Moment of Truth

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »

Poofness - 12/26/10 - Moment Of Truth
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 17:43:04 -0500

Earth, Wind & Fire
Moment Of Truth lyrics
Songwriters: White, Maurice; Whitehead, Don; Flemons, Wade

We're goin' round
Tryin' to get higher
Better come down
There's gonna be a fire
We're goin' round
Tryin' to get higher
Better come down
There's gonna be a fire

Smother that, hey
Smother that, hey y'all

The moment of truth is near
And my body trembles with fear
Just like you I'm a guilty one
Thinkin' bout nothin' but havin'
me some fun

Time's drawing now no place to hide
Hide hide hide hide.

We're goin' round
Tryin' to get higher
Better come down
There's gonna be a fire
We're goin' round
Tryin' to get higher
Better come down
Gonna be a fire.

Smother that, hey
Smother that, hey y'all
We all got to do our part
Lend a hand and open up your heart
It's all up to me and you
We gotta get ready for the moment of truth.

Come on down, come on down,
come on down
Come on down, come on down
come on down

Season's Greetings and Salutations;

This is really weird for me. I'll say what I say, then somebody said something else, that I had nothing to do with. Somebody said to me, maybe I should let the talking heads have their day in the sun and never utter another word. Everybody has their 'source' right, their guy or girl who 'knows somebody' or somebody that knows somebody. The truth is, as I watched some football, I thought about it real deep. KC won their game, the Bears beat the Jets, and my Steelers won, who cares? I don't need the crap. Then I had to think about the countless people who don't harvest the net for the 'latest and greatest'. They chose a path and walked it, never deviating from their choices, as tough as, it's been. I like to call these people the 'fellowship of the ring'. They know what they are here for and they will go about getting those things done...regardless.

Here's all anybody needs to know; all has been released for delivery, the lien was lifted, the trustee knows his drop dead timeline, and the folks that prepared for this to happen at the 'right time', 400 years ago, say 'it is underway'. 'Ya gotta dance with the one what, brung ya'...a promise is a promise, no matter what. If you only understood just How important that is for america, you'd forget about all this hypnotizing bad news spouted out by the media. Iraq has a government and got their currency issue straightened out, duh, they are getting funds from this activity also and you know, money doesn't have a religion. The dragons moved the heavy lumber, putting the bad guys in pocket, and now the Plan of the Ages, finishes, 'shifting the wealth of the world'.

Happy Holiday's Everyone.

Love & Kisses,


Consultation's still available until my door bell rings.

*You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure about you. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
*Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.
*As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.
*The spiritual path - is simply the journey of living our lives. Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don't know it.
*The goal of spiritual practice is full recovery, and the only thing you need to recover from is a fractured sense of self.
*Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.
*The only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of contributing to the healing of the world.
*In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it.
*When an idea reaches critical mass there is no stopping the shift its presence will induce.
~Marianne Williamson
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »

Poofiness - 12/28/10 - Moment Of Truth

Liar Lyrics

You take great pride in never having lived up to anything
Lie, steal, cheat and kill, a real bad guy
Your daddy is a wino, and your mommy is quite insane
From altarboy to sewer rat, you don't give a damn
Your sister is a junkie, gets "it" any way she can
Your brother's a gay singer in a stud leather band
Your girlfriend's got herpes to go with your hep and AIDS
There ain't one person you know you ain't ripped off yet.

Look deep in the mirror, look deep into its eyes
Your face is replaced, a creature you despise
but I know what you're made of, it ain't much I'm afraid
I know you'll be lying until you dying day

Make up your stories, truth's so hard to say
Brain is numb and your tongue will surely dig your grave
Your mind is sickly from Alzheimer's Disease
And decadence and debauchery killed your memories

You're a liar, liar, liar, everyone can see
Liar, liar, [liar,] it's all you'll ever be
Liar, liar, liar, it's what you mean to me
Liar, liar, lies...

