FED caught trying to infiltrate Brown home!!!

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Post by Demosthenes »

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Post by Demosthenes »

http://www.aliceechonews.com/articles/2 ... news00.txt
Alice man holed up in N.H. home with tax protesters
PICTURED: This photo of Cirino Gonzalez, downloaded from his mySpace.com page, depicts him with a rifle.

Gonzalez's father says he may join his son to stand against government

Cirino Gonzalez, 30, joined Browns in fight against federal taxes

Christopher Maher, Alice Echo-News Journal

A 30-year-old Alice native has joined a group of tax-protesters who have barricaded themselves in a home in New Hampshire, in what some fear may soon become a standoff similar to the one that unfolded in Waco, Texas, in 1993.

Cirino "Reno" Gonzalez, 30, of Alice is one of more than a dozen people who have joined a New Hampshire couple, Ed and Elaine Brown, in a protest against the federal income tax.

The Browns, who in April were sentenced to more than five years in prison after they were convicted of multiple charges related to tax evasion, have refused to surrender to federal marshals and are currently living with several supporters in a home in Plainfield, N.H.

An Alice Native

Gonzalez was a student at Alice High School before dropping out in 1993 and obtaining his GED. He studied law enforcement at a community college and worked as a clerk in the Jim Wells County Sheriff's Department for a short period of time, and worked at the Thunder Road night club, his father said.

A divorced father of four children, all under the age of 11 years, Gonzalez is the son of Jose M. Gonzalez, also of Alice.

Cirino Gonzalez joined the Navy in 1995 and received an honorable discharge in 2003. Following his return to Alice, he accepted a job with a civilian contractor working in Iraq, where he repaired weapons for the military before returning to Alice, his father said.

Asking Questions

Cirino Gonzalez said Tuesday the journey that brought him to New Hampshire began in 2005, when he started questioning the reasons behind the war in Iraq. Questions about funding for the war led him to investigate the federal tax system, and in particular the operation of the federal reserve.

During the course of researching those issues on the Internet, Gonzalez found information that led him to believe the government does not have the legal authority to collect federal income taxes. Gonzalez said although he found many like-minded people on the Internet, that belief has cost him in his relationships with friends and family.

"Most people do not want to deal with this initially. I've lost a lot of friends because they just turned tail while I was talking to them, and they went away," Gonzalez said. "Later, they came to me and told me that what I was saying was true."

Gonzalez compared the government to a Mafia organization, and said people continue to pay income taxes because they either do not understand the "truth" or they are afraid of reprisal.

"Why are so many people put in jail, having their families destroyed, their homes taken away, their land ripped away from them when there is no law stating they are required to pay protection money to the government?" Gonzalez said.

Although Gonzalez said his primary question is "where is the law?" related to federal income tax, he took issue with many other legal questions during a phone interview Tuesday.

Over the course of more than an hour, Gonzalez questioned the legality of free speech zones, the purpose and effectiveness of the Department of Homeland Security, the need for banks to obtain Social Security numbers, the wording of firearm laws, the effectiveness of the United States military and the legality of seat belt ordinances.

Joining The Browns

In January, Gonzalez saw a short news story related to the Browns' case on television and followed up that story with research on the Internet, including reading blog sites set up by the Browns and their supporters.

After communicating with them for some time, Gonzalez made the decision to drive to New Hampshire the weekend before Easter to give them his support.

"It takes your personal integrity to stand up and stand with the people who are being unjustly accused of things," said Gonzalez from the Browns' New Hampshire home. "I caught hell from all of my family. Basically I tried to tell them something that they initially couldn't grasp."

The Home

The Browns' home is located on a hilltop in a 110-acre, heavily wooded estate. The large home was reportedly built with 8-inch thick concrete walls, has a private well and has the capacity to generate some electricity. A five-story-high tower sits atop the home, with a 360-degree view of the surrounding area. Ed Brown has told reporters the home has a large stockpile of food, and supporters have reportedly brought more supplies in recent weeks.

A Supportive Father

Jose M. Gonzalez, Cirino's father, is a strong supporter of his son's decision to move to New Hampshire, and has been following the case.

Jose M. Gonzalez served in the U.S. Army for six years, and has a bachelor's degree from Texas A and M Corpus Christi in psychology and sociology. He is working on a master's in counseling, with an emphasis on family counseling, and currently works as a counselor at the Alice Counseling Center.

Jose M. Gonzalez said he believes actions by the U.S. Marshals last week, in which they reportedly used armored personnel carriers to execute a warrant on a business owned by the Browns, are signs the confrontation might be moving toward violence.

"Our primary goal is to inform the American public of the truth, which is there is no federal income tax in America," Jose M. Gonzalez said. "Personally, I don't want my son to die trying to get this message across. So I will drive to New Hampshire to protect him, if I have to."

Jose M. Gonzalez, who has not paid income taxes since 1997 he said, empathizes with the Browns' situation and agrees with their cause.

Moving Toward Violence?

The Browns and Cirino Gonzalez have informed law enforcement officials that if any move is made on their home, they will use lethal force against the federal agents.

Gonzalez brought several weapons with him to the home, and announced on his myspace.com page that he had recently purchased a .50-caliber rifle.

When asked why they would choose to fight against federal agents, Cirino Gonzalez said they were "taking a stand" to protect other Americans.

"If we don't stand now, while it is at our doorstep, if we don't stop it here, it's going to be at your doorstep," Gonzalez said.

Jose M. Gonzalez said he was afraid for his son's safety, and was considering driving to New Hampshire to join Cirino. Although his occupational speciality in the Army was as a truck driver, Jose M. Gonzalez said he is reluctant to join the group in New Hampshire because he might be compelled to use other information he learned in the service.

"I had trained as a...[I'm not supposed to say it, but I guess I've been out long enough]...as a specialist in nuclear, biological and chemical warfare," Jose M. Gonzalez said. "This is what scares me. I know how to kill people in mass quantities. I don't want to go up there."

A Waiting Game

U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier, who has been charged with the arrest of the Browns, said Wednesday the Browns are attempting to work outside the law.

"They had a trial in front of a jury of their peers, and they were convicted on all counts," Monier said. "No man is above or below the law, and they don't get to decide what the rules are."

Monier also discouraged anyone from joining the Browns, and warned Cirino and Jose could face separate criminal charges.

"Aiding and abetting people in their continuing obstruction of justice, in this case the Browns' refusal to surrender and submit to authorities, is a separate felony offense," Monier said. "Bringing them weapons, they are convicted felons, is a separate criminal offense.

"Reno is not helping the situation, he is hurting it."

Although he acknowledged that he had cut power and phone lines to the house, Monier said he had "no intention of storming the house," and was prepared to take as long as necessary to resolve the situation peacefully.

"If I wanted to kill Ed Brown, I would have done it a long time ago. But that's not our objective. Our objective is to take them into custody without causing any harm," Monier said. "The Marshal Service has been around 216 years. Do you think we're going anywhere?"

The Concord Monitor in New Hampshire contributed to this report.
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Post by ASITStands »

Is there an aggressive way to isolate the property? Shutting off electric and phone/internet service is one thing, but waiting out the heat of summer and cold of winter is another.

And, why would anyone be allowed to enter or leave the property?

In a non-violent way, how can Ed and Elaine Brown be further isolated and convinced to surrender? And, in a non-violent way, how can a 0.50 caliber gun be made of none effect?
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Post by Demosthenes »

ASITStands wrote: And, why would anyone be allowed to enter or leave the property?
Effectively surrounding 110 acres of forest land for a long term seige would require an enormous amount of manpower and resources.
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A siege of the property would be the surest way to cut the Browns off. But that would mean establishing a perimeter of the property with armed personnel on a 24 hour basis, which is expensive. It may mean cutting off roads to the rest of the residents to ensure that the perimeter isn't compromised. And then you have to consider how to defend against any action the Browns might take against your seige lines.

If the marshalls are not concerned with people getting in or out of the property, they could set up some harrassing tactics to frustrate and wear down the Browns, such as playing loud music at all hours (but it could bother neighbors that are close enough to hear it) or keeping bright lights on the windows at nighttime (although the lights could be a tempting target for the Browns to shoot back at - which could trigger a shoot out).

