Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »


Stopped again yesterday early afternoon BY HILLARY. Remember her comment the previous day, "if we should ever receive she will take the packs from us by force".

Today she is still the source of the blockage. She is telling everyone and the Countries 'she will be President, that no one will stand in her way, that she will RULE and will have more power than anyone ever'.

Just between you and me, the lady can't control her own bowel movements.

The 'cover story' being used for current delay--'put off so as not to interfere with elections' is, WE are reliably informed, TOTALLY BOGUS. The problem right now is with QUEEN HILLARY and the incredibly corrupt cesspool of horrors in D.C..

Big big RUMOR coming from several Euro Countries---the Yemen 'Terrorist' stuff a big hoax to help Obama look 'Presidential' in front of the elections (no personal knowledge to this effect).

More when possible,

casper 10-30-10


The WC, currently operating out of D.C. is trying their best to get the packs to us,having retrieved them from the S.C. yesterday.

Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, have threatened the lives of the WC Judges, as well as the recipients.


The three of them are being referred to as 'Insane Lunatics', which is No Exaggeration.

They are saying such things as "We control the world, no one will go against us, and everyone, everywhere will do exactly as we ordered, which includes all countries."

This situation is BEYOND INTENSE.

More when possible.

casper 10-30-10


As you know WE do 'HOUSEKEEPING' when and where appropriate.

Yesterdays P.M. news that the lives of the World Court Judges had been threatened by Obama and the Clintons came from one of the Judges involved. Overnight WE have learned that his assistance in blocking deliveries was not obtained with threats but with bribery. This makes him a Bold Faced Liar. With the help of those close to him the false report and the bribery was uncovered overnight and has been dealt with.

One of the reasons certain of the W.C. Judges have participated in the ongoing sabotage is their hesitancy to enforce previous decisions of the Court, specifically Arrest Warrants. The Countries have made it clear to the Judges the previous decisions and Warrants will have to be enforced.

WE do not expect deliveries today due to the usual 'Sunday Difficulties' but do believe we are 'on go' again ASAP. This was another example of Action then Reaction overcoming the problem of the moment.

The report from the Countries that the three of them are 'Raving Lunatics' was accurate.

More if necessary,

casper 10-31-10a


It was the World Court Judge from JAPAN to which WE have referred in the last two updates.

His position as the mouth piece on the Court for many others is that 'the people' do not need or deserve the funds and this applies to the Japanese People as well. The same for the Countries in general, that all funds should go to the Banks and those few Countries which represent the existing power structure of the World.

The previously reported 'Official' loss of all Humanitarian Funds by the Countries was caused by sabotage coming from the Court itself rather than the Countries, therefore the Countries are still scheduled to receive. With that reversal the Japanese Judge has been assisting the attempt to steal their funds as well as ours.

casper 10-31-10 #2 further clarification


At this moment (Sunday Afternoon) the packs are aboard aircraft trying to leave D.C..

The runways are being blocked by Homeland Security and Private Security Forces hired by HILLARY CLINTON. She says she will 'show everyone who runs and controls the world'.

Perhaps this answers some of your questions, they pay no attention to the Law, Court Rulings, World Consensus or anything else claiming they are 'above the law'. Their CORRUPTION is beyond your imagining, their arrogance beyond your comprehension. They are surrounded and supported by a Satanic Power Structure intent upon 'RULING' the world no matter what it takes. Delivery and announcements begins the process of overcoming and exposing them hence the blatant flaunting of all Law necessary to maintain themselves in power.

More when possible,

casper 10-31-10 #3
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Post by texino »

Not to belabor the obvious, but shutting an airport can screw up travel to a whole region. Stuff like that tends to make the news on TV with pictures and teams of talking heads. Thus far the airwaves are quiet.
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Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Not to belabor the obvious, but shutting an airport can screw up travel to a whole region. Stuff like that tends to make the news on TV with pictures and teams of talking heads. Thus far the airwaves are quiet.
Normally this would be true, but everyone traveling by air on Saturday was forced to sign a non-disclosure as "serious as something very serious" which prevented them from publishing or even talking about it. You can prove this for yourself, just go to your e-mail "in box" and see how many e-mails you got on Saturday with subjects like "I'm flying today and got delayed." None, right? Proof enough for you?
"Follow the Money"


Post by ClemIsBack »

This morning Hillary seems intent on keeping those planes from taking off. She lays naked in the middle of runway one niner as Homeland Security was called away to respond to invisible 100 mile wide flying saucers landing on the White House lawn.
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Post by Gregg »

ClemIsBack wrote:This morning Hillary seems intent on keeping those planes from taking off. She lays naked in the middle of runway one niner as Homeland Security was called away to respond to invisible 100 mile wide flying saucers landing on the White House lawn.
On top of the fact that you now owe me a new keyboard, I'm also gonna need years of therapy to clear that out of my mind....I may have to become a Scientologist for this one....
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Post by Deep Knight »

Hillary is a shape-shifting 8-foot-tall Reptilian - which means two things:
1. She could shape-shift into the most desirable woman on earth and stop planes with a wink and jiggle if she wanted to, but
2. The fact that she doesn't have to speaks volumes. Que Macho!


Continuing now with developments following the three updates yesterday;

Hillary, saying "someone has to have the guts to stop this", moved to do so yesterday.

The Plane in D.C. was being blocked by vehicles from HLS and Private Security Forces hired by Hillary.

That crisis was supposedly resolved around 3 P.M. and the plane was ready for takeoff. Aboard the plane, in addition to the 'trigger packs', were representatives from Russia, China, six other Countries and the head of the Austrian Government. Hillary, BILL and Obama ordered all communications with the plane cut off again 'grounding' the flight.

Those aboard were 'held hostage' until 8:30 P.M. last night.

At that point the other Nations 'moved in' and removed the occupants of the plane. Then the World Court, realizing if they did not do their job they would have to face the wrath of their Countries, also stepped in.

The HLS Personnel and Hillary's Security Forces AND HILLARY, GEITHNER, OBAMA and the Head of HLS were placed under HOUSE ARREST last night by the World Court.

In addition to the above Hillary was trying to get her hands on the U.S. Nuclear Launch Codes yesterday, purpose unknown. Sources say she has gone "stark raving mad" and is "a power hungry raving lunatic". She continues to say she rules the world, the Military and everyone else.

The News Media is aware of all this and refusing to report using as an excuse 'this is an International Crisis involving various Governments'.

More when possible,

casper 11-1-10

I don't know, this Hillary person really seems to know how to get things done! If that's being "stark raving mad" we need more of it in government! What cha wanna bet she'll find a way to not only beat this "house arrest," but be actively working against deliveries in the near future?


Certain members of the World Court are still trying to scuttle deliveries and are working with certain Countries and the usual suspects in D.C. to do so.

This 'Plot' was discovered yesterday and has continued to unfold today.
As they continue the stall the attempts to steal the funds continue around the clock.

The Court said this morning the deliveries were out, they were lying.
Deliveries result in the enforcement of Arrest Warrants some of which are against World Court Members themselves due to previous activities.
This is one of the reasons certain members of the Court continue to assist the sabotage of deliveries.

This afternoon the packs are still in D.C..

More when possible,

casper 11-1-10 #2
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Post by texino »

Casper say:
The Court said this morning the deliveries were out, they were lying.
Deliveries result in the enforcement of Arrest Warrants some of which are against World Court Members themselves due to previous activities.
This is one of the reasons certain members of the Court continue to assist the sabotage of deliveries.
I think he tries to paint himself out of a corner with this nonsense. No?
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Post by fortinbras »

I'm not clear if this particular "news" comes from the faction that says that NESARA is being brought to us by the flying saucer people or the faction that says it's being brought by angels, but either way you'd figure that they'd be too formidable to be frustrated by the US govt.

On a more serious note, although I suspect that Quatloos provides something like 90% of the readership of this nonsense, I worry that someone, possibly plagued with a financial crisis, may take these stories seriously and try to eliminate the supposed obstruction by a named American official with small arms fire. I may be a worry wort about this, but such things have been known to happen.
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Post by Deep Knight »


As speculated in last Thursdays Opinion Piece, the sabotage has continued and is still continuing today.
The packs were out again yesterday for delivery today.
They have been stopped and are in D.C. this morning.

