Show the Lizards some Love

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

Anyone intrested in Draconians and Reptilians needs to check out this video I found on a site discussing the supposed "missle" launch west of LA on Monday at sunset. ... r_embedded#!

Wow this is scary! And not just this lady's choice of attire (was she dressed by an alien upholsterer?). And make sure you unplug your computers on November 6th or they'll be blown to bits by the EMP. Oh, it's passed and didn't happen? Well, that should convince everyone that this lady pulled this from her behind, or does it?
Yesterday PMSHIELDS wrote:This is an important distinction with respect to telepathic and Akashic realization. The human consciousness acts as an interpretor, it should not be expected that all information is a rote interpretation. The teachings of Masters who have offered profound insights through the eons of this experiential reality have ultimalty been viewed in the same sense. Also consider time for what it is..a form of dispensation that reacts to consciousness. Nothing is hard-fast Past, Present or Future
I believe the quote above says that even though it didn't happen it could still be true.
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by JamesVincent »

Man... that sucks. I wish I had known that my computer was gonna go bye bye 4 days ago. I would have said goodbye to both of them. Wait a minute... thats right.. Im typing on one now. Ok... crisis past... now just have to hope that Obama leaves so all the dirty bombs can detonate... wait a minute... didnt he already leave on a prescheduled trip to India?

Sorry you have to feel this way because if you werent talking out of your rear, I would totally smack it. You would have to get rid of those clothes though, I like my eyes the way they are.
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Gregg »

I believe the quote above says that even though it didn't happen it could still be true.
To some. To me it screams "I got new meds!"
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by The Observer »

Please, please, someone reassure me that this woman isn't procreating.
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

You want some more?

Watch Colleen talk on the phone. Road constructions = UN invasion! ... re=channel

Colleen's scrolled invitation to a post-invasion party at her place in white-on-black, pictures of her home, and the music runs out 2/3 the way through but wait 'til the end to find out about the nude photos. Truly fascinating and boring at the same time! ... re=channel

Short, peppy, cleavage, and she knows she's smart. ... re=related

Trailer for her $10.99 trailer swimsuit experiment video w/ the smallest bikini she owns.

Golddigger Nudest from Secular Opinion w/ nudeless videos.
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by JamesVincent »

Ok... I know I said no more videos but the womans........ eyes just speak to me. And for a low low amount of $300/ hr she can speak to you too ... re=related
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

I think you guys are confusing craziness and brilliant marketing------didn't Sarah Palin get started like this? This lady could get her own WebCam going profitably today! 8)
Last edited by Green Lantern on Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Green Lantern

Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

Deep Knight wrote: ... embedded#!

Wow this is scary! And not just this lady's choice of attire (was she dressed by an alien upholsterer?). And make sure you unplug your computers on November 6th or they'll be blown to bits by the EMP. Oh, it's passed and didn't happen? Well, that should convince everyone that this lady pulled this from her behind, or does it?

These guys all seem to borrow from each other, similar to the burgeoning 2012 Industry. (Everywhere you turn, "experts" are telling us how 2012 relates to Mayan calendars, the Bible, Hindu Mysticism, Hopi Prophecies, Galactic alignments, 26,000-year sun cycles/procession of the equinoxes, etc.. ------reptilians, greys, Nordics, Project Camelot, the whole Coast-2-Coast fear industry schtick.)

Our dear Colleen borrows from everyone, and her Nov. 14, 2010, prophecies may have been lifted from Clif High's webbot project ( wherein "internet chatter" (reflecting our mass unconscious in some way) indicates an Israeli attack on Iran Nov. 14, followed by increasing tensions and escalations culminating in a WWIII scenario.
Green Lantern

Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

Colleen comes clean about how he she was used. :twisted: (Either that or she's confusing "V" with a documentary. :thinking: )
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by JamesVincent »

Two questions. Anyone ever figure out why her upload name is colesakick and did she just drop the f bomb, the b bomb and basically sound like a sailor in port?

EDIT: misspelled the crackpots name
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

JamesVincent wrote:Two questions. Anyone ever figure out why her upload name is colesakick and did she just drop the f bomb, the b bomb and basically sound like a sailor in port?
Colleen Ass Kicker
If a sailor sounded like this in port, they wouldn't let him back aboard ship.

Is she the one some idiot posting as "web bot" has been waiting for? ... d;id=10567

Is Colleen Thomas "Wild/Passionate Colleen" mentioned in the WEB BOTS? *LINK* *PIC*
Date: 11/11/2010, 10:58 am
In Response To: Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection *LINK* *PIC* (afiresidechat)

Colleen Thomas' youtube disclosure:

Web bot "hits" regarding "wild Colleen":

Forgot to mention that Colleen says the March web bot
report (v0i4) talks about her. Here is the passage
(I got the report from bittorrent):

Logical Frank and the Wild Colleen
Occasionally the data sets provide interesting forecasts about specific
personalities who will be appearing on the ‘world stage’ in the near future.
We have had some data sets for a number of years that described a particular
[fierce frenchman] who would become the [philosophical core] of the
forecast [global populace revolution/evolution]. The identifiers for the
Frenchman included a [rough past], [brushes with legal system/jail], and a
distinct association with what can only be described as the [lower levels (of
the populace caste system)]. There are links to [savate] and [maritime past]
which brought the [frenchman] both his [logic] and his [fighting ability].

Unfortunately this individual was killed for his [political position], but the
data is now indicating that [long dead words/thoughts] will be [energizing a
new populace movement]. The [visibility] levels within the global
mediastream (which includes the internet, and alternative media of all kinds)
have been rising for years, and there are now specific detail linguistics
pointing toward an [historical figure] as the source for a new [human
collective] approach to [rebellion (and ) resistance] to [ThePowersThatBe].
A curious new wrinkle to the data sets at the detail levels, as well as in a
separate set, has been the rising of a [female personality] who will become
the [life voice] to this [long dead (historic) frenchman]. The [female
personality] is described as being [irish], and is forecast to [display] a [wild
(passionate) character] that will [captivate] the [planetary populace] as we
go forward into [open warfare/resistance] against the [minions (and their
masters – TPTB)].
The data sets details include that the [wild/passionate colleen] also has a
[personal history] of both [repression] and [incarceration] that in some very
key ways will be shown to [mirror] the [logical frenchman’s mother’s past].
The data details are quite specifically referencing a temporal events echo
between the forecast [wild colleen live voice] and the [female relatives (of
the historical frenchman)]. This seemingly irrelevant detail has a very high

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3/11/2010 The Shape Of Things To Come v0i4
copyright 2010
by clif high
all rights reserved

level of [visibility] as well as large levels of support indicating that (for
some reason as yet unknown) this curious linkage will provide a very
[human touch response (resonance)] with the global populace at large.
The [wild colleen] personality is due to [rise from (the center of) a crises].
The data indicates that during the [Summer crises (of 2010)], and stemming
from the [dollar death/equity destruction] of late [spring], and in the midst of
[unemployment crises (globally)], the [wild colleen] will [stride (from the
center)] of the [unemployment riots] onto the [planetary populace
consciousness] in a very [unexpected (or unusual)] way. Again we have
numerous associations for this [female personality] to [france] and the
[northern hills (of france)]. These associations are at the detail and the
tertiary levels, and include both the [historic] links to the [frenchman’s
logic] which will form the [core of the populace movement], as well as
current associations within the life of the [wild colleen] to [northern france].

