KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it is.

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KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it is.

Post by co-shoot »

Keith Scott said;
We have already learned that banks will not fight and will make restitution to Treasury Direct when administratively confronted with their dishonesty and fraud against the People and Treasury Direct. Further, we also know that the Internal Revenue Service will be able to remedy the deficiencies to the Federal Debt via a form 1099OID application. Banks know what they are doing is illegal, but they persist in this misbehavior as the stealing of federal monies has become a common, and therefore, standard practice that they have been getting away with.
Reader KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it is."

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 2-Jan-2011 02:00:31

In Response To: Reader: "OITC is the only organization that can help all of mankind whether you like it or not." (hobie) (thanks, K. :)

Reader Kumar Singaram writes:


Re: Reader: 'OITC is the only organization tha....

Yes, the reader does deserve an explanation.

Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it is. They have unseen effects in the financial world that are almost always never known and in areas ordinary people would never suspect.

I do know that OITC has pushed for greater transparency and to make it easier for the ordinary man to know and understand money and how these accounts are supposed to work. They never made the rules under which they operate and they want those rules changed. The forums open to them are few and far between and nowhere as open as people think. The banksters have had them boxed in as OITC might be controllers of vast accounts, but the banksters and those who should be watching the store collude because the store watchers are really disguised banksters. So, OITC might have signatory control over the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts that form the International Collateral Combined that supports the US Dollar, but they do not make laws (Countries do that) and they do not make regulations (the bankster regulators do that).

We hear about their failures every time it happens, but we never really hear about their successes. So, many think they are frauds and general scumbags but allow me to present the other side.

The following is an extract from a dissertation on US mortgages by Keith Scott. I understand this was for the US Attorney General.

It makes very interesting reading.

Quote :

The recent sub-prime mortgage problem was not an accident, but a problem created through endemic and continuing criminal misbehavior by banks. Almost all mortgages in the United States today, are in fact continuing acts of fraud against the American People, against Treasury Direct, and against the Office of International Treasury Control.

We, the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), are the real underwriters of most United States Mortgages and we are very concerned by the almost uncontrollable and well organized misbehavior of Banks against the American People, against Treasury Direct and ultimately against ourselves. The economy of the United States is suffering greatly because of this.

Sir, with the greatest respect, we need to stop banks stealing funds that should be committed against the Federal Debt and also stop them dispossessing property owners. The Banks are merely holders in escrow, but it is Banks who apply to have the courts dispossess and evict the property owner, then it is Banks who literally steal the property on a claim of abandonment based on a misrepresentation that they are owners in default. The truth Sir, is that this is straight out fraud that is tolerated because it has become standard and accepted practice for Banks to steal monies that should be sent to Treasury Direct, then to claim they are the damaged party when in fact, they are merely common thieves perpetrating a fraud by deception. Through this method Banks take property, the value of which should be discharged through Treasury Direct back to the United States, and by misrepresentation and fraud claim the value as theirs.

The Office of International Treasury Control as the owner of assets that underwrite these mortgages is a Sovereign Institution that has been chartered by and registered with the United Nations under the Sovereign Authority granted to Dr. Ray C. Dam, the appointed International Treasury Controller and Sole Arbiter elected by the Nations of the World .

Therefore, the damaged parties in these transactions are three. 1. The people who are dispossessed. 2. The United States Department of the Treasury via the loss of funds not paid through to Treasury Direct as discharge of the value of the money the bank used to fund the purchase of the property and 3, the Office of International Treasury Control who is the end Principal.

We herewith inform you that we have, under our Sovereign Rights and in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code, appointed our sovereign notary who understands in the clearest possible terms the legal disposition of this matter, to assess and to defend our lawful rights within the United States. We herewith attach a copy of that appointment.

Now let us understand what Banks do that is just plain criminal.

In 1933 as part of the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, gold was removed from circulation as money, and in its place under public policy a remedy was created known as discharge of debt. Any discharge of public debt is executed via Treasury Direct back to the US who is the constitutor of all public debt.

Now consider the problem created by the banks resulting in the mortgage debacle. First of all, all banks in the US are simply chartered to collect the interest on the federal debt (notice I did not say national debt as the debt is actually that of the federal government, not the people). Banks today do collect that interest, but do NOT discharge obligation on the federal debt, but steal this money. In regards to the mortgage situation, if the banks fulfilled their charter there would be no problems. But the banks are guilty of withholding those payments that should be made back to the federal debt, and are therefore stealing those designated funds, thus increasing the Federal Debt load because of their greed and dishonesty that causes failure to apply the discharge properly.

