Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Blockage the last three days, including today, has been by OBAMA with the help of the U.N..

Regarding the back and forth on the net with this one or that one saying the programs are a scam, anyone who says that does not know their butt from their elbow and that includes Story, Whistleblower, Candace, Guyatt, etc etc etc. Those who have said that over the years and continue to say that now are IGNORANT IN THE EXTREME. Their opinions/ignorance has nothing to do with reality. This is what I often said to such as Story and Whistleblower publicly and I do so again now to encourage you not to be discouraged by those who still have not learned that which they should have learned long ago.

casper 12-10-10

Who would you think, just offhand, doesn't recognized reality?
A. A person who has been promising prosperity deliveries "soon" for years and years, saying they're from "programs" where the principles were arrested, convicted, and put in jail, or
B. A person who says the "programs" are part of a scam.

Take your time and mull this over carefully before answering.
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Post by Deep Knight »

The RAP-NESARA people, er, person seems to think something HAS been going on for the past 3 days. Either that or ...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No posting or intel for the next few days

No posting or intel reports on blog or skype at the request of Prosperity Programs for the next few days.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:38 AM 0 comments
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Post by Gregg »

Deep Knight wrote:The RAP-NESARA people, er, person seems to think something HAS been going on for the past 3 days. Either that or ...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No posting or intel for the next few days

No posting or intel reports on blog or skype at the request of Prosperity Programs for the next few days.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:38 AM 0 comments

"I'm gonna go fishing for a few days, leave me alone"
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:The RAP-NESARA people, er, person seems to think something HAS been going on for the past 3 days. Either that or ...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No posting or intel for the next few days

No posting or intel reports on blog or skype at the request of Prosperity Programs for the next few days.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:38 AM 0 comments

"I'm gonna go fishing for a few days, leave me alone"
Either that, or "I can't think of any original garbage to put on my site today. Everything I write sounds like I've written the same thing dozens of times before. I'm going to take a vacation -- maybe with a 12-pack of Bud Light (or something equally awful) and try to find a way to repackage my idiocies so that they look like some great new prophecy".
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools


Post by bmielke »

Gregg wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:The RAP-NESARA people, er, person seems to think something HAS been going on for the past 3 days. Either that or ...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No posting or intel for the next few days

No posting or intel reports on blog or skype at the request of Prosperity Programs for the next few days.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:38 AM 0 comments

"I'm gonna go fishing for a few days, leave me alone"
I read it as my dealer is out, but expecting a shipment form Mexico, once resupplied and my initial bender is over I will be back.
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Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie's sh*t, er, ship finally came in (he got a "halfie") which allows him to post important stuff like this again.

Future events sequence by Sheldan Nidle
Submitted by GW - Thanks

From Sheldan Nidle latest webinar this is fluid and things may change depending on what happens

1 - release of funds to those in "various programs"
2 - initial resignations of pres vp cabinet legislature supreme court
3 - interim govt installed
4- 10-14 days of suppresed info legal financial world past events and history
4a - banking changes over 4 month period
4b - decrease of prices of up to 85-90 % may include real estate and vehicles?
5 - disclosure of et's technology and history (after 10-14 days of #4 4a and 4b)
6 - first contact 6-8 months after disclosure of et's
7 - metamorphisis chamber / mentors and reformation of outside earth at same time 3-4 days sometime after first contact

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:55 AM 0 comments
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Post by Deep Knight »

Casper is back - Bellringer took down his update of the 10th and put these up, the first a targeted message to Ying.



THE WORLD is now aware of your threats to ELIMINATE certain people.

It is not one or two but multitudes of people working to expose your attempts to steal and/or trade other peoples money. The people are fighting to protect what is legally theirs. You and yours are working to steal that which does not belong to you.

The people do not create or generate the disclosures, they are coming from your own organization and those closest to you. They are the ones reporting your illegal activities. WE only report what they tell us which includes the identity of your Stateside Helpers. WE know who they are, who is working with you. The information is provided anonymously by your own people.

You have been warned by many people to BACK OFF as recently as today.

If you persist with your threats or actions to 'ELIMINATE' certain people the disclosures will continue to come forth from many directions simultaneously.

casper 12-12-10

If I know Ying he'll ignore these threats from Casper. After all, Ying has a fabulous Yang, he's not called "Ying the Schwing" for nothing. Let's just say that when he entertains young ladies, it needs to be from an adjacent room! This is both the real reason he was picked for this job and why "many people" have warned him to "back off" to an area even further away from his bed.


