Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

Amongst Bellringer's posts blaming the shootings in Arizona on Liberals is the following "report." It basically says that the court determined that the President is not a citizen on Jan 7, 2011 (I know it says 2010 below, but the "18 months after" comment and its being noted as Friday says they meant LAST Friday).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011January 11, 2011 – The White Hat Report #8 – The end of Obama’s Presidency

From the moment Barrack Hussein Obama announced he was a candidate for the office of the President, his credentials have been under constant and considerable scrutiny by the finest Constitutional legal minds in our Country.

As President, in each of the legal challenges presented to the Supreme Court, the legal question presented is not what the Honorable Court preferred to hear or the case of the Plaintiff was not proper and deemed not to have “standing” or “merit”. As always, the Court was positioning to hear the correct positions and arguments, so the Court could opine and rest the matter forever. The longer the proper legal challenges took to develop, the more difficult it would be to unwrap all of the damage that Obama, and his special interest groups, would bestow on the American people and the international community (i.e. Obama's totally ignorant comment from the White House podium declaring the French are America's closest ally. This ignorant statement insults Great Britain and the rest of our most important allies and relationships).

The continual thread of the legal arguments is relative to Obama's required constitutional credentials. Specifically, if he meets the eligibility requirements to be the President of the United States of America as defined in the Constitution. Apparently, Obama's political tricksters, the special interests groups, the Chicago and the D.C. Beltway groups, which tilt their heads to the Obama faction, thought they could hijack America and out fox all of the Americans that hold the Constitution close to their heart. The Supreme Court heard each case brought before it, rendered an opinion and moved on to the next case. All of the previous cases have been denied for lack of 'Standing' or being 'Frivolous'.

As we stated in our last report, about 18 months ago at a college public speaking engagement, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was confronted by Dr. Orly Taitz with a suitcase of 350,000 confirmed signatures from World Net Daily and other sources. Dr. Taitz asked the Supreme Court to hear the complaints about Obama's required credentials including his status as a natural born citizen of the United States of America since he was not properly vetted for the Presidency due to the wrangling of Obama's special interest friends. Chief Justice Roberts promised Dr. Taitz publicly he would review the information. It appears that Roberts kept his promise as the matter was heard before the Supreme Court Justices on Friday, January 7th, 2010.

The outcome of this single case has been in the specter of legal scholars for many months as the target issue lies within the confines of the Article Two, Section One of the Constitution of the United States of America, as quoted below:

“Qualifications. The President must be a 'natural born citizen' of the United States,
at least 35 years old … “

If we break this down to its simplest common denominator and confine the argument to the true meaning of the Founding Fathers, Obama's mother, upon the conception Barrack Hussein Obama, was married to a verified Kenyan citizen, meaning he does not have the blood of two (2) verifiable citizens of the United States of America. Not only do we have the records but so do all of the National Security agencies charged with protecting American interests by the letter of the law. As of this date, the issue of Obama's citizenship status has become a National Security matter due to the wrangling of a group of people attempting to keep their candidate in office at all costs. For the record, and to this date, the American public and the Supreme Court have yet to receive the answers required to this question and Obama has yet to provide his long-form birth certificate and answer other Interrogatories.

In the Supreme Court, the test for Obama, his cronies and this Administration, is for Obama to prove that he is a Natural born Citizen. Obama can't do that as he has a Certified Birth Certificate in Kenya and 'Certificate of Live Birth' from the State of Hawaii. Herein lays the quandary for Obama, his cronies and the Court. Obama does not have the ability to prove and cannot provide a certified document providing for a true birth certificate for any of the American states. The only record of his birth is in Kenya.

From extremely high and very credible sources within the Judicial system, it has been reported that Obama and his legal team lost their arguments to have this case dismissed. The Court heard the applicable arguments from each side and held, in short form; the Obama did not meet the residency requirements as set forth in the Constitutional of the United States of America. A preliminary vote in favor of the Plaintiff was taken, with Associate Justice Elena Kagan not voting due to her previous political relationship and involvement with Obama's birth certification issues.

The Supreme Court is holding on to the decision and will not publish its decision for the sake of the American political process. What does this mean and why would they choose this path?

Notwithstanding the difficulty before the Judicial system as to what to do with an unlawfully sitting President, the real problem comes after the fact. This President has been sitting in the office illegally for two (2) years while propagating conjecture about American life and liberty, pushing his agenda, signing bills into law, issuing Executive Orders and trying to act as a real President. It is for this reason that all of the American Security agencies consider this single item a National Security matter with the single question: How do you control an out of control person acting as President?

Although the Court has not recorded or published their finding, there is already disinformation being propagated that the Court ruled in favor of Obama. This is not true.


With the Court opinion in hand and everyone attempting to make sense of the underlying issues to be addressed, our analysis, based on what we have reported previously, is that any person in a position for an executive seat is a named party in criminal allegations of bank fraud, theft, unauthorized usage of government assets, etc. Review previous White Hat reports. The proof of these allegations exists. Hence, we know the following:

1. The Supreme Court is holding on to its decision and not publishing due to the damage it would do.

2. It has been opined that Obama in the near future will resign from the Office of The Presidency. The political machine is now determining how to spin his resignation so the American people can grasp something simpler than he never had the credentials to serve as President. The reason will not be his birth certificate issue.

3. The Supreme Court will publish their findings after Obama's resignation is detailed to the American people. Once Obama resigns the Supreme Court can simply dismiss the case and avoid any embarrassment of the parties.

4. One possible scenario would be for Biden to step down first, due to his well publicized participation with George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Mitt Romney in the theft of Falcone's funds or due to the political spin of his alleged brain cancer... whichever works best. Obama will appoint Hillary Clinton as Vice President. Obama steps down and Hillary becomes President. The Clinton machine has always wanted Hillary as President. If this happens, the information on the funds she has stolen will become exposed. The funds that Hillary took are substantially greater than the amount Biden took. Remember that Hillary bribed Biden per Bush Senior's request.

5. Obama could resign first and allow Biden to become President. Biden would then appoint a new Vice President, but this appointment would have to be approved by both Congresses. This option seems less likely, but is certainly possible since the White House has been trying to enhance Biden's image. The criminal allegations against Joseph Biden are too great to allow him to become President.

It is our sincere desire for all individuals to understand the monumental issues stated above and, in concert, with all of the information contained in our previous reports. We have stated that the Executive branch of the government has failed us. Will Congress, fail us, too? Or will they do their duty, keep their responsibility to their constituents and honor their oath to the Constitution and protect America from enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC?

We have heard from Americans and people from all walks of life including people from other countries who are wondering what has happened to the United States of America. Our purpose has been to inform the public and expose the corruption that threatens our freedoms, both now and in the future. Therefore, we implore you to contact your Senators and Representatives. Let them hear your voice and let your voice hold weight. Tell them your opinion. Hold your elected officials accountable for every act they perform on your behalf!!

View the Obama Birth Certificate here: http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/p/obama- ... -file.html

Posted by The White Hat Reporters at 7:00 PM

Want to know what really happened in the SCOTUS on Friday? See http://www.scotusblog.com/2011/01/petit ... -01-07-11/
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Two quick thoughts:

Somehow, I have a lot of trouble believeing that Chief Justice Roberts would be even slightly interested in "a suitcase of 350,000 confirmed signatures from World Net Daily and other sources", especially if Dr. Orly Ditz was carrying it. The World Net Daily, Orly. Really!

As for the birf certificate -- it reminds me of the link I used to manufacture a Kenyan Birf Certificate, just like Obama's, for myself.

I almost have to feel sorry for Dumbbellringer. What a small man he must feel like, to make him compelled to generate idiocies like this....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools


Post by Nikki »

350,000 confirmed signatures

Let's see

If they were just signatures (no address or printed name) and were written in two columns on both sides of pre-lined paper, that would be about 100 signatures per sheet.

So, 350,000 / 100 comes up with around 3,500 sheets or seven reams of paper.

That's quite a load for little old Orly to be toting around.
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Nikki wrote:350,000 confirmed signatures

Let's see

If they were just signatures (no address or printed name) and were written in two columns on both sides of pre-lined paper, that would be about 100 signatures per sheet.

So, 350,000 / 100 comes up with around 3,500 sheets or seven reams of paper.

That's quite a load for little old Orly to be toting around.
I'm sure that Orly didn't tote more than a few signatures herself. She probably got one of her "strong back, weak mind" acolytes to do the heavy lifting.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »



ALL HAIL LORD BIDEN, Master of the Illuminatrix.
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Post by fortinbras »

I'd love to know how Taitz "confirmed" more than 1/3 million signatures when she wasn't able to confirm any of the two or three African birth certificates she's been touting.

Anyway, on Monday, the Supreme Court kicked her appeal to the curb, without even one Justice expressing a desire to hear the case, which pretty much shows the effect of her confrontation with the Chief Justice.
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Post by Deep Knight »

The petition was from Orly in regard to her $20,000 fine for a frivolous lawsuit. It was rejected on Monday with no comments. The two postings below are from Orly's website.

I have no personal knowledge of the above report. All I know that the petition was denied. The “Times of India” reported that the vote was 7-2 against my petition, not in favor.Posted on | January 12, 2011 | 1 Comment

Dr. Taitz..is this true..? OBAMA’S PRESIDENCY TERMINATED?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 9:40 AM
“Shirl” <patapi@att.net>
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I’m just passing this on…hopefully Dr. Taitz will shed some light on if this is true….


From: Mom’s Dream
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 9:13 AM
Importance: High

If you aren’t seeing red by the time you reach the end of this article you have rocks nerves.

http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/2011/01/ ... 8-end.html

January 11, 2011 – The White Hat Report #8 – The end of Obama’s Presidency
[Same posting as started this thread]

Can someone call this reporter from “Times of India”, ask them, who were the 2 Justices, who voted to grant my petition for writ of Certiorari? How do they know this? How did they get this information?
Posted on | January 12, 2011

tara Submitted on 2011/01/12 at 9:50am
Dr Orly I called their number 91 11 2330 2000 and a very rude man asked me if I new what time it was. Of course I do!!! It was 11:15. But he just kept asking. Maybe someone else can call and dont get that very rude man.

I bet it is the 2 judges you met, Scalia and Roberts. You always make such an impression

According to “Times of India” 2 Justices of the Supreme Court voted to grant my petition. Does anyone know, who were these 2 Justices? Maybe in the next case I will have 4, which is necessary for the oral argument. Having 2 Justices on my side is a progress

Tara (could that be Lady Tara?), you know about changes in time as you go around the world, right? If this was 11:15 AM in New Mexico it would be a quarter to midnight in New Delhi...

By the way, the "Times of India" was a source of the well-debunked claim that President Obama would be spending $200 million dollars a day visiting them last year with a quarter of the US Navy in tow.
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Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, Jan. 10, 2011
U.S. Supreme Court rejects appeal from ‘birther’ attorney Orly Taitz
BY ALAN RIQUELMY - ariquelmy@ledger-enquirer.com

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from “birther” attorney Orly Taitz, who sought to overturn a decision by Columbus federal judge Clay Land fining her $20,000.

Taitz faced sanctions in the case of Capt. Connie Rhodes, who in September 2009 questioned the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency. U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land imposed the sanctions in late 2009 after he warned Taitz and then gave her a time limit to explain why he shouldn’t fine her.

The high court on Monday did not comment in refusing to hear the appeal filed by the California lawyer and dentist. Taitz said on Monday that she would ask the Supreme Court to reconsider.

“If it is denied, I will go to an international court,” Taitz told the Ledger-Enquirer. “I will be filing a proper complaint with the Committee of the Judiciary with the U.S. House.”

An abstract of judgment against Taitz was filed Aug. 9, 2010. The notice is the first step the government took to collect the $20,000 plus interest in sanctions Land imposed, Columbus attorney Frank Martin has said.

Taitz said she won’t give the government the satisfaction of taking her property or potentially her law license and would pay the money. She asked for donations on her website and received $13,000 since Aug. 9.

Court records show that Taitz paid the sanctions in full.

Read more: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2011/01/ ... z1AwHwFXgp
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Does this idiot REALLY have a law license? If so, she must have slept through the classes on International Law, or at least the classes dealign with international courts and their jurisdictional scope.
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Post by fortinbras »

Taitz obtained her law degree via Taft School of Law, an Un-accredited California school . California appears unique in tolerating the presence of unaccredited law schools as long as their students (1) take a special state exam (called "the baby bar") on basic contract/property law after the first year, and (2) take a supposedly tough bar exam upon "graduation". Even so, I think graduates of such schools are pretty much confined to the California Bar and not able to practice law elsewhere.


