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David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Demosthenes wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:Okay, let me see if I got this straight:

We can't ban him?

Okay, maybe not but I think it's high time we let little Davey sit in the corner and gibber to himself. The guy is definately delusional and it's painfully clear that nobody here is going to convince him otherwise.

I move we ignore him from here on out. Anyone second that proposal?
I stopped reading his gibberish months ago. He's mentally ill, and I don't reason with or laugh at mentally ill people. I continue to watch the threads where he posts because, as soon as people stop countering his scam information, he's out of here. I won't allow Q to be used to help mentally ill con artists peddle their con.
That is where the silly Quatloser Queen Demosthenes elevates herself to feeling qualified to psychoanalyze others. ... cMoney.wmv

I suppose that is the real insanity. To keep making the same mistakes over and over. Like presuming that because evidence is on another website, where you cannot view it for yourselves, it must not exist or be valid - Nikki.


David Merrill.
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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:I continue to watch the threads where he posts because, as soon as people stop countering his scam information, he's out of here. I won't allow Q to be used to help mentally ill con artists peddle their con.
That alone, Demo, is sufficient reason to "keep countering his scam information", the undesirability of feeding trolls notwithstanding. Silencing has to be a last resort, reserved only for the most extreme cases. Though I am of course aware that Q is private - thank you, Jay - I post again my favorite judicial words.
Justices Holmes and Brandeis wrote:Persecution for the expression of opinions seems to me perfectly logical. If you have no doubt of your premises or your power and want a certain result with all your heart you naturally express your wishes in law and sweep away all opposition. To allow opposition by speech seems to indicate that you think the speech impotent, as when a man says that he has squared the circle, or that you do not care whole-heartedly for the result, or that you doubt either your power or your premises. But when men have realized that time has upset many fighting faiths, they may come to believe even more than they believe the very foundations of their own conduct that the ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas -- that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market, and that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes safely can be carried out. That at any rate is the theory of our Constitution.
Abrams v. United States, 250 US 616 (1919) (Holmes and Brandeis, dissenting).
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by Nikki »

David Merrill wrote:Call (719) 520-6200 and request by Reception #:

1) Credit River Money Decision - #203290555
2) Title 12 U.S.C. §411 - #207015932
3) Thirteenth Amendment - #95110459
Why is it necessary to purchase certified copies of documents which (1) are available to the public and (2) have no validation that they are true and correct copies of the original documents?
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Nikki wrote:
David Merrill wrote:Call (719) 520-6200 and request by Reception #:

1) Credit River Money Decision - #203290555
2) Title 12 U.S.C. §411 - #207015932
3) Thirteenth Amendment - #95110459

Why is it necessary to purchase certified copies of documents which (1) are available to the public and (2) have no validation that they are true and correct copies of the original documents?

If you order up a set you will see you are wrong about that Nikki. The CRMD is directly from the clerk of court to my clerk. The Thirteenth Amendment is from the State Archiver and Title 12 is just too easy to look up to bother with the paper trail.

The Thirteenth Amendment is so popular my clerk has it taped up because people keep calling with no number information on it. ... office.jpg - you might need to cut and paste it into the Address bar.

Which is the only time in millions of documents that has ever happened.

One day I walked in to the office and found (proof of service) my BOE already on the screen. Nobody there at the computer; just somebody ordering by phone:

Good point Wesley;

Keep up the good work. If the authorization of the coupon flops, then I will either quit advocating it or improve upon it more, like I am doing here in this thread.

I think I know what either scares or annoys attorneys like Wesley Marc SERRA about this. It is the one thing in contract law that cannot be ignored in about any courtroom anywhere - good faith.

You quote Justice Louis Dembitz BRANDEIS and he is the fellow who blended law and equity by discounting all stare decisis between 1842 (Swift v Tyson) and 1938 (Erie). It makes a lot of sense that a Bronx tort attorney would be so admiring of America's premier Zionist.

How do I know this? If you look carefully above and right of the guitarist you might spot The Constitution with annotations next to the brown two volume Our Country set by Lossing. The big green book. ... 1181250616

Did you know that Brandeis donated $20K to settling the Negev - direct to David ben Gurion? Gurion quickly exagerated that to $100K but, so what? He had the justice system of America behind reclamation of Israel. ... ts/bza.htm


David Merrill.
Last edited by David Merrill on Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Nikki »


Does your CRMD file include the superior court order which invalidated the original decision?
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Nikki wrote:David:

Does your CRMD file include the superior court order which invalidated the original decision?

See for yourself?

Dear Wesley Marc;

Great cases, Rickman and Ware. Definitely worth striking up that Redeeming lawful money thread.


David Merrill.
David Merrill

addition cites

Post by David Merrill »

Thanks again Wserra;

Maybe you have a couple more?

Found in:

US v Rickman - 638 F.2d 182, 47
Norman v. B. & O. R. Co., 294 U.S. 240, 55 S.Ct. 407, 79 L.Ed. 885. In the exercise of that power Congress has declared that Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender and are redeemable in lawful money.
US v Ware - 608 F.2d 400, 44

It is also to be noted that Congress Has already come to grips with the question whether United States notes are legal tender in 31 U.S.C. s 452, which provides:

United States notes shall be lawful money, and a legal tender in payment of all debts, public and private, within the United States, except for duties on imports and interest on the public debt.
I think these cases might add to the effectiveness of the redemption authorization.

It is funny how easy it is to convince anyone but Quatlosers that if a specie is redeemable in lawful money, then it is not lawful money. Especially when the specie it is redeemable in is lawful money.


David Merrill.
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

However, oh deluded one, if they say legal tender on them, and they are declared by law to be legal tender, they are therefore lawful money, as in money authorized by law.

You are the one who doesn't get it.

Post by silversopp »

The last time we went around this with David, he admitted that FRNs are indeed lawful money. He confused himself with his own gibberish and got backed into a corner.
Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

He'd go away if he couldn't post links to drive up his hit counters.

Hint, hint.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

notorial dissent wrote:However, oh deluded one, if they say legal tender on them, and they are declared by law to be legal tender, they are therefore lawful money, as in money authorized by law.

You are the one who doesn't get it.

No. FRNs are redeemable in lawful money by Congress' definition. Do you think I am silly enough to let Internet voices define things?


David Merrill.

He'd go away if he couldn't post links to drive up his hit counters.
Hint, hint.

Here is what got JRB so upset:
What really gets me chuckling is when the defendant's attorney in a Libel of Review writes a letter to the suitor about how stupid the bogus suit is, imploring that the suitor needs to seek out an attorney who understands real law!

That is a real gas though. JRB is tired of my linking evidence, especially Congressional Records and the like that prove what I say is true. That makes sense. Me linking images does nothing to jack up the Views here - unless of course you consider it makes my posts more interesting... ... alaria.jpg
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Post by notorial dissent »

Merrill wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:However, oh deluded one, if they say legal tender on them, and they are declared by law to be legal tender, they are therefore lawful money, as in money authorized by law.

You are the one who doesn't get it.

No. FRNs are redeemable in lawful money by Congress' definition.
FRN’s are legal tender, which makes them lawful money by Federal Statute, and which has been confirmed by court decision, and you continue evade acknowledgment of those facts. FRN’s are redeemable in either other FRN’s or coin, those are the only two options left as those are the only legal tenders left in circulation.
Do you think I am silly enough to let Internet voices define things?
Considering some of the other incredibly stupid things you’ve said over time, I don’t question it for a moment.
Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

David Merrill Van Pelt wrote:
That is a real gas though. JRB is tired of my linking evidence, especially Congressional Records and the like that prove what I say is true. "
Nothing in his links is anything more than specious and concocted nonsense that is only "proof" to people with less than a room temperature IQ who seem to be enabled by things they find on the 'net.

Again - you cut the links and he'll eventually wander into oblivion. Without the various site hit counter influence, he has no impetus to continue promoting his scams.

This forum is simply enabling his illness a the expense of the rubes who may fall for it.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
David Merrill Van Pelt wrote:
That is a real gas though. JRB is tired of my linking evidence, especially Congressional Records and the like that prove what I say is true. "
Nothing in his links is anything more than specious and concocted nonsense that is only "proof" to people with less than a room temperature IQ who seem to be enabled by things they find on the 'net.

Again - you cut the links and he'll eventually wander into oblivion. Without the various site hit counter influence, he has no impetus to continue promoting his scams.

This forum is simply enabling his illness a the expense of the rubes who may fall for it.

I think at worst, the links are harmless entertainment. Your problem with the links is that they are actual testimony and evidence that what I say is true.

If not, then the Readers can decide that for themselves.


David Merrill.

P.S. That's JRB's MO really; to juxtaposition things. This time he tried to make up a fiction that when people click links to my images it increments the Views and that is keeping me here based on his presumption I am that egocentric. [My tripling a thread's Views is just an observation. And I suspect it is because I back up my assertions with evidence linked.]

One time JRB tried scaring the Suijuris members with a commentary about a fellow arrested in Bank of America. He actually tried to convince people to keep endorsing private credit with the Fed or they could be arrested like this unrelated fellow, and would have absolutely no recourse against BoA for initiating the arrest!

Find Bank of America's "Higher Standards" article.
Last edited by David Merrill on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Location: West of the Pecos

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

David Merrill Van Pelt wrote:
I think at worst, the links are harmless entertainment. Your problem with the links is that they are actual testimony and evidence that what I say is true.

If not, then the Readers can decide that for themselves.


David Merrill.
My problem is the allegedly "harmless" links contribute to the conspiracy to mislead people into dangerous and costly actions that they ultimately pay for while David Merrill Van Pelt risks nothing.

I'ts akin to "here, take this and throw it at that car."

No problem until the influenced doofuss actually hits a car and gets prosecuted when the driver of the car loses control and the resulting accident kills someone.

Van Pelt's ego won't let him spend time at a site where he can't reliably troll for visitors to his propaganda.

Cut the links, fix the problem.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
David Merrill Van Pelt wrote:
I think at worst, the links are harmless entertainment. Your problem with the links is that they are actual testimony and evidence that what I say is true.

If not, then the Readers can decide that for themselves.


David Merrill.
My problem is the allegedly "harmless" links contribute to the conspiracy to mislead people into dangerous and costly actions that they ultimately pay for while David Merrill Van Pelt risks nothing.

I'ts akin to "here, take this and throw it at that car."

No problem until the influenced doofuss actually hits a car and gets prosecuted when the driver of the car loses control and the resulting accident kills someone.

Van Pelt's ego won't let him spend time at a site where he can't reliably troll for visitors to his propaganda.

Cut the links, fix the problem.

I think you completely fail to understand you keep inferring a Government bond on me when you call me Van Pelt.
“Recognized Government bonds are as safe as Government currency. They have the same credit back of them. And, therefore, if we can persuade people all through the country, when their salary checks come in, to deposit them in new accounts, which will be held in trust and kept in one of the new forms I have mentioned, we shall have made progress.” The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt; 1933 The Year of Crisis; Random House 1938; page 19. Excerpt from the Address before the Governors’ Conference at the White House. March 6, 1933.

Redeeming lawful money is quite appropriate; especially now that the emergency of the Great Depression is long behind us.

But let's hear it out of your mouth JRB; you were just inferring that Readers clicking my links increments the Views count on the thread...


David Merrill.

Post by Nikki »

David, don't you ever learn?

You've been told at least three times that YOU (as part of your listening process) infer, someone else (as part of their speaking) implies.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

I call JRB's tactic legislating from the bench. He has brought his career into Quatloos. Except of course everybody else gets to keep posting links...
Pirate Purveyor of the Last Word
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Post by . »

Some put-upon voice in Van Pelt's head wrote:everybody else gets to keep posting links
Gosh, why might that be?

Could it be that because when sane people post a link, it's not done to increase the Google referral ranking/credibility of an idiotic site full of totally delusional BS?
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

. wrote:
Some put-upon voice in Van Pelt's head wrote:everybody else gets to keep posting links
Gosh, why might that be?

Could it be that because when sane people post a link, it's not done to increase the Google referral ranking/credibility of an idiotic site full of totally delusional BS?
Arising from:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:He'd go away if he couldn't post links to drive up his hit counters.

Hint, hint.
Judge Roy Bean continually infers a birth certificate bonding exists for David Merrill in the name David Merrill Van Pelt. That is his inference not mine. Good thing he is nothing more than an Internet voice.

In real life I imagine him a defrocked attorney in a black robe who continues to make feeble attempts at legislating from his keyboard/bench. Lately he is trying to impose special legislation against David Merrill that only applies like an injunction to me alone.

Of course you Quatlosers agree that we can weed out certain people we deem to be special cases. What JRB left you all to infer was that whenever you click a link, that drives up the Views count. Or better yet, maybe it is true, that because I post links more Readers click on threads where they see me posting!
I've left you an email before, didn't know if you got it
or not. I like your postings on here, I was wondering if I can
speak with you off of this nutty site
? I am also in Colorado.
my email address is:...

You might wonder with backstabbing Demosthenes the Queen of Quatlosers, why I am not out of here long ago?

[If she asserts the article is fiction maybe she can link the Wall Street Journal article?]

I cannot imagine you fathom how amusing it is to me JRB attempting to moderate only my ability to post links!!!


David Merrill.