When a citizen signs a promissory note at a real estate closing, technically this again is just a discharge of a public debt back to the US. But what happens is that the title companies (which are owned by the bank) often simply make three certified copies of the original whereupon the original is shredded. These three certified copies are endorsed and deposited into the bank. This is theft by the banks as they are preventing the pass through back to the US by destroying the original note and then depositing certified copies and then through fractional banking and hypothecation are just adding daily to the federal debt.

In the first place, the title company/bank is not Holder in Due Course of the note. They are only the Escrow Holder of the note (under the UCC) and so by destroying the note they are committing fraud and theft against the People, the Principal (OITC) and the Federal Government. In relation to a real estate purchase, you have to realize that the ?buyer? is really only purchasing a lien position on the debt owed to the principal. What the buyer gets tricked into, is accepting bank credit, thinking that the bank credit came from the bank when it is just not so. When the buyer applies his signature to the documents, he is extending his own credit. His is the only signature on the documents which in essence is authorization to create the funds to make the whole deal work. The bank has a ?license? for conversion and it takes that private document into the public and converts that signature for the needed funds. So, there is a great deal of mis-representation going on with these real estate transactions. The people are being lied to by at least the failure of full disclosure by the banks and title companies.

In reality, when a man tenders a promissory note at closing, the note is pre-paid, the note being a discharge which is the remedy in the national bankruptcy, that is payment in full and legally the man has 100% equity in the property. This is because the US has guaranteed the debt of all the citizens and holds the liability on the note. But because of the fraud of the banks in regard to the theft of the notes, people are fooled into thinking that it is they instead of the US which has the liability on the ?mortgage?. So, they start to make payments on the mortgage thinking that they are building equity in the property. This is totally false. Again, for the US citizen, every public debt is pre-paid Treasury Direct.

We have already learned that banks will not fight and will make restitution to Treasury Direct when administratively confronted with their dishonesty and fraud against the People and Treasury Direct. Further, we also know that the Internal Revenue Service will be able to remedy the deficiencies to the Federal Debt via a form 1099OID application. Banks know what they are doing is illegal, but they persist in this misbehavior as the stealing of federal monies has become a common, and therefore, standard practice that they have been getting away with.

End Quote.

OITC needs exposure, be it good or bad, as that is the only way to change the constraints they are under.


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Re: KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it

Post by co-shoot »

In Response To: Reader KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it is." (hobie) (Thanks, M. :)

Reader M. writes:


Re: Reader KUMAR: 'Whether anyone likes it or ....

Dear Hobie,

I agree that they need some exposure to the world so that people know about their existence. People should understand whoever they are and what are their importance to this world. So many people didn't know the OITC but this year, maybe the time has come for them to be known.

Thank you.

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Re: KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Same... bovine effluent; different bottle.
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Re: KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it

Post by fortinbras »

Wikipedia has an article:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_ ... ry_Control

and this scam has its own website:

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Re: KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it

Post by co-shoot »

Purely an American domestic issue...Not

Please consider the possibilities...is there any truth there? Historically?
A part of global reality where Trust Assets have possible security, under Interpol investigation?
UN looking into the matters of trillion dollars bonds...Then where?
Inquiring minds want to know.
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Re: KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

co-shoot wrote:Purely an American domestic issue...Not

Please consider the possibilities...is there any truth there? Historically?
A part of global reality where Trust Assets have possible security, under Interpol investigation?
UN looking into the matters of trillion dollars bonds...Then where?
Inquiring minds want to know.
No. No. No. Psychotic or delusional minds want to know. Rational minds can see that this is just another in a long line of conspiracist crocks of cr*p.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it

Post by co-shoot »

Thinking within boundaries, with ones abilities; is too limit ones intelligence, to limit it by labeling it conspiracy. You don't want to be labeled a limited thinker do you?
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Re: KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

co-shoot wrote:Thinking within boundaries, with ones abilities; is too limit ones intelligence, to limit it by labeling it conspiracy. You don't want to be labeled a limited thinker do you?
No; but neither do I want to be labeled a delusional, insane or psychotic thinker just because I refuse to fall for cr*p like the OITC business. Sure, I'm "thinking outside the box" if I produce copious amounts of evidence to prove that the Moon is made of green cheese; but my ability to so think doesn't make my positions any less foolish.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Green Lantern

Re: KUMAR: "Whether anyone likes it or not, OITC is what it

Post by Green Lantern »

co-shoot wrote:Thinking within boundaries, with ones abilities; is too limit ones intelligence, to limit it by labeling it conspiracy. You don't want to be labeled a limited thinker do you?
A good test to apply is whether there is any reference to the alleged factual matters outside of its (the body making fantastic claims) own writings and ramblings (strangely, the same test works very well for dominant religions).

If you spend some time online or in a library I think you'll find it's all an elaborate ruse.