Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

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Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by co-shoot »

The Day The Earth Stands Still: In speaking to my Asian source last night it became clear that the FED is buying time for the Day of The event--"you are hearing a pre-amble of panic attacks (again) to securitize one's investment. The FED is vetting out all possible scenarios. They will stupidly print out more money
against their debt and that is just to keep the lights on around the world. A Weimar replay". He went on to say that even the Billionaire Clients of his are preparing for the inevitable Shutdown and Meltdown of the Worlds Financial System by Thanksgiving at the latest.Nothing like this has ever happened before in History.All day trading will stop--all ability to take Delivery of anything through the mail will end. Day trading and the Stock Market will not be able to function as the Net goes down by DESIGN! There is a Reason why all the Articles in the "Lame stream Media", are writing about the Military being involved so heavily in preparing for the KNOWN CYBER ATTACK that is planned! MARTIAL LAW ,the Military control over of the Country will be implemented as Law and order breaks down and all services from power,water, sewer and STORES CLOSE--ALL TRANSPORTATION(PUBLICS ABILITY TO TRAVEL) is controlled or forbidden and the EARTHS FINANCIAL SYSTEMS COME UNHINGED! THIS IS MAY BE THE THE LAST TIME I HAVE TO WARN YOU ABOUT THE PRECIOUS METALS--In speaking with one of The Largest wholesalers of Gold and Silver yesterday, that I have been doing business with for over 28 Years ,I was informed that Silver Rounds and silver bars are 4-8 weeks out ,meaning the Primary Market Sources that Precious Metals Dealers buy from for resale to the public are running on out of stock--SILVER EAGLES ARE STILL SOMEWHAT AVAILABLE AT INCREASING PREMIUMS- Gold is still available but silver is problematic--PLease call us Today at 406-586-4840 to check availability or e-mail me. We will only sell what we can deliver immediately.I will be on with Bruce Lee on "Omega Man Blog spot Radio" Tonight giving the Details so please tune in.
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Gregg »

So, the Apocalypse is finally here! And I'm SELLING gold!

Oh well, chicken soup in cans will be worth more than bars of gold anyhow...
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Brandybuck »

Put your money where your mouth is. I will bet you One Ounce Gold that we will not have a meltdown by Thanksgiving of this year.
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

auntizeituni wrote:i be having lots of silver and the gold coins. really this the time be buying not the selling. bank run happen fast. colapse of the paper muney could be happen anyday.
So could the collapse of silver and gold prices. Remember 1980.
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Deep Knight »

I think buying gold is a good idea because if everything gets really bad you can eat it (it's actually very nutritious , one of the reasons it's so valuable). Here is one of my favorite recipes.


1 (24 troy oz.) bar of gold
1/2 c. butter, melted
1 can cream of mushroom soup
12 oz. grated sharp Cheddar cheese
1 (8 oz.) sour cream
1 tsp. salt
1/2 sm. onion, minced
2 c. Corn Flakes, crushed
1/2 c. butter

Grate the gold using a jeweler's rasp. Mix together butter, soup, cheese, sour cream, salt and onion. Pour this mixture over potatoes in a 13 x 9 inch pan. Sprinkle crushed Corn Flakes over top. Drizzle butter over all. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour.
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Thule »

co-shoot wrote: In speaking to my Asian source last night it became clear that the FED is buying time for the [yada yada].
You know, calling the voices in your head "my Asian source" won't make the ramblings come more true...
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Cathulhu »

I've already put my money where my mouth is, figuratively, which is a lot more than any of the trolls can do (Hey Harv, don't you have a bet with Brandybuck that you haven't ponied up the stakes on?) by selling my bag of scrap gold (jewelery is a hobby) while prices are so nice and inflated. Seriously thinking of cleaning out the old stuff in the safe while prices are good.

Yes, paytridiots, the rule is BUY LOW SELL HIGH. People buying at these prices are stupid. With exception of when you find it dirt cheap at a yard sale, which was what filled up that scrap baggie of gold, and now I should really do something about that half pound of silver acquired the same way.
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by ClemIsBack »

I have a solid gold necklace I'd like to sell. Must weigh at least 3 ounces. A mother-in-law is permanantly attached. Anybody know where I can sell this package deal ?
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Gregg »

Deep Knight wrote:I think buying gold is a good idea because if everything gets really bad you can eat it (it's actually very nutritious , one of the reasons it's so valuable). Here is one of my favorite recipes.


1 (24 troy oz.) bar of gold
1/2 c. butter, melted
1 can cream of mushroom soup
12 oz. grated sharp Cheddar cheese
1 (8 oz.) sour cream
1 tsp. salt
1/2 sm. onion, minced
2 c. Corn Flakes, crushed
1/2 c. butter

Grate the gold using a jeweler's rasp. Mix together butter, soup, cheese, sour cream, salt and onion. Pour this mixture over potatoes in a 13 x 9 inch pan. Sprinkle crushed Corn Flakes over top. Drizzle butter over all. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour.
Or just get a pint of Goldschlager
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by bmielke »

ClemIsBack wrote:I have a solid gold necklace I'd like to sell. Must weigh at least 3 ounces. A mother-in-law is permanantly attached. Anybody know where I can sell this package deal ?
I know a pawn shop that will buy anything.

Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Trippy »

Idiot wrote:The Day The Earth Stands Still: In speaking to my Asian source last night it became clear that the FED is buying time for the Day of The event--"you are hearing a pre-amble of panic attacks (again) to securitize one's investment. The FED is vetting out all possible scenarios. They will stupidly print out more money against their debt and that is just to keep the lights on around the world. A Weimar replay". He went on to say that even the Billionaire Clients of his are preparing for the inevitable Shutdown and Meltdown of the Worlds Financial System by Thanksgiving at the latest.Nothing like this has ever happened before in History.All day trading will stop--all ability to take Delivery of anything through the mail will end. Day trading and the Stock Market will not be able to function as the Net goes down by DESIGN! There is a Reason why all the Articles in the "Lame stream Media", are writing about the Military being involved so heavily in preparing for the KNOWN CYBER ATTACK that is planned! MARTIAL LAW ,the Military control over of the Country will be implemented as Law and order breaks down and all services from power,water, sewer and STORES CLOSE--ALL TRANSPORTATION(PUBLICS ABILITY TO TRAVEL) is controlled or forbidden and the EARTHS FINANCIAL SYSTEMS COME UNHINGED! THIS IS MAY BE THE THE LAST TIME I HAVE TO WARN YOU ABOUT THE PRECIOUS METALS--In speaking with one of The Largest wholesalers of Gold and Silver yesterday, that I have been doing business with for over 28 Years ,I was informed that Silver Rounds and silver bars are 4-8 weeks out ,meaning the Primary Market Sources that Precious Metals Dealers buy from for resale to the public are running on out of stock--SILVER EAGLES ARE STILL SOMEWHAT AVAILABLE AT INCREASING PREMIUMS- Gold is still available but silver is problematic--PLease call us Today at 406-586-4840 to check availability or e-mail me. We will only sell what we can deliver immediately.I will be on with Bruce Lee on "Omega Man Blog spot Radio" Tonight giving the Details so please tune in.
Uhhhh .... people have been saying stuff like this, for one reason or another, since 1960 or so. Hasn't come true yet, and no reason to believe it will.

{yawn} Next?
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by co-shoot »

NEXT? LOL :brickwall:

Jim Willie: Thoreau, RICO & Mortgage Fraud

Posted By: Lion <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 24-Oct-2010 19:24:50 -------------

Paper. Words on paper, written by individuals without conscience or reason.

Papers of greed. Papers of fraud. Papers of corruption.

Worthless paper, yet it destroys dreams and liberty, that is if WE deem the paper to be legitimate.

The core issue then, is putting faith or belief in the paper.

Paper really doesn't mean much until someone believes what it says on the paper.



"Thoreau, RICO & Mortgage Fraud"

By Jim Willie, Golden Jackass.com



Found Here:


"-- to warn that legal prosecution of home foreclosures from fraudulent titles has caused a freeze in a few states, which could spawn much broader voluntary defaults with challenges, and declaration of the MERS title database being a RICO racketeering tool... civil disobedience could push the big crooked banks over the edge, even cause a systemic failure... witness the climax of the Fascist Business Model urged by a macro credit cycle liquidation process... Gold & Silver are in strong breakout mode, the hedge against monetary system breakdown, currency debasement, and banking system shutdown potential..."




