Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

Gregg wrote:So what bothers me about this is if he's such a marketing genius, why did he name a new finance company after a cheap ponzi scheme?
I have another question: if he's such a marketing genius, why is their latest greatest thing affiliate marketing? I mean, here are these guys who claim the type of returns that would allow the average investor to retire in short order. We've already gone through the various reasons why that's complete nonsense, not the least of which is that, if they could do that, they wouldn't need your money. Now they've turned what would be the greatest money-making machine the world has ever seen into overstock.com: they brag of "the powerful 'affiliate-like' bonuses that Oceanside offers. For example. (sic) For every Managed Account you refer to us directly. (sic) Oceanside pays a 5% bonus on the performance of that account each month." Can you imagine Warren Buffett marketing his financial services this way? Goldman Sachs? If you could do what you claim, guys, you wouldn't need sleight-of-hand like this. The money would just pour in.

But you can't, can you? Is that why you have Google Adsense commercials on your site? Classy.
I'm sure they're trying to figure out a way to keep this thread from showing up on google.
Too late. This thread is the number two natural hit in a Google of "Oceanside Forex", second only to their own site. C'mon, guys - I bet that if you joined us, it could be number one.
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Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

I see Broker Jones has surfaced again over at mlm.com.

Excuse me - it's no longer Broker Jones. Make that...
Justin P. Jones the artist formerly known as "Broker Jones"
President of O C E A N S I D E

In part...
Dear Friends & Healthy Skeptics,

15 months later and Oceanside Network is alive, thriving, and now, at a Tier 1 Institution.
I take it he's referring to Gain Capital UK.
15 months later and now I spend my days talking to VP's of financial companies, and HR departments, and company execs who want to switch their pension funds over to our products.
Now there's a scary thought!

VP's of financial companies wanting to entrust their pension funds with Broker, uh, excuse me, Justin P. Jones.
In 2011, Oceanside, will become a household name.
Oceanside was a household name in 2010 - but not in the way you intended. :lol:
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Now I see that jackwad Justin P. Jones, "the con-artist formerly known as "Broker Jones"
President of O C E A N S I D E", has gone and set up and entire page about me on his blog! :lol:

Brian Gogal ( aka Doc Bunkum & BrianG ) the angry chef and cyberbully thrusting internet troll attacks on many forums

Warms the cockles of my heart to know I'm doing my job well when these bottom feeders take time out from scamming little old ladies out of their pension money to do an entire blog page on me! :mrgreen:
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Cathulhu »

Let me be the first to say: Congrats, Doc!
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notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Ah fleeting fame, I get a 404 error when I try that page now.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »


In both the page on Doc and the page on fastmoney - formerly two of Oceanside's biggest critics on scam.com - Oceanside goes out of its way to defend Len Clements, erstwhile scam.com admin. They use words like "vicious", "persecuting", "ridicule" and "disgusting" to describe what these miscreants did to poor old defenseless Lenny. They then go on to praise Clements effusively, and promote his site. Take a look for yourselves.

Why do these guys care about Clements? Why the obvious plug?

Well, if you go back to a year ago, there was a lengthy thread on Oceanside and Jones on scam.com. Jones apparently participated extensively in that thread. Clements deleted the entire thread. What was in it? Well, I don't hang out there, and we'll never know for sure. That's a benefit of destroying evidence. Still, fastmoney started another thread to complain about the deletion. In it, s/he provides some claims about what Jones had written in the deleted thread:
The guy runs what he says is going to be the a billion dollar financial business..

He stated..on scam.com that he had a black box that basically guaranteed profits..

He claims he has a black box which will predict what will happen on the forex..
Lest anyone claim that this is all Doc and fastmoney, now-banned scam.com moderator Hopeful Cynic chimes in at the end of the thread to join in the protest. Immediately following that post, Clements locks the new thread.

Clements destroys the evidence, Oceanside plugs Clements. Quid pro quo or not, it's what happened.

Hopeful Cynic's post contains something else interesting. S/He quotes this Oceanside page as follows:
A private transaction executed in Nevis Island [Oceanside - WS] as conducted in this program is exempt from the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940 and all other rules, regulations and amendments thereof.
That, of course, is pure bullshit. If Oceanside solicits in the U.S. - as it clearly does and did - it is well within the SEC's "jurisdiction".

Not surprisingly, the page no longer contains that language.
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Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote:Interesting.

If Oceanside solicits in the U.S. - as it clearly does and did - it is well within the SEC's "jurisdiction".
Not sure if Oceanside currently solicits in the U.S.

Over on mlm.com Broker, excuse me, make that "Justin P. Jones the con-artist formerly known as "Broker Jones" President of O C E A N S I D E" started a thread: Remember: Oceanside Network.

In part:
US and certain Canadian citizens may not participate directly. There are however some options still available that allow an individual to incorporate legally and do business worldwide.
What's interesting is where they are based:
Should any "healthy skeptics" remain, they may simply call up Bill Schneider at Gain Capital UK. He is the manager of institutional sales, and he will be more than happy to verify Oceanside.
Gain Capital UK?

Now why would that be I wonder?

BTW, Lenny, if you're reading this - which I'm quite certain you are - you did a wonderful job ghost writing that piece for Jones' blog. It smacks of your style and I know Jones isn't intelligent enough to put together two coherent sentences by himself, so he got his little bum boy to help out.

Again, congratulations on a job well done!
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote: Still, fastmoney started another thread to complain about the deletion.
I see Broker started another thread a while back over on scam - Oceanside Network & Oceanside Forex....Q&A - to, as he puts it,...
Before we open up this forum to Questions and Answers, I am going to respond to several accusations and slanderous comments from user named FastMoney.
This point is particularly interesting...
His Claim:

That we have offers of $100 million on the system.

My response:

Yes, just prior to Oceanside launching in September of 2009 there was a $100 million plus offer on the table to purchase the system. Had that occured, Oceanside would not exist. The creators of the system however decided that it was in their best interest to allow Oceanside to market the opportunity via our private offer and through our Managed Accounts visible on Oceanside Forex's website. We have proprietary access to the system.
A $100 million plus offer on the table to purchase the system?

I'm afraid I'm going to have to call bullshit on that one.
notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

And your first clue was!!!!!!!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

notorial dissent wrote:And your first clue was!!!!!!!!!!
Well, over on mlm.com Broker publicly admits to making 3281 trades and earning $5,515.57 on those trades.

Then I recalled Broker making that claim about a $100 million plus offer for his "magic black box".

Now I'm not that good at math, but given a choice between $5,515.57 and $100 mill, I think I'd opt for the $100 mill.

But hey, that's just me!

I can't help wondering also, if Broker has this "magic black box" that can predict the future, why doesn't he program it to pick the next set of Power Ball numbers?

You'd think a $50 mil jackpot would be more attractive than a $5,515.57 return, but hey! again that's just me.
notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

I think I would go after Powerball numbers over the market, better return, and just as improbable.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Doc found this and I can't resist razzing Broker about it:
I dropped out of college with a 0.68 gpa (hey....I had to find out what beer and sororities were all about. =)

And I've been an entrepreneur ever since I was 18.

Many pitfalls....many mistakes.

But boy was it worth it.

I encourage everyone under 21 to apply to an opportunity such as this.

Henry Ford designed the American education system and he did it in order to "clone workers" for his factories.

I've learned more off of Google and conference calls, than any 4 year university could of "taught me".

~Free Your Life, Live Your Dreams~

Justin "Broker" Jones
I hate to break it to him, but I majored in secondary and higher ed. Shockingly, they didn't properly credit Henry Ford as the father of the American education system. Where was the Broker Boy when they needed him?

The grading system used seems to mystify him as well:
Your grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total amount of grade points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted. Your grade point average may range from 0.0 to a 4.0.
For example:
A=4 grade points
B=3 grade points
C=2 grade points
D=1 grade point
WF/F=0 grade points
P/NP (Pass/No Pass) courses are not factored in the student's GPA
I (Incompletes) and W (Withdrawals) do not receive grade points and do not have an effect on the GPA
No doubt the well helled investors are going to be beating down the doors to get this clown to handle their investments!!!

Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Well, look at it this way.

Lenny graduated from Heald Business College in San Francisco, CA, with a 4.13 GPA. So with Broker's .68 that averages out to a 2.4 GPA - somewhere around a C+ I'd say.

So between the two of them they should be able to function as a somewhat literate team.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Joker Boy says:
Should any "healthy skeptics" remain, they may simply call up Bill Schneider at Gain Capital UK. He is the manager of institutional sales, and he will be more than happy to verify Oceanside.

Bill Schneider
Manager Institutional Sales at Gain Capital

LocationGreater New York City Area IndustryFinancial Services Current
•Manager Institutional Sales at Gain Capital
•Manager Institutional Sales at Gain Capital Group / Forex.com
Connections 36 connections
Public Profilehttp://www.linkedin.com/pub/bill-schneider/14/b7b/318

Why certainly, Justin!

