Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Deep Knight »


More Sabotage last night, this time from the 'new' Tribunal, even after the head Justice was 'fired'.

If you are tired of hearing it try to imagine how tired WE are of uncovering and reporting it.

The Tribunal stopped deliveries again while continuing trade attempts on behalf of the Queen, Bk of England and other Banks affiliated with her Ladyship from which she and Charles have embezzled huge sums as coming audits will confirm, hence the attempts to 'backfill' via trades.
The Tribunal double-crossed everyone including the Countries. They wanted the cards to try to access the accounts in addition to the attempted trades.

Her Ladyship says 'the people' owe her the money as she is the 'Ruling Class' justifying her extravagant lifestyle and that 'she must have the funds'.

The Countries are saying they 'will take care of the tribunal'.

The packs are still in D.C. this morning.

casper 8-18-10
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by texino »

Casper he say
Her Ladyship says 'the people' owe her the money as she is the 'Ruling Class' justifying her extravagant lifestyle and that 'she must have the funds'.
To which Royalist Texino replies: The Queen of England has been known to be perhaps the world's wealthiest woman long before Casper ever rose from the grave and poked us with his ugly stick. Further more, the Queen is called Her Majesty (or Your Majesty or your Highness)
However, once you have been formally introduced you may refer to her as Ma'am. At any rate.
The term "Your Ladyship" would be used for some one like Lady Sarah Ferguson the former Duchess of York (or wherever) Peerage is very important to the British Royalty and the fact that Casper can't get it right is pretty good proof that Casper is way off course with his reports. On might rightly assume that he simply pulls his hard research directly from his rear end.

Note to Casper; When Her Majesty The Queen dies, it is quite possible that the royalty will die too.
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Further more, the Queen is called Her Majesty (or Your Majesty or your Highness)
However, once you have been formally introduced you may refer to her as Ma'am. At any rate.
The term "Your Ladyship" would be used for some one like Lady Sarah Ferguson the former Duchess of York (or wherever) Peerage is very important to the British Royalty and the fact that Casper can't get it right is pretty good proof that Casper is way off course with his reports. On might rightly assume that he simply pulls his hard research directly from his rear end.

Note to Casper; When Her Majesty The Queen dies, it is quite possible that the royalty will die too.
I believe that the Queen's proper address is "Your Majesty" and that "Your Highness" is reserved for British Princes and Princesses. It was Henry VIII who changed it from "Your Grace" to have more differentiation between him and a mere Duke. You should end your first response with "Your Majesty" and then subsequent responses should be ended with "Ma'am," or if you are on intimate terms, "Sweetbuns." For example, here is the transcript of one of the Queen's conversations with a member of the World Court.

Queen - What do you want?
World Court Member - I have requested an audience because the issue of the prosperity payment packages must be resolved, you majesty.
Q - Bloody 'ell. The bleedin' money belongs to me 'cause I'm the bleedin' queen an' there's nothing you or yer mates at The Hague can do about it!"
WCM - The entire legal structure of Europe disagrees with you, Ma'am.
Q - The entire legal structure of Europe can kiss me bloody arse!
WCM - Look, Toots, you'd better play along or the jig is up.
Q - G'awn.
WCM - You're no more the Queen than I am. Your manner and accent give you away.
Q - Look 'ere now, all we English talk an' act this way. 'Aven't you ever watched BBC dramas on the tele?
WCM - Do you have some form of ID?
Q - Me Illuminati membership card good 'nuff?
WCM - Illuminati, um, er, your majesty. Of course it's good enough, Ma'am.
Q - Then tell those bastards at the World Court t' get stuff'd. Now, where's me tea an' crumpets?

It is required that all members of the World Court be versed in royal protocols (many more kings and queens get hauled up before them than you might think, and not all on minor charges and DUIs either), so you can trust that every "i" was crossed and "t" dotted in this instance.
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

British Princes and Princesses are addressed as "your Royal Highness". Lesser princes and princesses (such as Prince Albert of Monaco are Serene Highnesses; and others are, "your Highness". Look for the "HRH", "HS" or "HH" in front of their names.

Hmmmmmm. How would we address people like Van Pelt, Harvester and lorne
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Deep Knight »


The trigger packs, instead of arriving at our doors today, were moved from the Pentagon to B. of A. Richmond.

They thought no one would be able to find them until tomorrow.

The orders for this particular Sabotage Operation came from Obama, the Queen and the Clintons.

The Chinese are retrieving the packs now.

casper 8-19-10

Drat that queen. If her majesty wants to sabotage operations by moving the packs to the Boutique of Adonis (B of A) in Richmond, I invite her to bring it on. After all, we have international laws!


10 minutes since update #1.....

WE have confirmation the packs are being removed from Richmond.

From Ripley's Book of "Believe I or Not" we have the following information:

An overseas Court has issued arrest warrants for Obama, the Queen and the Clintons.

The report said 'the Provost will have no choice'.

China has a Judge on this Court.

casper 8-19-10 #2

They must be referring to the East Asian World Court at The Other Hague (go to The Hague and follow the "Overflow Parking" signs, "Ooberfluen Punkle" in Dutch). China not only has a judge on this court, he's the former head of the East Asian World Police and the rank & file is loyal to him with only a few officers being seduced by the offer of $billions to look the other way. I suggest the queen pack a small bag with a toothbrush and change of underwear and get ready for that knock on the palace door.

By the way, I've seen woman's prison movies, and believe that the vicious husband killers, lady wrestlers gone bad and gangland beauticians wouldn't last 10 minutes with Her Majesty. I urge members of all world courts, who I'm informed regularly read this forum, to keep "sweetbuns" out of the general prison population.
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Gregg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:British Princes and Princesses are addressed as "your Royal Highness". Lesser princes and princesses (such as Prince Albert of Monaco are Serene Highnesses; and others are, "your Highness". Look for the "HRH", "HS" or "HH" in front of their names.

Hmmmmmm. How would we address people like Van Pelt, Harvester and lorne
in general, HRH (His/Her Royal Highness) are people who stand somewhere in the line of succession, fairly close. After Edward VIII abdicated he was created Duke of Windsor, but was not entitled to be addressed as HRH (he often was anyhow, it was a big thing to Wallace Simpson and many people who were hosting them gave in to demands to be introduced that way, but they were never so announced in Britain)

The Sovereign (a real one, not suv'runidiots) is ALWAYS addressed as His/Her Majesty and has been since Richard III.

For Van Pelt and the rest of the insane clown posse, my creative powers fail me just now, although I may come up with something later this weekend.
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »


in general, HRH (His/Her Royal Highness) are people who stand somewhere in the line of succession, fairly close. After Edward VIII abdicated he was created Duke of Windsor, but was not entitled to be addressed as HRH (he often was anyhow, it was a big thing to Wallis Simpson and many people who were hosting them gave in to demands to be introduced that way, but they were never so announced in Britain)

The Duke of Windsor remained a Royal Highness, as a quick check of the relevant historical documents will show. There are disagreements as to Edward's right to the title as a matter of birth; but since the Sovereign is the "fount of all honour", George VI granted him the title as a royal favourHowever, those same documents denied the HRH title to his wife; so she was just plain "the Duchess of Windsor". Thjis was done partly because few people thought that the marriage would endure, and that there would be a divorced HRH flitting around the world; and possibly another wife for Edward who was even less desirable, as an HRH, than was Wallis.

Some have argued that, under British law, she had the right to the HRH, while others have argued that, since the Sovereign is the "fount of all honor", he or she has the right to grant or withhold the HRH. When Charles and Diana divorced (also, Andrew and Fergie), both women had to surrender the right to be addressed as HRH as part of the settlement.
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Gregg »

I guess I stand corrected. What I posted was what I recall being told when I was in England and learning the quaint little ways they take all this stuff so seriously. I do specifically recall something about it being a big deal between the Duke and the King, apparently George VI was pretty rude about it, or Edward took it as a personal insult. I also found it a bit strange that for the rest of his life, Edward had to have permission to set foot on Great Britain, a thing he only did on a few occasions, mostly for funerals.
I will say a lot of people there don't think too much of him to this day.
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:I guess I stand corrected. What I posted was what I recall being told when I was in England and learning the quaint little ways they take all this stuff so seriously. I do specifically recall something about it being a big deal between the Duke and the King, apparently George VI was pretty rude about it, or Edward took it as a personal insult. I also found it a bit strange that for the rest of his life, Edward had to have permission to set foot on Great Britain, a thing he only did on a few occasions, mostly for funerals.
I will say a lot of people there don't think too much of him to this day.
Edward had the right to go back to the UK whever he chose; but because his wife couldn't be officially addressed and trated as HRH the Duchess of Windsor, he chose not to do so very often. Also, the French made it advantageous, tax-wise, for the Windsors to live in France; and on top of that George VI was quite happy to keep his elder brother out of his realm where there was always the risk of being overshadowed by people who regreted the abdication of the "real" King.

Edward was a sad character. He knew his duty and chose to shirk it; but if you want to apportion blame over the Abdication kerfuffle you'd need a full book to properly analyze the reasons.

Maybe when my packie arrives, I'll use the money to live on and write the book. After all, we know that the packies are arriving any day now.... :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Packie Boys Wrong! Deliveries Ongoing!

Post by Deep Knight »

I'm surprised none of you know the "true" story behind Edward VIII and how he abdicated to assure packie delivery. Look at this Casper report from the time:


How can the 'Average American' be expected to see through the double talk and outright lies she/he sees on the radio every day?
When the President takes to the microphone on his way to another 10 day vacation at Hyde Park to say 'the Republicans are blocking legislation' we have to ask "where is the long form birth certificate proving you weren't born in British East Africa?"
Has the previous Million given Banks by Franky Roosevelt found its way to small business?
Politics is one thing, Franklin intentionally misleading his uninformed constituents day after day after day another.
He is without question the greatest master of 'spin' this writer has ever seen on top of which he is a Pathological LIAR.
Another example of 'Liberal Spin', or more truthfully, Liberal Lies, is the overnight statement from the British Crown that the opposition to Wallace Simpson being made queen of England is due to her being divorced and an American. Nothing could be further from the truth! Her marriage is a necessary step to releasing the prosperity packies that have been languishing at Post Offices and The Pentagon these last 30 years. WE have been told that once the marriage is finalized and she's called "Her Royal Highness," the packies will be delivered "soon," NESARA will be announced, and we'll have first contact with the little green men from Mars!

casper 11-20-36

p.s. Today is the day after a day with a nine in it.
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