Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comment

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Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comment

Post by co-shoot »


Reader Responds, Asks Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comment

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 18-Aug-2010 23:34:38

In Response To: E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER, Response to Reader's Questions (hobie) (Thanks, Reader. :)

Reader responds to Whistleblower's reply:


Re: E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER, Response to Rea....

whistleblower, thank you for your response. I agree with you that the Internet is responsible for spreading many lies. Personally, I feel that more lies are spread on the Internet than is truthful information.

I shall be brief. Let us assume that you do know what you are talking about, and that you are being truthful (after all, what you are saying is disseminated through the Internet} then your opinion would be welcomed by a rather large number of people concerning a few items.

1) You feel Casper has no credibility. Right?
2) How about Patrick Bellringer?
3} How about Poof, especially Poof?
4)How about the notion of a new world banking system backed by metals?
5)How about Rayelan's claims that she was involved in the world's largest transfer of gold? If so, was that transfer for the purpose she so states, the destruction of the Federal Reserve Banking System?
6)And finally, how about Mr. Al Hodges comments about "distribution of funds to many other programs" when he writes:

"When is Release ? The CMKX distribution funds will be released within a very short time after there is confirmation of Economic Receipt. What does that mean? It means that currently in process is a massive shift of wealth within the US and the world community; that includes: pay-out of all the domestic settlements; institution of the US dollar re-funding project; pay-out of world settlements; and, distribution of funds to many other programs. This involves a total of more than $ 42 Trillion. Economic Receipt occurs when all trustees have access to all of the funds they are responsible for."
What is Al Hodges talking about--many other programs? Actually, what does Hodges mean by all of the things he lists, "domestic settlements...dollar refunding...world settlements?"
I await your response. Thank you.


Articles In This Thread

Ben Fulford's Blurb for This Week Plus a Second Item (views: 2153)
hobie -- Monday, 16-Aug-2010 00:19:30
Reader Kathy: "If this is the currency about to be foisted on us, watch out!! The New World Order created it!" (views: 962)
hobie -- Monday, 16-Aug-2010 02:15:52
Reader JY: "If they own the gold and/or control the gold ..." (views: 220)
hobie -- Monday, 16-Aug-2010 17:00:37
Reader: " I am supporting the OITC and they are not fraud." (views: 623)
hobie -- Monday, 16-Aug-2010 02:20:14
Reader: "The[ OITC] have been nullified and this is what they need to wake up to." (views: 322)
hobie -- Monday, 16-Aug-2010 15:32:30
E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER, Response to Reader Wheel (views: 289)
hobie -- Tuesday, 17-Aug-2010 00:35:43
Reader: " Here are my questions: If whistleblower is all that he/she claims to be, ..." (views: 188)
hobie -- Tuesday, 17-Aug-2010 20:20:29
E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER, Response to Reader's Questions (views: 307)
hobie -- Wednesday, 18-Aug-2010 01:38:35
Reader: "Is not what is good for the goose also good for the gander?" (views: 101)
hobie -- Wednesday, 18-Aug-2010 23:20:31
Reply from Whistleblower to Reader Anton (views: 102)
hobie -- Thursday, 19-Aug-2010 01:35:08
Reader Responds, Asks Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comment (views: 148)
hobie -- Wednesday, 18-Aug-2010 23:34:38
Whistleblower Replies to Reader: "I will not be dragged into personal attacks or negative comments ..." (views: 102)
hobie -- Thursday, 19-Aug-2010 01:39:21
Reader: "Why do you refuse to answer a simple question about Rayelan?" (views: 245)
hobie -- Thursday, 19-Aug-2010 18:57:47
NEW: Whistleblower's response: "Why do you refuse to answer a simple question about Rayelan?" (views: 164)
hobie -- Friday, 20-Aug-2010 00:20:54
Reader Wheel, Response to Whistleblower's Reply (views: 207)
hobie -- Wednesday, 18-Aug-2010 17:21:24
Whistleblower's Reply to Reader Wheel (views: 142)
hobie -- Thursday, 19-Aug-2010 03:31:42
Reader: "If in fact its going to be exchanged 2 for one the bankers will have stolen 50% of the wealth...." (views: 497)
hobie -- Monday, 16-Aug-2010 17:33:15
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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by co-shoot »