Start trouble, spread pain
Piss and venom, in your veins
Talk nasty, breathe fire
Smell rotten, you're a liar
Sweat liquor, breathe snot
Eat garbage, spit blood
Diseased, health hazard
Scum bag, filthy bastard
Greasy face, teeth decay
Hair matted, drunk all day
Abscessed, sunken veins
Rot gut, scrambled brain
Steal money, crash cars
Rob jewelry, hock guitars
Rot in hell, it's time you know
To your master, off you go
You're a liar

Seasoning's Greetings and Salivations;

This is really weird for me. Let’s say I'll say what I say, then have my say, then somebody said something else to someone else, said something said but not said, that I had nothing to do with, but nothing had something to do with me. Somebody said to me, maybe I should let the talking heads have their day in the sun and never utter another word. In fact, a lot of people have said this, but only the last part. Everybody has their 'source' right, their guy or girl who 'knows somebody' or somebody that knows somebody, or knows somebody who knows something, or knows something somewhat from somebody. The truth is, as I watched some feet & balls, I thought about it real deep. For more than 10 seconds! Then I had to think about the countless people who read the garbage I write. They chose a path off a cliff and walked it, never deviating from their choices, as tough as, it's been. I like to call these people the 'fellowship of the lemmings'. They know what they are here for and they will follow me to the end...regardless.

Here's all anybody needs to know; all has been released for delivery, the lien was lifted, the trustee knows his drop dead timeline, the dead know their trusted line time, and the folks that prepared for this to happen at the 'night time is the right time', 400 years ago, say 'it is underway'. 'Ya gotta dance with the one what, bunged ya'...a promise is a promise, no matter what. If you only understood just How, and how, you'd forget about all this hypnotizing bad news spouted out by the media. Iraq has a government and got their currency issue straightened out, duh, they are getting funds from this activity also and you know, money doesn't have a religion, unless of course you’re talking about those International Bankers and we all know what religion they are. The dragons moved the heavy lumber, the gnomes have cut the drywall, putting the bad guys in the closet, as shown in the blueprint of the Plan of the Ages, and the cosmic building permit is about to be issued!

Happy Holiday's Everyone.
Love & Kisses,

Consultation's still available for what they’re worth.

*You are a child of God. Your playing sane does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about acting rational so that other people won't feel insecure about you.
*Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate in bed. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, that measure is more than 8 inches, and that women will write our names on the toilet walls of the Whiskey-A-Go-Go.
*As we lie, cheat and steal, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are sent to jail, our testimony will actually incarcerate others.
*In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. The goal of the spiritual seeker should be to find someone else to do this work.
*When an idea reaches critical mass there is no sphincter in the world that can stop it.
"Follow the Money"
Basileus Quatlooseus
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Wow, oh wow. Which is deeper -- that which poofiness pontificates or Deep Knights translation? What can a boggoling mind grasp?
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
Pirate Captain
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by co-shoot »

Deep Knight
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »

Nothing says Xmas like Casper ranting on about Satanists and the EVIL ONES.


Last night HILLARY and certain parties overseas ordered one of our Contacts picked up AND IS AGAIN THREATENING TO KILL HIM-- AND OTHERS.
" Eliminate’ is her choice of words, KILL is what they mean.
Remember Vince Foster?
Remember the 75 or so dead associates of the CLINTONS including all of their ‘body guards’?
This person does not have the codes or any cards.
WE are aware of the overnight trade attempt. It will be blocked or confiscated.
Attempts to break into our accounts overseas continues around the clock.
WE know you EVIL ONES are desperate but this will do you no good, you might as well release him. WE have a good idea who has him.


Our Country has been over taken by Satanists' who will do anything, anything at all, to preserve their Fraudulent Financial Playpen and themselves in power.

Casper 12-28-10

It's almost like Xmas magic how, in the blinking of an eye, focus moves from Hillary killing people (mostly "for kicks") to The Queen embezzling her subjects (just "because she can").


WE wonder publicly whether the QUEEN has anything to do with the disappearance of our ally and friend overnight.
He had been in touch with her by phone and fax yesterday.
She and many others had been promised access to our accounts by Obama/Hillary etc. yesterday. When that again failed she said she wanted the deliveries made immediately.
As WE have previously reported to you and STORY so many times over the years she is like a weed blowing in the wind.
She is on which ever side she thinks will provide her with funds the fastest.
She is no friend of the American people and still refers to us as her ‘subjects’.

Casper 12-28-10 #2

Then Whistleblower posted this at Rumor Mill "News"


Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 28-Dec-2010 14:35:38

E-mail from Whistleblower"



This whole scenario by Keenan, Kumar, Scott, and even Fulford reminds me of a Children’s playground story…………..

Little Neil, being the playground bully, was upset because nobody was taking any notice of him, so one day he ran to the Teacher and said, Miss, Miss, that David hit me and stole my lollipop. The Teacher, a little confused, said to little Neil, well Neil we only have one David here and he is not in school today. His Mommy telephoned us this morning and said he was ill with the flu so he would not be in school for 2 -3 days, so Neil you must be wrong. Little Neil replied, No Miss, I tell the truth that David hit me and stole my lollipop, as tears started to develop in his eyes. I am not telling fibs Miss.

The Teacher replied by saying, Neil you are mistaken, it must have been someone else, because David is not in school today. Now wipe the tears from your eyes and go and play quietly.

Little Neil goes away blaming the Teacher for all his problems.

I have told that story for a reason because none of us knew about the arrest of Dr Dam until Monday 20th December when we were notified by an email received from the Cambodian Daily Newspaper.

It came as a bit of a shock to us, so you can imagine the heightened activity following that email to find out and establish what was going on.

When we were informed that it was concerning a private company that Dr Dam was involved with, and nothing whatsoever to do with the OITC, except for the fact that assets of the Collateral Accounts are suspected to have been unlawfully utilised within these private dealings, our focus turned back to the OITC to establish what were the consequences for the operations of the OITC,

I am pleased to say, it is business as usual and we wait what the hierarchy decide to do about the situation.

As Mr Sale is the highest serving officer and deputy chief of the Council for the cabinet (Keith Scott having officially left the OITC back in March 2008), Mr Sale by default is instructed and charged to take over the running of the OITC on a temporary basis until such time as decisions are made in respect of Dr. Dam, his future, and the possible appointment of a new Chairman.

This is in fact no different to recent changes in the Chairmanship and CEO positions within several of the World’s major banks (HSBC for instance) so why is Keenan, Kumar, Scott, screaming and shouting about it so much. Their unjustified reaction really doesn’t fit the situation at all which indicates something far deeper to this issue than anyone knows at the moment. Maybe they were all part of these little side operations and, what is claimed to be, the unlawful use of assets of the Collateral Accounts. We can only wait and see.

We were made aware during the course of daylight and darkness of Monday 21st December, that there are a lot more people involved, some I have already referred to in my previous article on this matter, and that we should assist the authorities wherever we can.

Knowing the sort of things that Scott was up to when he was at the OITC, Mr Sale has issued an order to suspend all appointments, agreements, etc, issued by Dr. Dam and / or Keith Scott whereby such appointments, agreements will now be investigated and either will be allowed to continue in due course or they will be voided in totality. This has been undertaken to protect the OITC and all other staff, together with existing clients from any future adverse situations, as the authorities are investigating several other businesses that appear to be financed by assets of the Collateral Accounts and connected to Dr. Dam and Scott.

We were also made aware on Monday 27th December that Scott had fled Phnom Penh. Now I wonder what caused him to do a runner????????????

All in all, from the information we have at hand, these investigations have been ongoing for some considerable time, at least since 1st June 2009 with the Italian / Swiss incident, and which just happens to coincide with evidence we gathered of that stated incident. Such investigations would be quite normal as the Law Enforcement people do not just arrest people without hard undisputable evidence, especially when we are informed that 50 heavily armed police units with vehicular backup were used to arrest Dr. Dam. That has got to be serious, very serious indeed. It sounds more like Custers Last Stand rather than a simple arrest.

You see Neil Keenan, we, as well as the authorities, are not as naïve and stupid as you believe we are.

PERHAPS Keenan you would like to explain to all the readers what happened to the substantial amounts of money you took “Up Front” from people who you intended to sell the Bonds and Certificates to, even though you did not have possession of them, and the fact that you knew you did not have possession of them.

PERHAPS Keenan you can explain to everyone why you had to send Joe Bendana to Geneva to collect Bonds that you knew had been seized from you. Why did you not go yourself to Geneva

PERHAPS Scott, you would also like to explain to all the readers as to why you took substantial “Up Front” money from various people for services and / or goods you haven’t provided, and knew you could not provide, and why you are now running, as most people would say, “Leaving the sinking ship” if your claim of being the Senior most officer of the OITC is anything like correct, which of course it isn’t.

PERHAPS Mrs Anongnart S. Toosie, of the Law firm Toosie and Co., Chamnam Phenjat Tower, Rama 9 Road, Bangkok, would like to explain as to why she took “Up Front” fees, a minimum to our knowledge of $3.5 mill USD, from people / groups, to provide Bank Guarantees which could never be provided, whereby that money has now disappeared from the deposited accounts.

You see Keenan we, as well as the Police, know a lot more about you, your associates and associated activities than you give us credit for. People who have fallen for your tricks and those of your associates have been contacting us and the authorities. So if you insist on going after Mr Sale or myself, then please do so because you will find the Police waiting for you, whether in Thailand, or in the UK where I am at the moment.

As for Keith Scott, we are reliably informed by higher authorities that he is well embedded in the CIA and was one of the controllers of Dr. Dam.

If he wants to take over Chairmanship of the OITC either directly or indirectly through his nephew Mathew Scott, which was his objective back in 2006, then let him apply accordingly and go through any process that may be applicable.

Mr Sale is not egoistic and holds no aspirations at all on this issue and is very happy undertaking the work in his current position, which on average he spends 18 hours a day, 7 days a week attending to so that the Nations and People of the World can benefit.

Whatever happens, it is not likely to affect the OITC operations, although it may delay some factors, which would be understandable. We therefore all wait to see what is decided at the very top, not by some ranting and raving individual(s) lunatics who appear to have a fixation on Keith Scott for taking over the Chairmanship of the OITC from Dr. Dam.

Should the latter ever happen and Scott finally take over the reins at the OITC, placing the whole operation squarely in the hands of the corrupt CIA, the whole world can be totally assured that Mr Sale and everyone connected to Mr Sale (a total of 361 persons around the world) would resign immediately and walk away very fast, as we have no inclination to work under a person who is now known to be CIA and who was actively involved as an advisor to another known and convicted (1984 – 1996) crook named Yamaguchi, in the unlawful activities by Yamaguchi, Watanabe, and Keenan in the Italian incident 1st June 2009 and onwards, with the attempted smuggling of assets of the Collateral Accounts across the border into Switzerland.

Nice situation isn’t it, whereby if Scott took over; the CIA would control all this wealth and be able to continue their unlawful activities which they have been doing for 80 years or so, to the detriment, and possibly continuing detriment, to the world. I have previously stated that if one adds up all the expenditure of the American Government and then off-sets the total income, there is an enormous negative difference which amounts to Tens of Trillions of Dollars, so where does that money come from because it certainly isn’t on the books?????????

To finalise this article, I will say that at least I actually include evidence and names, wherever possible, within my articles, which is a lot more than I can say about Keenan, Kumar, Scott, and even Fulford, who just scream and shout in the projection and propagation of conjecture and supposition based upon attempts to discredit a person or persons, because they really do not like it when truths about them are placed before the eyes of the world.