Post by bmielke »

fortinbras wrote:Taitz obtained her law degree via Taft School of Law, an Un-accredited California school . California appears unique in tolerating the presence of unaccredited law schools as long as their students (1) take a special state exam (called "the baby bar") on basic contract/property law after the first year, and (2) take a supposedly tough bar exam upon "graduation". Even so, I think graduates of such schools are pretty much confined to the California Bar and not able to practice law elsewhere.
California is unique because they allow correspondence courses. They are not unique in unaccredited Law Schools. Tennessee has one called The Nashville School of Law, formally Nashville YMCA School of Law, many fine attorneys have come out of that school, it is as far as I know the only night law school in Tennessee.
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Post by fortinbras »

It turns out that Taft is not merely unaccredited, it is a "distance education" school -- this used to mean mail-order, now it means on-line.


I do not think that Taft even offers a course on international law.

An article about Taitz's legal education:

http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bastar ... print=true
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Post by Deep Knight »

Deep Knight has suggested "NESARA The Musical" be produced on, off, or under Broadway, but that was tongue-in-cheek.

http://chattahbox.com/us/2010/12/28/orl ... e-musical/

Orly Taitz’s Birther Madness: ‘Kenyan Usurper’ The Musical
December 28, 2010

(ChattahBox Political News)—Orly Taitz, the preeminent queen of birthers, as well as a lawyer, dentist and real estate agent, is now taking a break from filing endless frivolous lawsuits claiming “the de facto President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama,” is an illegal alien born in Kenya. What is the kooky Birther Queen up to now? She plans to produce a birther musical honoring the so-called “Birther Doc.” Lt. Col. Terry Lakin was sentenced to 6-months in prison and kicked out of the Army for refusing to obey what he called the “illegal orders” of President Obama, unless the President provided proof of his “birth on American soil.” Taitz compares Lakin’s court martial to a “de-facto crucifixtion of an American war hero by a corrupt regime of the Kenyan usurper.” And she envisions a traveling birther musical production that would surpass “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. Fresh off her losing bid to become the secretary of state in California. And after being hit with a $20,000 fine by a federal judge for her “frivolous and sanctionable” birther suit, which “borders on delusional,” Taitz may soon add Broadway producer to her lengthy title of lawyer/dentist/real estate agent and Birther Queen.

Taitz floats the birther musical idea on her website, the “World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site” in a post entitled, “Bring it Home in the Form of the Art. Let’s Bring the Story of De Facto Crucifixion of Lakin to Every Playhouse and Theatre Near You.”

Today most plays are nothing more, but liberal brainwashing. Corrupt media would not report the truth. Art might be the way to go. Maybe doing a bus tour and re-enacting Lakin’s life, which is amazing, is a way to bring the message home. Lakin came from an ordinary family. He is not a racist, his wife is from Thailand. His 3 children are bi-racial. He was a hero and an exceptional doctor who saved lives in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Honduras. He asked a simple question “Why doesn’t the president have a valid long form birth certificate?” He went with this question to the commanding officers, congressmen, Obama himself and this war hero was brushed of (sic) like a gad fly (sic).” [...]

“You can end the play by showing the hero going in the jump suit and chains to the van, which is taking him to the Fort Leavenworth military prison, his wife and 3 kids distraught, while the Zero and Antuanetta Obama vacationing in HI, taking separate jets for each one of them and their dog. We’ll end the play with the footage of Usurper Obama saying “I can’t walk around with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead”, his September 29 speech to students “People are saying that I was not born here for publicity only, to make money” . Let’s show footage of Pinhead Bill O’Reilly from FOX saying “Orly Taitz and birthers are crazy”, let’s show “keeping them honest” dishonest Anderson Cooper attacking AZ State Senator Russel Pierce and TX State senator Leo Berman as well as Lakin.”

She even has a working title.

“Here is a working title ”American POW in America”. We can make it as a drama or as a musical. It can be bigger than “Jesus Christ -superstar”. We have a de-facto crucifixtion (sic) of an American war hero by a corrupt regime of the Kenyan usurper. Pontius Pilate bones are turning green with envy in the grave, knowing how American Judges Clay Land, David Carter and Denise Lind overshadowed him. If you want to help in this endeavor, call me 949-683-5411. Orly.”

Have I mentioned lately how utterly insane birthers are?

Has Orly called Andrew Lloyd Weber yet? If not, I have a suggestion for a lead song based on the tune from Jesus Christ Superstar...

Theme to Barack Obama Kenyan Usurper

Every time I look at you
I don't understand
How a foreigner like you
Could become President of this land?
When you were born
Your grandparents had it planned
They put a birth notice in the newspaper
And never read Ayn Rand.

Then you conspired
To become president of this nation
But you forgot about
My mass communications
Don't you get me wrong
Don't you get me wrong

Only want to know
Only want to know

Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Who are you? Where is your long form?
Barack Obama
Kenyan usurper
Where you born where they say you are?

Tell me what you think
About your friends in the conspiracy
Now who d'you think besides yourself
Knew about the Kenyan birth theory?
Marx, was he where it's at?
Is he where you are?
Will you move the country to Socialism
If we don’t get enough PR?
Did you mean to lie like that?
Was that a mistake or
Did you know your Kenyan birth
Would be a Constitution breaker?

Don't you get me wrong Don't you get me wrong
Don't you get me wrong, now Don't you get me wrong
Don't you get me wrong Don't you get me wrong
Don't you get me wrong, now Don't you get me wrong

Only want to know Only want to know
Only want to know, now Only want to know
Only want to know Only want to know
Only want to know, now I only want to know

Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Who are you? Where is your long form?
Barack Obama
Kenyan usurper
Where you born where they say you are?

Just askin’
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

In my moments of evil temptation, I find myself tempted to join the birfer movement. Once I got inside, there's no end of scams that I could pull on the credulous, gullible fools in the birfer ranks. All I'd need is an extradition-proof hideaway, and a moral compass that loses its bearing....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by notorial dissent »

True, true, talk about a ready made, pre-vetted, and selected pool for any and every Affinity Scam. They've all already passed the incredibly gullible test and are ready and ripe for the plucking. In fact they are all lined up and ready, and asking to be scammed. What more could a scam artist want? Except that Squirelly got there first, but she's actually dumber than the ones fleecing I think.
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Post by Gregg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:In my moments of evil temptation, I find myself tempted to join the birfer movement. Once I got inside, there's no end of scams that I could pull on the credulous, gullible fools in the birfer ranks. All I'd need is an extradition-proof hideaway, and a moral compass that loses its bearing....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

If you'll cut me in, I can offer you a hideout in a non-extraditon sovereign Well Armed Bunker Complex (east, in Gettysburg, west, between Cincinnati and Columbus Ohio). We can call some escorts and have them stand on one end of the room in a tight cluster to pull the needle of the moral compass.

And before anyone mentions the thought that Pennsylvania and Ohio are not non-extradition safe....well, we have Chili Dog, a vicious attack wiener dog to protect us from the corporate fraud banksters...
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Post by ashlynne39 »

From the moment Barrack Hussein Obama announced he was a candidate for the office of the President, his credentials have been under constant and considerable scrutiny by the finest Constitutional legal minds in our Country.
Huh. I'm curious to know who these finest Constitutional legal minds are. Do they mean Orly? Surely not.
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Post by fortinbras »

As far as I know, "the finest Constitutional legal minds" all say that Obama is a natural born citizen, eligible under the terms of the Constitution. The ones who agree with Taitz are something less than the finest.
Last edited by fortinbras on Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

ashlynne39 wrote:
From the moment Barrack Hussein Obama announced he was a candidate for the office of the President, his credentials have been under constant and considerable scrutiny by the finest Constitutional legal minds in our Country.
Huh. I'm curious to know who these finest Constitutional legal minds are. Do they mean Orly? Surely not.
Actually, I believe at least some of the finest "Constitutional legal minds" concur with me - it doesn't matter. :brickwall:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote:As far as I know, "the finest Constitutional legal minds" all say that Obama is a natural born citizen, eligible under the terms of the Constitution. The ones who agree with Taitz are something less than the finest.

The ones who agree with Squirrelly, did they happen to mention which diploma mills or free learning centers they got their "degrees" from by any chance?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.