Some significant events are in progress, extremely important developments in the grand pathogenesis that reflects the deep decay and deterioration in the US financial structure.

The most recent events pertaining to mortgage loans, home foreclosures, and disclosed fraud carry great potential to open wide cracks in the American social order.

Revealed fraud is slowly coming into the open by the big banks.

Civil disobedience has already taking form in popular protest.

However, the recent events surrounding illegal home foreclosure seizure of properties elevates the exposed fraud to a new level.

This is a boil ready to break open upon the society.

The cases where people have been removed from their homes, even when no bank loan exists (as in owned free & clear), by means of fraudulent and forged documents, has finally provoked RICO law provisions.

Witness the prima facie case of organized crime extended from Wall Street, whose roots lie most likely in Fannie Mae itself.

The legal industry has finally joined the fray in class action lawsuits. Defense citing errors made have been met with accusations of fraud, quite a different game.

The Racketing Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970 was designed to fight organized crime.

RICO has been invoked in class action lawsuits in at least two states in the past month, each related to mortgage fraud, securities fraud, and illegal property seizures.

At the center of the firestorm lie JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and GMAC (now called Ally).

Little did the USCongress realize that RICO laws might be used to oppose criminal activity on Wall Street.

When tracked with some forensic analysis, the roots are found in REMICs, those perverse financial instruments that functioned as umbilical cords to Fannie Mae in past years, funding its powerful centrifuges.

They fed the housing bubble and mortgage finance bubble, each valued over $10 trillion in size.

Bear in mind that RICO has been used primarily against mafias and crime organizations dealing with gambling, drugs, murder, and prostitution, where property seizures are routinely carried out.

Abuses have been seen in states like Florida, where motorboat owners guilty of owning small bags of marijuana have lost their boats in legal seizure.

It seems that selective enforcement is obvious. The target within the crosshairs has moved to Wall Street banks and their servicer arms. These are dangerous times.

Recent cases threaten to encourage the Strategic Loan Defaults and highly charged Civil Disobedience which could actually contribute in powerful ways to commercial chaos, popular disorder, public disruptions, creeping distrust, and even systemic failure.

Hundreds of thousands of people are not making their mortgage payments, intentionally stopping payments, many when they do have the ability.

Over 250 thousand Bank of American mortgage holders have stopped making monthly payments, in open defiance, reacting to financial distress.

The maneuver of Strategic Loan Default, together with challenges (even with attorneys) to the banks to produce legal property titles, has grown sharply in practice.

The RICO cases underway threaten to toss an accelerant on that fire.

Henry David Thoreau would certainly be observing closely, perhaps smiling, at the current developments of citizen action against corrupt bank practices, mortgage bond fraud, and forgery of securities as well as critical legal documents.

His essay had a profound effect on me when young, when cruel abuses were endured within my catholic school locally and observed in the Vietnam War globally.

Of course, the Jackass does not sponsor, endorse, or encourage any such action, believing that the highest level bankers should receive their due.

The question is what is due?

Objective reporting of the news, such as the viral news of the fraudulent home foreclosures, seems to have escaped the mainstream news, a consistent theme that hints of concealed sympathy.

The last thing a network news systems wants is to encourage civil disobedience, since banks lose from widespread social protest.

For four years, the Jackass has placed focus upon Fannie Mae, reportedly the central clearing house for diverse USGovt agency fraud.

Their tools are mortgage loans, mortgage bonds, REMICs, and more recently the MERS title database.

Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits were a necessary piece to the housing and mortgage bubble, through which is laced colossal fraud.

The REMIC acted like a mortgage futures contract, clear of any supervision or regulatory oversight.

Imagine a leveraged futures contract on twin bubbles where unbridled fraud was common.

Recall that $1500 billion went missing from 1988 to 2000 in two HUD regional offices.

One was Houston and the other was Oklahoma City, the home grounds for sitting presidents.

The missing funds have fed black bag funds, even financed the highly active Working Group for Financial Markets.

It and high frequency trading keep the stock market afloat.

The entire set of prima facie and expanded aspects of the mushrooming story are to be covered in the October Hat Trick Letter reports.

But honestly, this is a huge moving target, whose capture is better described as herding cats on an open field.


The event mushroom has a primary point of vulnerability that has received very little attention.

The Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) was originally an innovative process that simplified the way mortgage ownership and servicing rights were originated, sold, and tracked. MERS is a property title database, intended by Wall Street and Fannie Mae to serve as a repository that kept order when mortgage bonds were traded fast and furious.

In recent court cases in at least three states, the MERS database failed to attain legal standing in mortgage foreclosure challenges.

The holder of the note (home loan) could not combine with the MERS database (title holder) to win property control within the courts.

The system began to unravel.

Now in at least one state, the MERS database is directly cited in a criminal fraud class action lawsuit that invokes the RICO statutes.

MERS is the financial system's Achilles Heel in my view.

Maybe a big bank might fall into ruin in the wake of some assets confiscated after demonstrated racketeering.

With clarity increasing over time, several big banks have been dead since October 2008.

If not for the lax and complicit accounting rules by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the big banks would undergo liquidation.

They cling to control of the USGovt financial purse and its valuable USDollar printing press.

Big bank liquidation is tantamount to liquidation of the entire US financial structure from the top down, in plain words.

(end snip)
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Deep Knight »

auntizeituni wrote:yes headning out of country soon but me hearin more rumors like this. banks in traouble, Fedral Reserve bank becoming gold treasury banks, lumenatti going down. Now let me ask. I kno you say one thing for public to here but tell me straighte up ... IS it time? time to say i never part of it, to switch sides? to padriot side? ok speak private discretion assurd. thankin you

Yes, the banks are a trouble, much as one would say a someone was a "girl in trouble" in the 50's. It's from "parking" with those banks from the wrong side of the tracks.
You heard correctly, the Federal Reserve is becoming gold, not in the sense that is acquiring gold reserves or using it to back currency, but it's actually becoming gold. And not just the buildings and furniture either, employees have been turned into gold. They're like gilded statues, littering the halls.
Please don't talk about the Illuminati "going down," they're our slave masters here at Quatloos and actually quite sensitive. And when they have a bad day at work, we have a bad day at work, if you know what I mean.
As for your question, "Is it time?" the answer is "yes" and "no." Yes, you should switch sides. Use a good switch, I like willow saplings. No you shouldn't pad or riot that side after it's been switched, especially if it's a side of coleslaw. I hope this is clear, if not, do what you think best but don't blame me if the secret food police put you on the watch list.
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by JamesVincent »

auntizeituni wrote:yes headning out of country soon but me hearin more rumors like this. banks in traouble, Fedral Reserve bank becoming gold treasury banks, lumenatti going down. Now let me ask. I kno you say one thing for public to here but tell me straighte up ... IS it time? time to say i never part of it, to switch sides? to padriot side? ok speak private discretion assurd. thankin you

I always though it is a better way to prove your points and theories by actually being able to use the English language as a tool. My God man, there is so much red on my screen from spell check running on your quote that I think you must be a communist. And spell check doesn't pick up idioms and improper grammar otherwise I would think you were Josef Stalin himself, returned to subjugate the masses again.
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Gregg »

JamesVincent wrote:
auntizeituni wrote:yes headning out of country soon but me hearin more rumors like this. banks in traouble, Fedral Reserve bank becoming gold treasury banks, lumenatti going down. Now let me ask. I kno you say one thing for public to here but tell me straighte up ... IS it time? time to say i never part of it, to switch sides? to padriot side? ok speak private discretion assurd. thankin you

I always though it is a better way to prove your points and theories by actually being able to use the English language as a tool. My God man, there is so much red on my screen from spell check running on your quote that I think you must be a communist. And spell check doesn't pick up idioms and improper grammar otherwise I would think you were Josef Stalin himself, returned to subjugate the masses again.
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Re: Where to buy gold, uh, oh sure~~~~~~~~~

Post by Cathulhu »

And is very likely a sock puppet.
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