Other details provide some weaker level links to [middle (of the new lands)],
and [indonesia]. A monkey mind speculation would provide a description of
a [riot] over [unemployment] breaking out in the [middle (of the new
blocks/lands)] in a major city in Ireland and engulfing the [indonesian
restaurant] in which the [wild colleen] sits, reading the words of the [historic
logical (anti globalist) frenchman]. From this (very speculative) set of
circumstances, the activities within the [violent riot] would present an
[opportunity] for the [wild colleen] to [act with passion (and determination)]
which is video-captured, and thus the [global mediastream] spew catches
[his (the dead frenchman's) words] from [her passionate speech]. We doubt
very much that the scenario described here is how circumstances will
actually manifest, in stead this is provided to connect the linguistic dots into
a more cohesive whole and to provide some of the flavors of emotional tone
that come from the detail layers in support of this forecast [female

Also note that the [female personality (of passion and connected to the dead
frenchman)] is a huge temporal marker. The data indicates a whole stream of
events that will be occurring at the same time (more or less) as the
emergence of the [wild colleen]. Note that these other events are not
dependent upon the rise of [visibility] of the [female personality], but are
simply temporally linked.
Also please note that with regard specifically to [female personality]
forecasts we have had actual emerging circumstances fulfill the forecast with
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3/11/2010 The Shape Of Things To Come v0i4
copyright 2010
by clif high
all rights reserved
multiple persons. So in the past our forecasts for a single [female
personality] have, more often than not, actually had the linguistics show up
around several women. The [woman of scars] is an example of such a
forecast in which many women rose to [visible] levels in bringing the
linguistics into manifest reality. The thinking here at HPH is that this
expression of universe is somehow connected to the nature of [female-ness]
as it is demonstrated in humans.

Could we be watching the web bot predictions unfold?
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer is using Colleen as a source on his Foulwinds10 site.


The mystery missile that was fired off the coast of California has been solved according to Colleen Thomas, a Pleiadian contact. She says the US government was firing an ICBM at Iran and was intercepted by the Pleidians. Soon after President Obama ordered another missile fired at the Pleidians in order to continue Bilderberg and the Illuminati's rule.

VIEW VIDEO ... r_embedded

Nov 10, 2010

Could Colleen be the new Dove? I don't believe she's said anything about NESARA per se, but with her claims of $5.4 million each prosperity payments and UFO stuff, I figure she's only a heartbeat away. I'm just glad that Dove never posted nude videos...
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

On the "One Vibration" board "Truth Revealed" discussion board a Gary Tenuda said this on Tuesday:

I never heard of Colleen Thomas until today. So I spent a couple hours checking her out. Watched several of her videos and read about her "predictions". It seems to me that this lady is either a certifiable nut case or is simply seeking attention to feed her ego and/or her bank account. Or... she's somehow covertly being psychologically manipulated into believing she is receiving this information. In one video she does say she is new to all this and I can easily believe that. If she was experienced in this sort of thing she would know that predicting events to occur on specific dates is the kiss of death for the credibility of one's predictions and/or of the source from whence one allegedly recieves the information. I won't be at all surprised if she begins to resort to the 3-step procedure that the GF channelers and NESARA people employ. As I've posted before, it goes like this:

1. Big announcement of coming event on a specific date.
2. Event fails to happen.
3. The failed event is followed by an announcement in the form of an excuse, explaining why the event didn't occur.

This procedure continues like a loop tape until people finally get tired of it and stop paying attention.

Some of her claims about herself are way over the top. Here's an example:

"I am Archangel Destiny and in the future I will be a male Pleiadian astrophysicist after I'm done being a human female. My future self has come back in time to help his former self help all of you with what he knows. Those who want to help me advance my physics and technologies can donate at my wild colleen dot com website, there is a button there for that. You awake people are all broke so you don't have ties to materialism, small donation from such a large audience is powerful"
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by LaVidaRoja »

She IS correct when she says "Small donaltion from such a large audience..." Her statement fails however, when you consider that her "large audience" is probably over 50% people who are either monitoring known nut-cases or people who enjoy an occasional giggle at the expense of people like her. Perhaps she should have said, "A small donation from the small portion of my audience who believe this junk just might keep me on-line another month."
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by JamesVincent »

Miss Colleen re-posted this video and apologized for the extreme cleavage. I guess she figured she had to considering almost all the comments were about her chest. ... re=related
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

JamesVincent wrote:Miss Colleen re-posted this video and apologized for the extreme cleavage. I guess she figured she had to considering almost all the comments were about her chest. ... re=related
Go to 3:20 unless you like to be bored like this guy:
1 week ago

WOW! Colleen I watched this video many times over. It resonated with some of the things that I myself have been going through over the years but have been too afraid to admit to myself let alone anyone else.One thing that sticks out is that the creator created beauty to be enjoyed in its many forms and aspect. Afterall art is in the eye is it not? I have read many negative comments that people have left about you but just brush these aside. I see you as a beautiful woman! Show it off why not?

"Follow the Money"
Green Lantern

Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

I'll be staying in Roseville, CA, this week on some business--------I'll let you know if I see Colleen walking her dog in the ravine walk! :wink: Perhaps we can have a latte' at Starbucks and discuss coming events?
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by JamesVincent »

One of Colleens replies to a comment on a video stating how she was a pure and enlightened being.

"Be careful with your assessments of others as being pure and innocent. I am a hardened daughter of a warrior with a white trash mouth in the right company for such. I can make a sailor blush and love very adult humor, many would judge that as impure but it is not, in time all will be free of sexual recriminations except for vile, classless porn. The physical body is art and should be treated as fine art. Hard core porn is immature, IMO but to each his own I suppose"

I suppose she likes soft-core porn then.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
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Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"
Green Lantern

Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

Deep Knight wrote:So in the past our forecasts for a single [female
personality] have, more often than not, actually had the linguistics show up
around several women. The [woman of scars] is an example of such a
forecast in which many women rose to [visible] levels in bringing the
linguistics into manifest reality. The thinking here at HPH is that this
expression of universe is somehow connected to the nature of [female-ness]
as it is demonstrated in humans.

Could we be watching the web bot predictions unfold?
All right---so I had to visit Half Past Human to see what Clif has to say one day before the Nov. 14 release language event

And here is but an excerpt from the larger article:
In the past, when we have had 'emotional release language periods' forecast, universe had 'confirmed' the upcoming forecast period by having a 'visible in the msm = main stream media' actual 'release' of a person of prominence (or a group) being held in captivity. In the main, the persons were female, and further represented 'repressed energies' as well as being 'cultural icons'. Others who are aware of our work can confirm this on various fora on the net. This has again happened. As i have repeatedly stated, i do not answer 'why' questions as 'why' goes to motivation and i have not a friggen clue as to the motivation of others. When i guess about the motivation of universe, it is usually incorrect. So i stopped that. Today, the junta of control freaks currently (albeit temporarily) thinking themselves in charge of events in Myanmar accommodated the 'will of universe', and 'released' Suu Kyi to her conditional 'freedom' within larger universe. This, again, confirms the upcoming 'tipping point' into release language tomorrow, *just* as has occurred with every other release period we have forecast here at HPH. No, have not, as i mentioned, a friggen clue as to 'why' universe should so act. It just does. Maybe universe likes playing with all of us through our own individual use of language, and it simply cannot resist the 'in your face' use of the word 'release' just to make its point. Speculation allowed here.

Suu Kyi is important in our work in other ways as well. Previous ALTA and Shape reports have references to the 'asian (island connected) female archetype' who would be part of the larger 'female archetype' that is 'movement' within modelspace over last, this, and the upcoming next few years. Another expression of the female archetype is found in the [wild colleen] forecast, now rather infamous on the net. Again, larger archetypes in movement here, and more are expected to rise to global visibility over these next 63 days of release language and beyond.

Suu Kyi is also very important in ways we have not discussed, but which most aware observers will notice in the up coming release period, especially from January 8th onward. Further, she will not be alone.
Interesting that Suu Kyi is now part of the (actual) release language. I don't see any mention, however, of his previous forecast of an Israeli attack on Iran.
Green Lantern

Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

O.K......this is weird.

I went to the Safeway in Roseville last night and nearly all of the women looked like wild Colleen. :shock: :wink:

I can only conclude that 1) this is the "Roseville look"; or, 2) that the entity calling herself 'Colleen" is actually one of many clones, the products of a joint Reptilian/Pleiadean breeding experiment. :thinking:
Last edited by Green Lantern on Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.