They could toy with the Browns with allowing power or telephone service to go on and off at arbitary times, thus hoping the Browns would be reluctant to wean themselves from being on the grid and being frustrated with having to switch back and forth. They could also look at jamming radio/TV signals to further isolate the Browns and keep them from receiving current news; this only would be effective if they were intent on keeping people from being on the property.

The other issue is whether water service to the property can (or should be interrupted). If the Browns have established a well that is accessible from within the property, it would be difficult to stop them from receiving fresh water. The marshalls could consider a quick raid to disable the well. The ethical issue is whether you want to create a situation where the Browns' health becomes endangered simply because Ed will refuse to surrender.
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by Demosthenes »

The Browns have a well, generators, dry food rations, satellite, a bunch of disposable cell phones, short wave radio, and so on.

Sounds like Randy Weaver is on his way there. Prepare for a circus environment shortly.
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Post by The Observer »

Yes, it is a difficult situation to deal with and this is the main reason that the marshalls are keeping a low profile. They really only have two choices: raid the property at risk of life, or wait the Browns out.
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Post by Prof »

Demosthenes wrote:
ASITStands wrote: And, why would anyone be allowed to enter or leave the property?
Effectively surrounding 110 acres of forest land for a long term seige would require an enormous amount of manpower and resources.
If Mr. Gonzalez is going to join his son, he will have to leave his job as an employee of a large Catholic medical system (Christus) where he is employed in a family counseling center, funded in part to deal with refugees from Katrina. I tried to determine whether any of the funds were from taxes -- but could not tell.

As an employee, he would be subject to withholding, so unless he is following LH, he is paying taxes.
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Post by Nikki »

Demosthenes wrote:The Browns have a well, generators, dry food rations, satellite, a bunch of disposable cell phones, short wave radio, and so on.

Sounds like Randy Weaver is on his way there. Prepare for a circus environment shortly.
Perhaps the Marshalls should encourage a whole bus-load of supporters to join Ed.

But without bringing in any food, water, clean clothes, weapons, ammunition, cell phones, or any other supplies.

How long will Ed's food, etc hold up?
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Post by Demosthenes »

Nikki wrote:How long will Ed's food, etc hold up?
Ed has a solar powered greenhouse and well water to grow his own produce. He also has about 18 months of dried food. Since people have been bringing him groceries every week, he hasn't had to dip into any of his reserves.
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Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:
Nikki wrote:How long will Ed's food, etc hold up?
Ed has a solar powered greenhouse and well water to grow his own produce. He also has about 18 months of dried food. Since people have been bringing him groceries every week, he hasn't had to dip into any of his reserves.
Greenhouse can be sabotaged (like breaking the windows and dousing the crops in herbicide). Solar panels can be taken out. He can keep his well water, but the Marshals can prevent him from getting his septic pumped and sabotage the system with one of their insiders. Jail's not so bad when every toilet in the house is backed up.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Once the Marshals decide to move in, they'll own Ed.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Browns To Hold National Press Conference
Randy Weaver to join tax protestors on Monday

Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tax Protestors Ed and Elaine Brown have exclusively revealed today that they are to hold a press conference at their home in Plainfield New Hampshire this coming Monday.

Joining them in support and as a freelance reporter documenting the event for Infowars and the GCN radio network will be Ruby Ridge standoff survivor Randy Weaver.

Weaver was shot himself and lost his wife and young son in 1992 when the federal government brutally killed them when they refused to leave their property. He is showing incredible bravery and patriotism by putting himself back into a very similar situation.

Weaver has said that he wishes to diffuse the situation and prevent any bloodshed.

A press conference will be held with Weaver and the Browns this Monday at 2pm EDT, national and local press have been welcomed by the Browns.

The Browns situation has today been covered in the national press by CBS and AP, who have again described the Brown home as a "fortified concrete compound". Does the Brown home look like a fortified compound to you?

They also describe the Browns as "holed up" despite the fact that their home has no security gates or fences of any kind and is completely open to anyone who wishes to just walk in at any time.

U.S. Marshal Steve Monier acknowledged Wednesday that waiting out the Browns could take months, but he said time was on authorities' side. He said he hoped prison would seem like an agreeable option for the Browns after a summer without air conditioning and possibly a winter without heat, the report states.

"We have seized their phone and Internet service, and two days ago, we cut their power," Monier said. "It's a continuing effort to move them along to understand they need to do the right thing, and this is to surrender to us."

Monier has said there are no federal agents in Plainfield or surveillance teams in camouflage watching the fortified home at 401 Center of Town Road, despite it being proved that agents were lurking in the trees when they were discovered by dog walker Danny Riley who states that he was shot at and tasered and now describes himself as a "nervous wreck". Riley says that he is still being threatened for revealing that the FBI are involved in the case.

The report as well as another Union Leader piece state that the US marshals office was swamped with callers last week expressing support for the Browns after "a website" (i.e. Prisonplanet.com) urged readers to make a stand.
Alex Jones has dubbed Randy Weaver as a "free lance journalist" working on behalf of Infowars. That way, when he stands by Ed and Elaine, he'll be a press professional, covering the story from the inside, not an armed wingnut white supremacist aiding and abetting convicted felons / fugitives.
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Post by jg »

They should consider taking him captive in front of the cameras!
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Post by Imalawman »

This might just be the push in the back that Monier needs. I bet he can't be happy to hear that Weaver is coming into the picture. That only can mean bad news. This situation is really getting messy. I just can't help but think that going there all armed to the teeth was a bad idea, its only stirred what was a rather boring pot.
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Post by gezco »

Prof wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
ASITStands wrote: And, why would anyone be allowed to enter or leave the property?
Effectively surrounding 110 acres of forest land for a long term seige would require an enormous amount of manpower and resources.
If Mr. Gonzalez is going to join his son, he will have to leave his job as an employee of a large Catholic medical system (Christus) where he is employed in a family counseling center, funded in part to deal with refugees from Katrina. I tried to determine whether any of the funds were from taxes -- but could not tell.

As an employee, he would be subject to withholding, so unless he is following LH, he is paying taxes.
I’d be willing to bet that at least one of Reno’s kids is getting some sort of Government aid. I’m also willing to bet Reno’s behind on his child support and hasn’t seen his kids in quite some time. How long do you think it will take the mother(s) of those kids to apply for social security survivor benefits?

Reno needs to man up and supporting his four kids. Happy father’s day Reno, or should I say happy sperm donor’s day.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Imalawman wrote:This situation is really getting messy.
I think we're looking at the perfect storm.
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Post by Joey Smith »

Demosthenes wrote:The Browns have a well, generators, dry food rations, satellite, a bunch of disposable cell phones, short wave radio, and so on.
But how about adult diapers and cigarettes?

I recall that the Montana Freemen gave up their siege when Orpah was cut off and they ran out of cigarettes. Not a lot of resilence in faux patriots.
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Post by LPC »

More from Shaun:
Shaun @ MakeTheStand.com wrote:Friday, June 15, 2007
Feds block more communications
From MakeTheStand.com:

There is nothing much to tell today. Cirino, who has been staying with the Browns for some time, has once again had his cell phone disconnected. He just got a brand new cell phone and his company got the service going again. And today? They disconnect it AGAIN. Calling his number says it's been disconnected.

With what authority, pray tell, do the feds kill communications of private Citizens? With what authority do they block cell phones, Internet, cut phone lines, shut off satellite TV, kill power? These are the actions of a tyrannical government out of control. I don't recall seeing anything in the Constitution that says the executive branch has this authority. Let's also not forget that Congress and the executive branch only have authority over the FEDERAL ZONE -- not places within a State such as where the Browns live. NO JURISDICTION.

What don't they want the Browns to be able to tell people? Perhaps that their house is surrounded by heavily-armed goons and thugs in battle dress, prepared to lay siege and commit murder? Do they not want Ed and Elaine getting their message out that NOW is the time to MAKE THE STAND? The longer we wait, the harder it WILL get, folks.

For past news, click Read More.

posted by Shaun @ MakeTheStand.com at 3:24 PM 0 Comments
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Post by gezco »

Is it possible that an arrest warrant or indictment has already been executed against Cirino? Assuming that he lives through this, what is the likelihood that he will be prosecuted?