Due to the usual 'Sunday Problems', no delv today.
Heads up for tomorrow.

casper 12-12-10

Does Casper mean "Sunday problems" or "girlfriend problems?" The second is a sure sign that Ying's back in town!
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Post by Deep Knight »

Not specific to Casper (it's about a Poof update from the 12th, this and an 11th update from Casper are at Rumor Mill News - http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/fo ... ead=189758 - go to the bottom of the page for more)

Reader dean: "A fork in the road..."

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 13-Dec-2010 14:49:30

In Response To: POOF for DEC 12th: You Better Watch Out (hobie) (Thanks, dean. :)

Reader dean writes (likely speaking for many):


Re: POOF for DEC 12th: You Better Watch Out

Yogi says when come to a fork in the road take it,,if this payout doesn't take place in 2010 thats what I am going to do and mark my investment as a loss,,We have waited too many years and its time for me to move on to a new beginning with a better future,,I haven't given up on America and the people to come back stronger than ever.


Dean - your "investment" was never an investment, it was sending your money to a scam artist who spent it long ago. As for Yogi saying to take the fork in the road, I believe this was not "fork" but "pic-a-nic basket."
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Post by Deep Knight »

From Bellringer's Foulwinds site.
PTB = Powers That Be

WHITE HAT REPORT – Death threats, Changing Sides and Providing Evidence
Another message to the PTB:

We have continually provided updated information on the international battle occurring behind the scenes which includes the manipulation, destruction and subversion of our system of Life, Liberty, Justice and Freedom for all.

The perpetrators are Americans elected into high office who have used their power without apparent thought, consideration or respect for the American people. The leader of this Clan is former president George H.W. Bush, Sr. Among his many associates are former presidents George W. Bush, Jr., William Clinton, current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Barrack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, the Former Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan and others.

When our group came together, it was to complete the “Global Settlements” to repair the overall integrity, credibility and financial stability of the United States of America, and in turn, the rest of the free world. To date, the perpetrators have made every attempt to hinder the advancement of the Settlements by manipulating and, to use President Obama’s favorite term, “gaming the system”. Throughout this arduous process, we have learned to anticipate the moves of the Clan and we continue to trace, track and record their activities.

While Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, introduced Michael Herzog of Berlin, Germany and Paul Guenette of Calgary, Canada, to George H.W. Bush, Sr. to develop a business relationship for the purpose of placing funds in Federal Reserve sanctioned high yield trade programs. George Bush, Sr. is a major player in the High Yield and Private Placement business. Herzog and Guenette are partners and financial brokers offering high yield investment opportunities.

Herzog and Guenette had a client named Ed Falcone, a prominent real estate developer. Mitt Romney, being a protégé of George H.W. Bush, Sr., persuaded Herzog to place Falcone’s funds with Bush, Sr. who would trade through his family and other sources. Bush Seniors wife, Barbara Bush, maiden name Pierce, is a well known financial family in France and participates in these types of financial transactions.

After a period of time, Falcone asked questions why he did not receive payment from his investment. As a result, he started his own investigation by hiring experts in financial forensics and other experts to discover the location of his funds. Hence, Falcone filed a complaint with the FBI, the Office of Homeland Security and the Federal Reserve. A detailed report has been prepared and submitted to the FBI.

The result of the forensic investigations revealed that George H.W. Bush, Sr. placed the funds in trade, generating profits and paying off people knowledgeable of these transactions. Romney was paid approximately one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) over a two year period ending with his last payment from the Commerce Bank, Frankfurt, Germany in early May of 2008. Romney was being considered for the Vice President position under Presidential candidate John McCain, in 2008. Romney withdrew from consideration for Vice President when information surfaced regarding these transactions. McCain selected Sarah Palin since she was easy to vet at the last minute. If Romney had disclosed these transactions, Utah would have done a better job vetting him. Romney thought he would be in the clear based on the perceived “protection” offered by Bush Sr.

Herzog and Guenette were paid as partners utilizing Falcone’s funds and part of their profits were diverted to their own bank house, ICB Bank Limited in Curacao, a Caribbean island. Herzog’s wife Gudrun Funkenweh is also hiding stolen funds from Falcone in her own accounts.

As reported previously, George H.W. Bush, Sr., between the dates of October 5-7, 2010 moved the funds he stole from Falcone, from bank accounts in St. Barts to various island banks including Bermuda and Turks and Caicos. Bill and Hilliary Clinton also received funds which were distributed through many of the accounts that Bill has setup throughout the world.

Falcone reached out to Vice President Joe Biden with a hand delivered message requesting his personal assistance to help Falcone recover his funds. The memo included the same information provided to the FBI, the Office of Homeland Security and the Federal Reserve. Presumably, when Biden started to do research, someone found out and authorized Hillary Clinton to approach Biden. Biden was paid approximately two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000) to keep quiet and help block the efforts of Falcone in collecting his funds. Biden established accounts at several overseas banks in Spain and Hong Kong and the funds were diverted and deposited into these accounts.

The real unfortunate part is that President Obama received a registered letter from Falcone referencing the complaint filed with the different government agencies, requesting his assistance. To this date, the President has not responded to his letter nor taken any action to correct this injustice.

During the summer of 2010, Admiral Dennis Blair, the Head of the Security Council at that time, was made aware of the reports and facts Falcone had filed with the different government agencies. Admiral Blair informed the Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, that this problem was not going away and it needed to be addressed and corrected immediately. Admiral Blair met with the President on this matter and resigned when he realized the President and the Administration refused to act on this matter and similar matters outstanding.

Herzog and Guenette are aware of threats made on their lives by Bush Sr. Apparently, Bush Sr. is extremely concerned about any information that is exposed about the business relationship between Herzog, Guenette and Bush Sr. over the Falcone funds. When Herzog talks, then Bush Senior’s dirty tricks, blackmail, and payoffs will be exposed opening those crimes up to severe legal consequences.

Herzog is scared, and in his wisdom, has started to leak to Falcone and his legal team the inside information on aspects of their business relationships with the parties mentioned here, including Alan Greenspan and Josef Ackerman, the Chairman of Deutsche Bank, as they all participated in the theft of Falcone’s funds. Herzog has delivered documents and information which includes an email written in German to Falcone, from Deutsche Bank, directed by Ackerman and Greenspan, dated August 1st, 2007 at 3:31pm (German time). At the same time the email was sent, George H.W. Bush, Sr. and then President George Bush, Jr. were on a conference call with Ackerman and Greenspan. The contents of the email gave Michael Herzog specific instructions to withhold payment to Falcone.

The walls are caving in and the end is here for the Bush Clan. America’s system of justice will prevail.

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Post by Deep Knight »


The China Man who arrived Saturday morning to replace the imposter sent by Ying was himself another imposter working for Ying and the Chi-Coms.
He was supposedly here to stop the trade attempts and get the packs out.
WE realize this is confusing but a detailed explanation would be equally confusing and is unnecessary given the outcome.

WE knew who this imposter was immediately but held our fire, so to speak, to watch his activities.
He tried to get seven trades through, the proceeds were confiscated. He was returned to China with his imposter allies.

Today every participant in every program signed their interest over to Obama, the Clintons, the Banks and certain Countries participating in this latest scam. By order of the World Court your signature and mine and everyone else's was accepted as true and accurate, the Court was to get a 'cut' of this fraudulent deal.

The packs, scheduled for delivery again today, were stopped for this reason. When checking the signatures, yours and mine, the appropriate people noticed the signatures of many dead people were included. "How can dead people sign their interest over to you" the scammers were asked. "Oh, that's a mistake" was the answer. "Yes, a BIG mistake" they were told.
The World Court had handled all the forged documents containing our forged signatures, John Roberts had certified the signatures as true and correct and Hillary had provided the forged documents and signatures.

ALL our money and ALL money from the trades was to go to Obama, the Clintons and their helpers. Today D.C. was rife with rumors the bad guys were being paid off and given immunity. This was the 'source of funds' for those supposed payoffs. Even their 'Immunity Papers' were forged.

Tonight WE are informed all of this 'has been taken care of', has been dealt with and this includes the World Court.

What did the previous update say about their level of desperation?

WE expect deliveries tomorrow baring still more unforeseen circumstances.

casper 12-14-10

Casper expects deliveries tomorrow baring still more unforeseen circumstances? But Casper ALWAYS says unforeseen circumstances block his promised deliveries! Given this track record, one would think that unforeseen circumstances would be foreseen, wouldn't you? Then again, who knows how things work where Casper gets his information - his butt.
"Follow the Money"


Post by littleroundman »

It may seem strange, but as a newbie to the forum and a furrin'r to the USA, I find this whole Casper thing fascinating.

I mean, I can sort of understand the whole "sovereign man" and twisted patriot thing, but, the level of detail to which Casper and his/her cohorts go can't possibly be from a misreading or misunderstanding of the constitution.

Has anyone ever seen or met one of these people ????

Are they psychotic or otherwise mentally ill, not particular about where they source their mushrooms or do they merely indulge in too many recreational chemicals ?????
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

littleroundman wrote:It may seem strange, but as a newbie to the forum and a furrin'r to the USA, I find this whole Casper thing fascinating.

I mean, I can sort of understand the whole "sovereign man" and twisted patriot thing, but, the level of detail to which Casper and his/her cohorts go can't possibly be from a misreading or misunderstanding of the constitution.

Has anyone ever seen or met one of these people ????

Are they psychotic or otherwise mentally ill, not particular about where they source their mushrooms or do they merely indulge in too many recreational chemicals ?????
I'm guessing #1. I suspect that Casper and friends are desperately trying to come up with some way to feel that they are Important People; otherwise, they would probably fall completely apart.
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Post by co-shoot »

A Whistleblower on remote viewing....what he was viewing was thru the eyes of a demon, it was a eye opener to me to think that is all there is too the fly on the wall thingy

I wonder if Casper isn't really doing anything different ....maybe just channeling his demons .. :evil: :naughty:
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Post by Deep Knight »

No self-respecting demon would have anything to do with Casper. It's not the "evil thing" but the "embarrassment thing" that would stop them dead in their cloven-hoofed tracks.


The third China Man to arrive, the true aide to the true Big Man in China, has been found to be working for Ying as were the two previous imposters and he was attempting more trades today. In the 'old days' which was not so long ago it took us two or three weeks to uncover these things which now require only 24 to 48 hours.

The Big Man has been informed and is livid and says his aide will be dealt with immediately. This indicates deliveries tomorrow pending no further interference.

casper 12-15-10
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Post by Gregg »

littleroundman wrote:It may seem strange, but as a newbie to the forum and a furrin'r to the USA, I find this whole Casper thing fascinating.

I mean, I can sort of understand the whole "sovereign man" and twisted patriot thing, but, the level of detail to which Casper and his/her cohorts go can't possibly be from a misreading or misunderstanding of the constitution.

Has anyone ever seen or met one of these people ????

Are they psychotic or otherwise mentally ill, not particular about where they source their mushrooms or do they merely indulge in too many recreational chemicals ?????
They're a combination of greedy, dishonest and not real smart. Casper doesn't believe a word he writes, but as long as the tin foil wrapped donations keep coming in, he'll keep cranking it out.
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Post by fortinbras »

Casper is particularly untrustworthy. Either he is a shameless fraud and con-man, or he is one of most severely delusional people allowed to access the internet. His followers are either lesser crooks hoping to somehow pony on his scam to scoop up some loot for himself, or people who are so mentally weak that they can be conned for an interminable period.

I am not sure if Casper calls himself a sov'run; if he does, then he must be a con-man, because the imaginary sovrun status does not logically comport with NESARA nonsense.

The sovruns I have had to deal with seem to have serious mental health problems; they are narcissistic or ego-centric or just plain sociopathic that, to get things exactly the way they want without regard for others, they will accept an entirely fictional backstory of history, law and government. They refuse to acknowledge any errors in their notions - even when they encounter other sovruns with somewhat different notions - even when confronted with the sort of proof that would persuade sensible people - to the point that could be described as perseveration*. In any case, dealing with sovruns, regardless of whether you regard them as stupid, crooked, or crazy, is a memorable experience.

* since this word does not show up in most English dictionaries, I quote from Taber's Medical Dictionary: perseveration. Continued repetition of a meaningless word or phrase, or repetition of answers that are not related to successive questions being asked. Dorland's Medical Dictionary adds that it is symptomatic of schizophrenia and organic brain damage.
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:No self-respecting demon would have anything to do with Casper. It's not the "evil thing" but the "embarrassment thing" that would stop them dead in their cloven-hoofed tracks.


The third China Man to arrive, the true aide to the true Big Man in China, has been found to be working for Ying as were the two previous imposters and he was attempting more trades today. casper 12-15-10
Full name: Ying-Tong Ying-Tong Ying-Tong Ying-Tong Ying-Tong Tiddle-I-Po.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Full name: Ying-Tong Ying-Tong Ying-Tong Ying-Tong Ying-Tong Tiddle-I-Po.
I first heard about the Goon Show via John Lennon, and of course was a big Peter Sellers fan from his movies ("the mink-key had a lee-sance"). Had never heard this one before, but it's a nonsensical wonder. Thanks and Happy Holidays!!!

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