What about the lizard people?

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by ClemIsBack »

"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
Did Schiff actually say this ? I can't stop laughing. I can just see a couple hundred people in an auditorium listening to his lecture, buying his program, and as he is leaving with their money he says ....
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by The Observer »

Those are exact quotes from Mr. Schiff.

What is even worse is that Schiff did not utter those quotes at one of his scam presentations, but made these remarks in front of a jury at his criminal trial.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:I appreciate sarcasm just as much as the next guy (and there are a lot of them on this site) but I find it a bit odd that you feel the need to alter Casper's posts in order to ridicule him and to do so without noting that you did so in your posting. Yes, I know we are talking about someone who lacks any regard for honesty and probably doesn't deserve any of our respect, but do you really want Casper to say that we are no better than he is? If anyone has done a wonderful job of reducing Casper to the figure of ridicule over the years, it has been you - and in very creative, witty and original ways. So why are you suddenly lowering your standards?
Finding a new or better way to ridicule wasn't the idea, but Casper's boring repetitiveness was. He needed to get off the "Chinese families, World Court, In & Out" storyline and add something new and fresh. Thus the first post with the one line added to #3 and the thread name to make it obvious. Think of it more as adding jokers to the deck or an experiment now that I don't have Dove to kick around anymore.

I have found it odd that some think Casper really said these things, which says something about him in itself.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Finding a new or better way to ridicule wasn't the idea, but Casper's boring repetitiveness was. He needed to get off the "Chinese families, World Court, In & Out" storyline and add something new and fresh. Thus the first post with the one line added to #3 and the thread name to make it obvious. Think of it more as adding jokers to the deck or an experiment now that I don't have Dove to kick around anymore.

I have found it odd that some think Casper really said these things, which says something about him in itself.
I only thought that he said these things because I peruse these threads on a infrequent basis and thus only have a scant knowledge of what Casper is doing. The practice throughout the rest of Quatloosia is to quote the subject accurately as possible and to indicate when there is editing or emphasis being made that were not made by the original author of the remarks. I made the silly assumption that it was the same in the NESARA pages.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by texino »

Penny for The Guy Gov?
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Gregg »

texino wrote:
Or do your own math, a $100 bill weighs approx. 1 gram.
Is this why a gram cost $100?
Yes, instead of a gold backed currency, few people know it but the fact is the dollar is now backed by Cocaine.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by co-shoot »

The word ridicule, ridiculers usually come from people who just simply apply themselves to being as harsh as posible when assuming this position, while the ridiculers with their ridicle exist in private life and we sometimes deal with them everyday we don't have someone like Casper rediculing or intelligence with temporal lies of deceit coming on the backside of questionable reality going on too the extent that the 2 brain cells of those many Casper readers are shorting out trying to connect Casper doo doo. Having said that....I can say my two brain cells are just find with DKs sarky remarks, lol
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by The Observer »

I don't have a problem with any of DK's remarks. I was commenting on his not providing notice that Casper's "remarks" had been altered and were not original.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:I don't have a problem with any of DK's remarks. I was commenting on his not providing notice that Casper's "remarks" had been altered and were not original.
Yes, The Observer is correct, I was lazy and didn't make it abundantly clear that this was a snark and not real (well, for the most part). Sorry.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »



Deliveries were stopped by Obama on Wednesday and Thursday as reported.

Deliveries were stopped again overnight this time by the Queen with the assistance of two World Court Judges. The packs made a u-turn and went to the U.N. where they were located this morning.

They are being retrieved right now sooo - here we go again.

casper 9-10-10

What I would have liked to have read:


Deliveries were stopped by Obama on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday before dawn, Thursday tea time, and Thursday evening as reported.

Deliveries were stopped again overnight this time by the Queen with the assistance of two World Court Judges and a dog named "Boo." The packs made a u-turn and went to the U.N. where they were delivered to U Thant (even though he died in 1974) who put them in a U-Haul trailer and took them to the U of Nebraska (go big dead red).

They are being retrieved right now by the Lizard People sooo - here we go again.

casper 9-10-10
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:Unaltered:


Deliveries were stopped by Obama on Wednesday and Thursday as reported.

Deliveries were stopped again overnight this time by the Queen with the assistance of two World Court Judges. The packs made a u-turn and went to the U.N. where they were located this morning.

They are being retrieved right now sooo - here we go again.

casper 9-10-10

What I would have liked to have read:


Deliveries were stopped by Obama on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday before dawn, Thursday tea time, and Thursday evening as reported.

Deliveries were stopped again overnight this time by the Queen with the assistance of two World Court Judges and a dog named "Boo." The packs made a u-turn and went to the U.N. where they were delivered to U Thant (even though he died in 1974) who put them in a U-Haul trailer and took them to the U of Nebraska (go big dead red).

They are being retrieved right now by the Village People sooon - here we go again.

casper 9-10-10
I like this version better.
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Re: What about the lizard people?

Post by Deep Knight »

What this idiot wrote:


Housekeeping first: Hitus and Hutus, not Hiatas and Hutus AND Mombassa not Mombai--'corrections to previous opinion piece'.
Also, the 50 Billion in new 'Stimulus Spending' discussed previously is actually 180B according to the daily newspaper.
If confused just remember 'Oblivion' or 'Intentional Bankruptcy'. (spending the U.S. into).
Hopefully the Corporations Criminals will not be able to lay their foolishness and debts off on the Republic or its people.
Hopefully 'they' will not be the 'Construction Superintendent' building upon the ashes of the old.

Today is the anniversary of the greatest farce and con-job in Human History, 9-11. Roosevelt's fore knowledge of Pearl Harbor, Kennedy's assassination, then 9-11, all 'covered up' by TPTB. No telling how many murderers are involved in the cover up. God Bless all those harmed by 9-11.
Hopefully the truth will come out as part of the disclosures.
We can not move forward on a foundation of lies.

Not even Bill Clinton can hold a candle to Obama when it comes to lying with a straight face. In his news conference Friday Obama mentioned the 'middle class' 10 or 12 times in the context of helping them. He has done more to destroy the middle class in our country than any President in history which is why 'the people' have opposed all his major initiatives. Who does he think he is fooling? His kids? His grossly uninformed constituents? Watching him lie with such conviction makes one wonder about the mans sanity and the sanity of his followers who can not seem to distinguish between his words and his actions.

I find myself wondering again lately about The North American Union and the Amero. Why are the Republicans not eating his lunch over the release of Illegal Immigrants? This should be a 'no brainer' for the mid-terms yet the Repbs are silent. Why? Are they
'in on' the erasure of our Southern Border?

Well, the Big Poo-Bah Central Bankers including Bernake are gathered on the banks of the Rhine (Basel) this weekend. Wonder what they are up to now? Hopefully they are discussing life without toilet paper money.

Burning someone's 'holy book' is a despicable thing to do. 'Their' religion is their business until such time as they attempt to impose it upon unwilling others. Did God not make Hindus and Buddhist and Muslims and Jews?
If you were born to a Muslim family in a Muslim Country and raised in a Mosque what religion would you be?

Did you see the news a couple of weeks ago that Israel has bought exceptionally huge quantities of munitions? Then Hillary, with Abbas and Netanyahu at her side says, 'time is running out' for a settlement. Then Rabid Dog Pip Squeak Shia Ahmadinejad says 'Abbas has no right to negotiate away any part of Palestine's. Then Abbas says he (pip squeak) is a fraud, stole the Iranian election and has no say about Palestine. Then the Iranian people, those not gunned down in the streets while Obama sat silent sucking his thumb, express their opposition to their radical leadership wherever possible.
Then remember, Obama and the Saudis (Sunnis) are thick as thieves, especially lately. Egypt and Jordan have become our allies.
Then a "new" nuclear facility is discovered built into a mountain.
Then the head of the IAEA? says Iran not complying.
Then Iran runs 'inspectors' outta town and country.
Then the world attempts to intensify sanctions. Taken together these are OMINOUS SIGNS.
The rabid dog Muslim Extremist want World War and the return of the 13th Iman not to mention all those Virgins.
This is Insanity hiding behind Religion.
They want 'the bomb' first but given the pinch Obama is in there is no telling what he might do to instigate the situation himself.

These are dangerous moments friends, the last time we were "this close" was nine years ago today.

casper 9-11-10 opinion

What I would have liked to have read:


Housekeeping first: Concrete and Cement, not Coitus and Clitoris, AND Mombassa not Mofoker--'corrections to previous opinion piece'.
Also, the 50 Billion in new 'Stimulus Spending' discussed previously is actually 180Q according to me.
If confused just remember so am I, either due to 'Oblivion' or 'Old Overholt'.
Hopefully the 'Voice of the Tri-City Area' will not be able to lay their foolishness and debts off on the Republic or its people.
Hopefully 'they' will not be the 'Busy Beaver' building upon the 'mud and stick dams' of the old 'mountain creek'.

Today is the anniversary of the greatest farce and con-job in Human History, the sick subversion of the tragedy of 9-11 by NESARA con artists for money. Like Roosevelt's fore knowledge of the Kennedy's assassination or like the Japanese's fore knowledge of Pearl Harbor, it was all 'covered up' by TBP (The Bass Player).
Hopefully these people will be shamed into shutting their pie holes, but if you take my history as an example, I wouldn't count on it.
We can not move forward on a foundation of lies, but it's been working for me.

Not even Bill Clinton can hold a candle to Obama when it comes to lying with a straight face. In his news conference Friday Obama never mentioned NESARA, the packies, space aliens, St. Germain, or Casper getting a date on Saturday night. Who does he think he is fooling? His kids? His grossly uninformed constituents? Watching him lie with such conviction makes one wonder about the mans sanity and the sanity of his followers who can not seem to distinguish between his words and his actions.

I find myself wondering again lately about The North American Union and the Amero. Why are the Republicans not eating his lunch over the release of Illegal Immigrants? This should be a 'no brainer' for the mid-terms yet the Repbs are silent. Why? Is it because these are not real and they'd look like idiots if they did?

Well, the Big Poo-Bah Central Bankers including Bernake are gathered on the banks of the Rhine (Basel) this weekend. Wonder what they are up to now? Hopefully they are discussing life without toilet paper. I use my left hand for eating and my right for this function, and it works for me, except when getting fingerprinted. Taken together these are OMINOUS SIGNS.

These are dangerous moments friends, the last time we were "this close" was nine years ago today, well except for all those thousands of times in between when I said deliveries were imminent, but give me a little slack, I've had a bad decade and the lizard people keep me up nights with their loud music.

casper 9-11-10 opinion
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