In Response To: E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER, Response to Reader Wheel (hobie) (Thanks. :)

A Reader writes:

Here are my questions: If whistleblower is all that he/she claims to be, and if oitc is all that whistleblower claims it is, then why does whistleblower hang out at places like RMN and Fourwinds? If wb and oitc are such knowledgeable entities working with the elite of the elite of the world, then why does wb get his/her underware all knoted up when some unknown person question his/her honesty? Why does wb not spend more of his/her time communicating with those elite of the elite and stop worrying about RMN and Fourwinds? Could maybe the elite of the elite have wb's number and won't take his/her calls?

And why did wb want people in the prosperity programs to send him/her their records? What was that all about? "I want to help you." Was it more like, "I want to help myself to your funds." Just thinking out loud here. You know, people are permitted to think.

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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by co-shoot »

E-mail form Whistleblower:


Dear Hobie,

In response to “Reader’s” article / questions as referred to below. Please allow me to respond accordingly.

Reader: " Here are my questions: If whistleblower is all that he/she claims to be, ..."
Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 17-Aug-2010 20:20:29

In Response To: E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER, Response to Reader Wheel (hobie)
Thank for your questions to which I respond below. However, I should state that previously I have said that the OITC / I, will not respond to questions from “anonymous” or “persons using pseudonyms”, and that all persons seeking answers should write direct to me following which they will receive a response direct from me.
a). then why does whistleblower hang out at places like RMN and Fourwinds?

There is a simple answer to this question, which is, the Websites you refer to are general Boards which thousands of persons access and read on a daily basis. Our purpose is to allow the public to be aware and to be educated about certain facts that they would not normally have access to, or be able to read from other sources.

I should also point out that such facts are actually direct “from the Horses mouth” not gained from any anonymous sources or third party sources, as some Websites take pleasure in publishing generally for their own ends.

b). then why does wb get his/her underware all knoted up when some unknown person question his/her honesty?

It is not a question of “getting his / her underwear all knotted up” at all. Over the last 4 years or so we have published an enormous amount of information, which is information that the public would not normally have access to. The objective is to educate people as to what is actually happening in the Financial World, what has happened in the Financial World, and what might happen in the Financial World, using the insider’s prerogative to publish whatever is possible.

People like Fulford and Caspar claim to have the highest levels of contacts, whereby if they actually did have those contacts at those levels, then they would certainly be able to verify the OITC, thus making them aware of the real situation.

Unfortunately, these claimed high level contacts are not high level at all, but just officials within the line. This results in a total lack of facts being released by these people to such persons as Fulford and Caspar, whereby they relish publishing such matters believing they are doing a great service to the public (Note: This is a major problem with the internet). In reality they are seriously damaging a situation by their actions and just not assisting the public at all.

If you take the Prosperity Programs as one subject matter. As an international Institution of very high status, we are aware of many factors on this matter, whereby I have previously stated and published a statement, being “If any of these programs are in any way connected to, related to, or otherwise the Collateral accounts, then such programs will never pay out.

I have also stated that NCND’s are illegal where they are used to protect a fraudulent operation and therefore people should not be fearful of disclosure as they have rights in law to protect them. We are only trying to assist people, but if they don’t want to be assisted and persist on waiting, and waiting, and waiting, with false hopes then that is their choice.

We are aware that a lot of these so-called programs are actually fraudulent and they will never pay out, but people are not helping themselves to establish the truth. Instead they just carry on believing what we consider to be daily and weekly nonsense.

Now let’s take a look at Fulford’s situation. Involved in an illicit international operation because his own perception forces him to believe what he is informed by people who saved his life. At the same time he has publicly admitted his involvement with such organizations as the Chinese and Japanese underground organizations, the Yakusa, and several more. He hasn’t the right contacts to verify us so he assumes we are fraudulent or cooperating with the NOW.

It is totally wrong for people to assume anything. What they should be realizing is the fact that there are an awful lot of things that our Governments and such organizations as the UN, IMF, World Bank hold totally “Secret” from the world, for which in some cases is correct, but in other cases totally unnecessary.

Just because an ordinary person doesn’t know, or is unable to establish, there is no need to go around claiming “Fraudulent, Guilty, connected to the NWO, etc, etc, etc. Such comments, whether stated or publicized embed themselves into people’s minds, which is very difficult to erase.

If you don’t know, then don’t say anything because the damage you can create by false words, can be, and sometimes is, irreparable.

Just take a simple case of a local hooligan who has spent more time inside than what he has on the outside. He gets arrested for a crime that he did not commit and which is published in the local press, and “Bingo” you have people automatically stating things like “Of course, he’s guilty”, “Put him away for good”, He ought to be hung for what he did”, …….All perceptions of the public at large, but very few are based upon real fact and the truth.

The majority of people are too quick to judge others without knowing the real facts and relying entirely on what they have heard, what they read, and what they are informed by others. You only need to look at many of the Websites to realize that factor, which is rife with speculation, innuendos, conjecture, and supposition.

All I can say is don’t judge the OITC based upon such speculation, innuendos, conjecture, and supposition, because you would be totally shocked to really know how much good we do around the world, which by the way, is increasing month by month.

c). Why does wb not spend more of his/her time communicating with those elite of the elite and stop worrying about RMN and Fourwinds?

Do not fear as we do communicate with those right at the top on a regular basis. It is however not those people that need educating in the subject matter. It is the general public that need the education and that is why we / I write articles, usually as responses, to correct what is published.

There are of course some sites that are, say biased, for one reason or another, which we do not post articles on as we do like constructive discussion. We will not however tolerate abuse, defamatory statements, threats, or just plain “Gutter” talk from people who really should know better. Being civil towards each other leads to better understanding and tolerance of others.

d) Could maybe the elite of the elite have wb's number and won't take his/her calls?

Totally wrong, but we are not going to discuss with you or anyone else, exactly who we speak to at any time.

You should also realize that such a statement by you will embed itself into some people’s mind, whereby they will start the rumours and gossip going like “wildfire”. The next thing we will be reading is that, say, President Obama refuses to talk to the OITC, or, the Queen refuses an audience to the OITC.

There is a need to not only educate people as to the OITC but also into showing respect for others in what they say, and being careful about what they say.

e). And why did wb want people in the prosperity programs to send him/her their records? What was that all about? "I want to help you." Was it more like, "I want to help myself to your funds." Just thinking out loud here. You know, people are permitted to think.

On the prosperity programs, we were only trying to assist those who have been waiting for 15 – 20 years, on the basis that if it hasn’t happened within Three (3)_ months, it sure as hell is not going to happen. We were also giving a clear hint as to what the reason for non-payment might be.

By the way, neither I nor anyone else within the OITC want one cent of these so-called programs. If we want money, which we don’t, we will work for it just like the majority of people in the world, and boy oh boy do we work hard for it. This is not a 9 – 5 job at all, and does involve an average of 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, so don’t be under any illusion here or misconception about anyone in the OITC or myself. We will assist wherever it is possible, but if people or countries do not want our assistance, then fine, no problem with us.

However, with all the “Fraud and Unlawful use” of the Collateral Accounts over decades, we do have a duty to the whole world to correct that situation and ensure that the Collateral Accounts are used for the purpose intended, which believe it or not would eradicate poverty quite quickly, bring relief to those who despair, and drastically reduce the growing difference between rich and poor, thus improving the living standards throughout the world.

By informing the public we hope we will eventually show them what their Governments and other International Institutions have been doing for decades, which is why the world is in such a crisis at this present moment. The fraud and unlawful use is enormous whereby the sooner the people of the world start to realize all of this, the better, because realizing and facing the truth, no matter how painful it may be, will eventually assist to resolve the problems we all face.

I reflect upon such situations as Enron, Worldcom, Parmalat, Wanta, NESARA, and many others. All frauds connected to the theft or unlawful use of assets of the Collateral Accounts, and all undertaken at the expense of the public at large, initiated by people at the top, and implemented by others down the line for which some are innocent and naïve of the crime being committed. Others are only in it for the money, or possibly prison sentences.

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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by co-shoot »

E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER, Response to Reader Wheel 0

http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/fo ... ead=180980\

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 17-Aug-2010 00:35:43

In Response To: Reader: "The[ OITC] have been nullified and this is what they need to wake up to." (hobie) E-mail from Whistleblower:


Dear Hobie,

I refer to the article by W (Wheel) as referred to below, for which I do not really want to respond to, but see an absolute need to. Please be kind enough to post my response.

Reader: "The[ OITC] have been nullified and this is what they need to wake up to."
Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 16-Aug-2010 15:32:30

In Response To: Ben Fulford's Blurb for This Week Plus a Second Item (hobie)
This is one of the most outrageous, way below the belt, articles that I have read from such a belligerent, spiteful, and dogmatic individual.
In my opinion it is so far below the belt that it is the dirtiest of dirty tactics and absolutely unnecessary and unwarranted.

What will you people come up with next, or, what cesspit levels will you stoop to just to discredit others and make yourselves look big and powerful. What’s up guys, have we really hit a raw nerve which has got you so upset?

If that is the case, then good because you are now showing your fear and resentment by attacking, unnecessarily, yet another person who is connected only by a relationship and nothing else.

As for the OITC being nullified, total BS because neither have you been listening nor learning.

You obviously live in the gutter, because you talk from the gutter, and with your attitude, you will probably always remain in the gutter.

Your article is worthy only of the garbage bin. PITIFUL, ARROGANT, and WAY BELOW THE BELT.

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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by co-shoot »

CASPER has xomething to say to WISTLEBLOWER
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/fo ... ead=181119
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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by Deep Knight »

co-shoot wrote:CASPER has xomething to say to WISTLEBLOWER
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/fo ... ead=181119
Also at http://www.truthwinds.com/siterun_data/ ... 1282166521

Surely you have noticed by now that WE do not get involved in 'other folks business' unless WE are mentioned by name or "Our Business" is the subject being discussed.
When asked about RAP for example WE made it clear we are not involved with them.
When asked about Fulford we made it clear that an occasional, courteous and professional exchange of info is the only relationship.
WE are not involved with Story or 'Poof' or any of the other messengers.
WE do what we do on behalf of Program Participants which might be summarized as 'the pursuit of truth' which we then report to our fellow participants/recipients.
We have been at this a very long time, before any of these other folks ever appeared on the scene, long before our updates began to appear on Fourwinds and later other Web-Sites where they were taken from 'cyber-space'. Before C.H., before 'O'.
We go way back and began to make Intel sought for personal reasons public in an attempt to stop a rash of suicides and stress related heart attacks being caused, in our view, by the huge volumes of lies and false info being fed as a steady diet to 'innocent victims'. Doing this work 'with a vengeance' was triggered by the suicide of this writers best friend, and All American football player.

WE are not affiliated with anyone else, not Cheney or Bush or any Intel Agency as some have implied. As explained many times WE remain anonymous in an attempt to protect self and family. The attempt may be feeble, our 'identity' may be known already, but WE persist in the attempt to remain anonymous with the assistance of the very few we trust to know who we are.

I write the above to again establish our Independence from ALL others and to remind readers who WE work for, ourselves and the legitimate program participants.

Again Whistleblower mentions Casper and 'Our Business' while defending his business, the OITC.
To the very best of my recollection WE have never discussed the OITC or offered an opinion of them although we have had several public 'back and forth's with Whistleblower when he offered his Intel or his opinions of 'our business'.
Generally speaking he has never agreed with us and we have never agreed with him. I have always viewed Whistleblowers statements and criticisms about us and 'our business' as his and the OITC's views, professionally delivered, publicly, and not a personal attack.
I do not recall ever 'attacking' him personally or the OITC either and I have no intention of doing so now.
I do believe however, that for the first time and for the sake of our program brethren the time has come to jump into this fray, the OITC vs Fulford, the OITC vs Casper and Program Participants, the OITC vs its various critics on various web-sites.

Whistleblower refers to Fulford and Casper as offering their unenlightened view of the big picture and says 'if we had any real sources we would know that his view of things is correct' (paraphrasing). He says WE and Fulford and others are influenced by those not at the top of the heap and as a result the Info/Intel we provide the people is actually destructive to their well being as well as being false. To which I respond--Baloney.

Whistleblower and OITC, in my opinion, have a view point of their own making. A view that says they have a rightful claim to control of the worlds wealth under the auspices of the U.N. and other 'authorities' as described by him. A Self Interested point of view I submit to you. I believe he and the OITC are affiliated with and 'invested in' the existing establishment and its attempts to preserve its corrupt self at all cost. Also, that implementation of the new metals backed banking system represents a defeat to the OITC as well as 'the establishment' which includes such as the Corporation, the Queen, the Fed Res, the City, the Vatican, the U.N., World Court, World Bank, IMF, etc etc... I believe Whistleblower very professionally represents a view which calls for the defeat of the new and places a self interested claim on most of the worlds assets including funds expected by program participants.
In these respects I view his claims as no different than those of Obama, or the Queen, or the Vatican, or many others each saying all funds belong to them and they must have the funds.

Why was the Tribunal formed and then replaced, never mind that both got bribed?
It was to by-pass the corrupt World Court and the Corrupt U.N. both of which had been attempting to access our accounts and/or trade the funds.
If the funds belong to the OITC what are they doing in our accounts necessitating the theft attempts?
As was said to the Queen and Obama I now say to Whistleblower, if the funds belong to you why don't you simply withdraw them?
What we are witnessing here, in my opinion, is one more entity attempting to claim and/or steal all funds in a series of attempts to stop the new, all perpetrated by the existing 'establishment' with each and every aspect thereof, including the OITC, claiming their view of the world is correct at the expense of all others.

There is no doubt in my mind, none, that Whistleblower knows things WE don't know. Have we not often said 'we don't know everything'?
The corollary is likely true also, 'we know things he does not know'. WE report most of what we know to you and we do not do so 'willy nilly'.
When the Intel we provide does not agree with Whistleblowers view of the world then as far as WE are concerned he is 'up the creek without a paddle'.
There are those who refer to the OITC as the 'Office of International Thieves and Con-Artists'. Not us ,you understand, and we are not quoting Fulford.

What they are or are not is of little concern to us except to the extent they wish to involve themselves in 'our business' then WE have an obligation, in our view, to respond publicly for the sake of those WE work for, Program Participants.

OUR POSITION Summarized is, therefore, that We know what we are talking about and that Whistleblower does not.
No sense beating around the bush.

Should WE for any reason turn out to be wrong we will eat an extra piece of humble pie, publicly, for Whistleblowers benefit.

And finally, as to 'sources', after 20 years of this 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' you may rest assured WE do not obtain our Intel from the milkman.

casper 8-18-10
Also of interest, Muhlhausen, er, Bellringer's reply (and some interesteing comments from others)
The world knows very little about Global Family. They have existed for eons of time. Global Family is composed of manly layers in its structure, like that of an onion. The lower layers are composed of many groups called "mountain groups". Some examples of these are the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Vatican, the Pentagon, the City of London, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank, the Rockefeller Family and the Rothschild Family.

The higher layers of the Global Family hierarchy are composed of the Family Dynasties of the world Some of these are the Chinese Dynasty, Japanese Dynasty, French Dynasty, Philippine Dynasty, British Dynasty, Spanish Dynasty, Inca Dynasty, Aztec Dynasty and so on. The top layers of Global Family are the Divine hierarchy, composed of enlightened humans, beings that are inter-dimensional such as Violinio Germain, Esu Immanuel Sananda, and Hatonn, and various other Lighted Beings, who assist with the Divine Plan for our planet.

Please understand that each layer or level has a given purpose and mission, and is told only what they need to know. Therefore, a lower level may not know what the next one higher is doing or who is involved, or that it even exists. Thus, any given layer/level may not know of the over-all Divine Plan for Shan.
http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1282187750

Patrick H. is getting a bit close to home here - as many of you may know Deep Knight is a member of the Grand Fenwick Dynasty (from the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick, the Royal Family of which Deep Knight is a member and thus should be referred to by his correct title, "Your Royal Majestic Highness").

As for OITC, see wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_ ... ry_Control
The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) is a controversial organization that claims to be associated with the United Nations and the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. It has attempted to deceive people and organizations in Ecuador, Fiji and the United Kingdom. The UN and Federal Reserve have denied any knowledge of or connection with OITC.[1][2]. The purpose of the hoax is unknown.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by ClemIsBack »

I think Casper and Whistleblower ought to have a duel.

I'll hold the guns and do the shooting for them.
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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by co-shoot »

Reader Wheel, Response to Whistleblower

hobie -- Thursday, 19-Aug-2010 03:31:42

Reader Wheel writes:

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”. Words of the day for OITC and David Sale.

Akihiko Yamaguchi's .....

SECRET PIN CODE: (omitted for RMN posting)

That says it all. Hobie if you or anyone would like to know about Yamaguchi all you have to do is get into the above.

David Sale/Keith Scott = the Whistleblower. They fight so hard for OITC because they are OITC. Scott was tossed out on his backside after 17 years of hard work and Sale took his place. Scott's reward for being so loyal is he now responds with Sale to internet attacks. Nice life eh responding to people who deny the OITC's authenticity. I have not heard one word from the Dragon Family yet has anyone else? They are real this you can count on and they do not care what OITC or anyone thinks they just mosey along doing their business. And Sale you did not speak with the General. This has been confirmed nor will you ever speak with him.

This is for the readers seeing Sale/Whistleblower deliberately lied to the public yesterday when he mentioned that Yamaguchi and Watanabee and an Italian Gentleman would be going to Italian Trial soon and facing 5 years and hopes they get it. Let me please bring the readers up to date on this: It is not going to happen. the Italian Government is too exposed. The confiscation of Yamaguchi's bonds was and is a theft nothing more. Yamaguchi and Watanabee were detained nothing more. Not arrested!!!! Not like Sale said. The Italian Government will be in for a surprise should they ever attempt at pursuing this seeing they tried to sell what they initially thought was phoney bonds back to the Chinese/Dragon Family for 40% of face value. The Dragon Family would not buy their bonds back but if they did they would then request the Italian Government to repay their debt to them. This would leave the Italian Government Bankrupt. They made further attempts through this Daniele Dal Bosco who asked Neil Keenan if he could get 10% from the Dragon Family of the face value of the bonds for Berlusconi. Because of Mr. Keenan's respect for Berlusconi he asked for the 10% to no avail.

Where are the charges in this? The US Treasury said they were phoney bonds inspecting them over the internet and then the Italian Government had them inspected and as Dal Bosco clearly stated "the Italian Financial Police know the bonds are real". The Italians initially said the bonds were phoney paper too but quickly changed their minds. So how are they to pursue this from here, counterfeit or not counterfeit? How are they going to justify their attempts at cashing them in if they process it as they filed it.

Furthermore, those bonds have no value unless verified by the Federal Reserve Bank therefore how could they be fraudulent bonds or real bonds if they held no value. Facts have to be straight before you can talk Mr. Sale but this never seems to matter to you. A little knowledge is very dangerous indeed. Yes, the bonds had to be verified and signed by either General Haan or Yamaguchi. Until then you had just paper. Paper that can be cancelled out and then reissued so this is something everyone must take into consideration because soon they will be holding air and nothing more. Cannot imagine the Family allowing this fiasco to continue much more. And the DF will have them reissued. Even now there is nothing you can do with those bonds. They are blocked and being watched from every corner of the world. In actuality the italians are the custodians for the DF right now. Better than having Mr. Dal Bosco as custodian right? Most assuredly better than having the OITC watching them. Did you know that the OITC lost their status years ago when they were caught in the middle of a FRAUD. Yes, this is right ask Caspar he is aware of this and telling you people the truth.

As for the bonds being hid in the bottom of the suitcase? Mr. Sale says if they were legal why would you hide them? Is this man silly or what. He wants everyone to take him serious but then again he suggests that the DF walk around with their bonds more or less exposed. .... Mr. Yamaguchi tries his best to be discreet and to keep things out of sight. He does not want people to know his business. And hiding things of value is what we the people do best this is why we have hiding places, vaults etc. Do you walk around with Diamonds in your pocket? Do you place the Picasso on your wall or in a vault and place the copy on the Wall. Do you hide them or do you courier them. Whatever you do you do not make them visible. Neither did Yamaguchi. You would soon be dead if you did.

This case is a farce and a blatant attempt to simply steal DF bonds. Nothing more. As for that wonderful man in Italy who has been caught up in this I can tell you nothing is going to happen to him. Nothing. Neither Sale nor Dal Bosco know him although Dal Bosco has met him once with Mr. Keenan. Sale don't talk about things or people you do not know. In other words just be quiet seeing you know literally nothing. Soon the world will know much more about you Sale. You are dying for a Platform, for someone to listen to you and you just might get what you wish.

Dragon Family 9
OITC/Sale 0

top of the morning to you all. Am dying for that coffee ciao now.


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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by Deep Knight »

Reader Wheel wrote:“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”. Words of the day for OITC and David Sale.

Akihiko Yamaguchi's .....

SECRET PIN CODE: (omitted for RMN posting)

That says it all. Hobie if you or anyone would like to know about Yamaguchi all you have to do is get into the above.
Being as I’m paid $$$millions by “them” for my work thwarting prosperity payments at Quatloos, I have the resources to track down these claims and see if they’re true. So I secretly contacted my secret contacts, hopped on the “red eye” and found myself in Hong Kong. A junk from the Dragon Society was at the airport to pick me up, on the outside it was an ordinary fishing vessel but the faint smell of gardenias let me know it had been used recently for smuggling. Blindfolded, they took me across the bay to Macao, where still blindfolded I was led into a building that from the outside looked like an ordinary little-used, rat-infested dock warehouse but was actually room 632 of the Macao Hilton. I was led past the guards into a room draped with gold and silk where on a pile of silk pillows sat the head of the Dragon Family.
He motioned for me to sit, stroked his long mustache, and asked, “What you want, round eye?”
I handed him a piece of paper with the information quoted above and asked for confirmation. He slowly perused the paper and then started to laugh. “You funny guy, round eye, this funny paper.” He flung it to the ground and continued, “Is number one piece of crap. How Dragon Family have Dragon Family ID number? No makee sense. Have odor of waste of river buffalo all over it.”
I thanked the head of the Dragon Family for his candor, and asked for a list of ID numbers myself so that you, my millions of readers, could verify for yourself that I was speaking to someone who spoke for those he was speaking for. He gave me the following list, which I urge all of you to verify for yourselves to prove its truth:

FEDERAL CODE: Chinese Dragon Dudes
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1028 1205 594 230
LOCATION OF KEY: To the left of the door under the loose brick by the garden gnome.

We chatted for a while about a subject that has always confused me, the exact relationship between the Dragon Family, the Black Dragon Society, the Black Dragon Family, the Red Dragon Tong, the Red Dragon Society, The Red Dragon Family, the Green Dragon Clan, the Green Dragon Tong, the Green Dragon Society and the Green Dragon Family. He had one of his ever-present servants bring him a chalk board and Glenn-Beck-like he charted the myriad of interconnections between the variously colored dragons Families-Societies-Groups. For example, the Red Dragon Family was originally a “farm team” for the Dragon Family, but anti-trust laws forced them to separate during the 4th dynasty and there had been bad blood between them ever since. I also found out about secret societies that had been kept secret from me, the Gold Dragon League, the Maroon Dragon Garden Society, the Plaid Dragon Highlanders, and the Ivory Dragon Neighborhood Watch. All in all an informative morning.
Afterwards the Head of the Dragon Family (who, by this time, I was simply calling “Head”) asked me to join him for lunch. “You pick one from column A, one from column B, and one from column C. All come with rice and fortune cookie.” Impressing him with my knowledge of his culture’s cuisine, I got the Asian slaw, sweet and sour pork, and yak-meat sliders. Later, sipping tea, he warned me about the influence of Akihiko Yamaguchi with OITC and told an amusing story about "Yama-G," a Korean hooker, and a mudshark at the Edgewater Inn in Seattle.
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by co-shoot »

Deep Knight, not for one minute or even two could anyone not enjoy your summary....

your roll here at Quatloos goes down as in history as one mild manered cool cat.
Order of the Quatloos, Brevet First Class
Posts: 1258
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:51 pm

Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by Cathulhu »

DK, the only believable part is the mud shark and the Edgewater Inn, but I always liked Zappa.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
Deep Knight
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Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by Deep Knight »

Mudshark Lyrics
Frank Zappa 1971
From the album "Mothers Live at the Fillmore East"

FZ: That's right, you heard right, the Secret Word for tonight is Mud Shark! And of course with the Mud Shark Secret Word is the Mud Shark Arpeggio . . . a marvellous little arpeggio, and now the mating call of the adult male Mud Shark . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark


Mud Sh-sh-shark

Mark: Wait a minute . . . we're gonna do a little dancing . . . a little dancing thing called the Mud Shark . . . Now, this dance started up in Seattle
Howard: Yes . . .
Mark: The story . . .
FZ: Lemme tell you the story 'bout the Mud Shark . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: Bring the band on down behind me, boys . . .
Howard: Say! Good God! Ain't it funky! Say!
FZ: The origins of the Mud Shark are as follows . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: There's a motel in Seattle, Washington, called the Edgewater Inn . . . The Edgewater Inn is built out on a pier . . . so that means that when you look out your window you don't see any dirt, it's . . . got a bay or something out in your backyard . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: And to make it even more interesting, in the lobby of the aforementioned motel there's a bait and tackle shop where the residents can go down and, whenever they want to, rent a fishing pole and some preserved minnows and schlep back up to their rooms, open the window, stick their little pole outside and within a few minutes actually catch a fish of some sort that they can bring into their motel room and do whatever they want with it, you know what I mean?

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: Now in this bay there's quite a variety of . . . fish!

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: Not only do they have mud sharks up there, they got little octopusses that you can catch

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: And all of these denizens of the deep can come in real handy . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: Let's say you were a travelling Rock and Roll band called The Vanilla Fudge . . . let's say one night you checked into the Edgewater Inn with an 8mm movie camera . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: Enough money to rent a pole, and just to make it more interesting . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: A succulent young lady!
Howard: Nooo!
FZ: With a taste for the bizarre . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: My mind drifts back . . . to a meeting, a chance meeting in the Chicago O'Hare Airport . . .

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: Where the members of The Vanilla Fudge told Don Preston about a home movie they made at the Edgewater Inn . . . with a mud shark!

Mud Sh-sh-shark

FZ: And I'm gonna tell you, this dance, the Mud Shark, is sweeping the ocean!

Hey! Mud Sh-sh-shark

Mark: Ah, we're goin'! Go 'head! Ah, we're goin'! Now we're gonna go out, somehow! Come one!

You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby

You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
(Now show 'em what they do with the Mud Shark!)
You go out
(Now show 'em what they do with the Mud Shark!)
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
You go out
(Catch the Mud Shark)
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
You go out
So far out
You do the Mud Shark, baby
"Follow the Money"
Order of the Quatloos, Brevet First Class
Posts: 1258
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:51 pm

Re: Whistleblower About Other Messengers and Al Hodges Comme

Post by Cathulhu »

"You're probably wondering why I'm here...and so am I, so am I."
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold