The Real LB Bork Thread

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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by LPC »

wserra wrote:A more recent court made exactly this point. "We have travelled far since Mr. Chief Justice Taney delivered his famous dictum that "a corporation can have no legal existence out of the boundaries of the sovereignty by which it is created," and found it necessary to resort to principles of comity in order to sustain its right to enforce a foreign bill of exchange it had purchased.2 [Footnote citing Earle - WS] . . . That notion, too, has been supplanted in the application of the limitations of the United States Constitution by a more direct and immediate approach to the question of fairness, which arises under the Fourteenth Amendment and which, alone, seems relevant and material. International Shoe Co. v. State of Washington, 326 U.S. 310". Westcott-Alexander, Inc. v. Dailey, 264 F.2d 853 (4th Cir. 1959).
Now you've done it. You've cited the 14th Amendment, the "red amendment" that gave the federal government all those powers.

Of course, the 14th Amendment (based on my memory of International Shoe) had the effect of limiting the powers of state governments, rather than extending the power of the federal government, because it held that states could not tax activities outside of the state. But the reality of the holding is irrelevant. The boogeyman is out of the bottle (to mix metaphors) and now we will be drenched (metaphorically) with the spittle of the self-educated constitutional "researchers" who know so much more for having read so much less.

(Although the point made in the 1959 decision is interesting, and one I don't remember hearing before. Rather than attempting to limit a state's power of taxation by some near-fiction of corporate existence, or comity, the International Shoe decision went to the heart of the matter and asked whether the imposition of the tax was "fair" under the circumstances, which is a more sensible and honest question.)
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Cathulhu »

Geoff, aren't you skankbeat?
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Gregg »

Cathulhu wrote:Geoff, aren't you skankbeat?

For the love of Bob, let it be so! My favorite crazy person in the whole world, right here?

Makes me sorry I'm at work and can't find the appropriate "Kitty in Ecstacy" picture to express my thrill.
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by buck09 »

Don't mess with Bork...


He clearly serious about this stuff. Nothing says "narcissistic douchebag" like a bio pic like this.
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

buck09 wrote:Don't mess with Bork...


He clearly serious about this stuff. Nothing says "narcissistic douchebag" like a bio pic like this.
This guy reminds me of a Thin Lizzy publicity pic, in which the three members were, in someone's words, trying hard to "(exude) macho cool", but succeeding only in looking as stupid as Bork.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by The Operative »

While I chuckled at the picture, I got a bigger chuckle from some of what he says in his "About LB Bork" page.
LB Bork wrote: LB has always understood that the system for education is a thinly disguised system of mind control that thwarts our creativity and innovation, replacing it with rigid limitations.
That is typical of those who are truly too lazy to research something properly and instead formulate a preconceived delusion with very little basis in reality. Eventually, they do attempt some "research" and twist or ignore whatever they find that does not fit into that delusion.

EDIT: Bork changed his picture. The original was much more unintentionally hilarious.
Last edited by The Operative on Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

The Operative wrote:While I chuckled at the picture, I got a bigger chuckle from some of what he says in his "About LB Bork" page.
LB Bork wrote: LB has always understood that the system for education is a thinly disguised system of mind control that thwarts our creativity and innovation, replacing it with rigid limitations.
That is typical of those who are truly too lazy to research something properly and instead formulate a preconceived delusion with very little basis in reality. Eventually, they do attempt some "research" and twist or ignore whatever they find that does not fit into that delusion.
Maybe I missed something - but is that yet another one of those "third-person" attempts to . . . oh, never mind. :roll:
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by GlimDropper »

I'm not a huge fan of Ripoff Reports dot com, I mean I'm a huge fan of the principle but I have questions about how the site actually works. That being said it is at times a source of much unintended humor, such as when L.B. Bork defends his People's Awareness Coalition. The complaint opens with:
I was looking for a way to get out from under the Federal governments sytem(which there is a way I just chose the wrong person) this led me to People's Awaness Coalition. Which thier site is impressive, so I contacted L.B. Bork to find out more, one of the requirements to get started was to buy a copy of his book, "The Red Amendment" Which just disects the first amenment plus alot of his opinions.(Now let me tell you what he was going to do for me, He was going to do the paperwork to change my nationality status cause when the 14th amenment was implimented it changed our status from state to federal status which puts us under a different law base than the constitutional law total cost $450.00.
I have a tremendous amount of compassion for scam victims, I know how slick and manipulative some predators can be. But the gullibility of the average sovereign simply strains my ability to care. If someone was really tempted to send Mr.Bork their money but thought better of it, the odds are good they'll instead send their money to someone like Tim Turner or Rod Class. No real net gain there.

Mr.Bork, I realize you sell delusions. That's cool. I give you $450 and you send me some paper saying I'm no longer a citizen of the US Corp and am now some other sort of citizen (and generally wont have to pay federal taxes). But you're either unwilling or unable to post anything even remotely resembling proof that the people who give you their money have any different legal status (in the real world) than all the people who don't. Please regard the following as general customer service/relations advice in no way related to the product you sell. When someone sends you $250 of the $450 you ask and realizes you're selling them nothing, demanding the remaining $200 isn't the best way to engender positive feelings in other potential customers.

Granted, the type of people who use the internet to search for opinions other than their own are not your target market and all you need to say is that "Gene" is a CIA disinformation agent sent to smear your good name and you can congratulate your faithful followers for being smart enough to see past all the lies and still send you their money. But in one form or another you seem to say that sort of thing about all your critics, eventually your people will start paying attention to the man behind the curtain and it will be then that you'll have to prove not to us but to them, what kind of legal wizard you really are.

By the way, if you are so sure of the worth of what you sell, why do you (in your reply to Gene) specify that you have a no refunds policy? I mean it can't be all that hard for someone to get their Federal citizenship back if they really wanted to and you seem so sure they'll be better off without it, so why not a money back guarantee?
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by wserra »

GlimDropper wrote:I'm not a huge fan of Ripoff Reports dot com
Off-topic but important: you have a gift for understatement, GD. Magedson simply runs his own version of greenmail.
you [Bork] seem so sure they'll be better off without it, so why not a money back guarantee?
Oh, he has one. You return the unused portion of your citizenship, he returns the unused portion of your money.
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by LPC »

The messages from those defending Bork, who claim to have purchased his services and are quite satisfied with the results (and who may be Bork himself for all I know), are strangely consistent in failing to make any mention of exactly what was different in their lives after they had paid him $450 and he had manipulated their auras (or whatever it is that he does; even the people who have gone through the process don't seem to know what that is).

What benefit did they get from his services? No one seems to be able to say.

This is charlatanism at its worst (or best, depending on your point of view). People come to him with a problem that doesn't exist (or, if does exist, can't be cured), he waves his hands in the air, and they believe themselves to be cured.

It's a miracle, to be sure.
Dan Evans
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

LPC wrote:...
This is charlatanism at its worst (or best, depending on your point of view). People come to him with a problem that doesn't exist (or, if does exist, can't be cured), he waves his hands in the air, and they believe themselves to be cured.

It's a miracle, to be sure.
LB Bork and another man are standing on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, watching an eagle soaring out over the river far below. Bork points at the eagle and says, "For $1,200 I guarantee I can teach you how to fly."

"Really? Just $1,200? I always thought it cost more than that."

"Yep. Just $1,200 in advance. In cash."

"OK, here's the $1,200. Where's the plane?"


"Yea, plane. You said you could teach me how to fly!"

LB grabs the guy and hurls him over the railing into the abyss and shouts, "See, you're flying!"

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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by The Jurist »


Just stopped by to see what you people that appear to have nothing better to do are up to.

I see that there is nothing but abusive ad hominem attacks, and apparent disrespect for law.

Like I said, you people are laughably pathetic.

Oh, and for the average viewers:

An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), also known as argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise. The ad hominem is a classic logical fallacy. The ad hominem is not always fallacious, for in some instances questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue.

Ad hominem abuse (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to invalidate his or her argument, but can also involve pointing out factual but ostensible character flaws or actions which are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults and even true negative facts about the opponent's personal character have nothing to do with the logical merits of the opponent's arguments or assertions.

p.s. Nice picture of Bork
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Quixote »

The Jurist wrote:An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), also known as argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.


Ad hominem abuse (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to invalidate his or her argument, ...
The Jurist wrote:Children, ...
The Jurist wrote: ... you people that appear to have nothing better to do ...
The Jurist wrote: ... you people are laughably pathetic.

We're still waiting for some substance, LB.
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by The Jurist »

wserra wrote:
The Law of Nations is the best source for describing why the term "nation" is synonymous with the term "state" and what the true nature of a federal government is:
Snip a lengthy quote from de Vattel's "Law of Nations". Perhaps you could explain exactly how the opinions of an 18th Century Swiss diplomat-author became part of U.S. law.
Perhaps a twinkie will get your brain going ?
Further comment seems unnecessary.
I would like to comment further...

How did the English Common Law become part of US law?

How did the Roman Civil Law find its way into US law?

Hmmm... I am sure Vattel made a bunch of stuff up and put it in a book.
Those guys on the Supreme Court sure are duped for citing it from time to time.

Boy, the thread starter... What a Tool. Non Compass mentus. LOL
The Jurist

Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by The Jurist »

Quixote wrote:
The Jurist wrote: ... you people are laughably pathetic.

We're still waiting for some substance, LB.
Sorry, I do not chew my cabbage twice (especially when I do not like it all that much). Particularly on a board/forum full of a bunch of racist, incompetent, pathetic losers.

Have a great weekend, viewers! LB
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Jurist wrote:

We're still waiting for some substance, LB.
Sorry, I do not chew my cabbage twice (especially when I do not like it all that much). Particularly on a board/forum full of a bunch of racist, incompetent, pathetic losers.

Have a great weekend, viewers! LB[/quote]

You haven't even chewed your cabbage ONCE, pal.

You don't have the courage to stand up, among people who say that the Emperor Jurist has no clothes, and prove to us that you do. You're just a sniveling coward who throws epithets that are so absurd as to be laughable. I'd stack the competence and achievements of the other regular posters on Quatloos (I am recusing myself) against yours, anytime and anywhere.

If you never come back here again, it will be too soon.
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by wserra »

The Jurist wrote:Children,
Like I said, you people are laughably pathetic.
a board/forum full of a bunch of racist, incompetent, pathetic losers
What a Tool. Non Compass [sic] mentus [sic]
. . . and no law at all. Not a single citation.

Good thing this guy isn't into ad hominem.
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Think of our challenge this way, "Jurist": you now have the chance, to shut up once and for all and maybe even convert to your point of view, a compendium of recognized experts in law, finance, taxation and many related fields. Just come up with your proof; and if your proof stands up you can claim a victory (unlike Pete Hendrickson, irwin Schiff et al.).

That ought to be worth a few re-chews of the cabbage (although you can substitute something else).... :D
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

There once was a "jurist" named Bork
Who sounded all too much like Mork
While the substance was lame
He kept posting for fame
Into him, please insert a fork.

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Re: The Real LB Bork Thread

Post by LPC »

The Jurist wrote:The ad hominem is not always fallacious, for in some instances questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue.
He should have stopped cutting-and-pasting (without attribution) while he was ahead.

And it's not an "ad hominem" to point out that what is being presented is nonsensical, unsupported, and false.
Dan Evans
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