Show the Lizards some Love

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

Is Colleen dead? Did she take my comparison to Dove too much to heart? Or just bummed out because there was no invasion (and thus no party at her place) Sunday?

This thread at DoglikeProductions says she is: ... 255190/pg1
While this thread says she's not ... 255053/pg1

Then, there's this in the first thread:

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1163453
United States
11/14/2010 12:00 AM
Re: is colleen thomas dead Quote

Colleen is not dead although she did receive a death threat from 916-555-1212. she is a personal friend. i talked to her earlier and just now, 8:50 pm west coast time, received a text from her. She is safe and with a friend. They can't kill her, she is protected at the highest level. game over NWO. And to the sick f__k that posted this rumor - you have it coming pal. you will be dealt with.
She received a death threat from Sacramento directory assistance? I'm not saying it's impossible, there's a lot of strangeness out there (look at this thread), just unlikely.
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

Antimatter Emitting Gas Giant is what the Mayan Calendar Tracks
Share: by colesakick | August 9, 2010 at 11:20 am
408 views | 0 Recommendations | 8 comments

An antimatter emitting phonon gas giant planet is in our solar system right now and is cause for the collapse of our thermosphere 2 years ago, has caused the loss of 1/3 of our ionesphere and is cause for the hole in our magnetosphere four earth masses in size. This gas giant has earth sized moons around it and is cause for the antimatter phonon storms such as the Norway, China, Australia, Canada and Taiwan spirals.

The physics of the antimatter tornadoes is that ion beams of electrical currents called Birkland currents twirl around one another exciting our atmosphere causing a flat plasma spiral against the sky. When the electric storm grounds to earth the blue spiral evolves as the transverse magnetic wave moves linearly toward the surface of the earth to ground the Birkland currents above. When the phonon tornado shows up it absorbs all light at the center of the flat spiral in the sky and expands outward creating a black hole in the center of the spiral. The black hole is just phonon gas that absorbs light with great efficiency, it has nothing to do with Einstein's fantasies such as worm holes.

People have been very upset about these storms and our governments have been covering up the truth about these storms with silly cover stories like rockets exploding and spinning out of control. No exploding rocket can explain the black holes that evolve in the center of these tornadoes in the sky. These phonon tornadoes are detectable in the radio frequency sub light ranges, trust me, our government knows what they are and what is causing them. Americans should be up in arms about the lies and cover up except that it is the shadow government that knows the truth, not the people's elected government officials. Even still, pressure on NASA to tell the truth is possible if we threaten to pull all funding from them by leaning on our elected officials.

Antimatter primer: Phonons have inverse magnetic properties to ordinary matter in that they are strong magnetic attractors of photons, ordinary matter emits light photons rather than attracts it as antimatter phonons do. Antimatter is very cool compared to ordinary matter, this owes to their subtle transverse waves (think the way a snake moves over land, that's a transverse wave) having low kinetic thermal output because they put low electrical stress in the crystal aether.

In ancient times there were beings on earth that understood antimatter and Birkland currents and used it in antimatter drives that have anti-gravitation capabilities. These beings used the double helix as their symbol because they understood Birkland currents and put antimatter (harmonic bodies) to great use for healing, transmuting elements, zero point free energy, transporting large objects and other such exotic technologies only now being tooled up for humanity's use by me and a growing handful of others.

I was given the golden ticket of insight into antimatter physics by way of divine intervention into my mind on Valentine's Day of this year. My story and physics are on my youtube channel colesakick. I am evidence that humanity is evolving into super intelligent beings who have mind over matter control over the physics of this universe. My body is now tuned to the harmonic frequencies of the aether, I can feel the earth-sun electrical relationship and know a CME is building the moment there is a spike in the ionosphere of either electrons or protons. I feel the cosmic radiation of our galaxy in the cells of my body and can even feel the undulations of what we call gravity waves that distort our matter in the up/down, side to side directions. I'm like a tuning fork for the cosmos' electrical environment.

All of you can expect to be miracle workers such as me in time, for now the things I can do with my mind will seem very special and unique. I will be back with scientific studies of my personal electromagnetic capabilities and updates on my antimatter technologies as they progress. The shadow government used to kill people like me but now there are too many of us to prevent the shifts in our spiritual, scientific and evolutionary paradigms. To our next paradigm shift as fifth dimensional beings with tremendous powers over the current powers that be. Be ever in the emotion of love and in the state of peace of mind fearing nothing, not even the pole shift. All is as it should be, the self serving rat bastards known as the Reptilian Draconians will be set in flight very soon making earth the paradise she once was before they landed here and monkeyed with our DNA. Our DNA is correcting itself now, no longer can we be possessed of our minds and used to generate negative emotions, the energy of which the Dracs feed off of. Stay positive and earth will no longer be of interest to them.

The Bilderberg group are the genetic descendants of the Dracs, 150 families on earth use hidden technologies to control humanity. They have shared secret physics with a few as reward for keeping the robber barons in power. It is time we stop supporting the powers that be and take back our own power over our minds, hearts and the fruit of our labors. Taxes are an affront to personal sovereignty and usury (the charge of high interest rates) an affront to brotherly love. Stop paying taxes and stop doing business with those in the Bilderberg's circle of favored companies. These are simple things we can do to correct the mess made of our country that has cost us our personal wealth and untold losses in our freedoms. Big brother is everywhere, time to poke a finger into the all seeing eye of Ra, the God of the Dracs from Nibiru.
"Follow the Money"
Green Lantern

Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

Deep Knight wrote: I was given the golden ticket of insight into antimatter physics by way of divine intervention into my mind on Valentine's Day of this year. My story and physics are on my youtube channel colesakick. I am evidence that humanity is evolving into super intelligent beings who have mind over matter control over the physics of this universe.
Gee, Lord, it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way......

I suppose she'll be telling us that all the astronomers have been spirited away to Antarctica also so we're not hearing about this gas giant bumping around in our solar system? :)
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Cathulhu »

Dunno, but this one sounds a lot like the nutball with the Tesla hangup last year. Same delusional prose.
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

From Godlike Productions where I went to find the latest excuse for dates coming and going. ... 256532/pg1

Anonymous Coward
11/14/2010 10:49 PM

Could there really be some shift changes upon us? Could there be an influx of energy flowing through this planet here and NOW!?!

Colleen has been getting more and more crazier. I think she is truly one of the first people among many that are ascending now, its just being able to take in the new energies and managing the side effects. And Colleen's crazy persona that she is putting out there is a side effect of the impending energies upon earth now.

I mean why else would you put your own reputation on the line and sell naked pics of yourself and still hope to maintain credibility about the other stuff you preach? It just doesnt work that way and Colleen knows it too. But its just that she is overwhelmed by these new energies, that nothing matters anymore...

Anonymous Coward
11/14/2010 10:51 PM

The bitch is hot and should be in MILF porn.

Lost Patriot
11/14/2010 10:52 PM


Anonymous Coward
11/14/2010 10:56 PM

The bitch is hot and should be in MILF porn.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 722595

She needs help but she is milfy super hot. But she's the type of lady that you don't wanna go to sleep in the same bed with - too freakin weird. Who knows what she'll do to you while you're asleep. But she is a milf dream.

Anonymous Coward
11/14/2010 10:56 PM

It's called a cult and you are on your way to one.

Anonymous Coward
11/15/2010 11:50 PM

It seems to me that Colleen is being systematically trashed for speaking out about the Alien Slave Traders thing.

She probably sold some porno a long time ago, so what?

She is related to the Ascended Masters cause we all are. They always call us all brothers and sisters, so what?

This is being blown out of proportion by people serving the Aliens and by people in denial.

Leave Colleen alone.

Anonymous Coward
11/16/2010 12:00 AM

She probably sold some porno a long time ago, so what?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1118155

She's selling topless videos NOW.
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Deep Knight »

From another GLP thread, dated 11/14. ... 255855/pg1

Colleen Thomas reply....mmmmkay

Why ask for funding? Why accept any monies for interviews? Why market yourself? You're hurting people by taking their hard earned money, just like the government. It makes you a false prophet. You show no proof, anyone can say after an event that they were involved.I want to believe, but it seems non spiritual.

Her Response:

You are as intellectually lazy not doing your own research as you are non-spiritual. The laborer is worthy of his hire. I do not charge for interviews on radio or TV. I gave out my real phone number on air and on YouTube inviting people to call me for reports. My videos document that I call events well before they happen. I have been talking about Nov 8th through 11th for months as the Start of Operation Black Swan. I extended the dates to include Nov 4th through the 14th after going on air the first time which changed the timeline and intensified the war effort to a level high enough no one could ignore it, not even the mainstream media which had been steering away from reporting on the truth and putting on pundits that are in communication with the alien here to assist us. Now that I am public my phone rings off the hook with people making reports to me and those wanting a radio or TV interview.

You are unjust in your assessment, money is charged only for consulting on physics and letting people see my rocking nude bod, everything else is free. DO NOT DARE JUDGE ME, you will not like the karma of judging a Pleiadian Princess of the Royal Hebrew family. I was the twin flame of JAH, what some call Jahova, it is pronounced as JAK, all 3 are consonants in Hebrew, adding vowels and inflections is a purely local choice, no right or wrong way to make the A sound, all require a glottal stop before sound can be made like any consonant. My twin flame cares very much for me, he is known in our time as Archangel Michael. Tread lightly child, you are judging what you know not and pissing off some very powerful people who could rescue you from your karma but will not until you beg to be forgiven for your insolence before a Royal Queen who later became a Royal princess in the same family. Joshua/Jesus is my big brother, he's a very nice guy but my other brothers may not be so patient with you doing the right thing by me
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by JamesVincent »

To copy a phrase I saw on the Wiki last night

Wow... just wow
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Cathulhu »

This woman should seriously be on meds. Or institutionalized.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
Green Lantern

Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

You are unjust in your assessment, money is charged only for consulting on physics and letting people see my rocking nude bod, everything else is free. DO NOT DARE JUDGE ME, you will not like the karma of judging a Pleiadian Princess of the Royal Hebrew family. I was the twin flame of JAH, what some call Jahova, it is pronounced as JAK, all 3 are consonants in Hebrew, adding vowels and inflections is a purely local choice, no right or wrong way to make the A sound, all require a glottal stop before sound can be made like any consonant. My twin flame cares very much for me, he is known in our time as Archangel Michael. Tread lightly child, you are judging what you know not and pissing off some very powerful people who could rescue you from your karma but will not until you beg to be forgiven for your insolence before a Royal Queen who later became a Royal princess in the same family. Joshua/Jesus is my big brother, he's a very nice guy but my other brothers may not be so patient with you doing the right thing by me
Well, there you have it. Nothing to see here, folks. Just move along, return to your homes.

Besides, I rather like having porn & physics under the same roof. If you go to Michio Kaku's website, you still have to make a separate search for an appropriate porn site. :wink:
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote:... a Royal Queen who later became a Royal princess in the same family.
Would that technically be a demotion?
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Cathulhu »

Aw, she's just mad because Daddy doesn't call her princess anymore since she started doing porn.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Gregg »

I'm just glad that Dove never posted nude videos...

All humanity joins you in that one...but

you owe me a new keyboard
I also expect you to pay for the therapy I'm gonna need to get that image out of my mind. :Axe:

I know where you live, and it'll look like an accident, so try me, go ahead. :mrgreen:
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Re: Show the Lizards some Love

Post by Green Lantern »

Deep Knight wrote:From Godlike Productions where I went to find the latest excuse for dates coming and going. ... 256532/pg1

Anonymous Coward
11/14/2010 10:49 PM

Could there really be some shift changes upon us? Could there be an influx of energy flowing through this planet here and NOW!?!

Colleen has been getting more and more crazier. I think she is truly one of the first people among many that are ascending now, its just being able to take in the new energies and managing the side effects. And Colleen's crazy persona that she is putting out there is a side effect of the impending energies upon earth now.
Following the seems "Colleen" has graduated to "meme" status now, transcending her individuality as the power of the release linguistics courses through and beyond her!
mister dolby? the engineer?

is quite correct. this woman colleen thomas is indeed a very wild version of 'colleen', however, i was using this as a temporal marker...not saying that the woman, the [wild colleen] from my shape report...number 4? will rule the world or anything. And i am of the opinion that the wild colleen meme is wide, by which i mean that many women will fulfill the linguistics. In that point, i am expecting yet another instance of 'colleen(irish for young woman)' to emerge from the upcoming austerity riots in Ireland (brrrr! bad time for it).

So, yes, this woman colleen thomas *is* expressing the 'wild colleen' meme, but she is not the [wild colleen] exclusively.

Kick ass ki she has though...and makes a pretty damn good temporal marker...

and yes, channeling still freaks me out...

clif from hph
We might discover other "Colleens?" :shock: Irish ones at that!?