The current sabotage is being provided by the Military, JAG and HLS.
The reason revolves around DOCUMENTS discussed in previous updates.
These Documents have been 'Authenticated' and contain the signatures of all Presidents including Obama.
Deliveries lead to the exposure of these Documents which leads to the demise if not the hanging of the D.C. Criminals. JAG has authenticated copies.
They are LITERALLY PHYSICALLY stopping the departure of the packs from D.C..

More when possible.

casper 11-9-10

Wait a second, if these documents in the "suitcase" are so damaging and JAG has them, why would they be blocking deliveries? I suspect that Casper is having trouble keeping track of his story - one problem with making things up as you go along.
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Post by Deep Knight »


Reflect the sale of all United States Gov't Buildings, Lands and Assets to the Hapsburgs in 1913. They subsequently transferred ownership to the Austrian Gov't. This sale included The White House, The Pentagon, The Supreme Court and The Treasury Buildings. It included all Military Bases in the U.S. and all Military Equipment including Ships, Planes, etc. and included ALL Federal Lands. It involved the takeover of our Court Systems by Admiralty (Maritime) Law and the suspension/cancellation of the U.S. Constitution.

These DOCUMENTS have been AUTHENTICATED and true and correct copies are in the hands of 'the Countries', The Courts, The Military, JAG, Etc.. Copies of the Incorporation Documents for the U.S. Corporation are also in the hands of the Courts and the Countries.

For the last three days the heads of the Austrian and Swiss Governments have been detained in D.C., their movements restricted, their planes blocked on the ground by HLS and the Military, communications between the tower and the planes cut off. This morning the Austrians and Swiss, attempting to get the Trigger Packs out for delivery were blocked by the Military which was instructed to stop them at any cost.

THE DOCUMENTS, or aspects thereof, have been signed by all Presidents including Obama. These Documents are to be exposed to the American People which is the reason for the desperate efforts to stop the deliveries and in turn the release of the Documents. All involved in and with the Incorporated Federal Government including the Military are desperate to retain the Status Quo and themselves in power. The Courts had given them 45 days to vacate the buildings owned by others. That time frame expired yesterday. They had been ordered to vacate taking only their Personal Possessions with them. The Court says these rulings WILL BE ENFORCED.

THREATS AGAINST PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS ARE CONTINUING while those discussed above continue to be detained.

More when possible.

casper 11-9-10 #2

How did Switzerland get into this mix? Yes, they're Austria's neighbor, but hasn't Casper ever read the story of William Tell? And why would "Admiralty (Maritime) Law" apply if one or two landlocked countries owned some buildings and 1913-era ships and biplanes? Then again, this information finally explains why the US entered WWI on the side of Austria...
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Post by LaVidaRoja »

IIRC, both the Supreme Court and the Pentagon were built AFTER WWI. Perhaps (at a guess), the land they were later built on was part of this deal?
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

LaVidaRoja wrote:IIRC, both the Supreme Court and the Pentagon were built AFTER WWI. Perhaps (at a guess), the land they were later built on was part of this deal?
C'mon, now. You're trying to supply facts to the psychotically delusional. They will simply discard them as inconvenient, since they don't fit into their opinionations.
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Post by bmielke »

LaVidaRoja wrote:IIRC, both the Supreme Court and the Pentagon were built AFTER WWI. Perhaps (at a guess), the land they were later built on was part of this deal?
Pentagon was built during world war II Like 1942-1944 It was finished on September 11 of what ever year it was done.

As a side note September 11 is an important day in the history of the pentagon, it's renovations were started on that day and were scheduled to be finished on that day and of course it was attacked on that day.
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Post by Deep Knight »

bmielke wrote:
LaVidaRoja wrote:IIRC, both the Supreme Court and the Pentagon were built AFTER WWI. Perhaps (at a guess), the land they were later built on was part of this deal?
Pentagon was built during world war II Like 1942-1944 It was finished on September 11 of what ever year it was done.

As a side note September 11 is an important day in the history of the pentagon, it's renovations were started on that day and were scheduled to be finished on that day and of course it was attacked on that day.
The groundbreaking was Sept 11, 1941 and it was completed 16 months later (Jan 1943) - although some note that work still continued after "completion." It was on the site of the former privately-owned Hover Airport, which in 1941 was part of the just-closed Hover-Washington Airport and owned by the National Aviation Corporation.

Of course, this could be a cleaver cover-up by those Austrians, whose top-secret real estate dealings are well known.
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Post by Deep Knight »

Here is the original source of this nonsense from Alcuin & Flutterby, as copied to the RAP-NESARA forum. Please note that the "here, here and here" reference at the bottom was to 3 recent Casper posts at Foulwinds10. Incestual much?

US Federal estate was covertly transferred to European ownership in 1913.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 ... erton.html
Alcuin Bramerton

US Federal estate was covertly transferred to European ownership in 1913. All subsequent American Presidents have signed the legal authorities. Documents circulating widely. Heads of foreign governments currently held hostage in Washington DC.
Documents have come to light, and are now circulating internationally, which record the private sale of all United States government buildings, lands and assets to the European Illuminati Hapsburg family in 1913. These American assets were subsequently transferred into the ownership to the Austrian government.

The sale involved the transfer of the entire US federal estate into foreign ownership, including the White House, the Pentagon, the US Supreme Court and the US Treasury Buildings. It included all military bases in the US and all military equipment, treasure, ships and planes. At the same time, covert legal mechanisms were enacted which suspended (or cancelled?) the USA Constitution, and executed the substitution of all American Constitutional Courts with European-controlled court systems based on Admiralty (Maritime) Law.

Copies of the legal documents which record, authenticate and authorise these changes are openly circulating among national governments worldwide. The documents have been lawfully signed and witnessed by every US President since 1913, including President Barack Obama.

During the three day period Sunday 7th November 2010 to Tuesday 9th November 2010, the heads of the Austrian and Swiss Governments were unlawfully detained by the Washington DC governing cabal at an international airport in Washington DC. This detention is thought to be ongoing.

The planes containing this high-status delegation, and its lawyers and advisors, are being physically restricted by vehicles and personnel assigned to US Homeland Security and the US Military. Communications between the planes and the outside world have been cut off by Washington. On board these planes are the trigger packages which authorise and enable the disbursement of the international prosperity funds and the World Global Settlement Funds.

International courts have instructed the (unlawful) US governing cabal in Washington to vacate all US government buildings with immediate effect and to return those buildings to their rightful European owners. More here (09.11.10), here (01.11.10) and here (31.10.10).

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:00 AM 0 comments

And who exactly are Alcuin and Flutterby?

Alcuin Bramerton
About Me
Alcuin Bramerton is a human being seeking to operate happily in the post-religious world. The New Spirituality interests him. His friend, Flutterby, is not in physical incarnation on the Earth-plane at present, but he advises Alcuin on spiritual matters. And there is a lot happening. Unreported by the mainstream media, a man in a grey suit is standing by the yoghurt shelves in a supermarket in Cornwall. He is looking for morphine suppositories. This man is not the promised messiah. Coincidentally, at another remote location in southern England, a man with false teeth is eating a cheese soufflé for lunch. He bites on something hard. There is a second pair of false teeth in his cheese soufflé. This man is not the promised messiah either. Epiphanies of this kind illustrate how difficult it can be to determine the exact size of God in becquerels per cubic light year. But still the attempt is made.

I don't understand why more enlightened souls don't use these two as a news source.
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Post by JamesVincent »

Of course, this could be a cleaver cover-up by those Austrians, whose top-secret real estate dealings are well known.

I hate cleaver cover-ups. They tend to be messy.
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

JamesVincent wrote:
Of course, this could be a cleaver cover-up by those Austrians, whose top-secret real estate dealings are well known.
I hate cleaver cover-ups. They tend to be messy.
Only if Wally and the Beav don't do a good job cleaning up afterwards.
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Post by Cathulhu »

I read all kinds of stuff (and also review them for family members, in terms of "is it too much for little Jenny to read at her age?") and Alcuin is a boy prostitute in Jacquelin Carey's "Kushiel's Dart", which is the most pornographic thing I've ever read. Ever. And I'm old and evil.
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Post by notorial dissent »

Just as an aside, there was NO Supreme Court building to have been sold in 1913, they were still meeting in what is now called the "old Senate Chamber" until 1929 when the current building was completed and they could move in.

Bad thing selling off things that not only aren't yours, but that don't even exist yet.

I really do think this whole effort should have been labeled beyond silly instead.
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Post by fortinbras »

Let me get this straight....

The Austrians owned all the federal buildings in DC as of 1913. Yet they still lost the war in 1945.

Can someone explain how that happened?