Arizona Shootings

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Arizona Shootings

Post by Deep Knight »

Yesterday Bellringer put up a "Sorcha Faal" (David "Look At Me" Boothe) posting linking the shootings in Arizona to a conspiracy (surprise, surprise). Some people have no shame. I was simply too saddened by events to post it here or comment on it.

However, this terrible incident does highlight one thing - crazy talk has consiquences. Bellringer, MacHaffie, Casper, "Sorcha Faal" and their ilk seem like entertainment until someone without the means of filtering this out believes it and then act on it. This seems to be the case with Jared Loughner who believed in many conspiracy theories from the web. If you thought this cold water in the face might stop people like Bellringer, think again.

Some of the conspiracies the Loughner believed in overlap those the NESARA folks focus on. This does not include his "new money" system (which is, let's say, unique) or other things that have been highlighted in the press (because of which it takes half an hour to download a boring 2 minute video that's all writing with inane music behind it), but does include the 911, chemtrails, HAARP and other nonsense. It has been claimed (by people who obviously are guessing) that he posted at GodLikeProductions and AboveTopSecret, both sites with NESARA and "packie delivery" threads, but this may have more to do with these idiots trying to use this for their own publicity. Sick puppies all.

One request. If you believe in such things, please keep the many victims in your prayers and thoughts. It's one hell of a note when 9-year-olds can't go to see their congressperson without getting murdered.
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Re: Arizona Shootings

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Aren't we going to hear how the shootings in Tuscon have somehow delayed delivery of the packies?
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.

Re: Arizona Shootings

Post by Ragnar »

Congressman Giffords had the packies and the confusion after she was shot they were stolen by Obama's minions?
Deep Knight
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Re: Arizona Shootings

Post by Deep Knight »

Apparently Loughner posted quite a bit on a gaming site named "Earth: Empires," where he was repeatedly banned for getting off topic. Also, there was a person posting at Above Top Secret whose style was identical to Loughner's YouTube videos.

Jared Lee Loughner apparently sought community online at
By David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 11, 2011; 12:56 PM

The Web site is a place where odd ideas are welcome: Its discussion threads ask questions about UFO sightings, evidence of God, and "How do you kill an alien zombie?"

But it became an unwelcome place for a new user, who joined the site in early 2009 and called himself "Erad3." Now - based on the language in his postings, and information about where he logged on - the site's operators believe Erad3 was accused Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner, 22.

"I'd go with 99 percent," said Bill Irvine, chief executive of the site's parent company, when asked how certain he was that Erad3 and Loughner were the same person.

The story of those postings - now compiled online at - adds new detail to the story of Loughner's apparent unraveling.

In real life, friends say, Loughner had pushed away friends and alienated classmates with his odd behavior. After that, it appears, he sought a community online. But, in a gathering place for skeptics and conspiracy theorists, his views still brought ridicule - and even a plea for him to seek help.

"I think youre frankly schizophrenic, and no that's not an amateur opinion and not intended as an uninformed or insulting remark, you clearly make no sense and are unable to communicate. I really do care," a user with the nickname "mordant1" wrote July 11. "Seek help before you hurt yourself or others or start taking your medications again, please."

Erad3 responded to that with a stream of bizarre arguments, touching on ideas familiar from Loughner's YouTube videos. He wrote often about grammar, and inventing one's own currency. But he ended, "Thank you for the concern."

"It seemed like he was hoping he might fit in on a site like ours. But, as you can tell, he really didn't," Irvine said in a telephone interview Tuesday from the site's Scottsdale, Ariz., headquarters. "He seemed just . . . way, way out there, from some of his ideas."

Among Erad3's ideas: The space shuttles and the International Space Station were flying empty, without humans aboard. NASA's Mars rovers were faked. Individuals could make their own currency.

"just thought id pop in to let you know that to me you sound absolutely bonkers," one poster wrote in response.

"The name calling is about to cease!" Erad3 wrote back. He persisted in his belief that the shuttle was fake: "The entering into orbit might be able to kill a human."

None of the posts mention U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was apparently the initial target of Saturday's rampage. Giffords was shot in the head and seriously wounded. Six people died in the attack, and 13 others were wounded.

In none of his posts, Irvine said, did Erad3 seem to threaten violence.

By the time of the attack, Erad3 had not posted anything in several months. On Saturday, as news of the attack filtered out, other site users began to identify Erad3 as Loughner. This may have been based on the similarities between his posts on the site and YouTube videos attributed to Loughner.

That evening, someone posted on one of Erad3's old threads, about the idea that the Mars rovers were faked: "OP [original poster] is believed to be the shooter in today's assassination attempt."

A minute later, another poster calling himself Ben81 responded: "they faked the moon landing yes .. but the mars rover .. i dont think so."

Not only does AboveTopSecret have many NESARA/packie supporters (for example and ) but they are the source of Lord Rama's oft-stated assertion that he knows people "38 levels above the president."
"Follow the Money"