I can hardly wait!The Revolution Part 2 begins in........Only the Attorneys know and they will announce to everyone on March 14 the exact date of launch. Remember Wednesday March 14 we will all receive an email from Bio with the launch date. I am told by management only the attorneys know and that date will be very soon after that announcement of March 14th.
Why did we miss the forecasted date of launch? Answer the legal team, which now consist of 5 different law firms, had a few more i's to dot and t's to cross so as to place Bio, our business, your business in the best possible position to have all the expert witnesses, all the proper completed lab testing, all the legal scrutiny to never have a hic up with any AG that can't have a cure already prescribed. We want to never have any possible slow down due to legal again.
Remember the shipping is ready, the supply is ready, the bankers are ready, the programmers are ready, the management is ready (They say after 9 months no one wants it as bad as them), quality control is ready, so when the lawyers say's launch time. I hope you're ready cause ready or not it will be huge!
I've thought for 9 months about the mistakes we made and how even through the mistakes it exploded and I have some new thoughts about network marketing at its best. Bio paid out like many pure money games pay...but even see when you ask someone to put up $500 into a money game the only thing you have for that person is pure money. They must be greed driven only and they must ask other people to put up money for greed. At Bio it was even better than pure money because we all knew that if that person did nothing but use their 13 bottles of product they would save so much money on fuel cost no one was being driven on pure greed. WE HAD VALUE FOR EVERYONE.....even those who never told another person. No one had a feeling of everyone would do it and enjoy telling their friends to save them money.....and if they wanted to save a lot of money and make a lot of money we had something for them on the make money position. IT WAS A WIN/WIN for anyone. That's why it exploded even with mistakes and it will one out there has a product so needed and no money game out there can offer the realism of a real business with a needed product and money. We have the best of all it will explode again and very soon.....GET READY! LOOK for the announcement on March 14 and tell the world....We're back!
Sincerely Yours,
Doc Fog