maybe I should move

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maybe I should move

Post by Cathulhu »

Ok, last week we had two earthquakes and two seriously fierce windstorms. Last night the winds hit 60 mph and the temp is in the teens, with a lot of snow both blanketing and blowing. There are icicles six inches long hanging from my nice new gutters. The roads are a solid ice under the snow because the first snow melted and then refroze.

I'm going to go have an Irish coffee by the fireplace with the cats, since my physical therapist called first thing to say the office is closed, don't come in. Therapy is where you find it.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: maybe I should move

Post by bmielke »

Cathulhu wrote:Ok, last week we had two earthquakes and two seriously fierce windstorms. Last night the winds hit 60 mph and the temp is in the teens, with a lot of snow both blanketing and blowing. There are icicles six inches long hanging from my nice new gutters. The roads are a solid ice under the snow because the first snow melted and then refroze.

I'm going to go have an Irish coffee by the fireplace with the cats, since my physical therapist called first thing to say the office is closed, don't come in. Therapy is where you find it.
Right now it is a sunny 65 here in Tennessee, itwas raining this morning. It has not had a high below 50 yet.
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by JamesVincent »

Its 65 in Maryland. Been a few mornings with frost so far and temps in the 30's but no snow yet.
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by rogfulton »

SoCal weather seems a lot like ours here in Austin, except we have only been getting sprinkles and light fog during the early mornings this week. Expecting a light freeze in the outlying areas Thursday night/Friday morning according to the weather wizards.

We have had a couple of sub-50 temps as lows but no highs I am aware of below 60.

Enjoy the cats while they let you!
"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
- President Theodore Roosevelt
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by Cathulhu »

My own Miss Cathulhu has habit of massaging my neck and shoulders, as my private kitty physical therapist, and it's very endearing. Feels a lot like shiatsu. My spouse's cat is quite psychotic because we raised her with a bottle after she was orphaned at a week old, and she never has figured out this how-to-be-a-cat thing. But she lies on his chest every night and puts her paws around him as far as they'll go, and looks up into his eyes with total adoration, purring, as she quietly drools onto his shirt.

I'm kinda glad she fixated on him!
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by Cathulhu »

There's a couple pair of Anna's hummingbirds (green bodies, purple throats, attitude) that winter here every year, and I've had to take the hummingbird feeder in and thaw it, then rehang it in the morning. But the little guys were buzzing around the yard first thing, really glad to get their sugar hit. I don't put it out in summer, since I have sufficient flowers to feed them without it then, and the heat ferments the sugar pretty fast here. But it went up in the past month, and now that the fuchsias and geraniums are frozen solid, it's a lifeline. The little guys are fearless, and can barely wait for me to hang the feeder up.

Between it and Mr. Squirrel, Birdseed Raider, we have some high quality live kitty theater for the girls to watch through the patio door. Still snowed in, looks likely to hold through Thanksgiving. Gonna do a little turkey and stuffing here, with pumpkin pie (I love to bake when it gets this cold) and a few trimmings. And wine. Lots of wine, because nobody's driving this time.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by Demosthenes »

We have some Anna's hummers here in Palm Springs, CA and we're in the 60s all week (which is unseasonably cold). Come south!

And speaking of kitty theater...

Attila is my youngest.
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by Cathulhu »

Love his crossed blue eyes! Our kitten had blue eyes when we adopted her, but watching them turn jade green was fascinating. I've delivered more baby animals than I ever could count (grew up on farm) but she was my first bottle kitten. I was working at home at the time, or she might not have made it. There I was, headset in place, answering hotline questions while she slept in a basket in a corner of my home office, and got fed her bottle when I was on break. When the 6.6 earthquake hit in 2000, I was gratified to see that she and our other cat followed me and did what I did--all three of us ended up under the desk. Proof of my leadership qualities...
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by Prof »

San Antonio still has top down weather -- as in the top on Mrs. Prof's Corvette is down.

Our "bottle fed" cat, found abandonned before his eyes were open, is now trending toward 20 pounds of muscle, with claws and teeth to match. He still sleeps in our arms, some of the time, when he is not terrorizing the dogs and the wild birds, lizards, rodents, etc., that he brings home.
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by Cathulhu »

Husband still tells the story of one day long ago, when he was outside looking for our cat Refrigerator Door Opening, and heard a commotion up the street. A German shepherd dog went running for its life, as did several squirrels--and smugly strutting down the street, here comes our cat.

Since then we've opted for indoor cats, out of mercy to the outdoor environment.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: maybe I should move

Post by littleroundman »

Snow ???

Icicles ????

What are these strange things of which you speak ???
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by Demosthenes »

littleroundman wrote:Snow ???

Icicles ????

What are these strange things of which you speak ???
They are evil. Pure evil. And should be avoided at all costs.
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by Cathulhu »

They sure make newly healed or still healing fractures in your bones hurt like h*ll. Ow.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
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Re: maybe I should move

Post by JamesVincent »

Stayed in the 40s today here. Little bit of clouds and a little bit of breeze, nice beautiful fall/ winter day.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"