FED caught trying to infiltrate Brown home!!!

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Post by ASITStands »

Just out of curiosity, what is the authority?

I'm not familiar with any particular statute or regulation granting such, but then again, I haven't actually looked. I know there's a warrant, but that included Ed and Elaine only. And, how does that translate to cutting off cellphones, etc?
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Post by Demosthenes »

gezco wrote:Is it possible that an arrest warrant or indictment has already been executed against Cirino? Assuming that he lives through this, what is the likelihood that he will be prosecuted?
Q 1: Quite possible, and unfindable since it would be sealed.

Q 2: 100%
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Post by Demosthenes »

Video here: http://www.wmur.com/news/13513255/detail.html

Texas Man Says Son Among Brown Supporters
Man Says Son Took Guns To Plainfield Home

POSTED: 6:16 pm EDT June 15, 2007

PLAINFIELD, N.H. -- A Texas man told a television station this week that his son is one of the people who have traveled to Plainfield to support a couple who have refused to surrender after being convicted of tax evasion.

Jose Gonzalez told station KIII in Corpus Christi, Texas, that his son, Reno Gonzalez, left in April to support Ed and Elaine Brown. Jose Gonzalez said that his son learned about the Browns online and brought handguns and a .50-caliber rifle with him. He said his son told him he was ready to defend the Browns with his life.

"We know that there's a gentleman named Gonzalez, and he's been there for a while," U.S. Marshal Steve Monier said.

The Browns have been holed up in their Plainfield home since they were sentenced to more than five years in prison each after they were convicted of federal tax evasion charges.

Monier said that several people have shown up to support the Browns, but officials have not barricaded the entrance because they are concerned that could spark a confrontation. He said that supporters like Reno Gonzalez run the risk of facing charges.

"Certainly, it concerns us greatly if they're bringing them weapons or ammunition," Monier said. "That's a serious felony offense."

It has become more difficult to contact the Browns. A phone number listed at the end of their lengthy driveway has been disconnected. Reporters had traveled down the driveway to interview them, but officials said that may no longer be safe.

Reno Gonzalez has no criminal convictions, but Monier said it is impossible to predict how far the supporters living with the Browns are willing to go.

"We're telling people, 'Don't go there. Please don't go to the compound,'" Monier said.

Despite the Browns' claims that the situation could turn into another Waco, Texas, Monire said that officials are using calculated and not confrontational techniques to get them to surrender.

"We have shut off their utilities. We've shut off their phone and Internet service," he said. "We don't need to make it comfortable for them."

Officials admitted that the Browns may be able to stay in their home for some time. The house has wind and solar energy and a stockpile of food.

The Browns are planning a major news conference for Monday afternoon. Joining them will be Randy Weaver, a survivor of Ruby Ridge. In 1992, U.S. marshals and the FBI raided his Idaho home, believed to be a white supremacy compound.

He talked with the Browns on an Internet radio show Friday about why he's going to Plainfield.

"To prevent any bloodshed on either side and get national attention on this whole situation," he said.
John J. Bulten

Post by John J. Bulten »

As you can see, my first foray into New Hampshire politics is going precisely according to plan (losthorizons.com/newsletter.htm):
Pete Hendrickson wrote:Some Disturbing Observations About An Ongoing Tragedy

I JUST SPENT 45 minutes or so on the phone with Ed and Elaine Brown, the brave and patriotic New Hampshire couple presently being victimized by those who exploit the general ignorance about the true nature of the "income" tax for their own profit and comfort. The conversation was heartwarming on the one hand, and deeply disturbing on the other.

Most of you are probably at least somewhat familiar with Ed and Elaine's story (and many of you know a great deal more than I do about them). For those who know less than I do, I'll briefly explain that Ed and Elaine Brown are a couple of very typical Americans, who were raised to believe that they lived in a country blessed with a limited, Constitutional system of government under a general rule of law. Like most, Ed and Elaine ended up realizing that the present reality is a good deal less than that, but didn't become so cynical as to forget or come to doubt how it's supposed to be, here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Ed has had a long career as an exterminator, and Elaine is a dentist. Two typical, useful, productive people. But, like I said a moment ago, Ed and Elaine never lost sight of the terms under which the federal government was created, and to which it must conform if it is to have legitimacy.

A number of years ago, after doubtless traveling many circuitous paths of study, that perspective led Ed and Elaine to the apparent conclusion that they were simply incapable of being personally liable for income taxes. The couple stopped filing tax returns and paying the tax, and reorganized their affairs in various ways in accordance with this conclusion.

In April of last year, Ed and Elaine were charged by the federal government with several counts of fraud and tax evasion. Today, months after walking out of their trial midway through and ending up convicted in absentia, Ed and Elaine Brown are holed up in their New Hampshire home-- waiting for a storm of federal agents, sheriff's deputies, and maybe a military special ops type or two to descend upon them, likely ending up with both Ed and Elaine dead.

I SAID THAT MY CONVERSATION with Ed and Elaine was heartwarming, and indeed it was. These are brave and sincere Americans who make it clear that they intend to stand up for what they believe to be right and proper, whatever the consequences. It is impossible to speak with folks like these and not feel a swelling of profound and inspiring admiration for their commitment and courage.

But I also said that our conversation was deeply disturbing to me. The reason for that is that however much of Ed and Elaine's ordeal and present circumstances is the fault of "the system"-- meaning the deliberately obscure and corruptly exploited body of law related to the tax, and the crass legal process into which Ed and Elaine were thrust, where the proper goals of truth, justice and the rule of law have long-since been supplanted by that of accommodating the degenerate lust of the state to be free of all restraints-- much fault can also be laid at the feet of some of those in the very community that so admires Ed and Elaine's bravery, and who share their basic perspective on the proper relationship between citizen and state.

The fact is that while Ed and Elaine Brown are definitely victims of a crass and corrupt "system" looking to keep its ignorance-fueled gravy-train chugging along without interruption, they are also ongoing victims of the incessant broadcast and repetition within this community of gross misunderstandings about the law. It was the embrace of such misunderstandings which ultimately allowed the "system" to gain purchase on Ed and Elaine, and which continues to prevent them from doing what might still be done to possibly alleviate their situation.

I'm not going to discuss the details of these misunderstandings (other than to vehemently recommend the 'Tax Tip' found on Page Two of this newsletter, and the documents linked therefrom). All are already the subject of numerous detailed discussions long posted and available at http://www.losthorizons.com/tax/misunde ... gs/map.htm. Those who are interested in reading these commentaries (and seeing the documentary evidence associated with many of them) have, and have had, ample opportunity to do so; those who are not aren't going to shed their resistance just because I reproduce them on this page.

Instead, I will simply ask everyone to read the comments posted at 'Everyone Is Entitled To His Own Opinion, But Facts Are Facts', and also to re-read the regular "Foreword" to these newsletters, in the hope that the plight of Ed and Elaine Brown will help reinforce the importance of the call to action that it presents.
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Post by grixit »

"vehemently recommend?"
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by gezco »

John J. Bulten wrote:As you can see, my first foray into New Hampshire politics is going precisely according to plan (losthorizons.com/newsletter.htm):
I couldn’t get past the part about Ed Brown being a victim without laughing.
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Post by wserra »

Aww. Isn't that heartwarming?

Willie Sutton advising George Metesky.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by ElfNinosMom »

From the Concord Monitor, 6/16/07 at http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs ... /706160344
Ruby Ridge figure coming to Browns
Standoff survivor to advise tax protesters

By Margot Sanger-Katz
Monitor staff
June 16. 2007 8:00AM

Plainfield, meet Ruby Ridge.

Randy Weaver, who survived a standoff with U.S. marshals in Idaho that claimed the lives of his wife and son, is driving to New Hampshire this weekend to advise Ed and Elaine Brown on how to manage their own conflict with the marshal service.

"If it helps, I'm more than willing to do it," Weaver said on an internet radio show this week.

The Browns, who have been holed up in their Plainfield home for nearly five months, say that any attempt to arrest them will result in bloodshed. The couple has been sentenced to more than five years in prison for a series of crimes related to their nonpayment of federal income taxes.

Weaver, who was involved in white-separatist causes in the early 1990s, failed to appear for a court appearance in 1992 on charges he'd owned illegally shortened shotguns. When marshals came to his home to arrest him, a shootout ensued. A deputy marshal was killed, along with Weaver's 14-year-old son, Samuel, and his wife, Vicki.

After a standoff that continued for 10 days, Weaver, a friend and his remaining family members surrendered peacefully. He was acquitted on charges of killing the marshal. The standoff, which was covered extensively by national media, became a symbol of government overreaching in the militia movement.

Ed Brown has said that the events at Ruby Ridge and Waco, Texas, a few years later first made him suspicious of the federal government. At Waco, a prolonged standoff between federal agents and members of the Branch Davidian religious sect ended with the deaths of 79 people.

Brown confirmed in an interview at his house that Weaver had called him and is coming to Plainfield, but Brown took pains to distinguish between his own situation and that at Ruby Ridge.

"We are not a Ruby Ridge. We are not a Waco," Brown said. He added that his circumstances were rather the outcome of his "criminal investigation" into the actions of the federal government in New Hampshire.

Last week, marshals and state troopers surrounded the Browns' home in Plainfield, bringing SWAT teams, armored vehicles, ambulances, helicopters and an explosives disposal unit. U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said that marshals were there to provide security while the Treasury Department seized a commercial property owned by the couple 10 miles away in Lebanon.

Dan Riley, a Brown supporter who was walking the couple's dog, was detained and questioned by marshals after he accidentally spotted officers hiding in the woods near the Brown home.

Weaver said that his goal in visiting the Browns was to help the couple negotiate with the marshals and reduce the likelihood of bloodshed.

Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, said that Weaver's appearance has symbolic value for the Browns.

"Ed Brown is trying desperately to portray himself as some kind of victim, and bringing Randy in is designed as evidence for that idea," Potok said.

Calls for Weaver's involvement in the Brown case began months ago from Brown supporters on the internet. He agreed to visit New Hampshire this week after learning that a group of radio personalities would bankroll his trip.

On the radio, Weaver said that he would not fly to New Hampshire because he did not want to go through security. He described how his daughter underwent a pat-down and a search of her bag.

"It appears to me that the foreigners have taken over our government, period," he said of the incident.

He hit the road last night with John Stadtmiller and Michael Herzog, who host shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network, an internet radio station that also broadcasts Ed and Elaine Brown's daily show Ed Brown Under Siege. Alex Jones, whose Alex Jones Show is on another internet radio station, first publicized Weaver's willingness to travel during an interview on his show Tuesday.

"He said, 'I'd like to go support those people to draw attention to that,' " Jones said in a phone interview yesterday. "Next thing I heard, he is on his way up to the property, and I'm really excited about it because I want to get as much attention to this nationally as I can."

Stadtmiller would not answer many questions about the trip and would not even say where Weaver is departing from. (Weaver has told Jones's radio listeners that he's living in Arkansas.) But he said they left last night and planned to arrive in Plainfield tomorrow. A press conference at the Browns' home Monday has been publicized on the internet, but Stadtmiller said he wasn't sure if the event would happen.

Peter Jamison of the Valley News contributed information to this story.

------ End of article

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Post by Demosthenes »

There's never a dull day in the land of the crazy kooks.

http://home.comcast.net/~davidclarence/ ... 1_2-SM.pdf

David Clarence's real name is David Clarence Schroll.
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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:There's never a dull day in the land of the crazy kooks.
A 5-cent stamp?

I can't even begin to imagine.
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Post by Cpt Banjo »

This is doubtless a legacy of the Littleton Stamp Company of Littleton, NH., which in the early 50’s was one of the fastest-growing stamp dealers in the country. The company’s success was primarily due to its advertising in newspapers, magazines, and comic books (see an ad for Hitler stamps here: http://blog.modernmechanix.com/2007/06/ ... er-stamps/ )

The company no longer deals in stamps and is now known as the Littleton Coin Co. Its history is summarized here: http://www.answers.com/topic/littleton- ... mpany-inc/

Littleton, of course, just happens to be the location of the “district court to the federal circuit” referred to in the document cited by Demo..
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Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:There's never a dull day in the land of the crazy kooks.
A 5-cent stamp?

I can't even begin to imagine.
What, you were expecting the old admiralty flag?

We have moved way beyond the First Circle of the Lunatic Fringe. Please try to keep up.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by grixit »

Demosthenes wrote:There's never a dull day in the land of the crazy kooks.

http://home.comcast.net/~davidclarence/ ... 1_2-SM.pdf

David Clarence's real name is David Clarence Schroll.
Dang fax machine-- keeps picking up transmissions from an alternate universe.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by Prof »

CaptainKickback wrote:Whoop-dee-f*cking-doo about your (John J. Bulten) foray into NH politics.

News flash, outside of the New England area, people view NH, VT, RI, CN, ME as dinky little gnat-fart states with a population smaller than most counties in CA or TX.

And it is so nice that all the "TPs" who happen to be gun-kooks are heading to one location where they can all be "handled" by Federal law enforcement authorities.

That is a really sad little fantasy you have going there John. Bush league. Small time. Mean and tiny. And as a joke it bombed bigger than Ishtar......

Captain, you said:
News flash, outside of the New England area, people view NH, VT, RI, CN, ME as dinky little gnat-fart states with a population smaller than most counties in CA or TX. "

News flash, outside of the New England area, people view NH, VT, RI, CN, ME as dinky little gnat-fart states with a population smaller than most counties in CA or TX.
Captain, actually there are a large number of counties west of Interstate 35 (Laredo to N. of Waco) and I-35-W (Ft Worth) that have such small populations that the kids are bused to schools in other counties.

Lots of SW and W Texas is going back to brush and whatever, as large tracts are purchase for private hunting preserves.
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Post by Famspear »

According to the 2000 census, these are population figures for:

Massachusetts 6,349,097
Connecticut 3,405,565
Maine 1,274,923
New Hampshire 1,235,786
Rhode Island 1,048,319
Vermont 608,827
TOTAL 13,922,517

Texas 20,851,820

(Data offered without comment.)

Post by ElfNinosMom »

David Clarence wrote:I do state and affirm that I am not a corporation, human-being, person, or other abomination
I'll take the above statement at face value, except of course for the abomination part. :lol:

Seriously ..... does anybody here know what that statement means in BizarroWorld?
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Post by Funkalicious »

To say nothing of some of the intermountain states. To quote Wonkette w/r/t Wyoming's dead senator, "You could be the next Senator from our country’s least populous state, thus living out your dream of having a ridiculously disproportionate amount of power in an ostensibly representative democracy!"

Wyoming: 515,004
Montana: 944,632
South Dakota: 781,919
North Dakota: 635,867
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Post by Demosthenes »

To be human is to be hue-man or a man of color...

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Demosthenes wrote:To be human is to be hue-man or a man of color...
Oh, that's right, I almost forgot. Ed and Elaine, along with all their supporters, are extremely transparent. :lol:
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Post by Demosthenes »

Demosthenes wrote: Jose M. Gonzalez said he was afraid for his son's safety, and was considering driving to New Hampshire to join Cirino. Although his occupational speciality in the Army was as a truck driver, Jose M. Gonzalez said he is reluctant to join the group in New Hampshire because he might be compelled to use other information he learned in the service.

