Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

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Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

I'd known for a while that Belinda Grandberry (see the Elite Activity thread in the MLM/Pyramid forum) was a NESARA follower. But with the Sept. discovery that she was in the process of going "sovereign" based on advice from Beth Trutwin, I started looking further into this group.

To my horror, I found that Belinda's daughter Jennifer was also part of it, and that Beth & Mark were pushing a pyramid scheme along with their wacked-out theories. Belinda's callsign on the Galactic Round Table nutsack-site is "Spirit2012" the same as her Twitter. So what's the very first thing I find investigating her activities there? "Starshine" giving her advice on becoming a Washitaw, based on Beth Trutwin's website, along with claims that the World Court (?) would be recognizing this group as a nation sometimes in September.

Here's Belinda's version of what she was told by her NESARA-connected friends: ... nation.htm
Barack Obama – Hero or Villain?America just isn’t a poor country; in fact, it’s a lucky nation with some lucky aspects ahead. America is the role model to the world. We have to show the way of right action. Wisdom about the material world will happen in America first. During the trials and tribulations, there is a wonderful inspiring thought to keep in mind: it is that America’s true destiny is to be the platform upon which the Great experiment is created and manifested. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, as President Obama proclaimed. "We are the people who, by facing great difficulties, will design and innovate the blessings and possibilities of the human race." And it all starts now.

Click Here For The History of WASHITAW

In 1997, Michelle and Barack Obama became Wahitaw, members of the Aboriginal Moabite Nation outside of the northern Louisiana territory. This land is the only part of America that is not owned by the corporation. The Obamas are common law citizens and are no longer lawyers for the Queen nor slaves of the UCC. All lawyers in the U.S.A. and those in Congress are not USA citizens, and neither are you. When they took the BAR they swore an oath to the Queen and gave up their citizenship. And the rest of us are property owned by the Queen via our birth certificates and the capitalization of our names on court documents. We became wards of the District of Columbia in 1933, a foreign corporate nation with no allegiance to the U.S.A. We never really won the Revolutionary War, it was carried on only stealthy by the King of England via infiltration of key lawyers and agents in government, a silent war. The United States, "U.S.", is a Corporation that owns you through your birth certificate, that is why you will always hear Obama say The "United States of America". That is his dog whistle to let us know that he is working behind the scenes on the "Restore America Act" (known as NESARA), for the farmers then for us. This cannot be done unless we are on a gold backed currency. Your birth certificate is also traded on the stock market exchange, you are a slave, a commodity to your owners the British Crown. Yes, you were sold by Congress to the Federal Reserve, a group of international bankers. But know this, that Federal Reserve is no more, neither is the IRS, they are there in name only, quietly awaiting Obama's full disclosure of our true history, our true nature, our true constitution and a future of peace.

Soon you will hear about the next big crash of the banks and stock market. Except this time it will be a good crash, a rebooting of the financial system to bring in the new gold backed rainbow currency backed by our Treasury dept., no more FRN's. Federal reserve notes will eventually become worthless and the new currency will be worth much more with more buying power, like in the 1950's. The new rainbow currency notes are beautiful and already in the banks awaiting the announcement. All electronic accounts will be converted into the new financial system and foreclosures will be reversed back to their original owners. All debt will be erased worldwide. What you can purchase right now for $1.00, you will be able to purchase for ten cents on the gold backed currency. We have help from above. Be happy, do not despair, everything has to play out, there will be many more arrest of the crooked shadow government. When all of the banks close for two weeks, you will know it is happening. Keep enough cash on hand for two weeks or more, buy junk silver, buy silver and gold eagles. Ebay is a good place to buy quick silver and gold. They will have more buying power than the dollar.

No matter who you are, the color of you skin or where you hail from, Washitaw is about being free. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are helped.

Remember John Lennon? He sang all you need is LOVE. Live in love, for love can conquer all! Do not listen to the fear mongers, the dark ones have no power except our fear, they feed off of the energy it produces. That is why we must love our enemies it will defeat them! Send out love from your heart. Love is the only weapon that we have, we are all one. There is only one being here, us! See the earth and our economy healing even though you are going through hard times. Prevent any further disasters by eliminating them with your mind, let no one push a button or cause anymore pain and suffering. Only we have the power of our creator, united in spirit our true nature. The part that was bred out of us to separate us through amnesia of our true powers. Remember, we chose this time right here, right now to come together, to CHANGE the ending of this story. We are the ones that we have been waiting for!

ATTORNEY LICENSE FRAUD: ... -fraud.htm Author unknown, perform your own research!

The Missing 13th Amendment

Darrell's story: (He is always a guest speaker.) This is very long but will have you glued to your seat. ... 0daryl.mp3 Daryl was a farmer who lost his land and was arrested for trying to help other farmers, he got nine years and won his freedom by using their own laws against them. His real name is Darrell Frech.

Becoming Washitaw UCC Forms. No lawyer will help you with this, you have to do it yourself. It cannot be granted by any state, the people are the state. It cannot be granted by government, the people are the government. Right now the courts are cracking down on anything pertaining to common law. They know that they are in their last breath. The courts and judges are actually bankers, they take your money through their illegal laws. They will do anything to try and preserve the status quo. Washitaw is holding all applications until after Sept. 11th. But you must educate yourself on the common law and how to file your UCC1 for when the time is ready.

If you follow the information as written herein, you will file a correct UCC: FREEDOM PAPERS.PDF FREEDOM PAPERS SECTION 2.PDF FREEDOM PAPERS SECTION 3 .PDF FREEDOM PAPERS SECTION 4.PDF Birth Certificate Bond.PDF

More Info:

(From Beth Trutwin)

Hi Everybody,

Tonight I would like to again tell you what I know about Becoming Washitaw. Everytime I teach more about this, I will make this statement: This broadcast, is limited for the sole use of the intended for educational use only. Any and All Political, Private or Public Entities, Federal, State, or Local Corporate Government(s), Municipality(ies), International Organizations, Corporation(s), agent(s), investigator(s), or informant(s), et. Al., and/or Third Party(ies) working in collusion by collecting and/or monitoring My communications Without my Exclusive Permission are Barred from Any and All Unauthorized Review, Use, Disclosure or Distribution. With Explicit Reservation of All My Rights, Without Prejudice and Without Recourse to Me. Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or ALL Intellectual Property Rights or Reserved Rights. NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE IS NOTICE TO AGENT. NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE.

As we talk about Becoming Washitaw we speak about what is in progress now, we are returning to Planetary Government. Step One is Filing your Freedom Papers at Your County Court House. The Freedom Papers include Security agreement, Indemnity Bond. You will also include the Birth Certificate Bond. When You Go To Your County Courthouse, you may use any Courthouse within 150 miles of your domicile, meaning where you live. You may find that some Courthouses will charge you to file your Freedom Papers in the Public Register. It typically takes 7-10 days for the papers to be filed. The charges can range anywhere from around $10.00 to around $100.00. You may want to shop around your area to check the charges before deciding where to file your papers. After you file your Freedom Papers in the Public Register of your local County Court House, then the County will affix a Liber Number to this County Document.

The Liber Number is important because it is required that you have the Liber Number on your UCC1 (Financial Statement) form or you will not be able to file for Washitaw Nation status. Once you have filed your Freedom Papers and then applied the Liber Number to your UCC1 then and ONLY then may you file your UCC1. Sure, the UCC1 form is one page and only takes 5 minutes to fill out. However, the Freedom Papers are about 200 or so pages and take slightly longer. If you own Property you will have an addendum to your UCC1. If you are adding minor children and/or grandchildren then you will add an addendum. To decide if you need any addendums you must read the instructions on filling out the UCC1. These are attached to the form and not difficult to figure out. In order to have the CORRECT UCC1 (Uniform Commercial Code) Form One must go onto the website for their Secretary of State. As an example, Michigan’s website is

Each Secretary of State site is different. You may find the one for your State by putting into the search engine your State abbreviation and the letters SOS. When you get to your State website, you will see a tab called UCC and this is where you find the forms. You will have to chose between printing a blank copy to fill out by hand or filling it out on line and printing it out. Either way it costs about $20 to file the UCC for one adult and your children. Your partner will need their own UCC. The paperwork I have furnished you has been very generously offered to us by our friend, Grand Goddess Lillie. She is an Elder in the Matriarchal Counsel of Washitaw. This paperwork has been used since the 80s and it is considered tried and true. You will need to retain a copy of your Freedom Papers with the Liber Number and Your completed UCC1 and any necessary Addendums. It is required you keep a copy for your records. When you have these, make a copy of them to mail to the Washitaw Nation. This is how you obtain your Washitaw Affiliation Documents. The Matriarchal Council will issue Washitaw affiliation documents as soon as your entire UCC package is finished and a copy of the same is mailed to the headquarter address:

Washitaw Mir 7
2435 East North Street
Greenville, South Carolina Territority near[29615]

The seal of Washitaw MUST be affixed to the document in order for the instruments to be valid.
Anyone looking to have support of an Attorney may have difficulty. Attorneys are not licensed to practice law. Attorneys are Members of the Bar at the UK. If an Attorney pulls a person out of the public and in to the private they will be called back to London and its off with their head. Attorneys practice Statuatory Law and know nothing about Common Law. We call Common Law, Divine Law. Attorneys are always practicing at law and they never perfect the law. An opinion from an Attorney is always within the color of the law. Most, if not all Attorneys will say that filing the UCC1 is frivolous and fraudulent. You may not be able to find help from an Attorney. If you are a naturalized citizen of the United States, you do not have a Birth Certificate of the United States. A person who comes from another Country must have their Birth Certificate transferred from their Country to the United States. Most Countries will not want to give up their gross national product which is you. You will have to request a transfer of your Birth Certificate. At Birth our Countries establish accounts to make money form us, millions of dollars, by trading our accounts at 55 Water Street in NYC. Foreign Countries will not readily give up their wealth. Your Birth Certificate, belonging to them, represents their wealth.

In order to become Washitaw a person must have their Birth Certificate Registered here. When requesting to become Washitaw a person is declaring their allegiance to the Land of Washitaw. If you didn’t know the reason they need you to fill out the Census, it is so they can collect the death numbers. They use the death numbers to calculate the gross national product. They use the census to project their finances as they live off the backs of your birth certificate. Also on the back of your social security card is your personal Social Security CUSIP number. This is another account that the corporation called united States of America makes money off of you, their slave. This goes all the way back to Enki and Enlil. When you file your UCC1 you are telling the corporation you are not that silent Strawman living to die for them. Filing the UCC1 means declaring you are a Sovereign Sentient Being. You are a Spirit having a human experience. Becoming Washitaw means you agree to follow the five basic principals of Natural Law upon which all Emperial Law is based are: Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice. The Uniform Commercial Code is uniform worldwide. If you are in Canada or the UK or other places, you may have to contact the local office of UCC where you live to find your correct UCC form. The One I speak of is for the United States only. This may take some effort on your part, you will find it by putting the information into the search engine.

This process is something to take your time with to do it right. It does not make sense to take short cuts. If One tackles the paperwork one small step at a time, you will get through it. Please feel free to contact me with your questions at I will touch on the Spiritual Aspects of recognizing and acknowledging you are a Sovereign Spiritual Being. There is a LARGE distinction between The Church, Religion, and Being a Christ. The Church Teaches one must follow Jesus Christ. Being a Christ means you acknowledge you are a Sovereign Being who IS Christ within and Every Other Person IS Christ within as well. Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, asks no one follow him, he suggests one follow any religion that is best suited for them. The Cosmic Christ returns to Earth on the day of Emergence to remind all of us to Come Together as One Humanity to Love Each other, Take Care of One Another and Be as One People with Self Governance. This is what it means to join the Washitaw Nation, it is THE Planetary Government. If this sounds overwhelming, it isn't, just take your time to avoid mistakes, email me if you need to do so.

By Elizabeth Trutwin 3/31/10

Note: You file the UCC form with your state, NOT at tp:// You can file the ucc online through your state's Secretary of State, or through the mail (It is best to send it in the mail cerified return receipt so that you have proof that it was received) and then with the county court house in your county in person or by mail. In my state, the county gives you the lieber number that you will need for becoming Washitaw. All that has to be done first.

Then you go to ... Forms.html and contact the person for your state and get the registration form to start the process. The forms will not be available until late Sept. 2010 but start preparing now.


The Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama and 2012

Here is a link at BBS spiritual radio with Dr. Loyd's as a guest speaker, the "Healing Code" Doctor, very enlightening! ... rchive.php Discount

The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock

Think With Your Heart

Controlling Our Food

The Restore America Plan

Fight The Smears

Co-Creator Network

GiftingIsLegal.Org © 2006-2010 | All Rights Reserved Contact Us

I'm not going to copy the myriad of links, but you get the gist, I hope.
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Omne »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:
Here's Belinda's version of what she was told by her NESARA-connected friends:

...Ebay is a good place to buy quick silver and gold.

That alone proves she's a loon......
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Deep Knight »

I haven't been visiting Beth TruthWind, er, Trutwin's sites much recently - her stuff bores me to tears. Today I note that here Cosmic Ascension site is down, and she hasn't posted on Welcome the Light (Mark Huber's old site) since July (and their webmaster Tony hasn't given his two cents since March). Yes, I know you can listen to their BBS2 Radio show and call in, but I find my tolerance to listening to them quite limited and would much rather read the transcripts, which have be absent from the web for quite some time.

I also note that Lord Rama and Lady Tara (Mr. Berkowitz and Marilyn Green) now go by Rama Ajuna and Tara Green (at least on their BBS2 show).

As for the Aboriginal Moabite Nation and a certain POTUS membership as asserted by Beth TushWink, you will note how President Obama mentions Wahitaw every chance he gets.

Various Places on the Web Copied or wrote:The Washitaw Nation, or Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah is a group of Black Americans that claims to be a sovereign Native American nation within the boundaries of the United States. The name comes from the name of the Ouachita tribe, Various United States courts have held that the Washitaw Nation is 'fictional' and that it is not recognised as a sovereign nation. It is also the accrediting agent for the City University of Los Angeles which is considered to be a diploma mill.

The group is headed by Verdiacee Hampton Goston, a.k.a. Verdiacee Turner, a.k.a. Empress Verdiacee Tiari Washitaw Turner Goston El-Bey. She was mayor of Richwood, Louisiana in 1975-76 and 1980-84. She is the author of the self published book Return of the Ancient Ones. Goston asserts that the United Nations "registers the Washitaw as indigenous people No. 215".

Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah, say that fast 3 times. Empress Verdiacee Tiari Washitaw Turner Goston El-Bey claims to have secretly met the President during a visit to New Orleans where every minute of his time was accounted for a broadcast live. But was it really him or one of those New World Order clones? I mean, if he was really tuned into this anti-new-world-order thing would he allow clones of himself to be made? Or was it his clone the Empress and former mayor met with? If it was, is the Empress sane enough to tell?
Verdiacee Hampton Goston, a.k.a. Verdiacee Turner, a.k.a. Empress Verdiacee Tiari Washitaw Turner Goston El-Bey, is the head of the Washitaw Nation, or Washitaw de Dutgdahmoundyah, a group of black people who claim to be a sovereign Native American nation within the boundaries of the United States. ...

“We been here,” declared the Empress, explaining that the original Native Americans were mostly of a dark complexion. She said the light-skin Indians of Hollywood fame were minority tribes in the Northwest that were mixed with the blood of Chinese invaders. “They made up less than a third of the total population of Indians on this land. White folks don’t owe Black people in America 40 acres and a mule. They need to get up off our land or start paying us some rent and taxes,” she said.

"I was born in my placenta," Her Highness explains. "I kicked out of it on my own, and then [the placenta] rolled up on my head like a crown."

The empress explains the derivation of their name like this: "Ware-shittinwood or water-shitta-washita - now Washitaw."

Actually, there were some Washitaw here even before the Africans arrived, the empress says, dating to when all the continents of the world were one. Their lands - the lands of all the earth - were known by the indigenous term "Mu."

"Are you aware that you are from Mu?" the empress writes in the January 1999 Washitaw Post. "Are you aware that your beginning was with Queen Mu? She was actually Empress Moo."

Confused? "Muu is the name taught to all nations by the Creator," Goston explains in We are the Washitaw. "All over the planet, the cattle teach the same name, Muu. ... We are in a land called Muu, thus we are the Muurs. ... We are the Ancient Ones."
As for the pyramid scheme, I assume you are referring to the 777 Prosperity Club or whatever it was called that is referenced in another thread here. I especially liked the site's present-on-every-page denials that they're a pyramid scheme.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by AAA31 »

I think that she's trying to cut back on spending, since more and more people leave every day. GRT has been disallowed to anyone who does not have an e-mail invitation from Beth, and the blog has been taken down, so no one can actually see what she's posting, if anything. Honestly, it's better this way, given that it will be much more difficult for people to fall into the trap...and we don't have to see her BS anymore.

Also, a point of information on Tara's name--I've seen it in the iterations of Marilyn Green, Marian Green, Tara Green, Tara Berkowitz, and Marian Harris (this is what you get when you reverse lookup their phone number).

In addition, the reason they asserted so heavily that Obama is Washitaw is not because of the "Empress"' claimed meeting with him, but because Rama/Ari/Mr.A/Osiris/whatever else he called himself claimed to have heard it from Michelle Obama. Because, you know, everyone who's anyone wants to talk to Rama, because he does SOOOOOOOOO much... >.>
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Gregg »

The empress explains the derivation of their name like this: "Ware-shittinwood or water-shitta-washita - now Washitaw.
Any relation to Bear Shittinwood?
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Deep Knight »

Southern Poverty Law Center
Intelligence Report, Spring 1999, Issue Number: 94
Starting Small

WINNSBORO, La. -- Sitting at a desk in her imperial residence, a suburban ranch-style house in rural Louisiana, Verdiacee Goston tells her story in a soft and frail drawl. She is by turns animated, evasive and, at times, incomprehensible.

The important parts of her tale, filled out with the memories of other residents, begin some three decades ago, when Goston showed up in the nearby community of Richwood, La., population 1,223.

For a time, Goston — who would one day describe herself as the powerful "empress" of a massive empire — was seen there by many of the oldest residents, the poor descendants of former slaves, as a kind of civil rights savior.

She circulated a petition and helped get the community incorporated as a town, paving the way to obtaining federal funding for a much-needed sewerage system and other basic infrastructure.

But the town's younger generation soon grew skeptical, particularly after she got herself appointed as Richwood's first mayor in 1975 and then battled to keep the post even after she lost the 1976 election to a man improbably named Governor Richardson.

In 1979, Mayor Richardson decided to run for reelection. In an interview, he said that Goston asked to meet him one night — but that he declined after his wife advised against it, worried because of Goston's well-known anger at losing the 1976 contest.

Some time later, on the night of May 11, 1979, 10 bullets were fired into Richardson's home. His wife was hit in the chin and required 160 stitches. The shooting was never solved, although Richardson says that he always felt it was related to the political confrontation between him and Goston. When the future empress won by a handful of votes, Richardson says he decided that he would not ask for a recount.

"It wasn't worth my life," he says now.

Hard Hats, Hammers and Brains in a Bowl
By all accounts, Goston was a most unusual mayor. She presided over town council meetings in a hard hat, using a hammer instead of a gavel. When the town's aldermen objected to her total control over the council agenda, she declared a "state of emergency" due to "unrest, fires of questionable origin, and the threat of a flood."

Claiming that her husband had been murdered and that the local sheriff was keeping his brains in a bowl on his desk, Goston obtained tiny Richwood's first-ever exhumation.

In 1984, Goston was indicted on four counts of public contract fraud, attempted felony theft and malfeasance. She was accused of stealing $150,000 in government money and making off with municipal goods including the town typewriter. But in the end, the charges were dropped.

The only thing she was ever found liable for was shooting two pigs foraging in a garden. "We cannot have pigs in Richwood," she said then.

So tumultuous was her passing through this tiny community, a blip along the side of the interstate, that a local newspaper ran a series: "A Town in Turmoil."

"They accused me of stealing $360,000 in HUD funds and $49,000 in revenue sharing funds," the empress told the Intelligence Report indignantly. "They knew it was a lie, because they themselves stole the records and took them to a laundromat. That money never actually got to me, and if it had, I'd be in jail, okay?"

There were other accusations, too. Helen Cleveland, wife of the police chief who served during Goston's tenure, claims that Goston talked a number of Richwood residents into giving her money after promising to double their investments.

Goston was finally ousted from office in the 1984 election. Ed Harris, the candidate who defeated her and still Richwood's mayor today, says that he inherited a mess.

"She left an empty trailer as the mayor's office, two beat-up police cars that weren't running and no records," Harris says.

Speaking to the empress today, there is a momentary sense that one could be in the presence of a wise old holy person.

But then Her Highness puts on two pairs of eyeglasses — simultaneously — to study a historical document that she's showing to an interviewer. She warns a photographer not to take a picture of her in this state "or I'll come over there and get ya."

Outside the imperial palace, a viscous green slime floats on the surface of the royal swimming pool. The garden is not doing too well either. A lone, scrawny grapefruit tree stands barely waist-high, doubled over with the weight of two ripe fruits.

In fact, there is little that's imperial about this empress. No large, jewel-encrusted rings. No heavy bracelets. She sips coffee with goat's milk in it, an elixir she swears by. She could be anybody's grandmother in her baby blue stockinged feet with little flowered cloth slippers sitting in front of her, endearing in her frumpiness.

Except that like many royals, the Empress Verdiacee "Tiari" Washitaw-Turner Goston El-Bey insists that her food be tasted before she touches it. "Little bitty fish hooks" and ground glass, she reports, have been found there before.
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Gregg »

Build a border around her house, require her to get a passport to go to the grocery store, impose a tarriff on all goods going in or ouot, cut off all utilities across the border etc...

And then, round up all the people she has sold "citizenship" packages to and deport them to her back yard.

But of course, she won't need to have license plates.
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by texino »

Texino's little known medical facts from way down south:

#36 Control of a dead man's "people." If you kills a man then takes his brains and place them in a bowl some place in your office, you can cause his family no end of difficulty until such a time as the brains rot and loose they power.
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by bmielke »

Gregg wrote:Build a border around her house, require her to get a passport to go to the grocery store, impose a tarriff on all goods going in or ouot, cut off all utilities across the border etc...

And then, round up all the people she has sold "citizenship" packages to and deport them to her back yard.

But of course, she won't need to have license plates.
Gregg we ahve enough trouble the borders we already have. I say we find the oldest, must rusty, nearly scrapped ship in the merchant fleet, sail it out to the 12 mile limit and deport them to it with a ban on returning to our harbors.
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Texino's little known medical facts from way down south:

#36 Control of a dead man's "people." If you kills a man then takes his brains and place them in a bowl some place in your office, you can cause his family no end of difficulty until such a time as the brains rot and loose they power.
Yeah, go ahead and blab all my secrets to the world! I've been controlling the families of those behind the scenes who control the "powers that be" for years using this method. As an added benifit the smell keeps prying eyes out of my office.
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:
texino wrote:Texino's little known medical facts from way down south:

#36 Control of a dead man's "people." If you kills a man then takes his brains and place them in a bowl some place in your office, you can cause his family no end of difficulty until such a time as the brains rot and loose they power.
Yeah, go ahead and blab all my secrets to the world! I've been controlling the families of those behind the scenes who control the "powers that be" for years using this method. As an added benifit the smell keeps prying eyes out of my office.
Yeah, but one day you will regret keeping peoples' brains in your office when the next zombie invasion breaks out. They will be swarming to your office like flies to a pile of....well I'm sure you get the idea.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by bmielke »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:
texino wrote:Texino's little known medical facts from way down south:

#36 Control of a dead man's "people." If you kills a man then takes his brains and place them in a bowl some place in your office, you can cause his family no end of difficulty until such a time as the brains rot and loose they power.
Yeah, go ahead and blab all my secrets to the world! I've been controlling the families of those behind the scenes who control the "powers that be" for years using this method. As an added benifit the smell keeps prying eyes out of my office.
Yeah, but one day you will regret keeping peoples' brains in your office when the next zombie invasion breaks out. They will be swarming to your office like flies to a pile of....well I'm sure you get the idea.
I have only two words for you "em sixty"
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Gregg »

bmielke wrote:
Gregg wrote:Build a border around her house, require her to get a passport to go to the grocery store, impose a tarriff on all goods going in or ouot, cut off all utilities across the border etc...

And then, round up all the people she has sold "citizenship" packages to and deport them to her back yard.

But of course, she won't need to have license plates.
Gregg we ahve enough trouble the borders we already have. I say we find the oldest, must rusty, nearly scrapped ship in the merchant fleet, sail it out to the 12 mile limit and deport them to it with a ban on returning to our harbors.
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by bmielke »

Gregg wrote:
I don't know Gregg, they are a sovereign nation, they might have a military or something, it might take the SEALS five minutes to clear it out do we have that kind of time with these people?
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Gregg »

bmielke wrote: I don't know Gregg, they are a sovereign nation, they might have a military or something, it might take the SEALS five minutes to clear it out do we have that kind of time with these people?
It would be even quicker if you used, Otters. Or like, Navy Seals!
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.

Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Trippy »

Gregg wrote:Image
:lol: :lol: :lol: Gregg and bmielke, I love you both!!! You have made my day!!

(I know, I'm mean ... but on days like today, dealing with idiots from around the nation, I can't help it!)
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Something from ... yes-to-pay that makes even Lovecraftian horrors think twice about taking Beth Trutwin seriously:
I work hard at this night and day. I am in constant telepathic contact with Tom the ring-tail Cat, my Brother, who works for the Secret Service. He let's me know what is happening and where to look. The difference between Tara and Rama and Beth and even the "good" news reports is WE DO NOT HAVE A GAG ORDER and they DO. We are literally ORDERED to SAY IT! So, they cannot comment on this angle of it, except in tongue and cheek and cannot mention NESARA Law, except in veiled ways. WE SCREAM hoots of Joy when they nod our way because they know all we do and have a gag order in place until the end...very soon!
I am going to have some tea and TRY to calm down, it has been a HUGE news day!!! I am getting excited folks, it promises to be a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Much love,

A ring-tailed cat in the Secret Service?
What's next, Kermit the Frog turns out to be the time-traveling love child of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, sans any female cells being involved?
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Deep Knight »

Comment by ҨΕlizabeth Trutwin₪ on November 19, 2010 at 10:40pm

Tara and Rama have been saying certain conditions must first be met and the Pope calling a Conclave on the SAME DAY the Black Farmers Get PAID is undeniable!
WE ARE THERE!!! IN HOURS OR PERHAPS DAYS, but no longer, according to the stretch of my imagination we will be looking at ANNOUNCEMENTS on TV.
Love You! Thank you for Being Here With Me!

Wow! Just like in the prophecy! During 1969 the powers that be allowed the "Musical" Hair to be put on Broadway, never realizing that the following message was coded into its lyrics:

When the moon is in the seventh house
and Jupiter aligns with Mars
and the black farmers get paid through Pigford v. Glickman
not to mention the Pope calls a conclave
Then peace will rule the planets
and love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
The Age of Aquarius!
Aquarius! Aquarius! Aquarius! Aquarius!

Can there be any doubt that Beth Tushwind knows the difference between her ass and her elbow and a hole in the ground?
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Deep Knight »

More coded messages from the "musical" Hair!

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello
you twinkle above us, we twinkle below
good morning starshine, you lead us along
my love and me
as we sing our
early morning singing song

gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy
la la la - lo lo
sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba
lee lee - lo lo
tooby ooby wala
nooby aba naba
early morning singing song

If that's not code speech, then nothing is! I put the "gliddy glub gloopy" part through the White Knight universal translator and got this:

The lawyers in Keepseagle, including Joseph Sellers of Washington’s Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll and Jenner & Block partner Paul Smith, said in the court papers that the claims process is not adversarial—unlike the one in Pigford. In Keepseagle, the attorneys said, the claims decisions are meant to be final with no right of appeal. The plaintiffs’ lawyers describe the Keepseagle process as “simpler” than the one used in Pigford.
If this isn't proof, then what is?
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Re: Beth Trutwin -ARGGGGH!

Post by Deep Knight »

Beth Trutwin has had a lot of posts since Thanksgiving, but none of them touch upon her failed prophecy. Strange...

Trutwin Tushwind
"Follow the Money"