Letter from Ed

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Letter from Ed

Post by Demosthenes »

Ed Brown from Prison: “If you are happy with the way America is going, then don’t read this.”
August 29, 2010
by Harold
.via email …..
“You just Refuse to Get it, America”

The government is out of control, and it’s getting worse. From the small village, town, city, through county, state to the federal government itself. We have discovered that there is an agenda in almost every communitity to tax the people into total control and submissiveness.

This movement has been in play for a very long time, and has been working because most of us just want to live out our lives and be left alone.

This movement was escalated in earnest after the Civil War when the Progressive, (Communist), carpetbaggers ravaged the south and punish them to this day. (Note: the lack of response to the hurricane damage to New Orleans and Gulf Oil Spills.)

For decades we have been stymied and frustrated by the direction that our elected officials have been taking us, and as they get richer we get poorer,. Why?

Well until you understand the heart, mind and nature of a man/woman, you better be very cautious about whether you trust your life, liberty , property and especially your children with them.

In 1963, the day John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated I began to pay attention to government and became more disappointed with what I observed as the years and decades rolled by. The situation became technically and materialistically better but ethically and morally worse.

The Progressive (Communists) of the sixties became violent, aggressive, out of control drugs, sex, rock and rollers and with the exception of the drugs, I was one of them, in play at least, But I had no interest in their politics. Their politics were leaning heavily toward violence. A few good examples of the time were the Black Panthers, the Weather Underground and the S.D.S (Students for a Democratic Society). All of these groups (and more) were supported, encouraged, and backed by the (Progressive) Communists. We thought all this communist stuff went away when the Berlin Wall was taken down. That was a huge assumption.

Today in America and around the world the creators of Communism have orchestrated a very well thought out plan. I saw the plan on a video VHS some fifteen years ago. titled “the Red World”.and its coming to pass up through Mexico into North America. It is happening just as the video showed. Destruction of our political and social/industrial infrastructure is well under way and actually near complete. The Communist Untted Nations working through U.N.E.S.C.O — N.E,A National Education Association (Communist) through the teachers, and finally to our children. Now we know why our public education programs have been failing so badly. Our children are being instructed by a communist philosophy. (Read Dumbing Down of America).

If anyone tries to tell you that this is just another conspiracy, that individual or group is more than likely a communist. You don’t need me or anyone else to prove it to you. Go on=line yourself or just compare you public school agenda with anyone before WWII.

The Progressive (Communists) “are” in your town. They are very friendly to you face to face but are destroying you while you are asleep. In my little town of Plainfield, New Hampshire and the City of Lebanon, New Hampshire, there are many of them. Both communities are cotrolled by them. They all work together and take care of each other while they steal the substance of your life. Communists are trained at a young age.to be good snitches, liars and infiltrators.

They enter a group, church, organization, school, town etc and change the philosophy of the group. This is why they push so hard to get control of your children from crib to grave. By getting control of your children’s mind they get control of the future of your country.

Today in America, if you are white or Christian, Jew, or Muslim, you are targeted for destruction in your own country. Anyone who believes in the One God, the Creator, Yaweh and/or Allah and the Christ Jesus, you are a target.

America is a Christan nation. A United States Constitutional Republic under God Yaweh. The God of Abraham.

We are not a Jewish, Muslim, Communist, Nazi, Fascist, Monarchy, Oligarchy, or any other philosophy. You can find those politics all over the world and you can go live there. They will welcome you.

The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights and the Free Enterprise system is what gave us our proper direction and helped make us the most powerful and generous nation in the world.

These creators of communism (around the late 1820′s) hide behind many other groups. All of the groups they hide behind are all well known. They send their operatives into a group, as I said, and take over. We have seen many times where they send in an educator or attorney.

You know there’s something wrong in your community, (most of them) but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You never seem to be able to get control of your life or what’s happening around you. You get lost in the shuffle unless you start yelling like a madman/woman or have to get upset.

You ask a question and never get a direct answer. Everyone seems to be a politician or attorney. You are always directed to go to someone else. You are told “Sorry sir/mamm, it is not my station,” or they say “I’m just doing what I’m told” or “I’m just doing my job.” These people are trained by the communists, and I’ll tell you now, they are everywhere in government at all levels. History is exposing this to be true every day and one day you will see them do to you what they did to the Waco Christians and many other good people from around the world.

You don’t really think that those three buildings at the World Trade Center fell in their own footprint do you? For one to fall in its own footprint would be a miracle, the first time in history. For three building to fall in their own footprint is impossible. If you believe that, then I have some extra terrestrial aliens I’d like to introduce you to.

My wife and I are in prison because we made a conscious decision to go into the face of these communists. After proving it to be true, I put up a sign in front of my Wife’s office Building: “ZIONIST–COMMUNIST–FREEMASIONS CONTROL THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT”.

This was in August of 2004. Three months later, the multi-jurisdictional task force swarmed my wife’s office with a SNIPER, THREE OBSERVERS AND 28 FEDERAL AGENTS PLUS THREE N.H. STATE POLICE AND SEVEAL LEBANON POLICE OFFICERS. ALL ARMED. They held everyone hostage for about eight hours, while they downloaded a computer which they could have had for nothing if they asked. This heavily armed force is typical Russian Communist KGB tactics.

They developed an entire case against us re: Income Taxes which we had been arguing with the IRS for ten years.

We owned nothing to anyone. All taxes and all other indebtedness was completely clear. We didn’t owe a penny to anyone. We had reached the American Dream after sixty years. We finally made it.

The C.E.G (Criminal Element in Government) fabricated an income tax case and we sued. The court dismissed our case and filed a case of their own. With the help of the Judges, (3 of them) and clerks, the A.U.S.A (Assistant United States Attorney) created this not even elaborate case and at a trial we wanted, they spent three days with some twenty-five witnesses that said nothing and found us guilty.

Now PAY ATTENTION!! My wife and I were told to stay after court was cleared and Mr. Steven McAuliffe, the “Judge” told us that we would not be allowed any of our witnesses or any of our evidence. We were disallowed lawful Due Process in violation of all law, particularly the Constitution of the United States of America and New Hampshire. With that we left court and withdrew to the safety of our home . We now knew that the judge was working with the Prosecutor conducting Barratry and that their collusion and fraud showed me that they are Progressive (Communists) and there is no longer any lawful courts for “Redress of Grievance.”

All the courts now operate under the Executive Branch of Goverment (President/U.S. ATTORNEY, ETC.) and conduct Administrative law. The law is whatever the Judge says it is. After investigating the entire of the Judiciary for over several years, I can factually (of record) tell you that all of our courts are under the control of the Criminal Element in Government (C.E.G) or more definitively the Zionist–Progressive (Communist orgainzation. Karl Marx (Communist Manifesto) George Hagal and Engels that studied and trained in Europe and went off to Russia and initiated the Bolshevick Revolution and later under Stalin murdered many 10s of millions of orthodox Christians and Jews. Mostly Christian. China, North Korea and eventually Europe fell under their influence.

Where do these ideas that they have developed come from? Have you heard this yet? “From those that have the ability to those that have the need.” Karl Marx. This is the foundation of getting people to join into the trap of enslavement of Communism, as USSR — China, Korea and others have found out. Balancing the Wealth in America.” Sound familiar? Unions, All of them: They promise to make everyone equal and they do while they steal their members blind as the union leadership all get filthy rich, just like the Russian, China, and Korean Leadership.

The NEA or teachers are forcing a communist education through the ignorance of our teachers and selfishness. All of the good teachers don’t last long in a communist environment. They teach Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll. The teachers of today, (not all, but most) will pass a student just to make themselves look good or to get rid of them.

Com’on folks! Wake up! In the name of all that is right, good, of common sense, for the sake of the children and the future of mankind Move! In the name of God. Move! Silence is acceptance. Denial is fear. Eat you fear. Fear is a mind killer. Get angry!

When you know you are right and someone tries to stop you, go around, over, under or if necessary, through them. Those “people” are weak minded and cowardly. That’s why they come at you with heavy firepower or many people. They came at my wife and I with over two hundred full battle dress soldiers – three tanks — two helicopters- 1 spy plane- and seven sniper teams, and this was just to serve us papers.

These Courts — U.S. Marshals — D.O.J, U.S ATTORNEYS are all under the control of the Zionist–Communist — Freemasons and they have been killing and murdering Americans for over the last 130 years. They are found out.

You can poo-poo all you want but you didn’t stop them at my door and now they coming after you and yours. Who will help you if you don’t help your neighbors. If you aren’t watching Glen Beck you’d better if you not a socialist, panthiest, communist atheist, Zionist: Freemason. They watch Glen Beck by the way.

Only you, the silent “majority”, majority. Get it? You have the power to say NO.

It is your labor and property they want so they can give it to the non-deserving, who will then join their ranks so they can steal even more. That man in the White House just made sure that China will own the United States of America by picking up the debt that he and Congress created.

Are you going to wait until the Communist Chinese are patrolling our back roads protecting their interests. If it gets that far you will deserve to live like the impoverished third world countries. You will have plenty of time to reflect on how you could have saved your childrens future if you only spoke up.

No politician should be allowed to serve more that two terms. PERIOD! By the third term these attornies become very narcissistic and their ego is the only thing that can supercede it.

Only allowing attorneys to serve in politics or as judges is a very dangerous precedent. Not all Politicians are attorneys but they are trying to make that happen. All judges are attorneys and because of it we have lost our courts. All attorneys are members of the private B.A.R assosciation and the B.A.R was derived from the Knights Templar, Lincolns Inn, Grey’s Inn. All Freemason organizations. All of this is documented and you will find it on you computer. Go to search window and type in Zionist/Freemason and/or type in Communist/Freemason, or Zionist/Communist and learn that truth. The history is all there.

Everone needs to get out of their box. The world isn’t really like most of you think it is. All this paperwriting does is state facts that each of you can confirm by yourself.

My biggest concern is the power behind the scene, (the man behind the curtain), the Freemasons and out of them my biggest concern are the Jesuits. Look up the extreme oath of the Jesuits and you will see. Their oath swears to murder in any fashion all Christians, men-women-babies. Just like the new Black Panthers said in July at a rally.

You also need to look at where their members are positioned in politics and industry. You’ll flip.

For now, Go with God and may the blessed son who gave his life for you keep you close and give you peace.

Love to all
Edward – Lewis: Brown
A Steward

Re: Letter from Ed

Post by bmielke »

They get Glenn Beck in prison?

Much of the first part could have been a monologue on his show. Then when Ed stated getting into the Zionist stuff and the Feds swarming his wife's office building I knew we were pure Ed.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Famspear »

Edward - Lewis: Brown wrote:.....

[snip Ed's ranting and raving]

.....The law is whatever the Judge says it is......

[snip the rest of Ed's ranting and raving]
Yes, Ed. Under the U.S. legal system, in a court of law, the law is what the Judge rules the law to be.

At least Ed is not 100% delusional. He shows he still holds a tenuous connection to reality. Maybe he's only 99.99999% delusional.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Imalawman »

Ed Brown - "You know there’s something wrong in your community, (most of them) but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You never seem to be able to get control of your life or what’s happening around you. You get lost in the shuffle unless you start yelling like a madman/woman or have to get upset."

I imagine a lot of TPs feel this way. The reason - oppression of course. It couldn't be that they have made bad life choices and have lost control of their lives.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Number Six »

bmielke wrote:They get Glenn Beck in prison?

Much of the first part could have been a monologue on his show. Then when Ed stated getting into the Zionist stuff and the Feds swarming his wife's office building I knew we were pure Ed.
They both have minds like kaleidoscopes, they think only in dichotomies and stereotypes. At least one author took him seriously enough to try and rebut his worldview, but nearly lost his marbles in the process: http://www.scholarsandrogues.com/2010/0 ... -nonsense/

If there is going to be a standard for competent book-based instruction, the "leader" should look around for a list of tried and true books like these: http://home.comcast.net/~dwtaylor1/adler.html If the political leader/TV personality doesn't even have the most rudimentary knowledge of such classics, he/she should be regarded in the class of demogogues.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Imalawman wrote:Ed Brown - "You know there’s something wrong in your community, (most of them) but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You never seem to be able to get control of your life or what’s happening around you. You get lost in the shuffle unless you start yelling like a madman/woman or have to get upset."

I imagine a lot of TPs feel this way. The reason - oppression of course. It couldn't be that they have made bad life choices and have lost control of their lives.
If someone is a loser, it's a lot easier to come up with some paranoid excuse about how (insert your villains of choice here) have conspired to oppress the loser, than to get to work and pull oneself up out of the loser class.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by The Observer »

...the multi-jurisdictional task force swarmed my wife’s office with a SNIPER, THREE OBSERVERS...
Holy Toledo! I've been cloned!
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by bmielke »

The Observer wrote:
...the multi-jurisdictional task force swarmed my wife’s office with a SNIPER, THREE OBSERVERS...
Holy Toledo! I've been cloned!
Nah, Ed meant to say four snipers, but her wanted to go with the whold 12 days of Mhristmas theme.

On the third of the the stand off the marshalls gave to me...three observers, two gate guards, and a sniper in full camo...
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:
(Read Dumbing Down of America).
Subtitle: "The Ed and Elaine Story".
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by bmielke »

UGA Lawdog wrote:
Number Six wrote:
bmielke wrote:They get Glenn Beck in prison?

Much of the first part could have been a monologue on his show. Then when Ed stated getting into the Zionist stuff and the Feds swarming his wife's office building I knew we were pure Ed.
They both have minds like kaleidoscopes, they think only in dichotomies and stereotypes. At least one author took him seriously enough to try and rebut his worldview, but nearly lost his marbles in the process: http://www.scholarsandrogues.com/2010/0 ... -nonsense/

If there is going to be a standard for competent book-based instruction, the "leader" should look around for a list of tried and true books like these: http://home.comcast.net/~dwtaylor1/adler.html If the political leader/TV personality doesn't even have the most rudimentary knowledge of such classics, he/she should be regarded in the class of demogogues.
You're full of it. That list of books is nice, but I bet you could find someone with three Ph.D.s, and they wouldn't have read over half the books on the list.

By your own criteria, your boy Obama is a demagogue. Somehow, I don't think a guy who can't even pronounce "corpsman" is up on his Thucydides.
The list is too varied, some of the religious works I read, but many I was never assigned, add physics, economics, and politics, you are asking to much for one person to understand completely.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Duke2Earl »

I don't know that anyone is supposed to read them all. It's hard to count exactly how many works are on the list. As to what I have read from the list, I got into the mid-30's or so before I stopped counting... for me, much stronger in histories, philosophy and literature and much weaker in the hard sciences. And, of course the list itself is not perfect... there are some books and authors I would add, and some on the list are (IMO) near unreadable. But I do think the list is a decent example of the classics of Western thought and those that want to be considered as well educated in Western thought should have been exposed to at least a reasonable number of them.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

German General Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord (an ardent opponent of Hitler and Nazism) once wrote the following:

I divide my officers into four classes; the clever, the lazy, the industrious, and the stupid. Most often two of these qualities come together. The officers who are clever and industrious are fitted for the highest staff appointments. Those who are stupid and lazy make up around 90% of every army in the world, and they can be used for routine work. The man who is clever and lazy however is for the very highest command; he has the temperament and nerves to deal with all situations. But whoever is stupid and industrious is a menace and must be removed immediately!

Stupid? Industrious? Sounds like Ed: family Moron, and many other TDers....
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Thule »

Karl Marx (Communist Manifesto) George Hagal[sic] and Engels that studied and trained in Europe and went off to Russia and initiated the Bolshevick Revolution
Well, Marx died in 1883, Hegel in 1831 and Engels in 1895. It would have been kind of hard for them to initiate a revolution in 1917... For what it's worth, I don't belive any of the three guys ever set foot in Imperial Russia.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Reading Brown's drivel is like stepping back forty+ years to the good-old-days of AM talk radio. :brickwall:
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by notorial dissent »

Imalawman wrote:I imagine a lot of TPs feel this way. The reason - oppression of course. It couldn't be that they have made bad life choices and have lost control of their lives.

And when you're really really stupid and everyone
"that you are just certain is less qualified or deserving than you", is getting ahead of you, it tends to reinforce your insecurities and resentments, and when you're well Ed, that's all you have to work with, so bitter stupidity comes easy. Although I would have thought they would have taken his red crayon away from him by now considering his past exploits. It is comforting to know that he knows as much about history as he does about politics and religion, which is to say nothing. He is at least a consistent idiot and exactly the audience Beck is striving for. What terrifies me is that there are so many of them out there.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Gregg »

I've read at best 10% of those books, and my own opinion is that any list like that with no Hunter S Thompson or at least PJ O'Rourke is missing something.

Oh, and I have 2 PhDs.....does that mean I have to read the rest to get fully educated or go back to school?
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Gregg »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Gregg wrote:I've read at best 10% of those books, and my own opinion is that any list like that with no Hunter S Thompson or at least PJ O'Rourke is missing something.

Oh, and I have 2 PhDs.....does that mean I have to read the rest to get fully educated or go back to school?
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail - where he describes "Mad" Ed Muskie lurching around on the convention floor whacked out on ibogaine is just hysterical.
That was the first book of his I read, which makes me the only person I know who read it before the Vegas book. Classic, classic. Has to be the finest political book of the 20th century. Anyhow, I was maybe 14-15 years old and reading it in bed, woke up my father at about 2 AM because I was laughing so loud. I mean I was literally shoving my face into a pillow, and couldn't stop. Man, I miss writers like that.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Paul »

That was the first book of his I read, which makes me the only person I know who read it before the Vegas book.
Ditto, and now you know two.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Gregg »

PJ went to Miami so I likely know someone who went to school with him, it was the second most attended college where I grew up, after Cincinnati. He's a bit older than me. I went to Woody Creek once hoping to catch a glimpse of the good Doktor, no luck.
My big celebrity thing is I once owned restaurant with a pro football player (Max Montoya) and thru him I was introduced to a lot of jocks, Howie Long and Boomer are the only ones anyone has ever heard of.
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Re: Letter from Ed

Post by Joey Smith »

Beck does not promote tax denier crap.
But he is incredibly stupid like a tax protestor, so that similarity is certainly there.

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