"I had trained as a...[I'm not supposed to say it, but I guess I've been out long enough]...as a specialist in nuclear, biological and chemical warfare," Jose M. Gonzalez said. "This is what scares me. I know how to kill people in mass quantities. I don't want to go up there."
The guy who said the crap above (aka Reno's daddy) has another article about him.
Like Son Like Father: An Inseparable Journey
WorldNews.com,Sun 17 Jun 2007

Like Son Like Father: An Inseparable Journey

Article by WorldNews.com Correspondent Beverly Darling.

(Author’s Note: The media that is covering the tax protesters in New Hampshire, and has covered other stand-offs in the past like Waco and Ruby Ridge, often forgets that each person has a story. This is a father’s journey in which he has decided to join his son Cirino Gonzalez, who along with Ed and Elaine Brown, have barricaded themselves inside their home and are surrounded by Federal Marshals and the U.S. military.)

Thinking back, Jose remembers the story his mother would always tell him that when he was born the doctor tossed him on the bed and said, ‘Life is very hard for man.’ Living in the colonias of south Texas Jose can still remember the day they finally had running water in their small home. Years later he was thankful to also have electricity.

Jose’s father soon left and he remembers packing his suitcase and sitting beside the front door hoping and dreaming that his father would drive-up and take him away. His mother always reminded Jose that he would never see his father again. Jose’s mother was right. Later he vowed that if he ever had children, unlike his father, he would actively be involved and a part of their lives.

In 1977 Jose dropped out of High School in order to support his wife and new-born son. He wanted to go to college but found that working at fast-food restaurants provided only meager earnings. Since he was a ‘drop-out,’ Jose carried the stigma of a pachuco-trouble maker. He also had several run-ins with the law because of his race. Jose decided to join the Army and was trained in Weapons Ordinance and then stationed in Panama.

While in Panama Jose found that not everyone loved America and began working on a college degree. He wanted to do his first research paper on how Texans fought for their freedom against Mexico, since this is what he learned in school. But Panama only had Santa Anna’s Diaries and a few books written from Mexico’s perspective. In his readings he discovered that Texan Independence was not so much about freedom, as it was in maintaining the institution of slavery.

After three years in Panama, Jose was sent to Germany. Again he remembers going on convoys through small German towns where people greeted him and the other soldiers with unkind gestures. Another time he drove his Commander to a bank and noticed everyone was tall and slender and wearing trench coats. He turned to his Commander and jokingly said that everyone looked like a terrorist. His Commander exclaimed, ‘Hell Gonzalez, look how dark your skin is…You’re the one that looks like a terrorist!’

During this time Jose did another research paper hoping to prove how Capitalism was a much better system than Communism. In the end though, he found himself attracted to Communism and its ideas of sharing, redistribution of wealth, and emphasis on the working class. He also began to cherish the ability to think critically and to question the status quo. It was this attribute-a love of learning, an inquiring mind, and analytical thinking, that Jose wanted to instill in his son Cirino.

Even though Cirino was very intelligent in school, like his father, Cirino dropped out in 1993 and pursued his GED. In 1995 Cirino was recruited by the Navy and was stationed in Norfolk and Hawaii. He then was sent to the U.S.-Serbia-Kosovo War. One thing that always bothered Cirino was that the U.S. continued to bomb Serbia days, weeks, and even months after a cease-fire agreement had already been declared.

Cirino received an Honorable Discharge from the Navy and returned home where he tried a business venture. Because of a crisis, he lost his business and savings and started to work security for $6 and $7 an hour. In 2003, Cirino responded to an add posted by a private American contractor who was searching for former military personnel trained in repairing weapons. Since Cirino was trained in Weapons Ordinance and the pay was $85,000 a year, he applied and was hired and began working in Iraq.

Several things started to disturb Cirino. First, he believed that the private company was not only repairing American weapons but also insurgency and enemy weapons. Second, he was disheartened by the remarks made by U.S. troops that killing Iraqis was just like shooting a dog or a goat. Finally, after seeing the death and devastation in Iraq, he started to question the U.S. mission. Cirino returned to the U.S.

It was then that Jose introduced Crino to Noam Chomsky on Webb TV. Chomsky was lecturing about the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq and how the war, from politicians to corporations, had been sold to the American public. Both Jose and Cirino continued to watch and read other progressive and patriotic sites warning that America was in danger of becoming a police state and showing U.S. citizens being Tasered and beaten by police.

Cirino concluded that the only way to stop the war in Iraq and what he considered to be an abusive and oppressive government was to not pay taxes. He also questioned why Americans were allowed only to demonstrate or speak in free-speech zones and believed Homeland Security was like another Mafia. Cirino also feared the rumors of a new national ID card and was concerned about the U.S. military spying on its own citizens.

Energized by his research and learning Cirino began to attend pro-peace rallies across the country. Yet, Cirino became disillusioned because many of the peace activists did not seem committed and appeared to be more interested in taking a vacation or making a house payment instead of ending the war. It seemed there was very little sacrifice and according to Cirino, ‘When you have a lot it is difficult to sacrifice, but it is easy to risk everything when you have nothing but only a cause to fight and die for.’

One evening Cirino saw a news story about Ed and Elaine Brown. Ed and Elaine, who are in their sixties, are tax protesters from New Hampshire and have claimed for many years that there is no law stating U.S. citizens are obligated to pay income taxes. In early 2007, they were found guilty of numerous criminal charges and sentenced to over five years in federal prison. Ed and Elaine refused to surrender to authorities and are now barricaded in their home which is surrounded by armed authorities.

After emailing the Browns, Cirino left his home and his father in south Texas and traveled to New Hampshire to support Ed and Elaine and their cause. Cirino was concerned mainly about the long siege and stand-off, and if the group inside the home had been infiltrated. Jose, who had talked to his son just last week, said things had gotten worse. The electricity had been cut-off along with the telephone, and their internet and cell phones have been scrambled and disrupted.

U.S. Marshalls have also blockaded all of the roads and are starting to harass and detain people who want to take food to the Browns. According to Cirino, a few days ago a supporter was walking two dogs and stumbled on a sniper’s nest. He was shot at, arrested, and then Tasered while in handcuffs. As of Thursday morning, Armored Personnel Carriers have arrived at the stand-off and Cirino believes a raid is imminent, especially before more media attention is given to the tax protesters.

Right now for aiding and abetting a tax resister, which is considered obstruction of justice and a felony, Cirino could receive several years in prison. Jose hopes that what happened in Waco and Ruby Ridge does not happen in New Hampshire. Jose said that his son believes that if Americans do not act or do something now then a future and a more bloody revolution may occur.

Jose has frantically been trying to contact state and congressional representatives from Texas, but they are not returning any phone calls. He contacted the local newspaper which did a lead story about his son. When he went to work the next day he was told to take a Leave of Absence. It is more than likely that the story has cost him his job.

With tears welling-up in his eyes Jose solemnly says, ‘I must live with my conscience, therefore I must go…maybe I can stop the bullets from flying. After all, I am his father and the military trained us both to fight and if need be to die for our freedoms.’ He continues, ‘We must do this now or the U.S. Government won’t stop and next…it will be on your doorstep!’

After a long sigh, Jose remembers that in second grade instead of doing the lesson like everyone else he was writing a poem. ‘Maybe I always questioned things and did things differently,’ says Jose. When another student brought his poem to the teacher’s attention, the teacher made Jose stand in front of the class and read the poem aloud, hoping to embarrass him. Surprisingly, the teacher was deeply touched and moved by the poem.

The name of the poem was ‘Peace on Earth.’ Jose leaves and returns to his home to pack his suitcase, and life is very hard for man.