Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Open forum where offshore scams and offshore scammers can be freely discussed. Includes offshore investment and tax fraud and the latest goings-on in the Dominion of Melchizedek, Principality of New Utopia, Kingdom of Enen-Kio, the OITC, and other fake nations and world agencies.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

EagleOne wrote:So if GAIN has no O C E A N S I D E customers, what was Broker bragging about their spectacular returns? He wasn't lying was he? :lol: :lol:
My understanding from my conversations with Mr. Bill Schneider is Broker Jones' Oceanside is a very new partner and he indicated he had not brought in any clients yet. It will be fun to see how long it takes them to finish their "due diligence" on all of us!

The bragging video was from Oceanside Wealth. That video with the big returns promised was made in September 2008 before the MLM version imploded. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NovQr9HjbU Gotta keep morphing these scams!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

from O C E A N S I D E <info@oceansidenetwork.com>
to ~Me~
date Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 3:15 PM
subject O C E A N S I D E -- Offshore Asset Protection
mailed-by icpbounce.com
signed-by icontact.com

December, 11th, 2010


Over the last year specifically, the US and Canadian Governments have been passing legislation that has restricted the freedom of choice that a citizen in either jurisdiction has when it comes to investing.

First the US Government took away online gambling. Yet it fostered "Indian Casinos" all over the nation. Big Indian Corporations Profits Skyrocketed and they built MORE casinos. (The claim for taking away "online poker gambling and sports betting" was to protect the "gambler" from "themselves".)

Legislation was passed. Freedoms were lost......yet more Casinos than ever before were springing up in almost every state. Casinos where you put in 5 dollars and immediately get returned 4. Casinos where alcohol is served freely to encourage you to get drunk......so that you gamble more.......(WHERE IS THE PROTECTION?)

Yet the citizens stood by relatively silent as one more freedom was stripped away.

This year, because of what happened in places like Wall Street....and North Korea.........Governments again got together and decided it was best to "protect" our citizens more "at the sake of a little bit more liberty".

In a broad sweeping move by the CFTC and NFA and Canadian Authorities, suddenly citizens of the North American continent found themselves in a place where they could ONLY invest in their own countries. They were effectively CUT OFF from the Global Marketplace and told they could only "place there chips" in their own highly regulated firms where the new rules of "no hedging" and "lower margins" and "less leverage" were already STACKING THE ODDS.....in the "houses favor".......JUST LIKE THE INDIAN CASINOS.

In other words.

Freedom is being lost, under the sake of "protection and safety" however, at the very same time, big GIANT CORPORATIONS.....are raking in the profits.

This isn't about protection.

It's not about safety.

This is the greatest transfer of wealth in our lifetimes.

"Fat Cat" Corporate CEO's are getting rich at OUR expense.


We have seen these changes coming over the last several years here at Oceanside, and we are proud to offer a solution for those who act fast.

....Because there is no telling when regulating authorities may take away this solution.

We have discovered that if you set up an offshore IBC and an offshore bank account...AND you PAY YOUR TAXES......there is still an opportunity to be able to do business almost anywhere in the world that you would like.

We are pleased to present to you O C E A N S I D E Assets

We have researched and been through the process ourselves multiple times, and we believe we have found a "better than competitive" pricing for completing these structures for anyone who wishes to engage in the freedom that comes with being able to invest in the "best opportunity" and not in some "indian casino like" corporation where the proverbial deck is stacked against you.

You do NOT need to use O C E A N S I D E Assets

But if you live in the US, and/or you live in several regions in Canada, you MUST have an offshore corporation and bank account or you will not be accepted by Gain Capital UK (Forex.com) and you will not be able to take part in some of the services located within the Oceanside Network membership.

We hope the holidays are treating you kindly, and that you are preparing for many fond memories and plenty of presents and warm friends and family are heading your way.

If by now you have been on our forum, and you live in the above mentioned areas, and you want to participate as a full member with our offshore financial services, then the time is now to get yourself a Corporate Identity offshore.

We recommend......whether you utilize our specific service or not......that you take action fast.

Because 2010....has proven to us that they are not afraid to pass more regulations.....and to sacrifice YOUR freedom.....for THEIR profits.
~Free Your Life, Live Your Dreams~
© 2010 O C E A N S I D E Assets
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Is it really that the one man show is in the gym, spamming forums all across the net and blathering on Facebook etc. about his fantastic success?

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by GlimDropper »

It appears the CFTC DOES like you to fill out their paperwork:
December 14, 2010
CFTC Charges New York Man Vincent Patrick McCrudden and His Two Companies with Registration Violations

Washington, DC – The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced that it filed a complaint alleging registration violations against Vincent Patrick McCrudden of Dix Hills, N.Y., Alnbri Management, LLC (Alnbri) and Managed Accounts Asset Management, LLC (MAAM). McCrudden was the owner and sole officer of New York-based Alnbri and MAAN. MAAM was dissolved in April 2009.

The CFTC complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, charges McCrudden with failure to register with the CFTC as an Associated Person (AP) of a Commodity Pool Operator (CPO), acting as a CPO without being registered and failing to give notice of an inaccurate claimed exemption from registration filed with the CFTC.
Interestingly enough Mr.McCrudden is taking an unusual approach to pre-trial strategy, he's issuing death threats:
A New York man sued by the CFTC last month for registration violations has been arrested on criminal charges of threatening to kill 47 current or former market regulators, federal prosecutors said.
More details here. Warning to Broker, lay off the roids buddy.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Warning do not take a big swig of coffee or another beverage before reading!
http://www.thefastlaneforum.com/introdu ... oenix.html
Today 11:18 AM #14 Oceanside
(13) Pontiac

15 mph


Joined:Dec 2010
Thank you very much Sparlin, and I completely agree.

My only contention is it isn't just Oceanside that SoapBoxMom has stalked for the past almost 3 years. She's literally done this to hundreds of people and companies.

Anyhow, I'm not here to market, I'm here to hang out with a bunch of other like minded entrepreneurs, so that I can learn as much as possible, and share what I have learned, whenever appropriate.

The first lesson of the day is, if you are the President or owner of a company, it's probably not wise to market on forums because you will run into "trolls" who merely like to argue and bash on your company, and if you interact or engage them, you cannot win....all it ends up doing is giving them traction to continue bashing and making up whatever they want.

There is very little Internet Precedent that actually allows you to sue someone, unless you can prove damages.

If you can prove damages......there is plenty of precedent however.

PS-- I am not referring to anyone in specific in my usage of the word Trolls in this post. I'm simply indicating there are a LOT of people on the internet whose sole "job in life" is to get on forums and bash other people and businesses and create drama. Wikipedia has a great definition of "trolls".
So, now I am making things up and stalking hundreds to boot..... <sigh>

notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

The first lesson of the day is, if you are the President or owner of a company, it's probably not wise to market on forums because you will run into "trolls" who merely like to argue and bash on your company, and if you interact or engage them, you cannot win....all it ends up doing is giving them traction to continue bashing and making up whatever they want.

There is very little Internet Precedent that actually allows you to sue someone, unless you can prove damages.

Actually Jonesyboy, the lesson is don't take your snake oil out in to the open forums where people can and will tell the truth about it. You really won't like it, and you can't control it.

Wrong again, you can, at least in theory, sue anyone about anything, the problem is that you have to have something that is really actionable besides your ruffled feelings, and best remember this, "truth is an absolute defense" against any of the claims you could possible try and bring, and you would not only lose flat out, but the rest of your scam would then be out for public display, and judges take a very dim view of that. If you don't believe me, check out what happened to the Dorean Duo when they were finally stupid enough, and found a stupid enough lawyer, to go in to court to further their fraud scam. They LOST the civil case and were referred for criminal prosecution on the scam they were running, and they are now in prison having been convicted on the criminal fraud charges. In other words, Jonesyboy, you really really don't want to go there. You are ever so much safer hiding out in internet forums bleating your wounded feelings and pretending to be something other than the fraud you are.

