Write your own Casper Update!

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Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Deep Knight »

Write your own Casper Update!
It’s fun, it’s easy, and you can find out the latest news without having to visit Bellringer’s hate-filled website!

First – pick one item from each of these categories:

Category A
The Queen
The Japanese Emperor
The Pope
Hillary Clinton

Category B
George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Queen Beatrix
Head of the Dragon Family

Category C
The World Court
The International Court of Justice
NATO Headquarters
The European Union
The Hague

Category D
The UN
The Illluminati
The Bilderburgers
The Trilateral Commission

Category E

Category F
“I rule the world.”
“The money is mine.”
“Either I get paid or nobody does.”
“No one will ever see that birth certificate.”
“I bend my knee only to Lord Satan.”

Made your picks? Fine, now fill them where the corresponding letter is below!

CASPER UPDATE: [Fill in Date]

Well friends, the [A] led B.S. is continuing this morning.
Overnight he/she has "ORDERED" [C] to seize all funds and accounts and once again has threatened all recipients.

[C] has responded that they have no such authority.
[A] says he/she controls [C] and [F]. [A] went on to say that he/she and do not care whether the [C] 'has the authority or not, they will do as he/she instructs'.

None of this is new. As each Theft/Trade/Sabotage effort fails he/she run to his/her masters at [D] who kill a few thousand world leaders and tell him/her to try again.

They continue to verbally "Bribe" every one in sight but can never deliver on their promises. They continue to insist that they will be able to access our accounts at any minute but can never deliver. Don’t you hate liars who never deliver on their promises?

The 'Players' are the same, their positions are the same, their alliances are the same as reported here for the last 18 months and now most of the world knows what [A] has done and is doing because they all read my reports, all except, that is, those still so drunk on kool-aid they could not point north if their lives depended upon it.

The situation at this moment is that it is 'Showdown Time'---again, this time between [A], and [D] vs [C] and those who have been waiting so many years to see their dreams come true. However, it has just been reported that the packies are out again for delivery, having been given to [E] this early this morning, who have sworn in blood that nothing will interfere with them this time. WE have confirmed this through our many sources, so ‘heads up’ for delivery either today or tomorrow!

casper [Fill in Date]
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Omne »

Hmm..... a Casperbot...... makes you wonder.....
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Gregg »

Omne wrote:Hmm..... a Casperbot...... makes you wonder.....
only for a minute. any machine designed or managed communication has to, by it's nature, invoke some kind of logic generation, either by humans, or machine. Any attempt to apply logic to a REAL casper screed would make any human or machine explode in a puff of smoke.
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, so I forgot "Brinks" as one of the possible deliverers. More when possible.


Today's Sabotage is at the hands of Obama, The Queen and Brinks. The packs had been retrieved, delivery arrangements made and Brinks even provided 'tracking numbers' so the packs could be 'followed' to their destinations tonight.

The tracking Numbers were false.
The packs are back in D.C. tonight. Obama and the Queen are repeating their mantra, 'they must have the money'.
The U.N. is involved in today's mess, they are once again trying to confiscate all funds on behalf of Obama, the Queen and others.
All of these efforts by all of these people and entities are completely ILLEGAL and 'they' know that.

They will do anything, any thing at all, to steal the funds and preserve themselves in power.

More when possible.

casper 9-23-10 #2
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by fortinbras »

You put the packets in,
You take the packets out,
You put the packets in
And you shake them all about.
You do the hoky-poky
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:

...more when possible.

That's OK, Casper. How about this: when the packies are out and being actually delivered (and not doing the hokey-pokey), THEN you can give us more, and tell us all about how the White Knights rode forth and beat back the forces of evil.

Until then... you've gotten pretty boring.
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Gregg »

If they will do anything to preserve themselves in power, how come we've gone through no less than 3 Presidents since Clyde took a dive?
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Omne »

Gregg wrote:If they will do anything to preserve themselves in power, how come we've gone through no less than 3 Presidents since Clyde took a dive?
Because there haven't been 3 Presidents. There's only been one person using advanced plastic surgery techniques to appear different. Public appearances where both appear? Holograms.
Life background? Media is in on the conspiracy along with people willing to lie about knowing them previously. All official records are forged. I know that I didn't know them personally before they were elected....