I will be revealing more in the next few weeks, one item will be the Global Agreement (Treaty) dated 1980 executed by 728 dignitaries around the world, but never implemented and conveniently pushed into the darkness, followed by the CIA organised removal of specific National Heads of State who fully supported the implementation of same and worked very hard to achieve it, but unfortunately failed because certain Western countries, Secret Societies, Groups and Individuals couldn’t bear the thought of losing their own power base and status. This is a Treaty that would have prevented the current Global Financial Crisis, all the current Austerity measures imposed by Governments, set in place financial independence for all countries, plus more, and would have put the PTB well and truly in their place.

And, for all those people waiting for their packages, or the knock on the door that Casper and others keep you all on a string about, well, is there some disappointing news for you as well, which you have previously been warned about, but you still wait patiently and unwisely.

Keenan , Kumar, Scott, and even Fulford appear to want to open Pandora’s Box, so let it be opened for all to see, bit by bit. There is nothing to lose as far as we can see, but everything to gain. Enough of all this trivial discrediting and back biting behind pseudonyms via the internet, the truth hurts and these people know it.


Note: My name is Crayford, David Crayford and I am proud of what I am and who I am, and to be doing my bit in conjunction with the OITC, to bring about changes for the benefit of the people and the world as a whole. If that means putting people behind bars in the future then so be it, because that is what needs to happen to bring the people and this world of ours to its senses.

This post, I suspect the part I highlighted in bold near the end, set Casper off.


Regarding WHISTLEBLOWERS “Oh Dear” posting on RMN today mentioning Casper and our packs let me say this regarding that:
Whistleblower does not know his butt from his elbow about our business.

In this respect he reminds me of STORY who never knew anything about our business either.
Whistleblower, OITC and everyone associated therewith are under a full blown international investigation at this time for fraud and document forging.
This is OUR own Intel and is not in any way related to the things said publicly by others mentioned in his post.
Months ago I wrote an opinion piece responding to Whistleblowers comments about ‘our business’ in which I said that after careful analysis and much thought my very best GUESS is that he and the OITC are in bed with Obama and the existing Fiat Establishment.
Having read the back and forth between he and many others since then there is no remaining doubt as to which side of the fence he is on and it is not the side trying to deliver our packages.
With His Majesty, his Holiness, his owner of the worlds wealth DR Ray C. Dam under arrest, Power of Atty holder Scott on the run and supposedly found to be alphabet soup and Whistleblower himself apparently up to his ass in alligators, not to mention OITC finding themselves in quicksand and/or a tar pit, one would think Whistleblower might have better things to do than to return again and again to that which he knows nothing about. Apparently not.

Not to fret friends, read the updates and maintain your faith. Vindication is at hand.

Casper 12-28-10 #3

Vindication is at hand! I leave you with the Foulwinds10 garbage I had to cut out of each of these when I copied them. Happy Holidays!

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Deep Knight
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »

And finally, a Christmas message from Tim "President of Many of The Republics" Turner. I can almost smell his chestnuts roasting.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Republic - Christmas Message From Tim Turner

Fellow Americans,

It is a pleasure to address such a great and wonderful people. We have been through many tests this year. Some who were faint of heart have fallen away. I am very thankful for those of you who have stood with us through all of the lies, deceit, and attacks from the enemies of America and freedom. You were not deceived by the fear tactics. The attacks will continue for a short time longer and then their mouths will be shut by the unveiling of the truth. God, the Almighty Creator has guided us to victory and that will be apparent soon. Those who ran away in fear will soon be ashamed that they did not stand. Let us forgive and restore them wherever it is possible, if they repent. Never forget that they were not there for you when you were standing on your faith in God the Creator. We can allow them to be involved with the Republic but must remain diligent and keep them from positions of authority because they have proven that they are not worthy of our trust. Grandpa always said if a snake bites you once it is his fault, if he bites you twice it is your fault. Let’s not get bitten twice.