And finally, if you were really as smart as you think you are, you would have looked a little closer and checked what Soapboxmom's track record was, and then you would have reason to worry, but then you really aren't as smart as you think you are, so you're still spouting the same old nonsense. Where I come from we call that bleating at the wind. Hope you like institutional food, because you will get to experience it sometime in the not too distant future.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

I thought Broker had bragged that he was going to be suing a lot of people for their malicious charges and statements made on the net. He did threaten to do this didn't he? Sounds like he is now changing his tune, again. :lol:

And he wonders why no-one takes him seriously. Good grief.
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
Author: Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It Available in soft cover and eBook on Amazon.com
notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

The problem with suing people is that you have to go in to court to do it, and once you're there they can ask you all of the embarrassing questions you've refused to answer publicly and then things don't go so well when you can't prove any of the stuff you've been claiming, and for some reason judges don't take to kindly to that sort of thing, and they tend to refer for criminal prosecution, something Joker Jones really doesn't want to have happen.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

Another amongst the many problems that arise when scammers sue folks is that they must prove damages. Not only must they answer the questions, they must provide authorizations in proper form for the defendants to obtain the relevant documents. Do you think that Jones' last five years tax returns will show that he is the "multi-millionaire businessman" he brags about being? What do you think Oceanside's business returns will show?

It's one thing, you see, to brag about making a lot of money online. It's quite another to pay taxes on it.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Talk To Other Millionaire Entrepreneurs ... for FREE!
How much is that bad advice from your broke uncle really costing you? Talk to real millionaires and real entrepreneurs who have been there, done that.

What Is The Fastlane?

The Fastlane is a business, mathematical and psychological framework for creating explosive amounts of wealth quickly, and responsibly. By strategically swapping HOPE and TIME for CONTROL and LEVERAGE, a Fastlane strategy gives you the unprecedented power to create extraordinary, life-changing, millionaire-making wealth.
Oceanside / Broker Jones joined and wrote that fantasy filled diatribe I quoted earlier.

I checked today to see how Broker and all his millionare buds were doing and got this:
Fastlane Message
Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator.
I guess Broker went from the fast lane with the movers and shakers to careening into the ditch!!!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

EagleOne wrote:At least you can't say he doesn't play fast and loose with the truth! :lol: I think the video is on their website, but once I can access the TG forum, I will get it for you. Got banned over there. Guess they didn't like me exposing all their scams. :shock:
Ditto! The scambusters are being knocked off very swiftly. I didn't even get a warning. How rude!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

And now the solicitation in the United States is explicit:
For US residents, and those in some regions of Canada you must first have an Offshore Corporation and Bank Account. We can provide this service for you
Not legally, you can't. Until you're registered, which isn't going to happen at all if you keep this nonsense up.

And they now appear to recommend the use of nominee shareholders and directors. Let's see: your money in an offshore account, in the name of some offshore corp, which - on the books - is owned and managed by people who are not you.

[sarcasm]Can't imagine why anyone would want to do this.[/sarcasm] In the event of being caught - well, can you say "consciousness of guilt", boys and girls?
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

I just took a look at TalkGold for the first time ever. They're not exposing scams, they're advertising scams.

Congratulations on being banned.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

wserra wrote: [sarcasm]Can't imagine why anyone would want to do this.[/sarcasm] In the event of being caught - well, can you say "consciousness of guilt", boys and girls?
Can I have conspiracy to commit fraud and evade currency and tax reporting regulations for $100 Alex?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Poor Broke Boy is having a devil of a time advertising. He went from the Fastlane to the banned ditch on that forum. MLM.com has locked his thread and said no more discussion of Oceanside will be allowed. The scam promoting forum, Talkgold, which sent Eagle and me packing still has some very articulate folks giving Broker the business and with all the attention Mr. Jones has bailed.