Of course another possibility is that a real candidate runs and once he's elected they do the switch at the inaugural ball with the candidate voluntarily giving up their identity to the real "President" and being made over into another identity while the real "President" is made to look like the candidate and takes over. When they are ready to leave office a duplicate is created from a volunteer by the same advanced surgery. They then pretend to be the ex-President while the real "President" assumes the identity of the new winner....yeah that might be the ticket.....

Reagan=Bush Sr.=Clinton=Bush Jr.=Obama ( lots of plastic surgery on that one ). Call him/her President X.
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by LaVidaRoja »

I thought he was just one of the lizards who shape-shifted to fit the need of the moment!?
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Deep Knight »

LaVidaRoja wrote:I thought he was just one of the lizards who shape-shifted to fit the need of the moment!?
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. In fact, I would have to kill myself afterwards just to be sure, and there's this football game on today I would really like to see, so you'll just have to get yourself another snitch, thank you very much. But, if you insist, the answer is the "Y" word. Our current president is Kor-El-Reqx-XXIV, a 12-foot tall red-eyed alien lizard who's been ruling us since Truman took over for Roosevelt (really Saur-Glxx-Ptuii-VI, who Truman ate). The Reptilians are here because they like Earth humans, for snacks! "To Serve Man" isn't a cookbook because they don't cook us, they eat us live while we watch! White House insiders say the mess they have to clean up after dinner is terrible.

But, as you understand, I'm not saying any of this, and can say no more. Except that "The Queen" is really El-Lizard-Birth-II and this explains why she has retained her youthful appearance and never seem to age.

by David Icke

The following list has been compiled from the wealth of research I have put together over the last ten years. I would suggest that all of these are reptilian bloodline, but I only mention shape-shifting where it has been witnessed.
It is only an initial list and will be added to. If you can add names, and give the supporting evidence, that would be most helpful in exposing these horrors. By "Satanists", of course, I mean those involved in human sacrifice.
David Icke

William F. Buckley Jr: Head of the elite JANUS mind control operation based at NATO headquarters in Belgium which trains mind-controlled psychic assassins; child killer, Satanist, shape-shifter
George Bush: US President and Vice President, head of the CIA, and a stream of other leading roles in the Illuminati. Satanist, mind controller, torturer of children and adults, pedophile, shape-shifting reptilian, and major drug runner. Serial killer. Nice man.
George W. Bush, Jr. - front-runner to be next President of the United States. Son of his father.
Bill Clinton, President of the United States. Satanist, serial killer, based on orders he has issued for assassinations, sexual abuser of mind controlled slaves.
Hillary Clinton, wife of President and now running for political office in New York. Announced her intention to run at a place called Pindar. This is the code-name of one of the foremost Illuminati human sacrificers and operatives (See The Biggest Secret). High Illuminati witch and Satanist. Abuser of mind controlled women.
Al Gore, Vice-President to Clinton, and front runner to be the "Democratic" candidate "opposing" George W. Bush. Illuminati, Satanist, serious blood drinker. Reptilian shapeshifter.
Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson. Presidents of the United States. Satanists. Users of mind-controlled slaves.
John F. Kennedy, assassinated President of the US. User for sex of mind controlled slaves. Probably a lot more we have yet to know.
Ted Kennedy: US politician, and head of the Kennedy clan currently. Brutal abuser of mind controlled slaves.
Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, and one of the Illuminati's foremost master minds of the agenda. Satanist, mind controller, child torturer, creator of wars of mass murder and destruction. Shape-shifter. Works closely with the UK's Lord Carrington.
Mikail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union, now working in the US for the Illuminati Gorbachev Foundation which campaigns for World government, world army, etc., etc. Satanist and shape-shifting reptilian.
House of Rothschild. Satanists, child sacrificers, mind controllers, torturers of children and adults. Guy de Rothschild heads the dynasty and he is one of the top trauma-based mind controllers in the world. They are shape-shifting reptilians.
Habsburgs: See Rothschilds.
Rockefellers: See Rothschilds.
Astor's: See Rothschilds.
DuPont's: See Rothschilds.
Mellon's: See Rothschilds.
Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary under President Bush. Satanist, torturer of children and adults. Mind controller.
Robert C. Byrd, "Democrat" senator for West Virginia. Satanist and brutal torturer of adults and children. Mind controller.
Bob and Bill Bennett, well-known US political figures closely connected to George Bush. Satanists, mind controllers, torturers of children and adults.
Lt Col Michael Aquino, US Military Psychological Warfare Department: Satanist (founder of the Church of Set), torturer of children and adults in trauma-based mind control projects.
Kris Kristopherson, actor and singer. Works with Aquino. Torturer, mind controller.
Boxcar Willie, country music singer. Satanist, pedophile.
Bob Hope "comedian". Life-time asset of British Intelligence, mind-controlled slave handler, and manipulator of the "entertainment industry" on behalf of the Illuminati. The "Rat Pack", including Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Junior, and Dean Martin were all heavily involved with Hope and others in the same line of work.

Billy Graham, "Christian" hero who has been funded from the start by the top Illuminati families and operatives like the Rockefellers and newspaper tycoon, William Randolph Hearst. Satanist, involved in mind control projects, close friend of Bush and Kissinger. Bloodline of the Satanic Illuminati Frank family which created the Satanic movement known as Frankism.
Queen Elizabeth II of the UK: Satanist, child sacrificer, shape-shifting reptilian. Major Illuminati figure.
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother: As above.
Prince Philip: As above.
Prince Charles: As above.
Prince Andrew: As above.
Princess Anne: As above. Not seen to shape-shift.
Lord Mountbatten of the British Royal Family and World War II "war hero". Rothschild bloodline, and therefore a shape-shifter. Satanist.
Winston Churchill, Britain's war-time Prime Minister, and bloodline of the Marlborough family, one of the elite aristocratic bloodlines of the British Isles. Satanist.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: US war-time President: Satanist.
Stalin: Russian war-time leader. Satanist.
Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader in Germany. Rothschild bloodline. Satanist.
Tony Blair, current British Prime Minister. Satanist.
Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada when he and President Bush introduced the NAFTA "free trade" agreement, which has devastated the Canadian economy. Satanist, rapist of mind controlled women.
Pierre Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister. Satanist, rapist of mind controlled women, paedophile.
Edward Heath, Prime Minister of the UK from 1970-74 and the man who signed Britain into the European Community, now Union. Satanist, child torturer, paedophile, shapeshifting reptilian.
Willie Whitelaw, Deputy Prime Minister to Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. Satanist.
Lord McAlpine of the McAlpine Construction dynasty in the UK. Satanist, paedophile.
Mohammed Al Fayed, father of Dodi Fayed, who died in the car with Princess Diana. Satanist.

Boxcar Willie? Say it ain't so!
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Gregg »

He forgot Larry the Cable Guy and Dr Suess.
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

...and Paris Hilton.
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by The Observer »

Paris Hilton? I was kinda counting on her and Lindsay Lohan to be the next White Knights to rescue and deliver the packets.

On second thought, I guess that would be a bad idea - they would probably try to snort the packies up their nose.
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Re: Write your own Casper Update!

Post by Deep Knight »


WE don't report every single thing as it occurs when an immediate and positive outcome is expected.
Then, when the Sabotage continues it is necessary to play 'catch up', so here goes.

Yesterday deliveries were stopped by John Roberts and Obama. The packs, which were again out, were returned to D.C. yesterday afternoon.

The Queen had arrived Stateside many days ago and due to certain events was supposedly irrevocably back on the side of getting the deliveries done ASAP.
As the Crown owns considerable interest in the Carrier, Brinks, she said last night she would retrieve the packs herself and have them delivered via a different method today.
She stated that she would 'close Brinks'. She made no attempt overnight to remove the packs from Brinks. She has made no tangible effort while here to do anything positive and now says 'her hands are tied'. WE know why, it has to do with the contents of a certain Suitcase.

Several DEALS have been underway behind the scenes. YING in CHINA, OBAMA, ROBERTS and CLINTON have been demanding IMMUNITY for all involved, demanding that all charges be dropped.

Also, a certain person has been trying to alter certain Documents. WE know who and WE know why. IT WILL NOT WORK.

Meanwhile Hillary is still trying and saying she will get into the accounts at any minute. No way but she keeps trying.
Meanwhile Obama has been trying to access the F&P accounts without success and those funds were again moved as a safety precaution.

CHINA has not lived up to certain DEALS they made either.

The packs are in D.C. this morning, immediate outcome unknown but WE remain positive these difficulties and this most recent Sabotage will be overcome quickly.

casper 9-29-10
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