Last edited by soapboxmom on Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

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Glenn StevensChief Executive Officer

Glenn Stevens, chief executive officer of GAIN Capital, is a financial industry veteran with more than 25 years trading and foreign exchange (FX) experience at some of Wall Street's most prestigious financial institutions.

Mr. Stevens drives the strategic goals of the company and oversees all of its business units. He joined GAIN Capital in February 2000 as a founding partner and managing director, and assumed the CEO role in June 2007. In addition to his corporate responsibilities, Mr. Stevens is an active leader in the retail forex industry. He serves on the National Futures Association's FX Advisory Committee and is a founding member of the Foreign Exchange Dealer's Coalition (FXDC).

Previously, Mr. Stevens was managing director, head of North American sales and trading at Natwest Bank. In this role, Mr. Stevens directly managed a staff of more than 50 trading and sales professionals and also served as a senior member of Natwest's North American Management Committee. From 1990 to 1997, Mr. Stevens was at Merrill Lynch and Co., where he was hired as a USD/JPY trader and was eventually promoted to managing director and chief dealer for spot and forward FX. While at Merrill Lynch, Mr. Stevens developed the investment bank's emerging markets currency trading desk and increased profitability threefold in two years. During this time, he also served as the Federal Reserve Bank's FX representative for investment banks. Mr. Stevens' Wall Street career began in 1984 at Bankers Trust Company.

He is a sought after FX market commentator and spokesperson for the retail FX industry, frequently appearing in financial news outlets. Mr. Stevens holds a B.S. in finance from Bucknell University and an MBA in finance from Columbia University.
I am sure Glenn Stevens will be none to pleased with Broker Jones splashing his company's name all over the internet. I suspect Joker and his off shore LLCs might not sit too well with corporate.

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Justin Kaiser

Owner, Oceanside Forex
LocationPhoenix, Arizona Area IndustryInvestment Management
•Owner at Oceanside Forex
•Founder at Oceanside Network
The youngster lists no education in his profile at Linkedin. Did he join Broker in the .68 GPA failure club as well or forget the sororities and beer adventure completely ? I don't think Mr. Stevens with an MBA from Columbia is going to be impressed!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Re: Gain Capital / Glenn Stevens / Bill Schneider + Oceanside Justin "Broker" Jones
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If one brings up the name of their online partner Oceanside Network, that is plugging them on websites across the net, they hang up immediately. They are no doubt overwhelmed with calls from folks wanting to know about working with a college drop out that boasted a .68 average - our ever charming - walking one man PR department ----- Broker Jones!

I guess the real question should be if they have the tools to check out those who are out soliciting for them and are they adequately monitoring that situation? From the look of Oceanside's corporate pages I would say not! I don't think the CEO Glenn Steven's is going to be a finalist in Uncle Ernie's Entrepreneur of the Year Award while partnering with Jones!

http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases ... 07879.html

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Introducing Broker Program
Receive compensation for directing new self-directed or managed account customers to FOREX.com.
I assume the broker boy is in this program??? Can anyone here with more familiarity with these issues address the qualifications required to be an "introducing broker?"

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

When I was allowed to post on MMG, I raised one question to Broker. He answered my question with his usual we are not required to be licensed spiel. I then pointed out to him that was not true. Then he changed his story to they were being licensed with the NFA and he was taking courses to pass his license exam. When I explained that you had to have the licenses "before" you started your company, I got yet a third different answer from Broker where he mentioned they had hired this law firm from San Diego who were specialists in SEC and Commodities licensing requirements. When I asked for the name, he refused saying he didn't want a lot of people calling their offices disturbing their business. I then raised some other issues, and he refused to answer.

Combined with my initial one question with his ever changing replies, my other issues raised, but more importantly all the others who were asking even more questions and raising even more issues, is when he left the thread claiming none of us knew what we were talking about and he was wasting his time answering questions. As he put it, we weren't interested in the truth, just on a witch hunt against him and O C E A N S I D E. Wanted to make sure I did the right spelling of Oceanside.

Since GAIN has already paid a hefty fine for the way in which they were handling clients accounts, I am sure they won't be too thrilled if an investigation is undertaken with their relationship with Broker and O C E A N S I D E.

Broker is now back at MMG with a post now and then. Guess he feels it is safe to go back in the water. :lol:
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
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Quatloosian Federal Witness
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:Can anyone here with more familiarity with these issues address the qualifications required to be an "introducing broker?"
It's not my field, but the NFA (National Futures Association) has a page on it, complete with links for further explanations of specific aspects.

BTW, I'm impressed, SBM. First it was Weinzierl/Darnell badmouthing you, then putting up a site devoted to you, now it's Jones devoting a page on Oceanside's site to you.

You must be doing something right.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume