Reno's dad (and police man brother) are off to NH

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Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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Reno's dad (and police man brother) are off to NH

Post by Demosthenes »

Gonzalez to join his son in New Hampshire

Pictured: Jose Gonzalez

Family counselor placed on 'leave of absence'

Christopher Maher, Alice Echo-News Journal

Jose Gonzalez, the father of an Alice man currently involved in a standoff with federal agents in New Hampshire, said Monday he is making plans to travel to join his son.

Gonzalez said he and another son, Romeo Gonzalez, are making preparations to drive to New Hampshire to visit Cirino Gonzalez, who is currently involved in a standoff with U.S. Marshals.

That standoff began in January, at the 110-acre estate of Ed and Elaine Brown, who have been convicted of tax evasion. The Browns have refused to recognize the authority of the court and the jury that issued that verdict, and maintain there is no federal law requiring them to pay income taxes. Cirino Gonzalez and several other supporters have joined the Browns in their home and have issued statements indicating they would kill any law enforcement officials who would attempt to arrest them.

Jose Gonzalez said he was placed on a "leave of absence" from his job at the Alice Counseling Center last week, which gave him the time to travel to visit Cirino.

"I don't think they're going to have me back, so I think I'm fired," Gonzalez said. "They're afraid that since they are a non-profit organization, their funding has a lot of these anti-terrorism clauses in it, and they're afraid my having anything to do with the Alice Counseling Center will place their funding in jeopardy."

Gonzalez said he had been working as an intern at the center as part of his program to obtain a master's degree, and was hired as an employee two weeks ago.

Gonzalez said he was pleased with the attention his son's situation was receiving from news media, but that in addition to costing him his job it was straining other relationships with family and neighbors.

"I have received 99 percent negative feedback. Not because people think I'm doing something bad, but because they think I'm wasting my time," Gonzalez said. "All I want to do is create attention on the situation to keep it from escalating into violence."

Gonzalez said he and his son Romeo, who is a police officer with the Premont Police Department, hope to communicate with the Browns to develop a well-defined goal for the standoff and to open negotiations with U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier, who is charged with the arrest of the Browns.

"I asked (Cirino) to get Ed back into the spirit of negotiation so we can see a logical end to this other than they're going to come in to get us and we're going to shoot at them," Gonzalez said. "Right now, there's no negotiation, and that's not good."

In a previous interview, Gonzalez had indicated that he would take weapons with him to New Hampshire to defend Cirino if the federal agents raided the home. On Monday, he said he had spoken with Monier and was willing to compromise.

"Marshal Monier advised against me going up there at all," Gonzalez said. "As a compromise, I'm going up there but I'm not taking my guns."
It wasn't guns he was threatening to use...

From the prior article:
Jose M. Gonzalez said he was afraid for his son's safety, and was considering driving to New Hampshire to join Cirino. Although his occupational speciality in the Army was as a truck driver, Jose M. Gonzalez said he is reluctant to join the group in New Hampshire because he might be compelled to use other information he learned in the service.

"I had trained as a...[I'm not supposed to say it, but I guess I've been out long enough] a specialist in nuclear, biological and chemical warfare," Jose M. Gonzalez said. "This is what scares me. I know how to kill people in mass quantities. I don't want to go up there."

Re: Reno's dad (and police man brother) are off to NH

Post by TheSaint »

"Marshal Monier advised against me going up there at all," Gonzalez said.
"Advised him"? I hate to keep beating this drum, but how many more potentially dangerous people is Monier going to allow into Ed Brown's compound? Letting people like Randy Weaver and this guy come and go as they please does not seem like a good strategy for minimizing the risk of bloodshed.

Post by gezco »

I guess the nut really doesn’t fall far from the tree.
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Post by ASITStands »

Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I think ole dad just might be an agent for change. He may be able to convince Reno to either get out or convince Ed to go a different direction.

And, especially, with the brother. Reno may not want his dad and brother at risk, and he may yet come to his senses.

Yeah, he deserves to be charged with aiding and abetting, but maybe, just maybe he'll do the right thing.

I know. Wishful thinking.
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

And they keep insisting that stupidity isn't genetic!!!!!!!!
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Post by Demosthenes »

Hmmm. I wonder how many bedrooms the Brown house has... And I wonder how right wingnuts Ed Brown and Randy Weaver will get along with Reno's daddy...

From an article earlier this week on Jose Gonzalez:
During this time Jose did another research paper hoping to prove how Capitalism was a much better system than Communism. In the end though, he found himself attracted to Communism and its ideas of sharing, redistribution of wealth, and emphasis on the working class. He also began to cherish the ability to think critically and to question the status quo. It was this attribute-a love of learning, an inquiring mind, and analytical thinking, that Jose wanted to instill in his son Cirino.
The Brown situation has gone from scary violent to just plain absurd.
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Post by Imalawman »

What do we know about this policeman brother? This seems wildly inappropriate for him to be going to this situation. Have the proper authorities been notified that this is being planned?

What are the chances that before long the Brown's house will be in flames soon when all these nutjobs join forces?
"Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs" - Unknown

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Anyone else think that Reno's dad has more than a passing resemblance to Mario (of Donkey Kong fame)?