Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

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Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

One thing you can always rely on Casey for is he is a scam magnet. He recently posted this to Youtube: As I have pointed out, this appears to violate a number of California laws in relation to foreclosure advice, but the joy is found in the connections. The website which Casey claims to be the administrator is as linked to from Casey's own site ... lcomes-you.
I have selected the "buzz words" for you:
mortgage elimination
victim of mortgage fraud
Certified Forensic Loan Auditor

Another Haterz has already started digging: ... omment-862 and it appears Casey's new buddy is a New York lawyer who believes in redemptionist theories, sovereignty and a lot of the other fun things you all love on here.

Check out the "practise area" on
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by wserra »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:it appears Casey's new buddy is a New York lawyer who believes in redemptionist theories, sovereignty and a lot of the other fun things you all love on here.
One Edward J. Maggio, to be exact. He is in fact a member of the New York bar. (I've never heard of him, but NY has a lot of lawyers.) And his blog contains some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen a lawyer publish.

One blog entry from June of this year is entitled "Dealing with the Difficult Clerk at the County Level". While Maggio quotes someone else, he clearly does so approvingly (he writes, "Thanks to John in the office who has been compiling information like this on dealing with clerks who are deciding they can make legal decisions"). Some excerpts:
Commercial liens seem to have extraordinary power for attacking government officials who break the Law. . . . Because the judges aren't involved, they can't stop you from filing your liens, and therefore, they can ‘t shield the government. . . . The lien can ‘t work if it ‘s not filed, so a recalcitrant clerk can stop your lien cold. Although the clerk's refusal to file the lien documents is almost certainly unlawful. . . . In general, it looks as if the liens can be used to compel the judges and public officials to obey the law, and The Uniform Commercial Code can be used to compel the clerks to obey the law . . . . If they don’t pay your “Final Notice” Demand in 30 days (plus 4 or 5 days for the mail), go to the County Elected Peace Officer (Sheriff), present copies of the two certified mail Demands for payment, sign a “Distress Warrant” or “Distraint Warrant” stating that you have NOT been paid, and have the Sheriff go get your money or sell the clerk’s car, mobile home, boat-motor-trailer, or whatever . . . . You can contact American Rights Litigators at phone # xxx-xxx-xxxx. They can help by writing very professional letters for you to use on any third parties, such as banks and employers.
"American Rights Litigators" is, of course, Eddie Kahn's contribution to fraud. When Maggio published this tripe, Kahn had been in federal prison for over two years. It's simply unbelievable that a lawyer would publish a how-to manual for filing fraudulent liens.

Maggio's blog also contains advice that's just stupid. For example:
This is courtesy of Holly and John in our office, this is fun especially when dealing with an attorney for the bank who just graduated law school:

The key to this strategy is objecting to anything said. When the bank/servicer attorney starts talking in court, your response is simple "I object; relevance."
Judges really appreciate lawyers who make dumb objections and cause proceedings to last double the time they need to last.
If they pull out a copy of an contract with your signature, deny its your signature and force them to produce the original. . . . Furthermore, when they attempt to use a copy of the note; deny the signature. If you deny the signature on the note and deny the debt as yours, you are forcing them to bring in the original to court by making it clear they are using a photocopy that is "hearsay".
Why isn't falsely denying your signature under oath perjury? Why isn't a lawyer who advises someone to do so suborning? And the claim that a copy is "hearsay" shows abject ignorance of the law of evidence. And this one I won't even quote; it's pure "bill of exchange" paytriot mythology.

In December of last year, Maggio filed a UCC-1 on himself, listing the secured party as "Edward-Joseph Maggio". How quaint.

Who is this guy?
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by GlimDropper »

wserra wrote:
Who is this guy?
Why he holds a Master of Science Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Oxford University in the U.K and is certified in corporate espionage, can't you read? Mr.Maggio has such an amazing resume that he could supplant Tim Turner as Interim President of the Restored American republic (I left the 'r' in republic uncapitalized out of respect) if it only weren't for the fact that he has the title "Esquire" attached to his name and has therefore forfeited his American citizenship (both De Jure and De Facto). So even before he admitted to studying in England he warned us that he's a member of "Her Majesties Secret (Legal) Service." To those who have ears, let them hear.

Casey Serin is who he is. When his initial "I am facing Foreclosure" days were still noteworthy he revealed himself to be a skillful manipulator, I'm not saying he was only pretending to be as fucked up as he presented himself to be but he clearly did present his worst face to his best advantage. Anyone remember Uncle Remus and his fable of the tar baby? Casey realized how to monetize the tar baby principle by way of the ad revenue his blog could capture. I have no doubt that he's a scumbag, but he's a skillful web2.0 scumbag, he isn't any form of evil genius but rather some sort of idiot savant of social networking. This YouTube clip is available only because he allowed it to be, for as embarrassing as it would have been to most people it IS Casey's preferred mode of expression and in some weirdly twisted way, it does work for him.

The more interesting character in this is Mr.Maggio (Esquire), he wouldn't be the first B.A.R. type to betray their oath to the Queen and play switch hitter for the sovereigns, but it is interesting to watch the transition. Either Mr.M is a true convert and an idealist or he's a blatant opportunist with so little faith in his ability to earn an honest living with the law degree he ostensivly earned that he felt the need to branch out to selling mythology under the color of his law degree. It's mildly interesting to see what links on Mr.Maggio's website no longer exist but now redirect to his homepage. Using the operative "site:" before his URL as a google search term reveals several of them. He is not unacquainted with "patriot" mythology nor until recently was he bashful in admitting it. Mr.Maggio (Esquire) could well become a heretic to both the sovereign community and the community that provides legitimate legal advice for a living. When you add Casey Serin as yet another clown to come out of the tiny little car this becomes a sideshow that perhaps bares watching.
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Casey isn't skilful, what web skills he has are few and out of date. Where he is skilful is as a manipulator, especially face to face. A lot of Haterz believe he is a sociopath (some of them have met him in real life). I'd add NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) to that. He believes himself to be special and superior to most others, but the reality doesn't fit. He falls for any scam where the seller offers "secrets they don't want you to know" so redemptionism, sovereignty rights, strawman accounts are just what he wants to believe (he's a 9/11 truther for instance). He started his house buying spree after doing some scaminar about flipping houses. He still thinks he's a real estate genius when all that happened was dozens of people made commissions out of selling him houses at the top of the market. He still believes he is famous, when his 15 minutes were up long ago. He is constantly trying to recreate the fame that the IAFF blog brought him, because he needs the narcissistic supply. The guy is PhD material for a psychologist.
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by littleroundman »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: A lot of Haterz believe he is a sociopath (some of them have met him in real life). I'd add NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) to that. He believes himself to be special and superior to most others, but the reality doesn't fit.
IM(very)HO a more fitting description would be the severe mental illness known as "malignant narcissism"
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

No, malignant narcissism according to the wiki includes sadism. Attempted domination and a superior attitude for no reason is Casey, he's never got really sadistic as far as I know.
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Ed Maggio is connected with or working in parallel with TJ Marrs "Free and Clear". You have to join the super-sekrit club to get all the answers though.
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Remove all beverages from reach. Remove all lesser, throwable objects. Do not eat or drink. Now you are ready for this: Casey Serin wants to become a lawyer by 2015. :lol:
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by Gregg »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Remove all beverages from reach. Remove all lesser, throwable objects. Do not eat or drink. Now you are ready for this: Casey Serin wants to become a lawyer by 2015. :lol:
In California he might do it. I mean Orly Taitz and Al Hodges are both members of the California Bar....
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Gregg wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Remove all beverages from reach. Remove all lesser, throwable objects. Do not eat or drink. Now you are ready for this: Casey Serin wants to become a lawyer by 2015. :lol:
In California he might do it. I mean Orly Taitz and Al Hodges are both members of the California Bar....
I know neither of the gentlemen to whom you refer, but I suspect they at least have the ability to write more than two pages in coherent English to a deadline. A skill Mr Serin appears to lack and therefore may limit his chances of membership of the California Bar.
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Re: Casey Serin gift that keeps giving

Post by Gregg »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:I know neither of the gentlemen to whom you refer, but I suspect they at least have the ability to write more than two pages in coherent English to a deadline. A skill Mr Serin appears to lack and therefore may limit his chances of membership of the California Bar.
Well, you're right, you obviously don't know either one, Casey writes at least as good as Orly (a crazy blond dentist from the former soviet union) and on his biggest mushroom fantasy he makes more sense than either one...
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