The coming year will be an exciting one. We will see many changes. As our government is being peacefully re-integrated we must be patient. Our movement must remain totally non-violent as the Creator has commanded or we will certainly loose our position. As long as we do it his way we will have complete victory. We have only come this far because of the Creators help and we must continue with his guidance. I thank all of you for all of the hard work and dedication this year. God is going to honor your labor.

Let us always be aware of the reason for Christmas and give honor to our Lord and Savior. Many get caught up in the commercial aspects of Christmas and the Lord gets lost in the celebration. He is the reason for the season and it wouldn’t mean much without him. I pray that each and every one of our people have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season followed by a safe and prosperous new year. I hope that you will pray for the leaders of this re-inhabited Republican government that they will always follow the Lord’s direction. God Bless you and your families.

God Bless America,

Thank you and God Bless you,

James Timothy Turner
From the Desk of the President
The Republic for the united States of America
"Follow the Money"

Re: Moment of Truth

Post by littleroundman »

Those who ran away in fear will soon be ashamed that they did not stand.
What about those who walked, not ran, away after making a well researched and considered decision to do so ???

Will they be ashamed as well ???

Or did all those who left do so out of fear ???
Pirate Captain
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by co-shoot »

found on the net....mind boggoling

Stoned thoughts about how it all happened

"Man is an animal trying to evolve into a god."

Well I was really stoned one day, how most stories start these days, and I began thinking, how did life turn out the way it did. This one thought actually made me start to believe in a god or higher power somewhat, something i've never actually believed at all. I've never been to church in my whole life and my family is Athiest, and so was I. But then I got thinking on this alot recently.

Imagine all the factors that determine what the human race turn out. If it wasn't for that one guy who invented fire we could still be un-intelligent beings walking around with no clothes on and not communicating at all. If it wasn't for the first couple finding sex we would be long gone. If it wasn't for the first person to smoke weed, etc.

But somehow, us humans were lucky enough to become what we are now. A one in a million chance at least. And yet we got it, and still there are two arguements to this theory. That God exists and made sure this all happened. Or in science ways that it was just plain luck. But I am having many doubts that these millions of things that have happened in the past have all happened exactly to lead to this day and age. It's mind boggoling.

Half way through this I began thinking about the butterfly effect, and how one thing can change alot. I don't know where I'm actually going with this. Hmm. Ohwell.

But yes, that is one arguement that could have evidence that a god does exist.


"Man is an animal trying to evolve into a god."
Deep Knight
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »

littleroundman wrote:
Those who ran away in fear will soon be ashamed that they did not stand.
What about those who walked, not ran, away after making a well researched and considered decision to do so ???

Will they be ashamed as well ???

Or did all those who left do so out of fear ???
Yes, they will be ashamed of their rationality when the Republics are restored, NESARA is announced, first contact is made, packies delivered, ascension into 5D, beaming to The Cloudships, and destruction of Earth-Shan by Planet X-Nibururu! And this will happen soon, and by "soon" I mean "SOON." It's so close that if it was the mailman you would be seeing him walking up the sidewalk to your slutty neighbor's house where he would only have time for a quickie and not even that if her clueless husband knew. Unless it's thwarted by the Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderburgers, Trilateralists, de factor government, Satanists, Santaists, Masons, Knights Templar, Mafia, Teamster's Union, or the burly plumber who arrived at your slutty neighbor's fifteen minutes before the mailman. As for "leaving out of fear," I leave that to the fearful, those who would rather live a lifetime on their knees instead of standing on their own two feet for a few seconds before getting assassinated, and of course to the plumber, once he finds out the mailman is actually a hungry Reptilian.

"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »


The packs arrived at the D.C. airport last night for distribution and delivery today. They were stopped there on orders of Obama, Hillary and the Queen. They were then once again STOLEN by Homeland Security and are still in their possession in D.C. this morning.

Meanwhile still another ‘FALSE’ delegation arrived from China yesterday and were exposed [by a delegation of patriot hookers with cell phone cameras] this morning.

Hillary has told (ordered ) the Queen to sit on the sidelines saying “she will handle this”. She and Obama are still telling the Queen and the Countries they will receive portions of the funds once the theft has been successful.

Meanwhile the World Court has ordered the packs picked up from HLS while Hillary responds ‘the Court is in her pocket’ [is that a court in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?] so those orders will not be followed.

Hillary, Obama and the Banks continue to claim the funds belong to them and that they are going to take (steal) them whatever it takes. Their attitude, as previously reported, is that if they can not get at the funds they will see to it that we do not get them either. If you wish to read again all the things they have said including threatening the lives of recipients read previous updates [they called you "smelly poopie pants"]. These ‘Dirty Rotten Scoundrels’ are desperate beyond words and having previously stolen everything else within their reach their total focus now is the theft of the program funds. Every conceivable method has been employed [over and over and over and over again] in that endeavor so far to no avail.

The status at this moment is the Court has ordered the packs retrieved and delivered today whatever it takes. Hillary’s response is that she is the most powerful person in the world, more powerful than the Court [or even Hercules] and that she will stop deliveries no matter what it takes.

More when possible.

Casper 12-29-10
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »

Why do I get such a kick out of Casper calling other people liars? After all, he has the straight poop from the UFOs.


Last night much B.S. was put out by ‘the most arrogant’ in Europe. WE knew it was B.S. as we were so advised by our “UFO CONTACTS”.

For example, the arrest of Hillary and her transport to the Hague was B.S..

Orders for the immediate delivery of the packs was also B.S..

As you folks (bad guys) have been told several times, they track the packs for us.

Very early this morning they advised us where the packs were. When you were advised of this you said WE could not possibly know. REALLY Gentlemen?

Then you said “out immediately”. You lie.

Orders have been given to return the packs to D.C. this evening (they went out again last night). “Non- Delivery” orders are attached to the packs.

WE are aware of your conversations with different parties ‘in the compound’, in Hawaii, in New York, in Buckingham Palace and in D.C.. WE know of every call, where it goes, the time placed and the duration.

It pays to have friends in very ‘ high’ places.

WE know what your moves are Gentlemen. As for your New Years weekend trades you can forget about them.

WE know you are stalling while continuing to try to access the accounts. It ain’t gonna happen.

A New Years Message for you: Deliver or exposures will follow.

More when possible,

Casper 12-31-10

Stand and deliver!

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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »


Since our last update explaining the on-going sabotage and the ‘do not deliver’ orders attached to the packs the situation has continued to unfold as follows;

The packs once again ended up at the U.N. in New York over the weekend. They were retrieved and yesterday was spent going through each pack to be sure they had not been tampered with. They had not.

Very very EXPENSIVE arrangements were then made with FED EX for delivery today.

Overnight OBAMA and the TSA informed Fed Ex that if they deliver a single package all their Gov’t Contracts will be immediately cancelled and every one of their aircraft will be grounded as they suddenly require immediate inspections.

In addition, the UNIONS are egging Obama on as they do not want the packs delivered, especially by NON-UNION Fed Ex.

In addition, another Banking Scam was uncovered and stopped this weekend, no reason to go into details.

More when possible,

Casper 1-3-11

But wait a minute, if the packies are delivered then NESARA will be announced and the government will change so who would worry about this government canceling anything? And unions are worried about non-union personnel when all their members (well, those that aren't Illuminati or Reptilian) will be getting $millions or $billions? Someone needs to contact FedEx and all the Unions to make them understand that delaying this is NOT in their interest, unless of course, they are interested in avoiding destruction of the Earth by Planet X after deliveries-annoucnements-first contact-etc.
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Hey, I'm not worrying. I have it on flawless authority that 100 Trillion Dollars will be arriving at my home within the week.

Of course, it will be in the form of the famous inflationary Zimbabwean banknote....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »

Poofness posted today too! Swears it's his last! This time for sure! From MacHaffie's RAP-NESARA site.

Monday, January 3, 2011
Poofness LAST POSTING ---- Showtime!
Subject: Showtime...
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 17:11:10 -0500
Nina Simone ... re=related
Michael Buble ... re=related
"Feeling Good"
Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom on a tree
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
For me
Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new life
For me
For me
I'm feeling good
I feel so good
I feel so good

Greetings and Salutations,
The words of the song are self explanatory so, listen to them in either stylization. I have said enough thru the years and everyone has done what they wanted with those words. Now it's your turn, live your future as you see fit. You know how it is, some things are in your 'gut', you know what you know and no amount of words anyone says can change that. Fear may rage in you, demanding attention yet, overwhelming that, a quiet calm is there that pushes you beyond what you 'thought' were your limitations. A good speaker knows when to stop and shut his mouth, this is such a time. Enough of speaking of what's to come, that time has arrived.
I bow out with this song, may all your dreams come true; ... re=related
Thank you, thank you very much....
Love and Kisses,

John's Comments - Thanks from all of us for your efforts and good positive contributions over the years. Time for us to now do the work of restoration with these 'gifted' resources. Cheers Mate!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:18 AM 0 comments
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Deep Knight
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »

Nerf Herder: Feeling Bad Lyrics
Send "Feeling Bad" Ringtone to your Cell

Met a girl at the movies
She was so beautiful
She was the one for me
So I asked her if I could call her at home
She said "No thanks just give me my popcorn"
So I followed her into the theater
And found a seat that was right behind her
Smelled her hair, smelled her sweater
And then I touched myself

Feeling bad about myself again
Feeling bad oh yeah
Feeling bad about myself again today

At the school, at the rock show
At the rollercade, everywhere I go
People are smiling
It's always been the same
They're wearin' groovy clothes
Check me out I'm lame
Paid for a membership down at the local gym
Tired of getting dumped, let's get really pumped
Thought I'd look like Henry Rollins
But I still look like Phil Collins

Feeling bad about myself again
Girls ignore me in the chat room
Feeling bad about myself again today

We were in Paris
We were up in the Eiffel Tower
We were getting married and all our friends were there
We made love underneath the Parisian moon
But that was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a crazy dream

Feeling bad about myself again
Feeling bad oh yeah
Feeling bad about myself again today
Feeling bad about myself again
First to be the last one picked first
I'm feeling bad today

Beatings and Sanitations,

The words of the song are self explanatory so, listen to them in either ear. I have said enough thru the years and everyone has done what they wanted with those words, including things they would never reveal to their mothers. Now it's your turn, live your future fantasy as you see fit, just don’t let mom hear or she’ll wash your mouth out with soap. You know how it is, some things are in your 'gut' besides that nasty virus you caught New Year’s Eve. You know what you know and no amount of words anyone says or logic or even irrefutable contrary evidence can change that. Fear may rage in you, demanding attention yet, overwhelming your sphincter, which is not only that same virus I spoke of earlier, but how I write these updates. It is a quiet calm that pushes you beyond what you 'thought' were your limitations and over the edge. A good speaker knows to stop and shut his mouth before that edge is reached, but I don’t have the sense the good lord gives a goat so I’m still spewing. But enough of speaking of what's to come, it’s never arrived before and we’d be fools to think it would now, but that’s my reader base.
I bow out with this song, may all your dreams come true;

Thank you, thank you very much....
Love and Kisses,
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by co-shoot »

T.Graham Brown - I Tell It Like It Used To Be ... ature=fvwp *******older version or should i say a much younger,
T.Graham Brown - I Tell It Like It Used To Be
Deep Knight
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Re: Moment of Truth

Post by Deep Knight »


The WAR continues.

It has been determined that ‘the Countries’ were involved in the diversion of the packs to the U.N. this past weekend. Motivation unknown.
They were retrieved, inspected and went out again for delivery today.
This morning they are arriving back in D.C. ON ORDERS OF THE WORLD COURT.
More when possible,

Casper 1-4-11
"Follow the Money"