Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by co-shoot »

The struggle behind the scenes continues ....abeit: the forces unseen/invisible appear to be working with the devils secret agents. How east-er-ly and west-er-ly can you get ?


Ben Fulford's blurb for this week's Geopolitical News article

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 7-Dec-2010 02:18:28 Hi, Folks -

As posted to his blog, here's Benjamin Fulford's blurb for this week's by-subscription Geopolitical News and Analysis article:

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis101207: Chinese prepare camps for Satanists in Xinxiang Province

Last week a representative of both the White and Black Dragon Societies met in Singapore with a purported senior Chinese leader to discuss the new financial system. It was agreed the fundamental structure of the new financial system would be a 50/50 partnership between East and West. The top leadership would remain secret but the system will be managed by a new meritocratic organization. Further discussions on actual implementation are now dependent on the official confirming his claim to speak for China. Despite the high level introduction, we have reason to suspect Mr. X may have been a representative of a Chinese faction that is working with Satanists although we hope to be proven wrong. So, despite these negotiations, the global crack-down on Satanists will continue unabated and will soon start affecting their top leadership..

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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You mean that people actually pay good money to subscribe to hear these pearls of :lol: :lol: :lol: wisdom?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Deep Knight »

My favorite Satanist story.

A few years back I customized a cheap wall clock for a friend as a Christmas present. He was working at a place called by the staff “Satanville” so I made-up a phony municipal seal for “Satanville” to put in the center of the clock face. This was based on the image of “Baphomet,” a goat-head in an upside-down pentacle, which I downloaded from the web. The first place I was led by Google was The Church of Satan’s website, which uses this image extensively. When I right clicked on my mouse to copy it, a window popped up with a lengthy lecture about how the image was copyrighted and illegal to use without licensing.

Not only did I find a way to snag their image (even though there are lots of them I could have copied simply – their silly lecture got me going), but I sent them an e-mail. The gist of it was that if they were actually worshiping the source of all evil, complaining about copyright laws was WAY out of character. I note that on their site today they simply have a “blocked” message instead.


The NESARA folks go ga-ga about Reptilians and other lizard people, I wonder why they don’t mention the goat people too? After all, there’s the constellation Capricornus (“the goat”), and if the aliens from Draconus are shape-shifting reptiles, then the folks from these starts MUST be shape-shifting goats. Perhaps there’s a reason for this cover up, the goat people are the ones REALLY in charge, not the lizards! Just look at this picture of Mitch Miller, who had some of the best-selling albums of the 50’s and a popular TV show from 1961-66!

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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by co-shoot »

[quote="Pottapaug1938"]You mean that people actually pay good money to subscribe to hear these pearls of :lol: :lol: :lol: wisdom?[/quote]

Readers Response>

Fulford must have some inside knowledge of this or a wild imagination. I wonder what the public will be told. Maybe nothing?
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by fortinbras »

I find it intriguing that "the representative of the White and Black Dragon Societies" is stated as factual but the Chinese govt figure is merely "purported".
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:I find it intriguing that "the representative of the White and Black Dragon Societies" is stated as factual but the Chinese govt figure is merely "purported".
Of course there’s doubt whether there actually is a Chinese government (have you ever seen one?). The big news here is that the white and black dragon societies are no longer the same thing, like they were earlier this year!

FULFORD: The Black Dragon Society is now renamed the White Dragon Society

Recently I discovered in Tokyo an ancient shrine that has been sealed off from public view. When I entered the Shrine I felt a powerful subjective sensation of white light and power. I was with a Japanese psychic whose family has long guarded secret Shinto knowledge, including of the Goddess Benten. She also claims to have seen a white light and experienced unusual power there. At the entrance to the shrine we found a stone pillar with the inscription 白龍王 meaning “the White Dragon King.”

In legend the Goddess Benten was supposed to have married a powerful white dragon in order to stop it from killing children. Because of this unusual occurrence (yes I really did find such a place by accident), we have decided to rename the Black Dragon Society as the White Dragon Society.

The White Dragon represents warriors who obey the rules of Chivalry and Bushido. That is to say, they will never strike the first blow, they will never attack women, children and non-combatants and they will fight to defend the weak and the downtrodden.

We remain sympathetic to the philosophy of the original Black Dragon Society founded by Mituru Toyama and others. However, while the Black Dragon Society had an Asian orientation, the White Dragon looks to protect the entire planet, including the weakest living creatures.

May 26, 2010

Not only is Fullford so special he and his friend get to casually walk into sealed-off shrines, he gets to name these guys, so he must know what he’s talking about! Either that or…

And what about the green dragon society and the red dragon society? Are they getting together to do Christmas decorating any time soon?
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Brandybuck »

I always liked the Bronze Dragons personally. Lawful good and all that...
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Cathulhu »

I was born in the year of the Dragon. Just like Bruce Lee, ' cept I'm not that old! Cycle comes up every 12 years y'know. I have visited Bruce's grave, and still wonder about the person who left all those pansies on it...
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by co-shoot »

Surely the Dragons avoided this episode and perhaps have the plan for avoiding the next.

Posted on RMN;
By: watcher51445 Date: Tuesday, 7-Dec-2010 06:39:45

Six hundred and fifty years ago came the climax of the worst financial collapse in history to date.

The 1930s Great Depression was a mild and brief episode, compared to the bank crash of the 1340s, which decimated the human population.

The crash, which peaked in 1345 A.D. when the world's biggest banks went under, ``led'' by the Bardi and Peruzzi companies of Florence, Italy, was more than a bank crash -- it was a financial disintegration. Like the disaster which looms now, projected in Lyndon LaRouche's ``9th Economic Forecast'' of July, 1994, that one was a blowup of all major banks and markets in Europe, in which, chroniclers reported, ``all credit vanished together,'' most trade and exchange stopped, and a catastrophic drop of the world's population by famine and disease loomed.

Like the financial disintegration hanging over us in late 1994 and 1995 with the collapse of Mexico, Orange County, British merchant banks, etc., that one of the 1340s was the result of 30-40 years of disastrous financial practices, by which the banks built up huge fictitious ``financial bubbles,'' parasitizing production and real trade in goods. These speculative cancers destroyed the real wealth they were monopolizing, and caused these banks to be effectively bankrupt long before they finally went under.

The critical difference between 1345 and 1995, was that in the fourteenth century there were as yet no nations. No governments had the national sovereignty to control the banks and the creation of credit; or, to force these banks into bankruptcy in an orderly way, and replace fictitious bank credit and money with national credit. Nor was the Vatican, the world leadership of the Catholic Church, fighting against the debt-looting of the international banks then as it is today; in fact, at that time it was allied with, aiding, and abetting them.

The result was a disaster for the human population, which fell worldwide by something like 25 percent between 1300 and 1450 (in Europe, by somewhere between 35 percent and 50 percent from the 1340s collapse to the 1440s).

This global crash, caused by the policies and actions of banks which finally completely bankrupted themselves, has been blamed by historians ever since on a king -- poor Edward III of England. Edward revolted against the seizure and looting of his kingdom by the Bardi and Peruzzi banks, by defaulting on their loans starting in 1342. King Edward's national budget was dwarfed by that of either the Bardi or Peruzzi; in fact, by 1342 his national budget had become a subdepartment of theirs. Their internal memos in Florence spoke of him contemptuously as ``Messer Edward''``we shall be fortunate to recover even a part'' of his debts, they sniffed in 1339.

A ``free trade'' mythology has been developed by historians about these ``sober, industrious, Christian bankers'' of Italy in the fourteenth century``doing good'' by their own private greed; developing trade and the beginnings of capitalist industry by seeking monopolies for their family banks; somehow existing in peace with other merchants, and expiating their greedy sins by donations to the Church. But, goes the myth, these sober bankers were led astray by kings (accursed governments!) who were spendthrift, warlike, and unreliable in paying their debts which they forced the helpless or momentarily foolish bankers to lend them. Thus, emerging ``private enterprise capitalism'' was set back by the disaster of the fourteenth century, concludes the classroom myth, noting in passing that 30 million people died in Europe in the ensuing Black Death, famine, and war. If only the ``sober, Christian'' bankers had stuck to industrious ``free trade'' and prosperous city-states, and never gotten entangled with warlike, spendthrift kings!

READ MORE: ... gbardi.htm


Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by littleroundman »

co-shoot wrote: Posted on RMN;
By: watcher51445 Date: Tuesday, 7-Dec-2010 06:39:45

The crash, which peaked in 1345 A.D. when the world's biggest banks went under, ``led'' by the Bardi and Peruzzi companies of Florence, Italy, was more than a bank crash -- it was a financial disintegration.
The result was a disaster for the human population, which fell worldwide by something like 25 percent between 1300 and 1450 (in Europe, by somewhere between 35 percent and 50 percent from the 1340s collapse to the 1440s).
Silly me,

here was I thinking the 1347 - 1353 AD Black Death plague was what caused the European population to fall so dramatically.

Thank God for the internet, otherwise I would have remained blissfully unaware.
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Deep Knight »

co-shoot wrote: The 1930s Great Depression was a mild and brief episode, compared to the bank crash of the 1340s, which decimated the human population.
Was it the banks, or the first "dot-com" crash in 1344, or the huge layoffs in the auto industry the year before that caused this? History tells us that almost no cars were manufactured between 1343 and the early 1900s, yet most historians ignore this fact.

This bit of nonsense is from Lyndon LaRouche in 1995, although I notice it's been picked up by others, including Alex Jones, recently. Specially written for those with no knowledge of history.
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by co-shoot »

The real issue isn’t how it’s presented. It’s whether it’s true or not. Telling it the way it is, is a good thing, as long as it’s the truth.

Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by bmielke »

Deep Knight wrote:
co-shoot wrote: The 1930s Great Depression was a mild and brief episode, compared to the bank crash of the 1340s, which decimated the human population.
Was it the banks, or the first "dot-com" crash in 1344, or the huge layoffs in the auto industry the year before that caused this? History tells us that almost no cars were manufactured between 1343 and the early 1900s, yet most historians ignore this fact.

This bit of nonsense is from Lyndon LaRouche in 1995, although I notice it's been picked up by others, including Alex Jones, recently. Specially written for those with no knowledge of history.
I have bonds from a bank dated 1343, the bank has gone under but I am told there is a secret fund that will give me, 150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 for my bond.

I also own a bridge in Brooklyn.

Both are for sale

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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Deep Knight »

co-shoot wrote:The real issue isn’t how it’s presented. It’s whether it’s true or not. Telling it the way it is, is a good thing, as long as it’s the truth.
Truth! You want the truth!? You can't handle the truth! No, wait a tic, in this case you CAN handle the truth because it's quite simple. From Wikipedia:
The size of the bank should not be understated: by the 1330s, the Peruzzi bank was the second largest in Europe, with fifteen branches from the Middle East to London, all capitalized to the sum of more than 100,000 gold florins and manned by approximately 100 factors.

Peruzzi capital had been amassed in the textile business that was the main engine of Florence's prosperity. English wool finished as high-quality cloth in Bruges was bought by Peruzzi fattori and distributed to the luxurious courts of Paris, Avignon or Naples, or returned to London. Peruzzi connections with the Knights Hospitallers gained them important local leverage in Rhodes, the economic capital of the Aegean and a transshipping port for silks, drugs, spices and luxuries from the East. Trade beyond Italy required agents and instruments of credit, extending the family business beyond its extended membership into an international network. In Italy was developed the double-entry bookkeeping that made such complicated financial transactions possible. By the opening of the 14th century, the main activity of the Peruzzi had switched to wholesale commodities trading on a very large scale, especially in grain exported from the Angevine Kingdom of Naples to the central Italian cities—for which they were granted a monopoly— and to banking, the field for which they are remembered: popes, nobles, bourgeois, towns and abbeys drew loans from the Peruzzi. But great clients incurred great risks. In 1343 the Peruzzi consortium collapsed and was bankrupt in 1345, with their partners in risk-capital, the Bardi.

The traditional explanation, of unsecured loans extended to Edward III of England, is currently considered simplistic. In fact, several factors destabilized the network of trade. The war with Castruccio Castracane of Lucca bled Florentine specie to pay for mercenaries, while France and England went to war over Aquitaine, and the peasants of Flanders rose up in a revolt that was put down with the aid of mercenaries purchased with Peruzzi florins.

Not all of the family fortunes were lost in the bankruptcy, and the Peruzzi continued to figure among the prominent families of Florence, the patrizii di Firenze. Even as late as 1849, in the wake of the disturbances of 1848, the gonfaloniere of Florence was Ubaldino Peruzzi.
A florin is a gold coin, here is info also from Wikipedia:
The Italian florin was a coin struck from 1252 to 1523 with no significant change in its design or metal content standard. It had 54 grains of gold (3.5g, 0.1125 troy ounce). The "fiorino d'oro" of the Republic of Florence was the first European gold coin struck in sufficient quantities to play a significant commercial role since the seventh century. As many Florentine banks were international supercompanies with branches across Europe, the florin quickly became the dominant trade coin of Western Europe for large scale transactions, replacing silver bars in multiples of the mark (a weight unit equal to eight ounces).
So, we're talking about 11,000 or so ounces of gold, or about $14 million today (there's no way to give an equivalent value for the middle ages, it was a lot of money, but not even close to all the money in the world). This was no "bubble," but simply bad debts (the money was always in gold - when they say florins they mean actual florins). I'm sure the people with money in this bank were a bit upset at losing it and that Florence and Siena had some hard times, but there's no historical evidence it caused a the kind of pain Larouche implies in this fiction (the black death is another matter). However, rumor has it that Dove advised Edward III not to pay the Peruzzis because NESARA was going to be announced "soon" and his debt would be forgiven.
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Deep Knight »

If you look at the American financial history of the 19th century, you will find that the two biggest depressions/recessions were The Panic of 1873 and The Panic of 1893. Not only were they both panics (what are the odds of that?) but their being 20 years apart SCREAMS for inspection of what happened in 1883. The eruption of Krakatoa, that’s what.
The best known eruption of Krakatoa culminated in a series of massive explosions on August 26–27, 1883, which was among the most violent volcanic events in modern and recorded history.

With a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6, the eruption was equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT (840 PJ) — about 13,000 times the nuclear yield of the Little Boy bomb (13 to 16 kt) that devastated Hiroshima, Japan, during World War II and four times the yield of the Tsar Bomba (50 Mt), the largest nuclear device ever detonated. Tsar Bomba was also a rock ‘n roll hit for Richie Valens in 1958.
The link here is obvious to anyone with eyes to listen. The Panic of 1873 caused the 1883 eruption, which in turn caused The Panic of 1893. After all, the explosion was 200 megatons! This fact has been hidden from history for over 100 years, which in itself verifies it. Also, unknown to most people who read, the investment firm of Jay Cooke and Company that went bankrupt in September 1873 starting the stock market fall that led to the Panic, HAD NO OFFICES IN KRAKATOA! Obviously they knew something! The 20th century cover-up is also notable, International Banker Movie Moguls at MGM made the movie “Krakatoa, East of Java” in 1969 even though they knew Krakatoa was WEST of Java. A coincidence that nothing has been published about its link to 19th century financial problems since? I think not!
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by co-shoot »

Financial history assures a balance in history between conquers plundering and Bankers Krakatoa episodes if there was a way to avoid disintegration when the next volcano blows. I'l try to find a place to hide. 8)
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Cathulhu »

Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980, but the only effect it had on me was that it killed my ex.
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by co-shoot »

Cathulhu wrote:Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980, but the only effect it had on me was that it killed my ex.

Effected the weather for 3 years they said. At the time I was putting down a new deck on my old dock..the darkness lasted a couple of hours and then the powder came, we got about 6 inches there west of Spokane.....but if it had blown the other way towards Potland they said it could of knocked down tall bldging...killing many, many more in the path.
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Cathulhu »

I still have a little jar of the ash fallout, and around the Toutle river there are hills that weren't there before, because they're piled-up ash. Ceramic artists use it in glazes, and someone found that if you cook the ash at very high temps in an industrial oven, you get a green stone they dubbed "Emerald Viridianite". Since his body was accounted for and is buried in Vancouver, at least he isn't in the earrings someone gave me.

I had heard it affected weather, but here on the coast it's always raining, so I couldn't really tell.
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Re: Its so nice, that we can meet like this!

Post by Deep Knight »

The worldwide thermal effect of Mount St. Helens was small - about 0.1 deg C. Other volcanic eruptions have had a much greater effect, see ... fects.html
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