Now, to add to his difficulties I am becoming a huge thorn in his side. Broker's advertising is now getting some attention after hundreds of posts, phone calls and comments
I have made across the net. I suspect the legal department at Gain may have something on the way to their one man PR show very shortly! The others who were supposed to be handling that are now quite interested. Isn't that nice???

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

Great news Soapboxmom. I didn't know which post was the funniest between Ken Russo and Broker Jones. First we had Ken announcing on TG that people that knew him were aware he was the first to call a program a scam. Before Gregg's computer monitor could dry, we had Broker claiming to be a Ponzi Killer.

Hmm, maybe they could both start with their own programs if that were the case, but I digress. I have to admit they were both good for a great laugh, and made 2011 start with a grin on my face. Now that I know both of these brilliant crime fighters are on the scene, I guess this means I can shut down Eagle. Who needs us with these two super sleuth crime fighters on the job?
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Remember this idiotic post?:

05-26-2010, 08:41 AM
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Re: Oceanside Network & Oceanside Forex....Q&A

Originally Posted by fastmoney
Broker , I bet I have forgotten more about business then you know, about business....

This is an empty statement, how do you prove it? Or is this just as truthful as our 45 minute phone conversation and your attendance on our webinars?

Please read this real slowly Broker..

You said that the old oceanside was using the same BLACK BOX you are using now... That box earned 18% some months.. JD your partner now owned 49% of that business... Yet you are blaming this dr for taking off..

The system had a great month......but again that was 2008 and not our current company or our current %'s. There's no further need to address this point.

Well in business JD is just as responsible.

Why didn't JD cut a check..
Fair enough, but my name is Justin Plain Jones (aka Broker Jones), and I am not JD Kaiser.

And this is Oceanside Forex and Oceanside Network not...Oceanside Wealth.

It is to my understanding that the only person from OW that has legitimately provided JD with his deposit of $500 that wasn't paid back....will be paid back this week..if not today.

Next subject.

Is this law firm you are going through, your family firm that you posted about before..
No. That is my families lawfirm Kimerer and Derrick in Phoenix Arizona. They are a criminal defense lawfirm with high profile cases and my uncle is an honorary supreme court judge. You can verify all of that yourself.

They are not our attorneys as they are not International Finance and Business.

We are however......very well connected, and just so you know...a suit for Libel and Slander....would cost me nothing.

But so far so good. This discussion is fairly civil, and let's keep it that way, and we won't need to discuss legal affairs of that nature any further.

What is the name of this big time time law firm and lawyer? Or does he want to remain silent...

Unfortunately the last time we gave the name of one of our counsels for Oceanside people started flooding them with phone calls.....which highly irritated the lawyer.

Because our business has so much attention from folks like yourself, we are not comfortable potentially inundating our newly acquired counsel with phone calls and emails. I can only imagine how someone such as yourself would go about wasting their time.

Kind Regards,

Broker Jones


I called his family law firm and sent them an e-mail with Broker's troll pages, this post and his latest blog entry linked. Just when business is slow at the old office, crazy relative Broker tries to help them drum up some business! Free advertising at its best!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

No. That is my families lawfirm Kimerer and Derrick in Phoenix Arizona. They are a criminal defense lawfirm with high profile cases and my uncle is an honorary supreme court judge. You can verify all of that yourself.
As somebody asked on the other forum, what the heck is "an honorary supreme court judge"?
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Broker Jones has gone off the deep end. He has gone space happy on us. His latest blog entry is titled Oceanside Strikes Back:

http://www.oceansidenetwork.com/blog/20 ... ikes-back/

Is this a bad episode of Scammer Wars or Stock Balls? "May the Farce be with you," he proclaims! I think someone should tell the superhero of the Galaxy that Soapboxmom's Schwartz is definitely bigger than his!


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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

That blog entry is a hoot.

We've often remarked on how many TPs see themselves as Neo. So now Jones sees himself as Yoda?

Not if to 900 he lives.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

Doc Bunkum wrote:As somebody asked on the other forum, what the heck is "an honorary supreme court judge"?
It's someone who bears the same relationship to a supreme court judge that the below guy does to a colonel.

"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume