What about the lizard people?

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What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »

Now that August, the "month they'll be having deliveries for sure, no ifs, ands or buts," is over, Casper updates us not once but thrice!


The packs were retrieved from the Chinese Embassy by the countries and given to carriers for delivery today. The carriers, acting on orders from China returned them to the Embassy where they are this morning. Unable to fulfill his promises to pay China or the Muslim Countries last night as reported yesterday, attempts were made to trade the funds again last night. The attempts were blocked. China says they have been ordered to 'hold' the packs for 1 1/2 to 2 months and will do so as the money belongs to them not to the people. They were asked whether or not they realized that holding the packs would do them no good, that they could simply be re-issued if necessary.

The Countries say they will once again go fetch the packs.

More when possible.

casper 9-1-10 #1


The Countries went to the Chinese Embassy this morning armed with a WARRANT to retrieve the packs only to find that the Embassy had already sent the packs to some other unknown location.
The Countries say they will find them.

In on this latest sabotage endeavor with the Communist Chinese are Obama, The Queen and Merkle. All are claiming once again "we must have the money".
They are trying to get their hands on the new cards.
These 'Stalling Tactics' are for that purpose.
They have had the cards in the past only to find the 'balances' reading $000.00.
They have not given up and as usual all the 'usual suspects' are working together.

More when possible.

Casper 9-1-10 #2


The Countries have retrieved the packs. The new Chief Justice of the World Court is in the huddle and it's 4th and goal.

Now Obama has ordered HLS to remove them from any Airplane they are put on.

The Countries have demanded to see Obama's written orders. HLS responds: We don't need no stinkin' badges, er, written orders. Now The Countries want to see Obama's tattoos.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Family and the Clan of the Cave Bear are silent. Does this mean they've already been paid off, or are they taking advantage of the upcoming 3-day weekend and on vacation? Or have they had enough of the big city and want to go home? And what about the lizard people?

More when possible.

casper 9-1-10 #3
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Harvester »

HA! and you thought I was nutty.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by texino »

Yeah, what about those Lizard People? Living in the new Denver airport. Lying above the baggage conveyers letting the luggage tickle their toes until a brace of alligator bags slips by.
Then comes a flurry of red eyed bustling while the dead are gutted clean and carried off to the chamber of life while their dried innards slide helplessly on to the carousel until they make a sad little clump to be bagged and carried off, because no one goes down that tunnel looking for reptile skin luggage. It just doesn't come out.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »


A brand spanking new "Mr. Big Lizard' arrived from the inner earth last night supposedly to overcome the ongoing sabotage of their people in this Country. He was using a false name pretending to be someone of major importance. It was a good cop-delusional cop scenario being sold when in fact he was just another bad Lizard Man arriving in his 'superlizard cape' attempting to get the new cards turned over to him. He and his corrupt Lizard Allies thought WE and the Countries would not be able to see through their latest scam.

Not satisfied with their appropriate share of the humanitarian funds going to the Lizard People the goal of all these Lizard Clowns working claw in hand with all the 'Usual Suspects' was to steal the money, all the money, for themselves personally and to hell with the Lizard people and all other people for that matter. WE knew who he was before he ever hit the ground last night. He is now on his way 'home' with his tail between his legs (literally) and hopefully the people of the inner earth will deal with him appropriately even as the people of the U.S. must face the fact that our own 'Government' is part of the same Thieving Cabal. He was sent home and told not to return.

The bad guys are not going to get the cards again and even if they did they would not be able to access, a fact seemingly lost on them due to their desperation to steal the money.

The packs were still in D.C. very early this morning, WE await further developments.

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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Not satisfied with their appropriate share of the humanitarian funds going to the Lizard People...
Wait a minute. Is Casper saying that the shape-shifting Lizards are actually entitled to NESARA monies? Why? And what would a lizard from outer space or inner earth do with their share? They can't spend it back home and there is nothing here that they could possibly be interested in since our technology and culture is inferior to theirs. Other than using it to get a date with Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton, I can't fathom any reason why the Lizards would be interested in holding onto our cash.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Yeah, what about those Lizard People? Living in the new Denver airport. Lying above the baggage conveyers letting the luggage tickle their toes until a brace of alligator bags slips by.
Then comes a flurry of red eyed bustling while the dead are gutted clean and carried off to the chamber of life while their dried innards slide helplessly on to the carousel until they make a sad little clump to be bagged and carried off, because no one goes down that tunnel looking for reptile skin luggage. It just doesn't come out.
This explains a lot, but not the underground runways described on one of the conspiracy websites. I mean, how would an underground runway work in the first place? And why put them under an actual airport instead of that vacant land in East Podunk in the second place? And what happened to third place?

For a good article on all this, including the famous "NWO Murals" click on:

http://www.westword.com/2007-08-30/news ... -take-off/
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by texino »

Of course he was using a false name. The last lizard we had staying here was called The mighty Zorack. He was an old world chameleon and he had a gang of anoles which are the kind of lizards they used to sell at the circus and call chameleons. None were large enough to cause any trouble, but after researching I found a series of alternate fiction sci-fi novels by Harry Turtledove which look at what might have become of our world during WWII if it were attacked by lizards from outer space. These lizards had tanks and jets and they surely did not care for siberia. Anyway the lizards planned their invasion after observing Earth through a telescope from a planet several hundred light years away and set off believing they would be encountering a race of people who fought with sticks. Well when they arrived they were surprised that our civilization had developed to such an extent that we could defend ourselves.
Plus we had an A-bomb. Now as the Lizards run into our different ideologies they become more
mixed up. So, if you harbor any ideas about shape shifting lizards running the show, this series of alt-history should set you straight.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Not satisfied with their appropriate share of the humanitarian funds going to the Lizard People...
... other than using it to get a date with Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton....
Lindsay Lohan? Yeah, maybe -- as messed up as she is, she's still a knockout. Paris Hilton? Ooooog -- if she were the last woman on earth, celibacy would be an attractive option. She is the poster child for narcissism; and once can only wonder what she'll be like in 30 years when her looks are gone and no one cares who she is....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by bmielke »

Deep Knight wrote:
This explains a lot, but not the underground runways described on one of the conspiracy websites. I mean, how would an underground runway work in the first place? And why put them under an actual airport instead of that vacant land in East Podunk in the second place? And what happened to third place?

See "independence Day" Area 51 had an underground runway, they took off out the side of a mountain.

Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by ClemIsBack »

Every once in a while you see proof that the lizard people are walking amongst us
http://media.peopleofwalmart.com/wp-con ... 01/781.jpg
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Not satisfied with their appropriate share of the humanitarian funds going to the Lizard People...
... other than using it to get a date with Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton....
Lindsay Lohan? Yeah, maybe -- as messed up as she is, she's still a knockout. Paris Hilton? Ooooog -- if she were the last woman on earth, celibacy would be an attractive option. She is the poster child for narcissism; and once can only wonder what she'll be like in 30 years when her looks are gone and no one cares who she is....

I never claimed that the Lizards had exceptional taste. After all, if they are hankering for NESARA funds, they are just as likely to be trying to get Paris for a date.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »


When I say the life of our Country and our children are at stake I am not kidding, I am not exaggerating.
You who have 'kept up' are now some of the best informed people in the Country.
Next you will have the Financial Capacity to make a difference. Will we make a difference?
Think about the most recent decade of struggle by so many to keep our funds from the clutches of the bad guys.
How shall we reward their decisions and their hard work?

ON THE NEWS FRONT: After the last Mr. Big from Lizardland was sent packing as reported yesterday, still another Lizard Man working with Obama and others was caught/exposed yesterday by the Countries. He then offered the Countries vast sums to sabotage us and to 'throw in' with the thieves.
Now no one of importance any where in the World will trust anything Lizards says or do.
They have completely destroyed their reputation.
Their 'word' is now worthless.
And they're cold-blooded too.
This latest Lizard Clown is now 'on the run'.
Among other things he was attempting to gather info on each of us PERSONALLY for use after we receive. Get it?
Who did I say he was working with/for? None of them will have access to our account info or personal info, not even the Banks.
These things which are so worrisome are being dealt with before we receive.

Remember from previous reports my favorite childhood hero? Roy Rogers. And his 'theme song'?

Happy chemtrails to you, until we meet again.
Happy chemtrails to you, keep smilin' until then.
Who cares about the global conspiracy when we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.

Happy chemtrails to you, 'till we meet again.
Some trails are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the trail that counts,
And make the Earth ready for the Lizard People too.

Happy chemtrails to you, until we meet again.

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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »


For the last two days the Countries themselves, that is to say the 10 Countries whose Reps are in D.C., have been holding up deliveries.
They are trying to get at the funds in co-operation with you know who. And by "you know who" I mean "YOU KNOW WHO."

They have been told over and over again there is no way they can do that, not even the Lizard People can get at the funds.
For some reason they just don't/won't believe.

They have now been given an ultimatum, 'Accept or Else' and told this decision will not be repealed.

