Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by bobhurt »

Duke2Earl wrote:... it seems clear that you are willing to receive the benefits of citizenship in this country without paying anything in return.
Haven't you read CUSA I.2.3 and I.9.4? Congress has plenary taxing power so long as it abides by those conditions, and about that I have no complaint. Indirect by geographic uniformity; direct by apportionment among the states. When did Congress last make the state governments liable for a direct tax? Why does Congress craft a confusing law that you cannot understand even when someone thrusts it in your face?

By the way, you don't have a debate with me. Many attorneys dissected the CUSA and laws regarding taxation and you differ in opinion with THEM, not merely me.
As to self educating yourself in law... in your case, that seems to be about as effective as self educating yourself in brain surgery. All of your legal conclusions are basically devoid of any basis other than your fervent belief. You seem to have exactly zero understanding of either our history or constitutional law except in regard to your fervent beliefs.
I get it. You want to smack me in the face with the rotten fish of your unfounded opinions, and then not give me an opportunity to smack you back. That makes a lot of sense, to a coward.

I take issue with the crookedness of our courts and their abusive misinterpretation of 16A and the tax code. I believe only political action will correct it, not likely considering the disability of the electorate.

And by the way, I encourage debate about violence and assassination as solutions so to pressure people to take political action as the only viable alternative, fraught though it seems with election fraud.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by wserra »

bobhurt wrote:I, Bob Hurt, do not and did not advocate killing government workers. I advocated DISCUSSING the excision of CRIMINALS from government, by assassination if necessary. I believe it high time for Americans to engage vigorously in such discussions, and to take whatever action they must to remove criminals from government.
I, wserra, do not and did not advocate killing Bob Hurt. I advocated DISCUSSING the excision of VIOLENT MORONS from the body politic, by assassination if necessary. I believe it high time for Americans to engage vigorously in such discussions, and to take whatever action they must to remove violent morons from the body politic.

The line gets a little blurry.
Remember that unlike most of you, I do not hide.
Me either.
My life has become an open book.
Perhaps one day you'll finish coloring it.
The income tax articles should state the positions of DOJ/IRS and of their opponents, without favoring one or the other.
Just as books on astronomy should state the positions of Copernicus and Ptolemy, without favoring one or the other.
If you want a really good head start, write to Marcel Roy Bendshadler, #70873-065, Taft Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 7001.Taft, CA 93268.
Sure, let's start with a convicted fraudster. Maybe we can graduate to a terrorist.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Famspear »

bobhurt wrote:.....I mentioned to Larry the other day that Quatloos has a pretty good area devoted to something like patriot myths, and that you and he share a common objective in dissuading people from embracing those myths. He quickly denied that he wanted anything to do with you......
Note: Just to make sure there's no confusion, Bob is apparently referring to Lowell ("Larry") Becraft here, not to me ("Larry Williams" is a pseudonym I use).
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by LPC »

bobhurt wrote:You, principally Larry Williams / famspear who have written the foregoing dreck, seem to have a hard time comprehending plain English.

I, Bob Hurt, do not and did not advocate killing government workers. I advocated DISCUSSING the excision of CRIMINALS from government, by assassination if necessary.
Yes, there are people who have a hard time comprehending plain English.

Such as pathological liars who write "dreck" and don't understand that "assassination" necessarily involves "killing."
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Duke2Earl wrote:As to whether you are a mooch.... I really don't know other that it seems clear that you are willing to receive the benefits of citizenship in this country without paying anything in return. As to self educating yourself in law... in your case, that seems to be about as effective as self educating yourself in brain surgery. All of your legal conclusions are basically devoid of any basis other than your fervent belief. You seem to have exactly zero understanding of either our history or constitutional law except in regard to your fervent beliefs. And all the fervent believing in the world does not make it so. The fact (if it is actually so) that others enlist your help and ask your opinion simply proves how many fools there are out there. You see, the vast majority of us live in a world that actually is... we accept actual reality. The fact that you refuse to do so is not a fault in us.

And no I will not debate any of this. I will not debate reality with one who cannot see it when it is thrust in his face.
To quote Charlie Pierce's Third Great Premise of Idiot America: fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is determined by how fervently they believe it.

Bob Hurt certainly is the poster child for this Premise.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Reading Hurt brings to mind Abraham Maslow's famous statement:
If one's only tool is a hammer, every problem appears to be a nail.
Intellectually dishonest individuals with an axe to grind will invariably discover a hammer (usually a mythological one involving unprovable but interesting-sounding conspiracies) that allows them to keep pounding away on bolts, screws, staples, etc., etc., all the while decrying the use, or even existence of said fasteners.

Nuances become lost for the Bob Hurts of the world. Everything that goes wrong has a convenient explanation that rests with the fault of people who espouse the use of fastening products other than nails. Soon enough for them, the hardware world has to be conspiring against hammer users because they can't seem to keep two pieces of wood held together with a stove-bolt pounded through them.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Gregg »

It's da jooz I tell ya
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Nikki »

CaptainKickback wrote:Like Phyllis Diller opening her bathrobe, we'd really prefer you keep that book closed please.
Perhaps we need a new category of posts (in addition to "Unsafe For Work") along the line of Unsafe for anyone within one hour on either side of a meal
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Dr. Caligari »

bobhurt wrote:Haven't you read CUSA I.2.3 and I.9.4? Congress has plenary taxing power so long as it abides by those conditions, and about that I have no complaint. Indirect by geographic uniformity; direct by apportionment among the states.
Haven't you read the 16th Amendment?
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Joey Smith »

Bob Hurt is just another nut whose research consists of collecting only what he wants to believe, and discarding the rest no matter how clearly it deflates whatever theory he is espousing at any given moment.

It is no wonder that he wants to remove judges, since they quickly see through his nonsense and declare it to be the B.S. that it is.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
bobhurt wrote:Haven't you read CUSA I.2.3 and I.9.4? Congress has plenary taxing power so long as it abides by those conditions, and about that I have no complaint. Indirect by geographic uniformity; direct by apportionment among the states.
Haven't you read the 16th Amendment?
He'd only misinterpret it if he did.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by notorial dissent »

I think one would be assuming a very great deal, in believing that he ever actually read either CUSA I.2.3 and I.9.4 or anything else for that matter and isn't just repeating something he got off the internet that or that someone told him.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by littleroundman »

I gotta tell ya that, for someone residing outside of the US, reading this and the sovereign citizen threads are among the most entertaining and (unintentionally) screamingly funny ways to fill in a few spare minutes I know.

It's a real pity some of the tax protester stuff is so OTT, otherwise it could provide the basis for a top rating TV series to follow episodes of "Americas' Dumbest Crooks"

As it stands, most non US viewers would find most of the tax deniers' beliefs too outrageous to make the program saleable outside of the 'States.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by The Observer »

Just be aware that tax defiance is not just limited to the US. Canada, Australia and the UK have had recent bouts with the same kind of mentality and behavior. And I'm sure if we really dug hard, we could find TPs in most countries.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by littleroundman »

The Observer wrote:Just be aware that tax defiance is not just limited to the US.
True, but yours are just so much BETTER at it than ours.

Such creativity, such channeled delusions.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by grixit »

The Observer wrote:Just be aware that tax defiance is not just limited to the US. Canada, Australia and the UK have had recent bouts with the same kind of mentality and behavior. And I'm sure if we really dug hard, we could find TPs in most countries.

"This is just like the old Salt Taxes, which were condemned as oppressive to the People. Robespierre had a solution for tyrants like you!"

"You can't tell me what to do-- there's a high window behind you, and i'm not afraid to use it!"

"I am putting you on notice that you are in violation of the Pragmatic Sanction!"

Of course, if these various groups put their heads together, they will eventually discover the universal solvent. "That's forbidden under the Code of Hammurabi!"
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4

Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by littleroundman »

And I'm sure if we really dug hard, we could find TPs in most countries.
TPs outside the USA are so boring,

there's hardly a smile among the whole sorry bunch of them.

Yours' are so eloquent, so quick to understand complex matters, so creative and so, so, so

what's the word I'm looking for ???

I know,


I apologize if my observations appear flippant, but that's only because they are.

I just can't bring myself to take any of it (or them) seriously.

Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Nikki »

It is true that the behavior and theories of tax protestors (more correctly tax deniers) in this country make the Keystone Kops look like serious drama.

However, there are many other countries where tax denial / evasion has become an integral part of the societal norm.

Although I'm too lazy to look up specific references, I seem to recall an almost endless series of Italian scandals related to massive tax evasion on the part of prominent people. Then there's Switzerland, where tax avoidance (and the support thereof) has become statutory, if not constitutionally mandated.

Finally, there is the vast number of nudge-nudge, wink-wink countries where one's tax bill is inversly proportionate to the amount of palm grease one dispenses.

Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Pangea »

bobhurt wrote:You, principally Larry Williams / famspear who have written the foregoing dreck, seem to have a hard time comprehending plain English.
<Huge, mind-blowing, bandwidth-saving, computer-chip-reducing, fossil-fuel-saving clip>
bobhurt wrote:By the way, for those of you who function as law professionals, you ought to hang your heads in shame for the fallacious reasoning you use on Quatloos as a tool for disparaging your targets. They do convince readers, all right. They convince readers of your lack of integrity. The truth can withstand honest investigation. You seem to avoid both.
Remember Charlie Brown on TV? How when the grown-ups spoke, all you heard was Wah-wah-Wah-Wah-wah, wah-Wah-wah. Yep, that just about all I got from this.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Famspear »

Bob Hurt wrote:
You, principally Larry Williams / famspear who have written the foregoing dreck, seem to have a hard time comprehending plain English.

I, Bob Hurt, do not and did not advocate killing government workers. I advocated DISCUSSING the excision of CRIMINALS from government, by assassination if necessary
No, Bob I don't have a hard time comprehending English. But you do. I no, I don't write "dreck."

I did not say that you "advocate" killing government workers. Here's what I wrote: "Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers." Bob, your advocacy of "DISCUSSING the excision of CRIMINALS from government, by assassination if necessary" is a "discussion of the killing of government workers."

Don't try to argue with me about what you wrote, Bob. I've seen ash trays with more verbal ability than you have.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet