Leo Itz: Muse

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Leo Itz: Muse

Post by LPC »

In another thread, I posted an old opinion regarding Leo Itz, who referred to maritime jurisdiction of the federal courts but the court thought he had "one oar out of the water."

I wondered if Mr. Itz was able to inspire any other judges, and found that he did. But first, some history.

The Tax Court case that Itz had tried to enjoin (even though he was the petitioner and had started it) proceeded to conclusion with Itz (and his wife) being found liable for both deficiencies and various penalties, including a finding that his failure to file tax returns for three years, together with the use of sham trusts, was sufficient evidence of fraud to justify civil fraud penalties. Most of the unpublished order is pretty routine, but the court did refer to "frivolous and incomprehensible contentions" and "frivolous, incoherent claims, none of which addressed respondent's allegations." No sanctions were imposed. Leo Itz and Elise Itz v. Commissioner, 88 TNT 39-33, No. 4321-85 (T.C. 1/7/1986).

Apparently, there was then litigation over the sham trusts, and the IRS was eventually able to enforce its lien and sell the real property that had been owned by (or for) the Itzes. Then followed this order, which I found on the Internet in a couple of places and was not able to confirm through PACER, but which I believe to be an authentic order issued in Mazurek v. Itz, Cause No. A 94-CA-057-SS (W.D. Tex. 2/25/1994). [Note: Judge James Nowlin was the same judge who wrote the "one oar out of the water" order. Why the Itzes would specifically request that this case be assigned to him is anyone's guess.]

BE IT REMEMBERED on this the 25th day of February 1994 the Court was presented with the file in the above-styled cause. Begrudgingly, the Court reviewed the file, noting that the Itzes have requested expressly that the Honorable James Nowlin preside over their case. However, the Court is confident that Judge Nowlin has bribed the District Clerk, and that is the reason for the assignment to the undersigned. The Court is, unfortunately, extremely familiar with Leo Itz and Elise Itz, their many lawsuits, and their inane and irrational allegations. Notwithstanding previous orders of both federal district judges in Austin with regard to the Itzes' continuous litigation and express warnings that sanctions would be ordered for further irresponsible litigation, Leo Itz and Elise Itz attempt to remove Cause No. 1720-1 in the Justice of the Peace Court, Precinct No. 1 of Gillespie County, Texas. This is a case of forcible entry and detainer filed by Clara M. Mazurek, also known as Clara Mazurek. Ms. Mazurek had the misfortune of purchasing the Itzes' property at an Internal Revenue Service Tax sale in June of 1993 and, apparently, is still (in January of 1994) attempting to have the Itzes removed from the property. The forcible entry and detainer complaint was filed on January 24, 1994; a jury was summoned, at the request of the Itzes, on February 2, 1994; after trial, the jury rendered a verdict in favor of Ms. Mazurek; and a judgment issued out of the Justice of the Peace Court on February 2, 1994, delivering possession of the property to Ms. Clara M. Mazurek. Meanwhile, back at the ranch (a phrase I always wanted to use in an opinion), in simultaneous filings and subsequent filings, the Itzes, through frivolous and irrational pleadings, attempt to place the forcible entry and detainer case first in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas; second, in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit; and finally in the United States Court for the District of Columbia [The Itzes generally try to place their litigation in some court called the "Common Law Court of USA," which, allegedly is in Lafayette, Louisiana.] The Itzes further allege in their "Notice of Amendment of Defective Jurisdiction and Venue" filed in this cause that Clara Mazurek is, in fact, a political subdivision of the State of Texas and, by changing the style of the original lawsuit, attempt to add the State of Texas as a party plaintiff in the forcible entry and detainer lawsuit. The Itzes allege that they (presumably collectively) are a foreign state. They allege jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §1331 and removal authority under 28 U.S.C. §1443(1). The Itzes sign their pleadings "under threat, duress and coercion," and the remainder of the pleadings can be accurately described as "gobbledygook." Alas, it falls upon this Court to make another order in the continuing saga of the federal litigation initiated by the Itzes, and the Court is very tired of their attempts at manipulating the system of justice in the State of Texas and this Court. It is clear from the pleadings that this Court has no jurisdiction in this case and that the attempted removal is not made in good faith in addition to its absolute frivolity. THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that this cause is REMANDED to the Justice of the Peace Court of Gillespie County, Texas, Precinct No. 1 and costs taxed to Leo Itz and Elise Itz for the filing fee, all service fes and $1,500 in costs and expenses, which includes attorney's fees.

SIGNED this the 25th day of February 1994.

Sam Sparks
United States District Judge
But wait, there's more....
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by wserra »

LPC wrote:[Note: Judge James Nowlin was the same judge who wrote the "one oar out of the water" order. Why the Itzes would specifically request that this case be assigned to him is anyone's guess.]
They figured that it was a compliment: one oar out of the water is better than both oars.

Hey, nobody said these guys were smart.

Snip another great opinion. No litigant who inspires opinions like these can be all bad.
But wait, there's more....
Bated breath.
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by LPC »

In a later, unrelated case, Leo Itz once again wound up in front of Judge Sam Sparks.


NO. A 99 CA 078 SS

Filed: May 19, 1999


Oh, Leo, Leo, why do you write so crazy?
Is it because you want your contentions hazy?
You send all local, state, and federal problems to this jurisdiction
And then react to its procedures, calling its existence a fiction.
You annoy government officials and citizens alike
Making them incur legal expenses - and that's not right.
Sanctions and judicial warnings do not lead you to reason.
You continue to play games in this Court like a sporting season.
You now have ten days to dismiss this lawsuit with an apology,
Or Rule 11 will come down on you with a sanction from me.
The case will be remanded to Fredericksburg for further review,
And the United States Marshal will execute the new sanction on you.
So, take your chance quickly and ask to stop this federal litigation
And go back home to your country, wherever, and face the real situation.

BE IT REMEMBERED on this the 19th day of May 1999, the Court reviewed the file in the above-captioned matter and specifically the Motion for More Definite Statement [pleadings filed March 1, 1999] and all other ridiculous pleadings by the plaintiff Itz. This lawsuit apparently involves three tickets given to the plaintiffItz for traffic violations, including a driving violation that Mr. Itz has no driver's license and no insurance, as required by law, and was driving a vehicle without registration. Thereafter, the City of Fredericksburg, enforcing the state law, required Mr. Itz to stand trial and he, as his past and history will reflect, attempts to remove criminal cases to this Court and sue all persons within the city limits of Fredericksburg, Texas, who he can identify that has anything to do with any of his contentions. That's what this lawsuit's about, and counsel for the defendants need not file any more motions for more definite statement, but can simply file appropriate motions to dismiss and for attorney's fees and sanctions, as the case was improperly removed, and the parties are improperly sued. The plaintiff Itz has been adjudicated guilty of the criminal offenses and his design is to appeal those convictions and, therefore, this Court has no jurisdiction over any issue involved in this case with the exception of sanctions against Mr. Itz if this lawsuit is not dismissed within thirty days of the date of this order. This order is notice under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that this is a frivolous lawsuit and the signing of these allegations (as well as filing it) by Mr. Itz is without foundation either in fact or the law; the allegations are intended simply to interfere with the administration of justice; and to misuse the law and its courts aw well as to harass anyone who confronts Leo Itz with the necessity of compliance with the laws in this state or country.

SIGNED this the 14th day of May 1999.
Sam Sparks
A later order in the same case:


NO. A 99 CA 078 SS

Filed: June 30, 1999


BE IT REMEMBERED on this the 30th day of June 1999 the Court reviewed the file in the
above-captioned matter and thereafter makes the following findings and order.

The plaintiff Leo Itz files herein his pleading titled "RE: ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and EXEMPT from TAXES" which was received by the Court on June 7, 1999. The plaintiff asks the Court to provide him with a copy of the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return covering this matter and states "[s]ince the account is accepted for the value by me and is EXEMPT from LIEN/LEVY, the same is pre-paid." The Court has absolutely no idea what Mr. Itz is referring to; however, this incomprehensible pleading, in light of the tortured history of Itz's extensive litigation in federal court, makes one thing perfectly clear: Mr. Itz has not gotten the message that he must stop filing frivolous motions and lawsuits.

In February 1999, the plaintiff filed a "Petition for the Removal in the Nature for the Writ of a Habeas-Corpus and Counter-Complaint" of three lawsuits from the municipal court of the City of Fredericksburg and attempted by "counter-complaint" to sue the State of Texas; the former Attorney General of the State of Texas; the Municipal Court of and the City of Fredericksburg, Texas; a municipal judge; a city attorney; chief of police and four police officers; county sheriff and two county jailers; the mayor of the City of Fredericksburg; and six jurors. On February 5, 1999, the plaintiff attempted to file the pleadings in this lawsuit "informa pauperis," and this Court denied the same on the grounds that the pleadings were wholly frivolous and this Court had no jurisdiction to accept the removal and, further, the allegations themselves, if deciphered correctly or if deciphered at all, clearly show no cause of action for which any relief could be granted against any of the proposed defendants. The plaintiff then promptly paid his filing fee and advised the Clerk that he would prepare his own "form of summons" and declined to use any of the Court's summonses. Apparently, Mr. Itz received three tickets from a police officer in the City of Fredericksburg for driving without a driver's license, having no insurance, and for having no registration on the vehicles. Notwithstanding his refusal to accept notices and mail, a jury trial was ultimately held and he was adjudicated guilty by a jury verdict and the judge. Thereafter, he filed his gibberish and nonsensical pleadings in an attempt to remove the three cases from the municipal court to this Court, rather than wisely spending his money for an appeal bond and appealing the cases to the county court where he would have judicial review or a de novo trial. The writ of habeas corpus, of course, makes no sense as Mr. Itz was present in the courthouse filing the petition and was not in custody at the time of his filing.

Mr. ltz has a long history of litigation in this Court. Beginning in 1983 in Cause No. 83-CA-427, the Itzes sued the United States of America in an attempt to avoid payment of income tax. This litigation was followed up in 1986 in Cause No. 86-CA-623 styled Itz, et al. v. The TaxCourt and the Internal Revenue Service. Then, in 1987 in Cause No. 87-CA-122, the Itzes were involved in litigation styled United States of America v. John Montgomery, et al. In 1988 in Cause No. 88-CA-554, the Itzes were involved in a lawsuit styled Smith, et al. v. United States of America, and in this case a judgment was entered against the Itzes. In 1992, the Itzes filed suit in Cause No. A-92-CA-345 with the same type of nonsensical claims alleging an application for habeas corpus and suing the United States of AmericalInternal Revenue Services and two individuals seeking a stay of execution of the judgment rendered in A-88-CA-554, which cause was concluded by dismissal and sanctions in the amount of$I,OOO, which no record shows was paid. In 1994, the Itzes filed a lawsuit, A-94-CA-57, attempting to remove a forcible entry and detainer case from the Justice of the Peace Court in Gillespie County in a case where an unlucky resident had purchased the property of the Itzes at an Internal Revenue sale and had attempted to obtain possession of the property from the Itzes following a jury trial in the Justice of the Peace Court of Gillespie County. This lawsuit was dismissed and remanded back to Gillespie County with sanctions in the amount of$I,500. Again, there is no record that the sanctions were ever paid. Then, in 1997 the Itzes filed a civil lawsuit in Cause No. A-98-CA-744 where again an attempted removal from the Justice of the Peace Court in Gillespie County was made. This lawsuit was simply another sequence of an unlucky individual purchasing at an Internal Revenue Service tax sale of property owned by the Itzes subject to federal liens and following an unsuccessful trial (from the Itzes' standpoint) in the Justice of the Peace Court in Gillespie County. In each of these lawsuits, any innocent bystander within a half a mile of Mr. and Mrs. Itz were sued, received summons, had to retain attorneys, and, of course, substantial tax monies were consumed by the Attorney General's Office having to represent state, county, and city officials as well as governmental units.

In an order entered February 11, 1999, the Court found that Mr. Itz was attempting to abuse the legal process by appealing a municipal court conviction in the state court, over which this Court has no subject matter jurisdiction. The Court further found that the purpose of Mr. Itz in filing these lawsuits is to delay the legal process, to cause taxpayer expense and individual liability expense to all those who had any role in the conduct that Mr. Itz does not like. For example, it is clear that the prosecutor, judge, and jurors would have absolutely no liability of any nature in this case as a matter oflaw, yet Mr. Itz sues them and would require them to obtain counsel to come into this Court and file pleadings to defend themselves. The Court then fined the plaintiff $1000.00 for his frivolous removal.

In an order of May 19, 1999 in this case, the Court warned the plaintiff that additional sanctions would be forthcoming unless the plaintiff dismissed the above-styled cause within thirty days. Instead of complying, the plaintiff continues to file nonsensical pleadings. An increased sanction hopefully will convey to the plaintiff that the Court means business.

Accordingly, the Court enters the following orders:

IT IS ORDERED that all claims and/or causes of action against defendants the State of Texas, Dan Morales, the Municipal Court for the City of Fredricksburg, Katherine Peake, Pat McGowan, Javier Sanchez, Herbert Vorauer, Steve Wetz, Annette Loth, Dennis Rhoten, Mike Jennings, John Debose, Hector Numuz, Milton Jung, Linda Langerhans, Kevin Carter, Lyia Balero, Joe Bell, Patricia Ontiveroz Bill, Nancy Louise Cook, Elizabeth Ellebrach, and Helen Fairholm are DISMISSED;

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the above-styled cause is REMANDED to the Municipal Court for the City of Fredericksburg as this Court has no subject matter jurisdiction in this case; and

IT IS FINALLY ORDERED that all costs and sanctions in the amount of $2000.00 (two thousand dollars) are adjudged against Leo Itz in favor of the City of Fredericksburg for which let execution issue.

SIGNED this the 30th day of June 1999.

Sam Sparks
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by LPC »

A couple of other noteworthy items:

Leo tried to sue the International Monetary Fund (etc.). Not sure why. Apparently, we was never able to figure out how to serve any summonses and the case was dismissed for lack of prosecution. Leo Itz and Elise L. Itz v. Agents for the Internal [sic] Monetary Fund, Internal Revenue Service, Governor of the International Monetary Fund a/k/a Secretary of the Treasury [sic], No. A-07-CA-I071-SS (W.D. Tex. 9/16/2008).

Leo and his wife also challenged the constitutionality of a Texas law requiring immunizations for school children, taking the case all the way to the Texas Supreme Court, and losing. Itz v. Penick, 493 SW 2d 506 (Texas 1973). (No record of any petition for cert. What a wimp.)
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by Cathulhu »

If you have any wits
you won't file suits like Leo Itz.
He calls on a judge
who can hold a grudge
and writes classy opinion in snits.

Hey, I just learned I don't have a brain tumor. Sobriety is optional today. Wine and song!
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Cathulhu wrote:If you have any wits
you won't file suits like Leo Itz.
He calls on a judge
who can hold a grudge
and writes classy opinion in snits.

Hey, I just learned I don't have a brain tumor. Sobriety is optional today. Wine and song!
On my honor, I promise that I will celebrate your good news with wine... or beer, to the point where I start thinking that Van Pelt, Harvester and lorne make perfect sense to me. :roll: :roll:
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by bmielke »

Is the order with the poem real?
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by The Observer »

bmielke wrote:Is the order with the poem real?
I think it is. It also probably reveals the identity of Famspear...and why he is no longer a Tax Court judge.

Just kidding
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by LPC »

bmielke wrote:Is the order with the poem real?
Yes. I downloaded it from PACER, and anyone with PACER access can confirm the order.

If anyone wants the PDF of the order from PACER, I can arrange to post a copy online.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by bmielke »

LPC wrote:
bmielke wrote:Is the order with the poem real?
Yes. I downloaded it from PACER, and anyone with PACER access can confirm the order.

If anyone wants the PDF of the order from PACER, I can arrange to post a copy online.
I have never seen anything like that. Of course I haven't been doing this long but damn, what is it with Texas Federal Judges?
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by LPC »

There are some very interesting court opinions written in verse. One of the most famous is Fisher v. Lowe, 333 NW 2d 67, 122 Mich. App. 418 (1983):
Docket No. 60732.

Michigan Court of Appeals.
Decided January 10, 1983.

William L. Fisher, in propria persona.

Romain, Donofrio & Kuck, P.C. (by Ernst W. Kuck), for defendants.

Before: BRONSON, P.J., and V.J. BRENNAN and J.H. GILLIS, JJ.


We thought that we would never see
A suit to compensate a tree.
A suit whose claim in tort is prest
Upon a mangled tree's behest;
A tree whose battered trunk was prest
Against a Chevy's crumpled crest;
A tree that faces each new day
With bark and limb in disarray;
A tree that may forever bear
A lasting need for tender care.
Flora lovers though we three,
We must uphold the court's decree.


[1] Plaintiff commenced this action in tort against defendants Lowe and Moffet for damage to his "beautiful oak tree" caused when defendant Lowe struck it while operating defendant Moffet's automobile. The trial court granted summary judgment in favor of defendants pursuant to GCR 1963, 117.2(1). In addition, the trial court denied plaintiff's request to enter a default judgment against the insurer of the automobile, defendant State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. Plaintiff appeals as of right.

The trial court did not err in granting summary judgment in favor of defendants Lowe and Moffet. Defendants were immune from tort liability for damage to the tree pursuant to § 3135 of the no-fault insurance act. MCL 500.3135; MSA 24.13135.

The trial court did not err in refusing to enter a default judgment against State Farm. Since it is undisputed that plaintiff did not serve process upon State Farm in accordance with the court rules, the court did not obtain personal jurisdiction over the insurer. GCR 1963, 105.4.
A more recent example is Rimes v. Curb Records, Inc., 129 F. Supp. 2d 984 (N.D. Tex. 2001), in which the memorandum opinion and order was set to the music of some of Leann Rimes's songs.

See http://googlescholar.blogspot.com/2010/ ... nions.html for other links to other poetic (and otherwise weird) court opinions.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by bmielke »

LPC wrote:There are some very interesting court opinions written in verse. One of the most famous is Fisher v. Lowe, 333 NW 2d 67, 122 Mich. App. 418 (1983):
Docket No. 60732.

Michigan Court of Appeals.
Decided January 10, 1983.

William L. Fisher, in propria persona.

Romain, Donofrio & Kuck, P.C. (by Ernst W. Kuck), for defendants.

Before: BRONSON, P.J., and V.J. BRENNAN and J.H. GILLIS, JJ.


We thought that we would never see
A suit to compensate a tree.
A suit whose claim in tort is prest
Upon a mangled tree's behest;
A tree whose battered trunk was prest
Against a Chevy's crumpled crest;
A tree that faces each new day
With bark and limb in disarray;
A tree that may forever bear
A lasting need for tender care.
Flora lovers though we three,
We must uphold the court's decree.


[1] Plaintiff commenced this action in tort against defendants Lowe and Moffet for damage to his "beautiful oak tree" caused when defendant Lowe struck it while operating defendant Moffet's automobile. The trial court granted summary judgment in favor of defendants pursuant to GCR 1963, 117.2(1). In addition, the trial court denied plaintiff's request to enter a default judgment against the insurer of the automobile, defendant State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. Plaintiff appeals as of right.

The trial court did not err in granting summary judgment in favor of defendants Lowe and Moffet. Defendants were immune from tort liability for damage to the tree pursuant to § 3135 of the no-fault insurance act. MCL 500.3135; MSA 24.13135.

The trial court did not err in refusing to enter a default judgment against State Farm. Since it is undisputed that plaintiff did not serve process upon State Farm in accordance with the court rules, the court did not obtain personal jurisdiction over the insurer. GCR 1963, 105.4.
A more recent example is Rimes v. Curb Records, Inc., 129 F. Supp. 2d 984 (N.D. Tex. 2001), in which the memorandum opinion and order was set to the music of some of Leann Rimes's songs.

See http://googlescholar.blogspot.com/2010/ ... nions.html for other links to other poetic (and otherwise weird) court opinions.
I never would have believed it. It's kind of shocking really.

Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by Brandybuck »

LPC wrote:[Note: Judge James Nowlin was the same judge who wrote the "one oar out of the water" order. Why the Itzes would specifically request that this case be assigned to him is anyone's guess.]
Easy explanation: They have presented Judge Nowlin with arguments A through F. They now want to present him with new arguments G through M, which build upon the twisted logic presented with A through F. If they have go through another judge, then they have to start over with A through F.

Alternate explanation: Judge Nowlin listened to their arguments. The Itzes now consider Nowlin someone they can yammer at. Perhaps they even consider him a friend, as no one else will listen to them. By requesting Nowlin they were desperately reaching out for the flimsiest of human contact.
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by Duke2Earl »

For fans of Tax verse... I commend your attention to the case of Harold Jenkins and the Twitty Burger..

The A.O.D. goes something like this....

Re: Harold L. and Temple M. Jenkins v. Commissioner

Venue: C.A. 6th

Dkt. No.: 3354-79

Dec.: November 3, 1983

Opinion: T.C. Memo 1983-667


Whether Conway Twitty is allowed a business expense deduction for payments to reimburse the losses of investors in a defunct restaurant known as Twitty Burger, Inc. 0162.01-17; 0162.29-00.