The trigger packs are moving, and so is that bean burrito I microwaved for lunch.

casper 9-6-10


Quoting Frosty Wooldridge in 'News with Views', 42 million Americans can not read or write or perform simple math, another 50 million can not read past the 4th grade level, and a staggering 72 billion don't know when numbers used in online screeds are ludicrously large. 'They' are not going to dumb down America, they already have. And their solution? Funnel more and more Trillions of Dollars to the Teachers Unions which are doing 'the job' for them, Thirty Six Quadrillion More less than thirty days ago. 'Drop out' rates are staggering, seven million high school students drop out Every Day. Stop for a moment and think about that, seventy million Every DAY. Do you think this is an 'accident'? Not satisfied with their destruction of the Auto Industry, Federal, State and Municipal Governments, causing hundreds of trillions of business's to move offshore, the Unions now 'enforce' the intentional dumbing down of our children with Union Contracts protecting the 'teachers' no matter how incompetent they are. Even now Obama is proposing still more money (kick backs) to the Unions while tens of trillions are unemployed. The Unions/Democratic Party Scam is as great as any other scam in the Universe today. Many Union Members are retiring with $500G per year Pensions paid for by taxpayers and enabled by Liberal Politicians.

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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by fortinbras »

Seriously, is Casper talking to anyone but himself? How many people still believe that those packets exist or will ever be distributed? (Has anyone figured out the bulk or weight of all those packets? Seems to me that they would be far too bulky to be handled, shopped or stored the way Casper describes.)

My concern is that, yes, even one lone nut out there is taking this seriously and may try to facilitate matters by using a gun on whomever or whatever embassy is supposedly blocking the way.
Last edited by fortinbras on Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by bmielke »

fortinbras wrote:How many people still believe that those packets exist or will ever be distributed?
OMG! You don't believe?"

Of course the packies are coming, I would not have run up 25,000,000,000,000,000 in credit card debt if they weren't!

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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by The Observer »

...42 million Americans can not read or write or perform simple math, another 50 million can not read past the 4th grade level, and a staggering 72 billion don't know when numbers used in online screeds are ludicrously large...
We have 72 billion Americans? Last time I checked for the total population of Earth, it was around 6 billion +. But maybe that explains why the figure for quadrillions of packie funds is being thrown around. How much of a GDP would we have if we had 72 billion Americans running around...and the more important question is where do we have them stashed at?
'Drop out' rates are staggering, seven million high school students drop out Every Day. Stop for a moment and think about that, seventy million Every DAY. Do you think this is an 'accident'?
No, I think it is a biological problem when the number of high school dropouts go up by a magnitude of tenfold within two sentences. It is obvious that the Lizards have implanted rabbit genes into our DNA.

Or maybe the problem is with Casper overdosing on the ganja.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
...42 million Americans can not read or write or perform simple math, another 50 million can not read past the 4th grade level, and a staggering 72 billion don't know when numbers used in online screeds are ludicrously large...
We have 72 billion Americans? Last time I checked for the total population of Earth, it was around 6 billion +.
Or maybe the problem is with Casper overdosing on the ganja.
No, the problem is that Deep Knight is overdosing on the sarcasm. In this case, he changed the numbers to make his point glaringly obvious. Casper's numbers, while outrageous, were big enough but perhaps not silly enough...
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Gregg »

fortinbras wrote:Seriously, is Casper talking to anyone but himself? How many people still believe that those packets exist or will ever be distributed? (Has anyone figured out the bulk or weight of all those packets? Seems to me that they would be far too bulky to be handled, shopped or stored the way Casper describes.)

My concern is that, yes, even one lone nut out there is taking this seriously and may try to facilitate matters by using a gun on whomever or whatever embassy is supposedly blocking the way.
I once figured out that if Al Hodges' $3.87 trillion were in hundreds, it would weigh I think 8,514,000 pounds. Lemme check.
I checked, that is a good number

Or do your own math, a $100 bill weighs approx. 1 gram.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by texino »

Or do your own math, a $100 bill weighs approx. 1 gram.
Is this why a gram cost $100?
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:No, the problem is that Deep Knight is overdosing on the sarcasm. In this case, he changed the numbers to make his point glaringly obvious. Casper's numbers, while outrageous, were big enough but perhaps not silly enough...
I appreciate sarcasm just as much as the next guy (and there are a lot of them on this site) but I find it a bit odd that you feel the need to alter Casper's posts in order to ridicule him and to do so without noting that you did so in your posting. Yes, I know we are talking about someone who lacks any regard for honesty and probably doesn't deserve any of our respect, but do you really want Casper to say that we are no better than he is? If anyone has done a wonderful job of reducing Casper to the figure of ridicule over the years, it has been you - and in very creative, witty and original ways. So why are you suddenly lowering your standards?
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