tax. Taken together these two scams must represent the largest financial fraud ever perpetrated against our great nation.

Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.
~Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Part of this war has been the battle for your mind. It's part of the success of the Income Tax -- deception. If you don't believe you've got INCOME under the Revenue Acts, what does the IRS have? Nothing. Now could the elites also trick us in other areas? Most likely yes.

RESTORE AMERICA PLAN (Guardians of the free Republics)
Not sure how many of you are following this plan, now better known as RAP, to restore constitutional government & common law. Their diagnosis was, among others, that we've had corporations masquerading as government. That we've been victimized by commerce statutes enforced by administrators, and that our original government offices were largely uninhabited. It appears the plan encountered some speed bumps, was modified, and may have been distracted helping other countries for awhile. The plan involves the military and common law grand jurys. They claim that the Republic has been restored, an interim (6-month) government is in place, and announcements are forthcoming. gives some interesting commentary (scroll down to RESTORE AMERICA PLAN).

Does our military not take an oath to "defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic?"
What if you discovered the real enemy was within. Discovered a commander/leader was a corporate employee with a loyalty to a foreign owner? What would it take to remove a cabal, with a stranglehold over our government officials. Remember to say a prayer for our men/women in uniform. They have stuck out their necks to restore our Republic.

Some judge made the mistake of a lifetime by placing a burr under Rod's saddle. This patriot has been studying the legal deception for decades. He & Carl have recently filed several suits against various US agencies (including the IRS) with the assumption that they're corporations acting unlawfully. They've also served all 535 members of Congress, received no response, and plan to bring their default judgement to international court. Their radio shows are fascinating and most of their documents can be found here (with some digging, use links on righthand side): Rod was recently asked to assist RAP.

Ben Fulford is a former financial journalist in Japan. His 8/13 post is a good intro as he gives a summary of his discovery of the cabal.

Christopher Story (Edward Harle) was a British financial journalist whose shocking reports appeared regularly here: This great warrior recently succumbed to a "horrible disease," apparently by the hand of our enemy. His last report of 7/10 can be found here:

And finally there's POOF. Yes I know its hard to take seriously anyone with that name, but to me, he resonates. ... s-f17.html
Quoting from his 8/15 email:
"All the things that were created over a hundred years ago are being effectively dismantled, the irs being one of them. So you will see that effectively moved off your plate of worries. .."

Of course, don't take my word as gospel, anyone can say anything online. Dig for yourself. There's a whole lot of disinfo & disinfo minions out there. How do you determine the truth from the BS? After awhile a certain pattern or convergence emerges. I won't make any date/deadline predictions, obviously I'm not privy to the plan.
Stand tall warriors & say no, hell no!
he's such a sad little man...
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