The Tax Court summarized its opinion in this case with the following "Ode to Conway Twitty":

"Twitty Burger went belly up
But Conway remained true
He repaid his investors, one and all
It was the moral thing to do.

"His fans would not have liked it
It could have hurt his fame
Had any investors sued him
Like Merle Haggardor Sonny James.

"When it was time to file taxes
Conway thought what he would do
Was deduct those payments as a business expense
Under section one-sixty-two.

"In order to allow these deductions
Goes the argument of the Commissioner
The payments must be ordinary and necessary
To a business of the petitioner.

"Had Conway not repaid the investors
His career would have been under cloud,
Under the unique facts of this case
Held: The deductions are allowed."

Our reaction to the Court's opinion is reflected in the following [*2] "Ode to Conway Twitty: A Reprise":

Harold Jenkins and Conway Twitty
They are both the same
But one was born
The other achieved fame.

The man is talented
And has many a friend
They opened a restaurant
His name he did lend.

They are two different things
Making burgers and song
The business went sour
It didn't take long.

He repaid his friends
Why did he act
Was it business or friendship
Which is fact?

Business the court held
It's deductible they feel
We disagree with the answer
But let's not appeal.


My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

Harry S Truman
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Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by Omne »

My personal favorite:

In re Love, 61 B.R. 558 (Bankr. S.D. Fla. 1986)


A. JAY CRISTOL, Bankruptcy Judge.

This cause came on to be heard sua sponte upon the court's own motion to dismiss this chapter 7 petition pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 707(b) and the court having received the inspiration for the motion from a little old ebony bird and not from any party in interest or any other person and having considered the presumption in favor of debtor provided in 11 U.S.C. § 707(b) and not deeming it appropriate to take evidence, the court finds:

1. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary
Over many quaint and curious files of chapter seven lore
While I nodded nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door,
"Tis some debtor" I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door--
Only this and nothing more."

Ah distinctly I recall, it was in the early fall
And the file still was small
The Code provided I could use it
If someone tried to substantially abuse it

No party asked that it be heard.
"Sua sponte" whispered a small black bird.
The bird himself, my only maven,
strongly looked to be a raven.

Upon the words the bird had uttered
I gazed at all the files cluttered
"Sua sponte," I recall, had no meaning; none at all.
And the cluttered files sprawl, drove a thought into my brain.

Eagerly I wished the morrow--vainly I had sought to borrow
From BAFJA, surcease of sorrow--
and an order quick and plain
That this case would not remain
as a source of further pain.
The procedure, it seemed plain.

As the case grew older, I perceived I must be bolder.
And must sua sponte act, to determine every fact,
If primarily consumer debts, are faced,
Perhaps this case is wrongly placed.
This is a thought that I must face, perhaps I should dismiss this case.

I moved sua sponte to dismiss it
for I knew I would not miss it
The Code said I could, I knew it.
But not exactly how to do it, or perhaps some day I'd rue it.

I leaped up and struck my gavel.
For the mystery to unravel
Could I? Should I? Sua sponte, grant my motion to dismiss?
While it seemed the thing to do, suddenly I thought of this.

Looking, looking towards the future and to what there was to see
If my motion, it was granted and an appeal came to be,
Who would be the appellee? Surely, it would not be me.
Who would file, but pray tell me, a learned brief for the appellee

The District Judge would not do so
At least this much I do know.
Tell me raven, how to go.

As I with the ruling wrestled
In the statute I saw nestled
A presumption with a flavor clearly in the debtor's favor.

No evidence had I taken
Sua sponte appeared foresaken.
Now my motion caused me terror
A dismissal would be error.

Upon consideration of § 707(b), in anguish, loud I cried
The court's sua sponte motion to dismiss under § 707(b) is denied.

Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by Nikki »

It seemz that the variouz judgez involved in the Itz' variouz casez were too buzy ztroking their own egoz to take the time to declare the Itz clan to be vexatiouz litigantz.
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Pirates Mate
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Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:23 am

Re: Leo Itz: Muse

Post by Omne »

Nikki wrote:It seemz that the variouz judgez involved in the Itz' variouz casez were too buzy ztroking their own egoz to take the time to declare the Itz clan to be vexatiouz litigantz.
If I remember correctly they did eventually do that.