Don't Make No Sense

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Don't Make No Sense

Post by Deep Knight »

Patrick H. Bellringer

-From: LM
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 11:19 AM
Subject: Fw: A Message for Casper

Patrick ---

As of the morning of 10-4-10, it's just more of the same.

Since apparently Casper cannot or will not respond to my message of 9-2510 [see below], perhaps you can. And while you're at it, I'd appreciate the reasoning and logic behind the following:

Why is it that the bad guys can perform all sorts of illegalities and dirty tricks while the good guys must always play by the rules? Don't we have any leverage at all to get this thing done? What about the Suitcases for example?

I'm sure there are thousands of program recipients like me who simply don't understand why the good guys appear to be so helpless. This whole mess simply makes no sense!!!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Oct. 6, 2010

Dear LM:

Thanks for writing. Creator God's plans usually don't make sense to us. The plan is to bring down the evil U.S. Corporate Government and One World Order without violence. Creator God Aton of Light does not condone violence, and the Forces of Light and the Higher Dimensions use no violence, ever.

This will be the first time in this civilization, where such change is to occur without a bloody revolution in the streets. Common law and the Constitution of the Republic of the U.S. of A are being used under International Law to box in the corporate system and dismantle it. Each wrong move the evil players make closes the lawful "noose" ever tighter around their necks.

This is a slow process, because, as you say, the bad guys do not play by the rules. They break the rules and agreements, causing the good guys to change tactics again and again. I do not know why the "suitcase" evidence of their wrongdoing is not made public. My requests to post such on Fourwinds go unanswered. The good guys are either afraid for themselves or are trying to protect Fourwinds.

That is silly, for Creator God protects Fourwinds. The good guys apparently lack faith in the Forces of Light and are still learning their lesosns in soul growth.

Attacking Casper is foolish. He is only a very courageous reporter of the games being played. Without him you would have little information. We have great leverage, and the Light is winning.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#2 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: GG
To: Pat Bellringer
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 1:18 PM
Subject: Gulick Here - Question - Please


The reports from 'casper' continues to arrive with great detail and substance. Easy to understand since I too have followed his reporting for the past few years. However, those around me wonder why we have no results. How can such deliveries be held up this way?

What is being done by the long legged Mac Daddy, The Prince of Fools is not legal. Why not request, as the Constitution allows, the Provost Marshall and the 'real military' the Red Flag Officer to take charge of the deliveries by charging Treason and at least 38 other charges? It's the right thing to do.

If I sent Brinks on a delivery and someone not addressed would halt or redirect my delivery, it's time to file a charge against UPS, FED-X and/or Brinks! In short, what do I say to others that have these concerns? Before I exit the building, be sure you know I like 'casper' and his efforts to get the Global Settlements to their respective 10 countries and 50,000 stockholders Two of which, I know for sure, live here in North Carolina. Since January 20, 2009 this can has been kicked up and down 'ping pong alley' enough! If not released, then why not take other action to force this issue?

I just want to know how I should explain casper's outstanding reports, with purpose but without results. Thank you for your time.
G. G

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: G. G
DATE: Oct. 6, 2010

Dear G.G:

Thank you for your letter. I have answered some of your questions in my response to LM in the Hello Central! "No Results Makes No Sense!" You ask, "Why not request the Provost Marshall to take charge?" Sadly, the Provost Marshall has refused to act and carry out his responsibilities many times, and each time he has been replaced by another officer, who also refuses to exert his authority.

As you probably know, there are two militaries. There is the military of the Corporate U.S., which includes the Pentagon, and there is the military of the Republic. Much tension and in-fighting and fear of loss of position and pension has rendered them fairly ineffective in helping the "good guys".

You also say it is time to file charges against the Carriers for failure to deliver the packets. They have so many charges filed against them now, that when the needed changes come, they probably will never be heard from again. The problem presently is that the courts refuse to act on the charges, because they are also corrupt.

This process of change is far greater than just delivering the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claim bank packets to their recipients. We are challenging and dismantling a huge banking and government system of corruption world-wide. Money and power is all these elite One World Order Darkside people understand, so to bring them down, their fiat money system must be destroyed. That, my friend, is exactly what this network of little people across the world are doing.

Be encouraged that things are moving, if slowly, to bring Goodness to this nation and our world.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
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Re: Don't Make No Sense

Post by The Observer »

Well, I have wondered the same thing. And I think that now it is quite clear that the White Knights, St. Germain, Aton Light, etc. do not have the power, will and the cojones to step in and stop this nonsense once and for all. So the only answer is to call on a higher power to render justice.

And that means calling on the one true power who has always responded when Planet Earth was in trouble and under attack, when no help was available while we were being attacked and oppressed by aliens foreign and domestic. The one true power born of this earth and its innate elements. That's right, it is time to call on...

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Re: Don't Make No Sense

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:Well, I have wondered the same thing. And I think that now it is quite clear that the White Knights, St. Germain, Aton Light, etc. do not have the power, will and the cojones to step in and stop this nonsense once and for all. So the only answer is to call on a higher power to render justice.

And that means calling on the one true power who has always responded when Planet Earth was in trouble and under attack, when no help was available while we were being attacked and oppressed by aliens foreign and domestic. The one true power born of this earth and its innate elements. That's right, it is time to call on...

I've always wondered why the so-called Good Guys are dumber than a sack of hammers, given that they always seem to know what the Bad Guys are doing in regards to the packies but seem totally helpless to learn from these "foul deeds" and act to ensure that (insert the villain of your choice here) fails to order the packies back to wherever they are being stored to await delivery to a grateful populace :roll: .
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Don't Make No Sense

Post by bmielke »

If the good guys win then Bellringer goes hungry. Ergo the Bad Guys must win, plus if the good guys win we need our packies! I am counting on that packie! GIVE ME MY DAMN PACKIE!!!

Re: Don't Make No Sense

Post by ClemIsBack »

Attacking Casper is just wrong. Don't blame Casper. Blame the voices that haunt him.
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Re: Don't Make No Sense

Post by Deep Knight »

Yes, "Unbelievable" is Casper's middle name (his even having a middle name is strange, since he doesn't have a last name). But not as unbelieveable as this from the RAP-NESARA Now forum:
Now approaching 2 Million Visits to this site
We are now approaching the 2 million Visits or hits to this site. The purpose of this site is public awareness and the reporting of Real Time News 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.

Our 12 Skype rooms are set up for discussions, conference calls and intelligence reports from all over the world.

I thank you for your support and continuous contributions of news items and interesting stories.

John MacHaffie
Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:51 AM 0 comments
A while back I did an analysis of Dove's site visits from the bottom of her daily-weekly-once in a blue moon updates. The usage pattern was beyond "unusual," but then again, this wasn't any recognized "counter" but her own accounting. Whatcha wanna bet that she pulled these numbers from the same place Casper and MacHaffie are pulling their information?
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Re: Don't Make No Sense

Post by co-shoot »

From: PW
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:56 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

hey there patrick.

i need some more help

i have asked the ascended masters for their protection. i do have it. it is very powerful but here is the thing...the astral demons are still here and they can still influence me and my body.

They stop me from thinking. From visualizing, from feeling any kind of way i want too.

i learned it is because i give them my attention. but it is so hard not to give it. because they come inside my mind subtle. so its hard to catch them and ignore them.

the ascended masters protection is strong but then it leaves when i no longer give the protection attention. i feel like i have to believe in the protection every minute of the day just to keep it \"up\".

i understand that i must get rid of the astral demons on my own.

i asked for the ascended masters to get rid of them for me. but they don\'t do it. i guess because of my free will.

i have prayed to creator source but it is hard to make my prayers work to get rid of them. should i keep believing.

what am i doing wrong !!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Oct. 7, 2010

Dear PW:

Thank you for writing.

Doubt is the Darkside's greatest tool, next to fear, that they use against us. Our lessons include faith or belief in the power of our God Spirit within and to use it against the Darkness.

When we have conquered doubt, then it is that we have knowing. With knowing there is no question or doubt. Do you doubt that Creator God has power over all evil and Darkness? Do you doubt that you have this same power? When you ask for help from the Lighted Realms, do you doubt that they hear you? Do you doubt that they will help you?

As I have said before, ask, believing and you shall receive. Doubt and you shall not. These are hard lessons, but when you learn to walk in faith, believing---you shall truly find joy and peace. We have great examples from those, who have made this journey before us. Read of Daniel, when he was thrown into the lion's den, and of Peter, who walked on the water of the Sea of Galilee. I thank that, when we can walk on water or pass through prision doors, we have truly arrived" at graduation from 3D.

The Ascended Masters will help us, but they by Cosmic Law cannot do it for us. These are our lessons, not theirs. So, tell your astral demons to leave your space immediately and to never return. Then fill your space with Light, so no Darkness can enter, and believe it so. Ask for Divine Protection to keep all Darkness away permanently, and believe it so. You need only ask once.

I reconfirm my protection by giving thanks for it, whenever it comes to my mind, and that is many times a day. You are quite right when you say, "I have to believe in the protection every minute of the day just to keep it up;"

Walk in faith, believing, my sister.

In Love and Light,
Patrck H. Bellringer

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Re: Don't Make No Sense

Post by Gregg »

Much tension and in-fighting and fear of loss of position and pension has rendered them fairly ineffective
So they'd help make everyone gazongazillionaires, including themselves, except they're afraid to lose their pension?

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