John Theodore: Anderson sues for a hillion jillion dollars

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John Theodore: Anderson sues for a hillion jillion dollars

Post by tracer »

I just saw this article, which reminded me of many of the nutcases discussed here in the past: ... ml?ref=328

Apparently, John Theodore: Anderson (with the colon) believes that his status as a sovereign citizen non-strawman non-14th-Amendment True Actual Man and Immortal Soul [TM]* allows him to sue anyone who sues him for putting liens on other people's property, to the tune of 38 quadrillion dollars.

Dunno why he'd be interested in doing that, though, since if he wins those 38 quadrillion "dollars" will be worthless Federal Reserve Notes.

*) That's a common law TM, of course!
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The Observer
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Re: John Theodore: Anderson sues for a hillion jillion dolla

Post by The Observer »

This was previously discussed at:

"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff